Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1753: Disappointing You Again

Chapter 1753: Let You Down Again (60 More)
Wanxi was taken aback.

Wanxi's expression made Concubine Shu happy, and Concubine Shu stepped forward with a smile, staring closely into Wanxi's eyes.

"I didn't expect that, did I?"

"Whether it's the emperor, or Jiu Ye, or even my little sister, or even my nephew Brother Long, they haven't revealed a word to you, have they?"

"It's a pity that you think you are so good with their family, even surpassing me as a sister... But they kept this matter from you so tightly that they didn't even reveal a word to you pass."

Wanxi's eyes wavered slightly, meeting Concubine Shu's eyes.

Concubine Shu giggled, "Don't rape me, I didn't do this."

"Let me tell you one more thing: this is actually not a recent incident, but two years ago. The emperor, Lord Jiu, my sister, and Brother Long haven't told you for two whole years. "

"Concubine Ling, I feel for you, I feel chilling~"
Now there was a wan Xi smile, replaced by Concubine Shu smiling.

This was naturally a reversal, and Concubine Shu felt even more at ease.

Concubine Shu shrugged, "Didn't you rush back to your Yongshou Palace just now? Then please go ahead, I won't stop you."

"I've finished what I should say; I know you'll be even more anxious to go back and ask for clarification now. You must want to know why they keep it from you; are they really getting along with you... I won't It's hindering you, let's go our separate ways."

Concubine Shu said, she turned around and wanted to leave with a smile.

The wind at the end of the year is really a bit icy cold.Even if Wanxi puts on the windy woolen clothes, standing in the cold wind in the long street, she still feels a little cold.

Wanxi looked at Concubine Shu's back.

Concubine Shu is wearing Concubine Red today, although it is not Zhenghong, it is as strong and delicate as Concubine Red.

In this cold weather, it is really unrestrained and beautiful; it also coincides with the season of the new year.

But Wanxi couldn't help feeling that Concubine Shu was wearing red today, not for the New Year, nor for warmth.

That redness is fire, but it is not a fire that warms people, but a fire that seeks anger and hatred, and a fire that wants to burn people up;

That red—more like blood.The blood that just flowed out from the wound was still fresh and light-colored.

This red body is Concubine Shu's battle robe, her armor, a sign of her desire for revenge, right?
"Concubine Shu!" Wanxi suddenly raised her voice.

revenge?Did she think she did it like this?

"Do you think your words scare me and make me doubt and hate Jiuye and Jiufujin from now on? I'm so sorry, I'm going to disappoint you again—I don't have any at all."

Concubine Shu was startled, and slowly turned her head.

"What did you say? - Concubine Ling, you just said that on purpose, I don't believe you don't care!"

Wanxi lowered her head and said with a faint smile, "You said Jiuye impeached Jiqing, but he kept it from me for two years. That's why he has less contact with me in the past two years-do you think he is hiding his secrets from me, or Ashamed of me, or afraid to see me?"

"But Concubine Shu, let me tell you, I didn't think so at all! Master Jiu is the foreman, the chief of the military plane, and as the head of the courtiers, it is his duty to write a memorial to impeach any courtier! Ji Qing also Courtiers, Master Jiu is naturally responsible for supervision and management, so Master Jiu's impeachment of Ji Qing is upright, so what's the shame?"

"Jiqing is my family, but it's a pity that after the fifth server, I don't know what kind of person this Jiqing is—but if Jiuye impeaches him, I will naturally believe Jiuye, and I also believe that Jiqing's words and deeds must be flawed!"

"Between Ji Qing and Master Jiu, I believe in Master Jiu more."

(End of this chapter)

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