Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1494 Volume 4 170 Hangzhou Undercurrent

Chapter 1494 Four Volumes 170 Hangzhou Undercurrent (1 more)
In March, the emperor drove south to Zhejiang and went straight to Hangzhou.The emperor enshrined the empress dowager and stayed in the palace of Shengyin Temple.

After the emperor Xing Fuwen Academy, he personally led his ministers to the Qiantang River to offer sacrifices to the Qiantang River Temple.Personally bestow the imperial pen and plaque "Yun Yi Su Lian".Military parade at Guanchao Tower by the Qiantang River.

Officials were also sent to offer sacrifices to Wang Shouren, the Minister of the Ming Dynasty, and a royal pen and plaque "Famous and True Talents";

When the emperor came to Hangzhou, how could he not go to the West Lake?Therefore, the harem concubines could no longer hold back their joy, and they could visit the West Lake only after the emperor completed the important government affairs ahead.

But at this time something happened.

It was Zhuan Xiang who came to tell Wanxi that Master Jiu was dealing with a difficult case.

——There was a "sticky pole worshiping Tang A", named Adekxin, who forcibly broke into people's homes in Hangzhou, drinking and making troubles.

During this southern tour, Fu Heng was the "Minister of Operations and Operations", which meant that he had to take care of all kinds of things along the way, no matter how big or small they were.Originally, such a matter might not be able to be put ahead of him in the central capital. Naturally, the Minister of Internal Affairs who was in charge of the sticky pole and the chief of the guards would take care of it; .

And because he is "in charge", any accident can be implicated in his responsibility.

Zhuanxiang was by Fu Heng's side, but he couldn't help, so he was a little anxious and came to discuss with Wanxi.

Zhuanxiang's description is a bit vague, it's just "forcing people's homes, drinking and making troubles", but I don't know the details.Wanxi understands that Master Jiu must not want to say too much about these words.

Wanxi lowered her head and said softly, "It doesn't seem like a big deal, but it might actually be an extremely serious thing. If it's serious, maybe all the efforts of the emperor will be in vain this time of his southern tour."

Zhuan Xiang was also taken aback, "Why did Master Ling say that?"

Wanxi raised her eyes, her eyes were black and white, "I suspect that the sticky pole worshiping Tang A is a woman who forcibly entered the people's house and bullied them! The Han people in the south of the Yangtze River, with a thousand years of ethics, can lose money and die, but they can't bear such things the most. !"

"If the officials don't handle it properly, it may cause civil uprisings...the century-old gap between the Manchus and the Hans will never be bridged!"

"If there is a sudden civil uprising, all parts of the south of the Yangtze River will respond... Sister Zhuan, the emperor is on a tour to the south, no more than in the capital. Once under siege, if there is a slight mistake, who can take care of it?"
Zhuan Xiang also turned pale with fright, "I can't blame such a thing that doesn't sound serious, but Master Jiu sat withered all night last night without resting."

Wanxi also locks her eyebrows lightly.

"...The Baitang at the sticky pole is no different from ordinary officers and soldiers. They were originally selected from the children of 'big officials', and all of them came from noble families. The sticky pole is also the emperor's close servant. When the emperor travels Helping the husband by the sedan chair. When the emperor travels at night, they will carry the lamp; if the emperor wants to fish, they will lay the net and set the hook... Because they are too close to the emperor outside, most of them can be rewarded with yellow clothes Jacket..."

"If such a person commits such a thing, it will inevitably be considered by the people as the connivance of the emperor; and this person himself must be a dandy, treating the people of the Han people in the south of the Yangtze River as ants and worthless, and the conflicts caused by this will be even more difficult to deal with!"

"Master Jiu is sandwiched between the Manchu guards and the Han people, so it is naturally extremely difficult to have both."

Zhuan Xiang became even more anxious, rubbing his hands and grabbing Wan Xi, "Master... what should I do? This slave can't just watch Master Jiu in trouble like this, he can't help at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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