Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1215 Chapter 3

Chapter 1215 Three Volumes 325 Use More Strength (9 More)
"So it is."

The emperor listened carefully and nodded earnestly: "That's okay. Mao Tuaner, go make the medicine now! I want to accompany your master to take the medicine."

Mao Tuan'er took a sneaky look at the door, and hurried away in compliance with the order.

Wanxi sat on Kang Yan'er and lowered her head: "Master, why do you suddenly want to watch the servant take medicine today?"

The emperor raised his eyebrows: "Ninth elder brother passed away... I really want to have another son right away. I think so, it's you who gave birth to me!"

Wanxi's heart is not sour, but this time she wants to persuade the emperor.She leaned over and hugged the emperor: "...I'm afraid the slave is not blessed enough. Empress Xiaoxian has passed away for a year, isn't the slave's body still not moving?"

The emperor stared at her with squinted eyes: "You are not allowed to talk nonsense! The poison of Guan Mutong has been planted deep in your body, and it will not be able to be removed after a year or so. After all, you should be obedient and take medicine on time. The Lord guarantees that your body will always recover Get up!"

Wanxi also nodded with a smile: "My master said so, so I will naturally believe it."

The emperor couldn't help but picked up Wanxi and left, embracing the bed: "...after all, the medicine is secondary, and I have to work harder."

But after a while, Wanxi couldn't control her voice, "Master... I'm already trying hard enough. Slave, I can't stand it... Master, at least, be gentle."

At noon, the emperor was so impatient.It took a lot of effort to turn her back and forth.

According to the custom of the Manchus, dinner is eaten at noon.Dinner is the most important meal of the day, so the emperor only drank some wine during dinner.Once the heat is aroused by the wine, it will come at noon... But today the emperor's energy really made it a little bit stronger.

Wanxi turned around cautiously, and while cooperating with the emperor, she touched his face: "Master... is there anything you are unhappy about?"

The emperor snorted softly: "It's just why you are not happy, now you are only happy."

He pushed her face back with his big palm, so that she wouldn't turn her head to see his expression, so he continued to push hard...
Wanxi was so tired that she fell asleep, Mao Tuan'er brought in the medicine, but Wanxi didn't want to drink anyway, so she refused to open her eyes by snoozing.

The emperor was helpless, so he swallowed the medicinal soup himself, and fed it to Wanxi mouthful by mouthful.

After all this torture, the emperor was so hung up that he wanted to ignore Wanxi's dream again.

After all Wanxi fell asleep, the emperor reluctantly got up and personally kissed off the remaining medicinal soup on the corners of her lips before leaving Yongshou Palace.

But he didn't go back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.
In Yikun Palace, there was a different atmosphere.

Cheng Jue and Ru Huan carefully accompanied Concubine Shu, not daring to show their air.

Concubine Shu herself sat sideways on Kang Yan'er and smiled: "What are you doing? It seems that something has happened to me. It's just an errand to assist the internal affairs, and it's not like you are going to be in the middle palace. Is it worth it?"

"What is it? It's just the word 'Zuo Li', not 'Sixth House Affairs', and it's not 'in charge of internal governance'! The concubine Ling's background, if she has no son, the concubine's position will come to an end. She cares about this assistant As for the internal affairs, she wants it; as for the Palace, can she do it?"

Cheng Jue frowned, and said softly, "It's just those congratulatory gifts...?"

Concubine Shu shrugged her shoulders and smiled: "It's nothing, should I take it to heart? It doesn't look good to send it back anyway, but it seems that I am narrow-minded. Let's keep it, let's return a gift. Our family is not short of money." In any case, prepare according to their double amount, give them back, and gag them one by one."

 and also.

(End of this chapter)

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