Chapter 16
Inner Court, Changchun Palace.

The chief eunuch Zhao Jinzhong bowed halfway, with a smile on his face, and walked in neatly.

His skirt swept over a pair of pairs on the door: "everything is spring into Fengguan, and the eight directions turn into Hongjun".This is the couplet written by the emperor himself, and there are thousands of deep meanings in it.

This is the bedroom of Empress Fucha.

After Emperor Yongzheng changed the Hall of Mental Cultivation into his bedroom and no longer lived in the Qianqing Palace, the empress also moved out of the Kunning Palace.In this dynasty, the Changchun Palace was the location of the Central Palace.

Zhao Jinzhong politely asked Suchun, an official woman next to the queen, to go back to the queen, and then carefully knelt down in front of the queen to pay her respects.

Mrs. Fu Cha hurriedly tossed the handkerchief and gave it a hand: "Please get up quickly, Wen Da."

Zhao Jinzhong was the old man who served the emperor when he was in Chonghua Palace. He had been serving the empress for many years, and the empress respected him a lot.The queen said softly with a smile: "If the emperor hadn't repeatedly emphasized the eunuch's rules in the palace, how could this palace dare not accept this big kneel of Wenda."

Supported by Suchun, Zhao Jinzhong got up, bowed his body and smiled apologetically: "Master, you can kill the old slave. This is the duty of a slave, so you can rest assured."

Mrs. Fucha nodded and smiled: "I'm familiar with this, but what is the emperor's intention?"

Zhao Jinzhong bowed again and replied: "It's a matter of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Accounting Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs made up the rosters of women to be drafted in Nei Sanqi according to the date, and handed them over to the old slave for instructions from the master and the master's wife. The old slave has not yet opened Majesty Zousheng, first come to Changchun Palace to disturb the empress, please show me."

The talent show, especially the three-banner talent show, is mainly for the selection of women in the palace. It is more like the housework of the family, and it should be presided over by the queen.

Mrs. Fucha nodded, "According to my intention, there is no need to introduce them this year. There is no shortage of official women for the lordships in the palace. It is better to skip this year's case and choose together next year."

The draft of the Inner Three Banners is hosted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and is held once a year.This is a rule, but it may not be implemented every year.As long as there is no vacancy in each palace and there is no shortage of manpower in the palace, there are also cases of temporary exemption.

Zhao Jinzhong was not surprised, he bowed and smiled: "Master and empress are the most respectful and simple. This year, the introduction of the beautiful girl will be avoided, and it will naturally save a lot of consumption for the inner government."

Mrs. Fucha supported the velvet flowers on her temples, bowed her head and smiled, "If you go to the harem, everything is fine. If you start it, you will need a lot of money. The emperor cares about the people of the court and takes care of everything. How dare you not help the emperor take care of some of the family's expenses."

Zhao Jinzhong nodded in agreement, but pondered for a while.

Mrs. Fucha took a look at Suchun, and said slowly, "If you have something to say, you might as well say it directly."

Zhao Jinzhong hurriedly knelt down again: "Naturally, this old slave does not dare to obey the wishes of the master and empress. It's just that there is indeed a vacancy in the palace this year, so this old slave dare not report it."

"Oh?" Mrs. Fucha raised her chin dignifiedly: "Which palace? Which lord is next?"

"Returning to the empress, there is a woman named Wuniu under the throne of the concubine Xian. Because of her eyesight, she can't see clearly, and the empress concubine Xian told the Ministry of Internal Affairs to send her out."

Mrs. Fucha thought for a while, then raised her hand to caress her temples again.She pointed to the plain silver armor inlaid with rice beads, glistening like a cloud of blue silk.

"Which five girls?"

Su Chun hurriedly stepped forward and knelt down: "Master, do you still remember the introduction of the beautiful girl from Sanqi last year, the master once asked her surname, what official position is Ama, that five girl?" As the leader of the internal management of the household, Ama's official position is in the form of a written post."

(End of this chapter)

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