Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1637 Volume 4 317 Birthday Wishes

Chapter 1637: Birthday Wish (317 more)
"That won't work."

The emperor's eyes flicked to Gao Tian, ​​"In the previous dynasty, if an official delayed official duties, he would be impeached by his own censor, and the Lord would also punish him. The same is true in this harem. It is a serious crime for an official's woman to hang herself, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs There is already a bottom line. If you do not understand for a long time, the empress, as the master of the six palaces, can be held accountable."

Wanxi lowered her head, "I understand."

The emperor stared at her with downcast eyes, "It is a serious crime for an official woman to hang herself, but not all her parents and family members are affected. It depends on why she hanged herself. If she herself is guilty and hangs herself out of fear of crime, her family members should be punished together; Then again, if she is coerced, or there are other extenuating reasons, then the Minister of Internal Affairs will naturally decide to deal with it according to the circumstances."

"It's not always the best way to procrastinate."

Wan Xi blushed, "My lord is right. Escape is not the way to go, and you can't ask Ning Yun to go in ignorance like Ning Yun. You have to give her an explanation."

Only then did the emperor nod in satisfaction, and stretched out his hand to pat Wanxi's cheek lightly, "This matter involves a lot, not only the Master's Qianqing Palace will be involved, but even the Ningshou Palace where the concubine and mother concubine live will also be involved." Involved in it... It's just that things have to be done, and you don't have to hesitate."

Wanxi nodded and smiled, "Anyway, I still have my master backing the slave. The master asked the slave to investigate this case, and the slave is the imperial envoy, who has the right to kill first and then report!"

The emperor smiled helplessly, and reached out to pat her on the forehead, "Do you want me to find a piece of wood and carve a Shangfang sword for you to hold?"

Wanxi bent down and laughed, "It's all from the playbook, the servant doesn't want to hold it!"

Although Changjie has "long" in its name, it is actually not long at all.Now that she has returned to Yongshou Palace, Wanxi has no choice but to let go.

The emperor narrowed his eyes and stared at her, "... Qianqiu's birthday, what wish do you have?"
The emperor still asked here.

Wanxi bowed her head and thought for a while, then raised her head and shook her head vigorously with a smile.

"The slave has nothing in particular. It's just what the emperor bestows according to the palace rules."

Wanxi tried her best to give the emperor a long life this year, but she didn't put any extra thought into it. On August [-]th, she made two pastries; on August [-]th, she made a doughnut. .

The emperor squinted his eyes and looked at Wanxi, then snorted softly, "That's right, it's not an integer, so there's no need to prepare anything extra."

Wanxi didn't want to tell what was going on in her heart, so she hurriedly bowed and said goodbye.
Yu Rui went back to the gate of the palace to wait for Wanxi, and when she saw Wanxi coming back, her cheeks were flushed, she couldn't help but whispered, "...Congratulations, master."

Wanxi raised her eyes, but Yurui opened her mouth and quickly bowed her head to plead guilty.

In Master's eyes, it seems a little melancholy~
Wanxi sighed, "Don't worry, I'm fine. It's just that my birthday is coming up, and I can't help but miss my family."

In fact, Ama and Er Niang are fine, they are the internal management leader and the internal management leader Fujin after all, if there is something in the palace, they can enter the palace.If you really miss it too much, try to arrange an occasion, just like the time in the Xiangshan Palace, you can see it.

It's her brother who she misses so much right now.

I haven't seen him in the past ten years, but I'm used to it; it's just that I met such a side in Jiangning Mansion during the southern tour, and I miss it very much.

But the empress dowager's brothers were all stopped by the emperor, and they were not allowed to be called into the palace to pay their respects... No matter how much she misses her, it won't work.

 Secretly add an update, run away, see you tomorrow~~
(End of this chapter)

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