Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 15 Dangerous

Chapter 15 Dangerous
Wanxi heard that Wu Niu's crying voice was already hoarse, so she knew that she was afraid that she would wash her face with tears every day these days, and she couldn't bear it.

She took a step forward and grabbed Meng Shi's wrist, but lowered her voice: "Sister-in-law can see clearly! It's just that sister-in-law knows that Wu Niu's going out of the palace is strange, and she knows how many pairs of eyes are staring here, so she should know Wu Niu Nothing will happen."

"Sister-in-law said so much in a loud voice today, everyone outside the wall must have listened; later, sister-in-law forced Wu Niu to really hang herself, sister-in-law, are you protecting the family again, or are you harming your whole family? "

Meng Shi was startled, and hurriedly shut her mouth tightly.

Only then did Wanxi breathe a sigh of relief, and the strength in her hand was also lightened: "Sister-in-law, listen to me: If you want to protect yourself in the future, you must keep your mouth shut. Not only Wu Niu should be quiet, but don't say anything. Tell outsiders; as a sister-in-law, you must remind the whole family to be cautious in words and deeds. Only in this way can the palace be relieved, and your family will be safe."

Mrs. Meng went away in a hurry, and Wanxi pushed Wu Niu's door open.

Sure enough, Wu Niu's eyes were already swollen from crying.Her hair was disheveled and her clothes were in a mess.

Wanxi sighed softly: "People who come out of the palace know the rules the most. I wanted to learn from you, but I didn't expect you to be so sloppy. I can't blame your sister-in-law for stepping on the high and low." , intending to force you to death."

As soon as Wu Niu hugged Wanxi, she burst into tears: "The grievances I suffered in the palace... I dare not say, and no one said it. I thought it was my mother who kissed me when I came home. But I didn't expect them to be more ruthless than the people in the palace, and they looked at me like a dead star. What did I do wrong? It just ruined their dream of using me to make a name for themselves!"

Wanxi bowed her head and sighed herself.

Also, if the daughter in the family is born with a little bit of beauty, the family members will inevitably have some delusional thoughts.It is the desire of many people to give birth to a daughter and prosper the family.

"Since you have left the palace, forget about those things. After all, An An survives these days and finds a good man to marry in the future. It's better than being inside the red wall and becoming a white-haired court lady." Wanxi Pat Wu Niu's hand, soft words of comfort.

Wu Niu wiped her face and looked Wanxi up and down: "The redness on your face...isn't as heavy as last year."

Wanxi was supposed to participate in the introduction with Wu Niu last year, but Wan Xi also provoked Fengzi a month before the introduction.

Wanxi also sighed to herself: "No."

"Then you won't be able to hide this year?" Wu Niu forgot her own sadness, and instead became worried for Wanxi.

Wanxi nodded: "I tried my best, but I didn't want to hurt my family. I escaped last year and I escaped. Since I can't escape this year, I can't take my whole family as companions."

Wu Niu's tears came again, and she held Wanxi's hand tightly: "I hope you will not be retained. If you are retained, won't you make the same mistakes as me again? Jiu'er, the masters in the palace Underneath the beautiful appearance, there are many snakes and scorpions hidden. Those of us who entered the palace as slaves are all pawns held in their palms, and we are not in charge of everything for a moment. So, Jiuer, you Do remember my words, as long as there is a possibility of picking one out of ten thousand, don't be retained!"

(End of this chapter)

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