Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1406 Volume 4 81 The Love Chapter is in the Ear

Chapter 1406: Love Words In My Ear (81 More)
Although it is the emperor's sleeping hall, the Hall of Mental Cultivation cannot be compared with the Qianqing Palace after all.Therefore, the Xi Nuan Pavilion in the apse where the emperor had meals was not much larger than the Nuan Pavilion in the East and West Six Palaces.

There are three dining tables with tabletops arranged in the middle of the Warm Pavilion, and there is only so much room for people to stand.Therefore, although Wu Niu was standing behind Wanxi's stool, the distance between Wu Niu and the emperor and Wanxi was already very close.

With such intimacy, coupled with the warmth of the charcoal fire in the warm pavilion, Wu Niu gently closed her eyes, as if the emperor's private words were whispered in her ears.

She couldn't help blushing, her heart beating, and her body felt numb and numb.

She admired Wanxi, if it was her at this moment, she would have already collapsed in the emperor's arms and turned into a puddle of water.

She twisted the hem of the waistcoat vigorously with both hands.Because she is a first-class woman, Wanxi also cares about her old love, so even her waistcoat, which is a woman's, can also have hair.It made her feel hot and itchy, but it made her feel even more indescribably uncomfortable.

It's all because the warm pavilion is too hot and she wears too much clothes.Wanxi can still take off her big clothes when she enters the palace, and just wear the regular robes inside; but they are slaves, of course they can't.Just holding on like this, my heart and body couldn't explain why, sweaty and uncomfortable.

Hearing the emperor's increasingly intimate voice, she felt like she had a fever and couldn't bear it any more.

Although Yu Ye was staring at Liu Zhu'er in a daze, Wu Niu was always by her side after all.Yu Ye heard that something was wrong, so she hurriedly looked back and stared at Wu Niu.

Stretching out his hand and tugging on Wu Niu, he carefully asked, "...Are you sick?"

Only then did Wu Niu wake up suddenly, opened her eyes, and shook her head vigorously, "...No, maybe it's because the hall is too hot, I'm catching a cold."

The two were chirping and cooing, Wanxi gently avoided the emperor's approach, glanced back at Wu Niu, and asked, "What's wrong?"

The emperor's gaze finally followed Wanxi's gaze, lifted up together, and fell on Wu Niu's face.
Seeing that the master finally gave her a chance to speak, Wu Niu was so happy that she took a step forward and knelt down on the edge of Wanxi's stool next to Liu Zhu'er.

He raised his head as much as he could, looked at Wanxi with full eyes, and replied softly, "If you return to the master...it's not a serious problem. Maybe the slave is catching cold outside, and the emperor's warm pavilion is too warm, so the slave is a little hit by the heat." It’s just a heads-up. Please rest assured, the master, the slave is just blushing and panting a little, so it’s okay for others.”

The emperor's eyes fell on Wu Niu's face from a close distance.

It is really a peach blossom with flour noodles, and its eyes are like autumn water.

The emperor couldn't help but raised the corners of his lips, "Who is this? I don't know it. I knew everyone in Yongshou Palace."
In the end, Wanxi couldn't help but thump in her heart.

The feeling Wu Niu gave her was different from other people in the harem.The others made it clear that they were both in the harem and wanted to compete for favor; but if Yuqin in the past and Wu Niu today, after all, there is still a personal affection in it.

You can't show your precautions clearly, and you can't directly tear your face. You have to be a little forbearing, and you have to turn a blind eye.

As for people, they can always allow strangers to compete with themselves, but they can't stand people around them doing so.After all, no one wants to be tricked or used by those close to them.

 To use the current term, this is a kind of "girlfriend complex".Girlfriends robbing husbands are more disturbing than outside women robbing~~
(End of this chapter)

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