Leader Lan Palace

第1168章 3卷278 痴心1片(1更)

Chapter 1168 Three Volumes 278 Infatuation (1 more)
On the first day of the Lunar New Year, the emperor held a banquet for his ministers in the Hall of Supreme Harmony.The civil and military officials of the Manchu dynasty, as well as the patriarchal vassals all drank wine to the emperor, and the emperor also drank a few more glasses.

After returning to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, the night was dark.The emperor's cheeks and eyes were also a little drunk.

As soon as he entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation, he saw a man kneeling in the building outside the hall gate. The emperor looked at him slightly, then squinted his eyes and turned his head to look at Li Yu.

Li Yu had been busy with the emperor in the Hall of Supreme Harmony for a whole day, and he just came back together at this moment, and he didn't know where it happened.

Li Yu hurriedly took Sun Yuqing to the side to ask questions. After asking, he frowned, couldn't help reaching out and poked Sun Yuqing on the forehead, and then quickly turned around and came back to kneel down: "Back to the emperor, it's Lin Guiren. Lin Guiren Tian Yi He came here just after blacking out, saying he was here to plead guilty to the emperor."

"The boys all reported back, saying that the emperor is not in the Hall of Mental Cultivation at this moment. Guiren Lin insisted that it was fine. She said that she came here to plead guilty. Kneeling down in Baoxia, I always know the Buddha's knowledge in my heart."

"The boys couldn't stop them, and besides, they thought that Guiren Lin would leave after kneeling for a while, and he shouldn't wait for the emperor to come back... But they didn't expect that Guiren Lin's heart was as solid as a rock, and he couldn't change it. It's just getting dark, and I've been kneeling until now..."

"Although the boys are anxious, they dare not persuade them, do they? I hope the emperor will forgive me."

With the support of the eunuch, the emperor swayed slightly, then stood still, and nodded: "For those who celebrate Chinese New Year, don't make things difficult for her."

The emperor was supported by the eunuchs, went up to the platform, walked to the front of the building, squinted his slightly drunken eyes and stared at Lin Guiren.

Lin Guiren hurriedly kowtowed to the emperor, weak and weak, with tears streaming down: "I respectfully greet the emperor. I came to plead guilty with the emperor... The emperor is not here, so I will kneel here and wait for the emperor to come back; if the emperor If you don't forgive me, I will kneel here and won't get up."

The emperor raised his eyebrows lightly: "Which crime did you pay for?"

Guiren Lin hurriedly said: "Because it was the New Year's Eve last night, I was still young, so I just remembered to change into bright new clothes this night at home... So I was wearing the crabapple red dress last night. Here I am. I forgot about myself, Empress Xiaoxian's funeral is not yet over..."

"Oh." The emperor lowered his head and responded lightly: "It's actually not that serious. Although the one-year mourning period has not expired, I never forbid you to wear bright-colored clothes for the Chinese New Year. It is in this palace. Isn't it the same everywhere, feasting and playing music?"

"Besides, you are young and can't remember the funeral, but I know it in my heart. If you are really not allowed to wear it, I will not let you in this door, let alone watch you dance for so long. "

Guiren Lin breathed a sigh of relief, "But, after all... the concubine seems to be unhappy looking at the emperor. No matter what the reason is, as long as the concubine fails to make the emperor happy, especially last night was a big one. That’s all concubine’s guilt.”

The emperor laughed, and stretched out his hand to pull Lin Guiren to stand up: "Such a sweet mouth. Before coming here, did you eat sugar or drink honey, huh?"

These words... are almost clear~
Lin Gui's heart fluttered, how could he resist at such a young age, his face was already flushed, his eyes were soft as silk, and his heart was firmly wrapped around this supreme man.

When she stood up, her ankles softened, and she fell into the emperor's arms.

(End of this chapter)

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