Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1247 Chapter 3 Volume 360

Chapter 1247 Three volumes 360 (7 more)
Nala was very hesitant.

Although she cared about the Empress Dowager and Concubine Shu, she couldn't stand up and say to the emperor, "I have no such intentions at all."She still has to maintain the decency of the lord of the sixth house.

She bowed her head and thought for a while, then smiled and said: "It's like the emperor, who wants the six palaces to be evenly exposed to rain and dew; the concubine is the imperial concubine who takes care of the six palaces, so she should treat the sisters of the six palaces equally. As a concubine Yi The consideration is not because of Concubine Yi personally, but to discuss the matter. Even if it is not Concubine Yi who is sick in this palace, if it is anyone else, the concubine will be the same."

The emperor nodded, and suddenly said like he was talking about: "Siam pays a tribute every three years, and this year's tribute is not only Siam tea. I also have two elephants, one catty of ambergris, and six rhino horns. Two catties of racks and agarwood ... [-] catties each of ivory, purple incense, big maple seeds, cardamom, scorpion yellow, and ebony... six hundred pairs of emerald hair, ten peacock tail screens, two pieces of Dutch and other things."

"In addition to those who pay tribute to me, there should also be those who pay tribute to the queen. Except for those who don't pay tribute to elephants, the rest of the tribute will be halved according to the tribute to me."

"It's just... I don't have a queen in this palace at this time. The king of Siam is very loyal, but it's a pity that there is no queen in my palace who accepts these tributes. I don't think so, so I will pay the tribute to the queen. If Concubine Ling disposes of it before, it will be divided into shares, except for the empress dowager and the concubines, the rest will be distributed to the Sixth Palace."

The emperor's eyes glanced at Nala's lightly: "The imperial concubine may not even like these things, so I don't need to give you another share, right?"
Those tributes made Nala clench her silver teeth tightly.

"The emperor has all the rain and dew in the harem. How can the concubine not be of one heart and one mind with the emperor? The concubine will share all of her share with the sisters in the six palaces. As long as the sisters are happy, why should the concubine be stingy with using less?" something!"

The emperor nodded with a smile, and said to everyone: "You still haven't thanked the imperial concubine for her generosity."

When all the concubines heard the names of those things, who wouldn't be happy to stand up and thank them.

The emperor nodded in satisfaction, and continued to hold Nala's hand and said, "As I said before, even if the Siamese envoys can only pay tribute once every three years, but if I don't have a queen, I don't have a queen, so I will distribute all the tribute to the harem." Now, we can’t forge a queen to enjoy this tribute.”

"Mulan Qiuxi, the reason why I want to give banquets to the kings of Mongolia is the same: Gu Dai, I have stated in the decree that although the empress dowager urged me, I will always wait 27 months after the expiration of the filial piety period." You are officially canonized. So before you can be canonized, you are not a queen, and the position of queen in the harem still has to be vacant. Therefore, even if you go to Mulan, you can't replace the queen and banquet the Mongolian kings with me. Therefore, I think, Let’s talk about it next time, Qiu Xi, this time you should stay in the palace.”

The emperor nodded kindly: "Since you are so worried about Yipin's illness, it is only natural that you stay in the palace and take care of it yourself, so that you can rest assured. I have fulfilled your wish, what do you think?"
Nalashi was shocked, and stood up hastily under the eyes of all kinds of meanings: "Your Majesty! How can this be done?"

The emperor withdrew his smile and raised his eyes lightly: "Why not?"

Nala searched her guts and hurriedly said: "The emperor, Qiuxi, naturally wants to be accompanied by the empress dowager. In the past, Qiuxi was always served by the empress dowager by the empress Xiaoxian. This time as a concubine, I should also serve the empress dowager!"

(End of this chapter)

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