Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1754, Volume 5, 61 You Think Beautifully

Chapter 1754 Five Volumes 61 You Think Beautifully (3 More)
As Wanxi said, she smiled slightly, and also stepped forward step by step, approaching Concubine Shu's eyes.

"There is a saying that I once told the emperor, and I don't mind saying it again at this moment: Don't say that Jiqing is just my family, but my elder brother from Wufu; it is my own brother, if If it is found out that there is corruption and perverting the law, Master Jiu will impeach him!"

"Not only do I not resent Master Jiu, but I will also applaud Master Jiu!"

Wan Xi stared at Concubine Shu's eyes with a smile.

"... Concubine Shu really thinks that with a brother like me, you can hit me and my trust in Master Jiu's family? I'm so sorry, Concubine Shu, you're too self-righteous."
Concubine Shu stared straight at Wanxi, her heart heaving violently.

"You said you don't care about Ji Qing? Concubine Ling, you sounded good!"

"Jiqing used to be the Lianghuai Salt Administration, and his family was extremely rich; now he is a first-rank official... Money, power, and power are what your natal family lacks! Brother, I am afraid that you are more dependent on him than your own brother!"

"Besides, if you really don't rely on it, why would you hand over the money you embezzled in the Old Summer Palace to Ji Qing for management?"

Concubine Shu also deliberately took a step forward, confronting Wanxi with her four eyes.

"Concubine Ling really should become an actress. What she says is better than what she sings. It's just that what Lingfei says doesn't mean what she says, and if you pat your own conscience, will you believe it?"
Wanxi smiled and stared at Concubine Shu.

After all, it has come to this moment, after all, all the grievances and resentments of the years together in the palace must be completely spread out, right?

Wanxi nodded, "Whether I'm telling the truth is my business; whether you believe me or not is your business. You and I have already gone in different directions, and we will never go the same way again. You can't control me, and I can't control you." Why bother to care what you think!"

Concubine Shu crossed her arms and sneered, "This also makes you self-aware!"

"It's a pity, Concubine Ling, you don't always have self-knowledge—let me remind you, don't always think that you are untouchable in the harem. You are only 26 years old now, and you don't have a child. The days are still long—the emperor must choose two or three newcomers every three years, and one day, there will be someone younger and more fertile than you who will surpass you!"

"As for me, after all, I already have a prince. I have nothing, and I still have my child."

"And what you rely on, apart from the emperor's grace, is Jiuye's status in the previous dynasty, or the money from Jiqing at this time... But these are all false, not your own, and they will disappear at any time of!"

Wanxi took a deep breath, "Thank you, Concubine Shu, for your reminder. I will not forget my situation, and I will be more careful to maintain what I have now - I will honor the emperor's grace, and I will firmly believe in Jiuye's family No doubt, I will also take a closer look at the behavior of my clan brother."

"I don't have any children, but I am already ranked ahead of you, Concubine Shu; oh no, I have been ranked ahead of you all these years since I was promoted to concubine in the tenth year of Qianlong... Congratulations on having a prince, but It doesn't mean that you have everything if you have a prince, and you have the capital to step on me!"

"Concubine Shu, since you and I have spoken today, I will also tell you: Don't think that I don't know what you did in Yongshou Palace before; don't even think that I will tolerate you for the rest of your life!"

(End of this chapter)

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