Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1246 Chapter 3 Volume 359

Chapter 1246 Three volumes 359 (6 more)
Wanxi's eyes were shining, drifting past everyone present.

"Just like Concubine Chun, Concubine Wan, Concubine Yi, Guiren Lu, etc., were born in the south of the Yangtze River, and they like plain green tea when they drink tea. This Siamese tea must suit their taste. It is Concubine Jia and Concubine Shu. , Yufei, Yingguiren, Naguiren, etc. come from the Eight Banners of Manchuria and Mongolia, and they usually drink brick tea and milk tea, and they like stronger teas, but such light ones are always worth trying."

The emperor smiled slightly: "Siamese tea is similar to our green tea. Although it can be stored for a year, it is not suitable for aging. It is good for you to share it with others and taste it when it is the freshest. After all, this tea , I have given it to you, how you want to share it is up to you."

All the concubines hurriedly got up, and said in unison: "I thank the emperor for the reward, and thank you Lingfei for your kindness."

Wanxi turned her eyes with a smile, and her eyes met Nala's.

Wanxi gave another gift: "The concubine's body is light to the imperial concubine's empress's instructions: Do the imperial concubine also want to be a concubine, and set aside a portion of Siam tea to send over?"

Nala stood on the spot, holding his head high, his eyes were shining brightly, and a sneer could not be concealed from the corners of his lips.

"I'll forget it. Concubine Ling, I have recorded your thoughts."

"No matter how rare Siam tea is, Siam tea is not the only tribute tea in this world. I don't care about this Siam tea so much! As the imperial concubine of the Sixth Palace, what is missing in the palace? What about it? Since you haven’t seen any other tea, and you only care about this Siam tea, I’ll let you take it.”

Wanxi's eyes sparkled, and she smiled playfully: "The concubine will not be kept for the imperial concubine, saving the imperial concubine's part, it's just a good way to give each of the sisters more points!"

After being crossed by the Siam tea incident, Nala sat down and remained silent for a long while before remembering what he was going to say.

Then Nala said to the emperor: "From my own perspective, let Concubine Ling stay, so that Concubine Yi can recuperate in the palace, so we can go away with peace of mind."

The emperor looked back with a smile, and patted Nala's hand in front of everyone: "As expected at the canonization ceremony in April, I praised the imperial concubine in front of the empress dowager: the older the imperial concubine, the more beautiful she is." Sensible."

"In the past, the imperial concubine didn't want to see Han women and Han surnamed Baoyi, but today she is willing to consider for concubine Yi. What the imperial concubine said today really wins my favor." The emperor winked at Nala family warmly: "Gu Dai, I am very relieved that you have done well."
Nala's heart was beating violently again by the emperor.It's just that the fingertips still can't help being a little cold.

She was excited because of the emperor's belated tenderness, and her fingertips were cold because she thought about Lin Changzai, who was born in the Eight Banners of the Han Army, and told the empress dowager that her nose was not her nose and her face was not her face.

Lin Changzai was still in the Eight Banners of the Han Army, but Yipin was born as a Han woman, not to mention she was a Yangzhou skinny horse... It is even more legendary that the emperor even turned against the empress dowager because of being named Yipin. Take Yipin to the Old Summer Palace and ignore the Empress Dowager.

Nala was worried that the Empress Dowager would be unhappy with her again after hearing what she said today.

Nala couldn't help raising her eyes to look at Concubine Shu.

Back then Concubine Yi and Concubine Shu entered the palace together, and they both entered the palace together as concubines right after entering the palace.Concubine Yi has been compared with Concubine Shu for many years, but with Concubine Shu's family background, she was enshrined with a Yangzhou skinny horse, making Concubine Shu feel ashamed for a long time.

At this moment, the emperor said that she was protecting Concubine Yi, and he didn't know if Concubine Shu would be careless.

(End of this chapter)

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