Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1411: Only the Son Knows

Chapter 1411: Only the Son Knows (86 More)
"After Zhang Tingyu and Ertai two major powers were taken care of by the master, the government was unified, and the leader was Fu Heng. Although Xiaojiu stood tall, he had to face the disciples and old friends left by the two big groups of Zhang Tingyu and Ertai. Whether he can make this song stable depends on whether he has the ability to twist the hearts of the two factions into a single rope and use them both for his own use. At this moment, he needs prestige and the courtiers' firm belief, so the master will let his predecessor Everyone in the harem knows that the Lord relies heavily on Xiao Jiu in his heart; Xiao Jiu and the Lord, the monarch and his ministers are of the same mind, and there is no quarrel between them."

"But in this court, it is inevitable that there will be people who are jealous of Xiao Jiu. In their eyes, Xiao Jiu's own courage, talent and knowledge will always seem to be nothing. Xiao Jiu can be relied on by the master only because of Xiao Jiu's status as an uncle."

"As the uncle of the country, Xiaojiu has always branded the word "foreign relative" on his identity. The respect he holds in high regard for him is destined to be inseparable from the favor of the harem. In the past, when filial piety was alive, the master could write a special letter to respect filial piety. Xian, come to establish a position for Xiaojiu; but now that Xiaoxian is no longer there, if the Lord writes poems to mourn Xiaoxian when he is giving a banquet to Xiaojiu, so as to consolidate Xiaojiu's prestige, it will be a waste of time after all... Master can only borrow from Concubine Shu at this moment."

The emperor's black pupils were solemn, "Between the former dynasty and the rear palace, the relatives and the inner court master, the world always thinks that the love of the house is the same as the black. Since the master relies heavily on Xiaojiu, how can he treat Concubine Shu badly?"
Wanxi lowered her head slightly.

The emperor held her hand tightly, "I just said it's public, but it's still private."

"Private reason is the empress dowager. Next year will be the empress dowager's [-]th birthday. It is the emperor's ancestor, who has never reached his [-]th birthday in his life. The emperor's [-]th birthday is grand and solemn, and he will hold a thousand-year-old banquet. This For an old man, the [-]th birthday may be the most important celebration in life.”

"The Empress Dowager is the Lord's E Nie, and she has only one child in her life. E Nie's life was not easy in Huang Kaoqian's mansion back then. The grandfather of the Lord was just an official in the palace, and his position was low, so E Nie In the past, I was not favored by the imperial examination. The hardships of Er Nie back then were only seen and remembered by my son. Therefore, on the day of my enthronement, I swore to take care of the Queen Mother and honor the world. We must make up for all the hardships Er Nie suffered in the past, and make Er Nie the most respected and envied person in the world."

"Thus these years, although I have disagreed with Er Nie on many things, even though I am the emperor, I can bear it as much as I can, and try my best to change it. I don't want to hurt my mother's heart and violate my son's right Go with filial piety."

"During the most difficult days of those years, E Nie could only watch Huang Kao's great favor for Nian's mother and son. It’s just an unfavorable Gege’s Enie. I put it in my eyes. Even if it’s lively, it’s also the excitement of others. There is only one exception, and that is Geng Gege. Huang Kaoqian's mansion is not to visit people with higher status, but only to visit Huang'er Nie."

"Geng Gege's love is deep in Huang E Nie's heart and cannot be let down. For this friendship, the Empress Dowager puts Concubine Shu on the top of her heart. Every time Huang E Nie sees me, she always mentions I hope I treat Concubine Shu better, even better."

"In the past, I just laughed when I heard it. Otherwise, there would be no concubine Shu who entered the palace for nine years, but did not come out. The dignified descendant of Yehebeile, Gege of Zhenghuangqi, has always been ranked in the rank of an internal management leader with a Han surname. Under you, who is wrapped... the empress dowager has refused to forgive me all these years. But next year, it will be the empress dowager's [-]th birthday."

(End of this chapter)

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