Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1169: The Emperor, I Pain

Chapter 1169: The Emperor, I Pain (279 More)
The emperor also retracted his arms subconsciously, wrapping her in his arms to stabilize her.

Lin Guiren lay in the emperor's arms, his heart beating close to each other, and he couldn't help raising his head to meet the emperor's eyes.

Lin Guiren's heart beat out of rhythm.

As women of the Eight Banners, they were doomed from the day they were born to be selected before they could marry each other.So whether you like it or not, since you were a child, you have been imprinted in your heart by the family long ago with the hope of entering the palace and being favored.

Originally, she thought that because her Ama was a rankless Baitang, she had no chance to be selected into the court, but how could she expect that she would really be selected.This heart lived unstoppably, wanting to be favored by the emperor, wanting to be the woman in the harem who was put in the heart of the emperor, wanting to be like all the women who have been favored by the emperor throughout the ages, relying on their own strength Do your best to win glory for your family.

This goal seems far away, but she has already missed it twice.

Every time she got closer to that goal, her heart became firmer and her desire for that goal became more intense.

And this time was her third chance.

This time, she has made up her mind that no matter what method she uses, she must succeed in sleeping tonight!

Only by serving the bedroom can she truly become the emperor's favorite woman; only by serving the bedroom can she truly have her own place in the palace.

Only by serving the bed can she have children.

Even... She thought a lot about her own children.At this time, the imperial concubine has no children of her own, and she also saw with her own eyes that the imperial concubine had to give up her elder brother... The imperial concubine was always hesitant about the sixth elder brother who was posted by the pure imperial concubine.

Then if she has a child, she herself is a member of the imperial concubine's palace, so this child should be given to the imperial concubine to be raised.Then her child will become the child of the imperial concubine!
After staying for two years, the imperial concubine was officially canonized as empress, so wouldn't her child have a bright future!
After thinking so much, she bravely stretched out her arms at this moment, and embraced the emperor actively.

Just like what the imperial concubine said to her, if you want to show the shy, soft and naive appearance of a little girl, the emperor will definitely like it...

She hugged the emperor tightly, put her cheek on the emperor's arm, and yelled softly, "Your majesty... this slave hurts so much~"
With this shy cry, even Li Yu blushed, stepped back quickly, and stroked his arm.

The emperor smiled softly, squinting his eyes at the delicate and soft person under the shadow of the lamp.

Tonight, Lin Guiren is here to plead guilty, so he came here without hairpin and makeup.

But even without makeup or hairpins, her body color is still pale blue and full of moon white, but she is really young.

With this youth, even if she doesn't apply makeup, her face can be broken by blows.And because of the tears, the pure color on the cheeks turned trembling red.

That eye, even more mellow because of the tears, made me feel pity.

What's more, there is also the reason of "looking at the beauty under the lamp". Looking at the past under the cover of the light, the little people look more shy and delicate, which makes people care for them all their lives.

The emperor looked at him enough, but suddenly let go of his hand, straightened Lin Guiren, and then backed away.

Under the faint shadow of the lamp, the emperor squinted his eyes and stared at Lin Guiren from a distance: "Where does it hurt you?"

Lin Guiren staggered and stood firm, but no matter how much he stretched out his hand, he couldn't get back the emperor's arm.So he could only retract his arms, and stood there weakly, with grievances all over his face.

(End of this chapter)

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