Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1730: Resolving Hatred

Chapter 1730 Five Volumes 37 Resolving Hatred (6 More)
The emperor really seemed to be frightened, and jumped on the spot, "What? Grasshopper?!"

The emperor is not all acting, he is real. Until now, all the grasshoppers with their heads and tails on the plate that Jiuer gave him just now are shaking in front of his eyes.His scalp is really numb right now, and his jumping movements are also real and vivid.

The empress dowager laughed out loud, "Hey, the emperor! You are just a grasshopper. Look at how you jump, you are even taller than a grasshopper!"

The emperor quietly stared at his mother... yo, he was not frightened!
The emperor himself couldn't help but shivered again, hugging his shoulders and growling deliberately, "Could it be that the burrito that my son served Huang Enie ate just now, actually helped the grasshopper? Who is so courageous! "

The empress dowager raised her eyebrows, "...Eat it as soon as you eat it, and you can't spit it out again by picking your throat. Besides, grasshoppers don't bury them. They eat grass and seedlings in their stomachs. Throughout the ages, in the fields, there is no shortage of food. Someone baked it and ate it."

The emperor deliberately surprised, "Is this grasshopper really edible?" He frowned, "Because of the locust plague this time, my son looked up the entry of locusts in the book, and found that the locusts are quite respected in the medical books. It said it smelled like locusts." Sweet, pungent, warm in nature. It can invigorate the spleen and eliminate food, relieve wind and spasm, relieve cough and asthma, and dredge the collaterals. There are still many prescriptions for invigorating the stomach and eliminating food, and treating whooping cough in children, using locusts... It seems that this locust Although they are pests, if they are used properly, they may turn harm into benefit."

As he spoke, he carefully glanced at the empress dowager.When the Empress Dowager heard that this grasshopper was not only not poisonous, it would not harm her body if eaten by a person of her age, but also had medicinal properties, a smile appeared on her face.

The emperor's heart was completely put back.

"This time there was a locust plague in Tianjin and Hebei. My son has been worrying since May and June. My son issued multiple orders and ordered the officials to do their best to supervise the arrest... It's really amazing to be able to take a bite of their flesh this time. My son felt relieved! My son never thought that catching locusts would turn out to be a pleasure, and the common people would benefit from it.”

The empress dowager couldn't help staring at her son.

The horror of the locust plague is that it can destroy a field of farmland and destroy a year's rations and livelihoods of people in a place.Everyone regards migratory locusts as a disaster, and only children who are ignorant of the world will take pleasure in catching these insects and eating a bite of live flesh.

When a child grows up, they look at migratory locusts with the eyes of an adult, but forget the fun of childhood.

The emperor raised his eyes to meet the empress dowager, "This matter made my son unable to reflect on himself: This locust plague has been going on for several months, why can't it be extinguished? Is it because the son only emphasized the method of being supervised by officials in the past, which was a bit narrow? Although the officials tried their best , but how many local officials can there be? After all, the number is inferior to that of migratory locusts. This caused a temporary extinction in one place, and when the officials left for another place, migratory locusts in this place would rise again."

"My son thinks about it carefully. The officials can leave, but the local people are always still there. Why can't the people be recruited to share the burden of the officials? Although there are many migratory locusts, they come like dark clouds, but the number of people in our Qing Dynasty is only [-]%. More than them, not necessarily less than them!"

The Empress Dowager also nodded, but still couldn't help frowning, "But the people are not good at catching locusts, which will cause a disaster of migratory locusts. The imperial court must send officials to supervise."

(End of this chapter)

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