Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1495: The Emperor Is Too Outrageous

Chapter 1495: The Emperor Is Too Outrageous (171 More)
"The emperor has done enough this way."

The palace of Shengyin Temple is on the bank of the West Lake, only two miles away from the "Fenghe in Quyuan" bestowed by Lord Kangxi.Therefore, although the emperor and the harem have not yet formally visited the West Lake, the palace is built on a lonely mountain and can easily overlook the beautiful scenery of the West Lake.

With such a beautiful view of the West Lake in March, Nala supported the Empress Dowager for a slow walk in the palace, but she still couldn't hold back the resentment.

"The way of the emperor, offering sacrifices to Yu Qian and Wang Shouren... This way almost sacrificed all the ministers of the Ming Dynasty. The emperor is the son of heaven, but he has forgotten the feelings of the officers and soldiers under his banner. When our Eight Banners soldiers went south, those former Ming Dynasty The ministers have resisted desperately, and how many of our Eight Banners children have been killed?"

"Although the world is already unified at this time, the emperor wants to show the emperor's dignity, but enough is enough. Why bother to sacrifice to the ministers of the Ming Dynasty? After all, the minister is Manchuria, and the minister can't see the emperor going out of line like this. .”

That sticky boy worshiped Tang Ayin as the emperor's close attendant, and the empress dowager and empress had their retinues around them, so the news of what had happened soon reached the empress dowager and empress' ears.

"Not yet the ministers of the Guangming Dynasty, the emperor also offered sacrifices to Yue Fei, Han Shizhong and Liang Hongyu on Lingyan Mountain... Ha, who are they, they are anti-gold! Although they are not directly resisting our Qing Dynasty, but the Dajin is not us The foundation of the Jurchen ancestors!"

"The emperor's journey southwards, all the way to sacrifice to these people, has already hurt the hearts of many people under his banner. This time, what happened to the sticky pole, is it because he can't bear to watch the emperor sacrifice to these Han people every day!"

"The Han people in the south of the Yangtze River are self-reliant and arrogant. Until now, those big Confucian families have refused to enter the court as officials. They want the emperor to come to the south of the Yangtze River, open envoys, meet famous officials, and reward them one by one, and encourage them one by one! What are you all!"

"Even in this harem, how many Han Chinese have the emperor brought in over the years! From pure noble concubines, to concubines Wan, concubines Qing... give them high positions one by one, and give them children... make them think one by one Noble, there is a mess in the harem!"

"Even a concubine like Ling, even though she is under the banner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, relies on her Han surname, and is connected with those Han women, forming a school of her own in this palace! They also dare to be disobedient in front of their ministers!"

"Emperor Nie, they are provoking us, the inner court chiefs who are full of Mongolian background, and they are not abiding by the palace rules. They are relying on the emperor's favor, so they covet that one day they can also become the masters of the harem." go!"

"Emperor Nie, if there is a woman in the harem of the Qing Dynasty who is in charge of the blood of the Han people one day... This is possible, even if I imagine it for a while, I will feel shuddering!"

"Now the emperor's mind has to be reversed; the situation in the harem cannot be allowed to continue. Otherwise, our harem of the Qing Dynasty will become the world of Han women; our heirs of the Qing Dynasty...will it be One day, it will also be of Han blood? If there is such a day, Huang E Nie, what face will we have to meet our ancestors?"

The empress dowager listened quietly, and her complexion became more and more ugly.

She also saw everything the emperor did along the way.At her age, it's not that she doesn't understand what the emperor is doing; Lord Kangxi did the same thing back then.The emperor took Lord Kangxi as a model in everything. Since it was a precedent set by Lord Kangxi, it is not wrong for the emperor to do so.

But the Queen had a point.When Lord Kangxi went to the south of the Yangtze River again, it was also for the sake of the former court; but the rules in the harem were not messed up!
(End of this chapter)

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