Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1214 Chapter 3 Not For You

Chapter 1214 Three Volumes 324 Not For You (8 More)
At the beginning of May, the emperor announced to the Sixth Palace that the concubine would assist in the internal affairs.

The news spread, not to mention the surprise of others, even Wanxi was caught off guard.

Anyway, Yu Ye couldn't help but jumped up with joy: "Oh, it's so funny. The six palaces have been going to Yikun Palace to give gifts these days, and they all believe that the Empress Dowager must choose Concubine Shu to assist in internal affairs. This You can’t take back the gift that the meeting sent out!”

"Then Concubine Shu herself, how dare she continue to keep those congratulatory gifts? Are you going to send someone secretly to send them back one by one!"

Wanxi sighed even more after hearing this, sat down and said: "That's not true. When I think of this, I feel even more inappropriate. The emperor is bullying..."

Not to mention the other people in Liugong, even Wanxi herself and Concubine Shu herself, why didn't they also decide that the candidate should be Concubine Shu.

As soon as the door curtain was lifted, the emperor walked in after listening to the sound: "Who is bullying people? Why did you bully people?"

Yu Ye hurriedly greeted her, and Bian also smiled and withdrew.Wanxi sighed and said, "Master, isn't this bullying the slave? He didn't give any prior notice, so he suddenly announced it to the Six Palaces, and the slave was stunned."

The emperor raised his eyebrows and stared at her: "Who said that you won't be given any information? On the night of April 27th, in Jingren Palace, the Lord has already made it very clear - the Lord said that you are humble. This is even your own. Don't you understand?"

Wan Xi pouted and stepped forward to hold the emperor's hand: "But the Lord did this to hurt Concubine Shu. Now, what does the Master want Concubine Shu to do with herself?"

The emperor narrowed his eyes: "Why do you want to be yourself? You should have self-knowledge! Yikun Palace is lively, and I have heard about it. If she had self-knowledge, then the excitement of Yikun Palace shouldn't be there! She should learn more from you, After Xiaoxian passed away, did you ever close the gate of the palace tightly and show no respect to outsiders."

Wanxi also understands this truth, but her heart is not appropriate after all.

"In the future, it will be difficult for the servant and Concubine Shu to get along."

The emperor lowered his eyes and stared at her: "Then do you think that you get along well with her all these years? You can see that you want to have a good relationship with her, but after so many years, you might get some response from her?"

The emperor sat down and pulled Wanxi onto his knees: "Master understands your thoughts. You didn't want to offend people in this palace. You thought it would be better to save one thing than to do more. But you are at this age, and now you are in the position of concubine again." First of all, there is no room for you to dodge. It is time to show the majesty that should be shown."

Wanxi also nodded: "The servant also understands...The servant has grown up now, and should share the worries for the master."

No matter how much hesitation, she still has some understanding of this idea.Otherwise, they wouldn't have quarreled with Nala in front of everyone over the matter of the third elder brother's Fujin's status.

After all, Nala is not Empress Xiaoxian, and she is no longer that 14-year-old girl.The forbearance in the past is over, and now facing Nala's unabashed provocation, she will fight back with an eye.

The emperor just smiled, pinched her jaw, and kissed her tightly.

"This is Grandpa's good nine children."
The emperor kissed her for a long time, and he walked carefully in and out of her mouth, and suddenly raised his eyes to stare at her.

"Why doesn't it smell like medicine?"

Wanxi was taken aback.

Naturally, she dared not let the emperor know that she had already secretly stopped the medicine for recuperating her body.Then he hurriedly said: "...the servant forgot. Just now, I was talking about the internal affairs of the assistant, and I didn't pay attention to it."

 and also.

(End of this chapter)

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