Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1213 Chapter 3 Mother-child Negotiation

Chapter 1213 Three Volumes 323 Mother-child Negotiation (7 More)
The empress dowager was very unhappy.

"According to Ai's family, it is God's will that Concubine Jia, the ninth elder brother, died young! Concubine Jia was canonized as a noble concubine on the fifth day of April, and her ninth elder brother died on April 27—no illness or disaster, isn't it? God's will?"

"It's all because of you who gave a magnificent coat from Goryeo to become a noble concubine! All the blessings in her life have been exhausted by her being promoted to be a noble concubine. When it's her child's turn, she will no longer have this blessing gone."

The emperor gently closed his eyes.

The Empress Dowager was not happy when Concubine Jia was conferred together with the Nala clan.

The emperor's heart became firm again: "...Whether it is God's will or not, it is still a son's child! Nala's replacement of the people in Jingren Palace led to the current incident. Nala should be responsible for it! "

The emperor suddenly raised his head, his black pupils glowing coldly in the night.

"My son thinks Nala's family is not worthy of succeeding to the middle palace! My son has come here to ask the emperor to decree Nala's position. At least she should be deprived of her right to take charge of the affairs of the sixth palace!"
The empress dowager was shocked, and couldn't help but patted the pillow: "Emperor! This is not a child's play, it has a bearing on the stability of the country, you have to be careful!"

The emperor's eyes turned: "But at least, my son has to give an explanation to Concubine Jia and Brother Jiu. The Nala family is in charge of the six palaces alone, and he is powerless. My son wants to choose one of the concubines to assist in internal affairs."

The empress dowager narrowed her eyes: "Among the concubines? Emperor, you are talking about the concubine Ling, right?!"

Only at this moment did the emperor lightly curl his lips: "My son has two candidates in his mind: Concubine Ling and Concubine Shu. This matter in the harem must always be upheld by the Empress Dowager, so my son has come to ask the emperor to make a decision."

The empress dowager was slightly determined: "Is there still a need to choose? Lingfei is an internal supervisor who leads a woman surnamed Han, how can she be the post of assistant in the internal affairs? Shu Concubine, who is well-known and well-known, is worthy of this position."

The corner of the emperor's other lip also slightly raised.

How can there be an accident?
The emperor breathed a sigh of relief: "In terms of background, Concubine Shu is not only above Concubine Ling, but also above Nala's family. My son felt that it would be better to lower Nala's position, and let Shu Concubine advance to become the Imperial concubine. Only in this way can the name be more justified, and it can make the emperor more satisfied."

The empress dowager looked at her son quietly: "Emperor! Why did you say such things to Aijia today?"

The emperor raised his head slowly: "Nara's crime of endangering the emperor's heir is unforgivable. His son's willingness to save her life and keep her in the position of imperial concubine is already a filial piety to the emperor!"

"If the emperor understands the painstaking efforts of his son, please understand his feelings... After all, between the imperial concubine and concubine Shu, the son can only perfect one person! Please also make the decision!"
Oh my god, at the end of April, it's still not bright.

The Empress Dowager stared at her son for a long while, then smiled slowly: "Emperor, you said that Concubine Tiling and Concubine Shu were chosen by Aijia. Yes! You really mentioned the two people in front of the Ai family, but they are actually the imperial concubine and concubine Shu."

The emperor's eyes turned lightly: "Since the death of Xiaoxian and Nala's concubine, how many things have happened in this harem? My son is always worried about her, but Huang Ernie insists on Nala being the imperial concubine. The son has to It hurts to keep her in that position... But in the end, the son also needs someone who the son can trust to take care of the matter of the sixth house."

The emperor raised his long eyes lightly: "In my son's heart, this person is Lingfei alone."

 and also.

(End of this chapter)

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