Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1636 Chapter 4 316 I'm Just Stupid

Chapter 1636 Volume 316 8 I'm Just Stupid ([-] more)
"I'm not surprised either!"

Concubine Shu sneered, "In the final analysis, those people in front are all old people in the emperor's hidden residence, all of them are more than ten years older than us. After the emperor ascended the throne, the only ones who came to the palace were me and her. That's the real match."

"I am one year older than her, and we became a concubine together, but she was ahead of me. Now that I have given birth to my tenth elder brother, if I become a noble concubine, I will naturally surpass her. How can she be willing?"

"The emperor is also baffled, and actually entrusted her with the matter of Ningyun. She simply took chicken feathers as an arrow, and deliberately delayed the result! As long as she does not give the result, the emperor will not be able to deal with the pure noble concubine. I will not be able to enter the seal for a long time!"

Cheng Jue also sighed softly, "Speaking of Guiqi... the master's biggest opponent in this palace is still Concubine Ling."

Concubine Shu also sneered, "Yeah, I already understood this point! So I don't have anything to be reluctant to use cruel tricks on others. If she doesn't get rid of her, I will always be in this palace." serious heart trouble."
Wanxi left Jingren Palace, instead of chatting with Concubine Wan and Yuqin as usual, she walked in the direction of Yongshou Palace.

Sure enough, he couldn't go far, and there was applause behind him.

Wanxi hurriedly got off the sedan chair, stepped aside to avoid it.

The emperor's shoulder came over unhurriedly, and the emperor looked down at Wanxi condescendingly, "Jingren Palace, you went rather quickly."

Wanxi raised her eyes, glanced at the emperor with a smile, "That's right, I live in the West Sixth Palace, so I should be like Concubine Shu, coming late."

The emperor snorted and called to get off the sedan chair.

Li Yu had good eyesight, so he hurriedly greeted the emperor's wife, and the gentle lady, and left.In the long street, there were only two people left.The emperor stretched out his hand towards Wanxi——

Wanxi's face turned hot, but she also put her hand into his palm, and let him pull her up from the ground.

The red wall was quiet, and the two walked slowly hand in hand side by side.
"...The servant happened to be talking to Concubine Chun in Zhongcui Palace at that moment, so I got the news, so I can go there early." Wanxi felt that she was back in the past, still a little girl who didn't know much about the world, When speaking in front of him, she unconsciously spoke in a well-behaved manner.

He snorted softly, "Going to investigate the case? Do you have any clues?"

Wanxi thought for a while, but still shook her head firmly, "... I am stupid, how can I investigate the case. The emperor entrusted this case to the servant, but it was given to the wrong person... The servant may not be able to find out for three to five years. What is it?"

The emperor was taken aback, stopped, and looked at her with wide eyes and a smile, "So stupid?"

Wanxi was also unambiguous, and immediately nodded, "Yes. Does the emperor regret it? Then take advantage of the fact that there is no one around, and secretly take it back in front of the servant... The servant will never tell the emperor. What's the matter?" No joke 'ah, this meeting doesn't count."

The emperor let out a "bah", turned his head with a chuckle, grabbed her hand, and continued walking forward.

"I won't take it back. Anyway, I'll leave it to you, and you can handle it yourself. It doesn't matter if it lasts for three to five years, or ten or eight years. You can always give me an explanation."

Wanxi thought for a while, then turned her head and asked the emperor, "...Is it because if the slaves don't find out the results, Ningyun's parents and family members can't be sent to Dashang Ula for a day?"

The emperor shrugged, "literally, yes."

Wanxi felt relieved, "The slave will not be found out for the time being. The emperor will give the slave a few more years."

 See you tomorrow~~ Thank you KHLim for the 1888+ monthly pass.Thank you for your monthly tickets as follows:

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(End of this chapter)

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