Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1407 Chapter 4 82 Fish I Want

Chapter 1407 Four Volumes 82 Fish I Want (7 More)
But what should come, still came.

Wanxi put away her smile and said lightly, "By the way, I forgot to introduce you to the emperor. This is the first-class woman that the empress master has pointed out to my concubine, named Wuniu."

Wanxi looked back, "Five girls, don't kowtow to the emperor yet."

Wu Niu bowed gracefully, "Slave Wu Niu, I wish the emperor peace."

The emperor nodded with a smile, "I bow to you."

As she spoke, she raised her eyelids lightly, concentrating on Wanxi, "...the empress has really good eyesight, and the person I choose for you is also first-class in appearance."
Sure enough, praise.

Just like ten years ago!

Wanxi turned her head sideways, "...the Queen's master's vision is naturally incomparable. It is Wu Niu who really stands out, otherwise why would the Queen's master want to come to her side ten years ago; ten years later, she will come to the palace again Well. It’s just a pity that the Queen’s master failed to send Wu Niu back to Chengqian Palace this time, but sent her to the concubine instead.”

The emperor took a bite of the dish, chewed it slowly, and suddenly asked Liu Zhu'er, "This sweet and sour fish, has the recipient changed?"

Liu Zhu'er was listening interestingly, when suddenly asked about the errand, she hurriedly replied, "Back to the emperor, last time the cook of the sweet and sour fish was the cook of the restaurant outside. Because the emperor likes his craftsmanship, so I have to accept it in the dining room." It has been three months. Now it has expired, and the acceptor has gone out of the palace. This dish was made by the royal chef in the palace."

The emperor took a look at the yellow cloth label on the side of the plate, and it had already been announced which royal chef ordered the dish.

The emperor nodded, "It smells wrong. Take it out, go back and tell her that there is too much vinegar."

Liu Zhu'er didn't have time to think about anything else, so he hurriedly apologized, got up and removed the plate of sweet and sour fish.

The emperor lightly shook the eighteen seeds in his hand, "...sweet and sour fish is indispensable for vinegar, but sweet and sour sweet and sour, in addition to vinegar, don't forget that there must also be sugar. If you eat this dish again and again, it will be perfect Pickled cabbage gangzi, then it is not sweet and sour fish, or merged into 'sweet and sour fish'."
Wanxi had no choice but to not hear, so she had to bite her lip and stop what she said.

The emperor looked at Wu Niu with a smile, "Well, it is indeed a special one. You are worthy of calling the empress for you. You violated the "Palace Regulations" that I personally set, which shows your weight in the empress's heart. In the past, there were many queens in the palace The woman who was handed over was used by the owner to take advantage of it, and she wanted to come back when she recovered from her illness. But doing so may bring back the sickness, and secondly, it will disrupt the rules of the palace. Therefore, I can write it in "The It is clearly stated in the "Regulations" that since it is handed over due to illness, it cannot be taken back."

"The reason why the queen dares to give this example for you is probably because she is the queen. If others want to do this, they have to ask her; if she does this by herself, she doesn't need to ask others, so I forgot to check the "Regulations" Example "Go."

The emperor suddenly started to say such words, and Wu Niu felt a basin of cold water poured down her head.

Her whole body was still drenched with sweat, which became more and more sticky, but the sweat had unknowingly turned into cold sweat.

It was the queen who violated the "Regulations", but would the emperor punish the queen for such a trivial matter?If the emperor wants to pursue it, he will only pursue it on her, right?
Wu Niu was excited, and quickly kowtowed to Wanxi, "Back to the emperor, a slave is just an official woman. In the palace, she is just a slave to the master, and only knows to serve the master loyally. Should the slave come back to the palace, and which palace should he go to?" A slave has never been allowed to be autonomous. A slave is just obeying the orders of the master."

"The reason why the slave can point it to Master Ling is because the slave grew up with Master Ling and loves her as sisters! I also beg the emperor to spare the slave for the sake of Master Ling."

(End of this chapter)

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