Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1729: Thoughts

Chapter 1729 Five Volumes 36 Thoughts (5 more)
The empress dowager slapped her hands in joy, "Come on, come on."

The emperor himself stood by the table, and with his slender fingers capable of drawing a "five-strength" bow, he unhurriedly rolled pancakes for his mother.

While introducing the burritos, "Ene thinks the pancakes are extra chewy today, don't they? This is not ordinary fine white flour, it also has barley flour and stick flour mixed in it. After mixing the flour, mix the flour with warm water, and put it in again. Sprinkle fine salt, smear sesame oil, and then sprinkle a handful of finely chopped green onions. Only in this way can it be kneaded, rolled a few times to make it softer, and then put it in the pan to bake."

"Because it's mixed with barley flour and cornmeal, it's hard to control the heat when the mixed noodles are mixed, so there are some Hu Gua Ga'er. But Hu Gua Ga'er is crispy and sweet, isn't it?"

The empress dowager raised her eyebrows, "...how does the emperor know so clearly?"

The emperor was not in a hurry, and picked up the sauce with chopsticks.

"Even this sauce is not ordinary bean paste, it has meat in it."

The empress dowager thought about it for a while, "I just thought about the taste after hearing what you said. Now that I think about it...it looks like dried shrimp."

The emperor couldn't help but secretly smiled again.

Don't say it, isn't it just like shrimp!
The emperor didn't say anything, and just fed the burrito to the empress dowager.The empress dowager took it and ate it.

This time because it is the second one, it is not as eager to put it into the mouth as the first one, but this time it can be chewed and swallowed slowly.The empress dowager shook her head while eating, "No, it's not dried shrimp, right? The dried dried shrimp doesn't taste as bright and meaty as this one."

The emperor looked like a naughty child, tilting his head and squinting his eyes at the empress dowager, "... so what about the shrimp burritos? Is this delicious, or the shrimp ones are better?"

The empress dowager chewed again, "This is delicious!"

The emperor stared at his mother's appearance of eating happily, and he was happy, so he couldn't help but said, "My son is so hungry after seeing it. Can Ernie give his son one too?"

The empress dowager didn't stop chewing, she just snorted and nodded.

Concubine Shu hurriedly stepped forward, "This concubine serves the emperor."

The emperor was smiling all over his face, but all of them withered in the blink of an eye.

"There's no need to touch Concubine Shu's hands. Concubine Shu's ten fingers are slender, like jade tubes, she shouldn't touch these things."

Concubine Shu bit her lips tightly. She didn't understand what she did wrong today. Why did the emperor have such a nose and face? Even the empress dowager always protected her empress dowager. Huizi didn't say a word for her.

——Or should she say that the Empress Dowager didn't speak for her, but chewed her mouth full, and she was too busy to speak?

While she was in a daze, the emperor himself rolled a pancake and stood by the table, eating it with the empress dowager.

The empress dowager is getting old, and her appetite is not strong; it's evening again, and she doesn't dare to eat more. After eating two big burritos, she just pushed them away with satisfaction, and told Anshou, "Hurry up. Put that plate down before I see it again!"

An Shou smiled and quickly took it down to hide it.

The emperor also finished eating now, but as if juggling, he unhurriedly took out a grasshopper's head from his mouth, held it in his palm and muttered to himself, "...what kind of head is this? Shrimp's?"

The empress dowager rinsed her mouth and watched curiously while washing her hands.

After all, he is an old man with life experience, even if he looks at it from such a distance, he squints his eyes, "Why? Isn't this a grasshopper!"

(End of this chapter)

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