Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1412, Volume 4, 87

Chapter 1412, Volume 87, 4
"After a person's 70th birthday, no one dares to say whether he will have the blessing to usher in his [-]th birthday. Even the emperor, a generation of sages, has not been able to wait for [-] years..."

When the emperor said this, he couldn't help but choked up a little, "Every time I think of this, my heart aches like twists and turns. I always want to do my best in the year of Ernie's [-]th birthday, so that Ernie can fulfill his wish .Even if you really can’t welcome the [-]th birthday, when you look back at the [-]th birthday at that time, you can go there without any regrets... Therefore, the Lord decreed that he will go to the south in the first month of next year, and take Huang Ernie to see the south of the Yangtze River Heaven and Earth; Master has prepared early to give Ernie a big celebration next year, but these are all external things after all, and I dare not say whether it will make Huang Ernie happy."

Wanxi's eye sockets couldn't help getting wet.

I am getting older, but at the same time, I have to face the aging of my parents day by day, and even one day, I will send them on a long journey, and I will never see each other again in this life...

She also knew that since last year, Ama Qingtai's health has been a little bad.Especially before and after the accusation of untimely tribute to Empress Xiaoxian, Ama still carried the burden in her heart.

Old age is a hurdle that no one can overcome.

The emperor took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down, "I'm thinking about it. As the empress dowager these years, the most worrying thing about Huang Ernie is just one or two things. Huang Ernie himself knows that the [-]th birthday is special, She always told me that she often dreamed of Geng Gege. She was always worried that if she met in the sky, she would have no face to see Geng Gege."

"Emperor Nie also said that when people get older, what they want most is not grand celebrations, not the congratulations of all peoples, but the simplest things - to have grandchildren with sweets and grandchildren around their knees. Whatever I do, I should be here One year fulfilled one wish of Huang E Nie."

"Concubine Shu is destined to have a child. I think it's better to be this year than sooner or later. In this way, it can not only reassure the empress dowager, but also give her family an explanation, and can also consolidate Fu Heng's position as the leader; Besides, the Empress is also enthroned in the Central Palace this year...so I thought, this timing is the most appropriate."

The emperor squeezed Wanxi's hand, talked about the previous court, and talked about the harem, but he only let him borrow this child to protect her mind, and passed away without saying a word.
Wanxi listened quietly with her head bowed, her fingertips obediently lying in his palm, sensing every subtle change in his palm.

After the emperor finished speaking, his mouth was obviously parched, and he was more tired than a hearing of the Qing Dynasty, but he didn't bother to take a sip of tea, and just stared at Wanxi's eyes tightly.

After confirming that the emperor had finished speaking, Wanxi slightly raised her eyes to meet his.

"Master... the servant is hungry."
The emperor was stunned for a while, and suddenly squeezed her little hand hard.

"Hey, Lord Bai blind told you this."

Wanxi felt the pain in her hand, so she leaned into his arms: "... the servant naturally listened to what the master said, and understood it. But after all, thinking about it will take a lot of energy, and it will make you hungry, hungry Let's eat first."

"There is nothing in this world that is more important than food. If you are hungry, who cares whether the dish has too much sugar or too much vinegar? After all, it is more important to quickly split it into the stomach. As for whether it is delicious or not Eat, you have to eat half full before you have time to distinguish."

The emperor couldn't help raising his eyebrows, "You can understand what I said, but your words... I don't understand."

Wanxi finally lowered her head and smiled, "Why can't I understand? I'm so worried. If you hurry up, you will understand."

 There is really nothing to explain, I just wrote this part for some relatives, so that’s all.After all, the historical materials of Concubine Shu are all there, everyone should understand.

(End of this chapter)

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