Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1769: The Night of the Imperial Tomb

Chapter 1769: The Night of the Imperial Tomb (66 More)
Lin Guiren couldn't help but widen his eyes, staring at Wanxi with admiration and disbelief.

"At that time, I will send off to Empress Xiaoxian's Catalpa Palace, and perform a ceremony... The emperor only summoned the queen's empress in the Panshan Palace. That's why I felt that the empress might be happy again. I've been back for two months Come on, I'm finally sure."

"But at that moment... Your Majesty didn't go to give it away! Your Majesty, please tell me quickly, how did you figure it out?"

Wanxi also nodded with a smile.

That's right, since it was Empress Xiaoxian's Feng'an ceremony, considering her past as a woman in Empress Xiaoxian's palace, it seemed that she should give it away according to the etiquette.

But outsiders don't understand, how can the emperor let her suffer this grievance?Therefore, she only stayed in the palace to take care of it, and the emperor didn't ask her to make that rule.

Seeing Wanxi smiling and saying nothing, Lin Guiren blushed and rubbed the corner of her clothes, "The empress kept it a secret, but at least the concubine lives in the same palace with her, so I noticed it. I thought I would use this to help the empress , but I didn't expect that the empress would not be surprised at all..."

Wanxi smiled, and hurriedly held Lin Guiren's hand, "Don't say that. I just guessed it, and it was also your help."

Lin Guiren was dumbfounded, "Me? Why did I help Ling Niangniang?"

Wanxi smiled and said, "Some help, you don't need to say anything. Just like this time when Empress Xiaoxian gave Anli, you also went with her, I guessed it."

Lin Guiren was still a little stunned, "I went with you, how did your empress guess that the empress's grandmother and empress have met?"

Wanxi took Lin Guiren's hand and sat down, explaining with a smile.

"October 27, not only Empress Xiaoxian, Concubine Huixian, and Concubine Zhemin were buried in Yuling on the same day; there were also three others who were buried in the concubine's bedroom. The emperor passed away when he ascended the throne. The concubine Huang, the nobleman Feng Ge who passed away in ten years of Qianlong; there is also an old man who has hidden his residence, Zhang Changzai whom I have never met..."

"Empress Xiaoxian and the two imperial concubines will naturally be sent off by the Empress, Concubine Jia, and Princess He Jing; but the concubine Yi Huang, etc., cannot be sent by the empress and concubine Jia. The emperor chose Concubine Yi, Concubine Jia, etc. Concubine Ying, sister Lin, you, elder brother Yonghuang's Fujin, and third elder brother Yongzhang's Fujin, send them off together."

"This kind of arrangement is naturally concubine to concubine, nobleman to nobleman, and prince Fujin to always go. What's more, Xiugui Ren Fengge was originally a nobleman in the Queen's Palace, so I asked you to send it off, and everyone outside will see it Nothing comes out."

Wanxi tilted her head and smiled, "But, it was a concubine who was buried, but it was sent by Concubine Yi and Concubine Ying, which is a bit special. From here, I guess that if Concubine Ying can go, she is also taking care of Concubine Yi." After all, Concubine Yi has been ill for many years, if the time comes and she really can't support the salute, Concubine Ying can naturally stand on top."

Wanxi turned her wonderful eyes and stared at Lin Guiren, "Since the emperor has already thought of the reason for taking care of each other, then I have to guess, sister Lin, you are going with the queen, do you also want to take care of the queen?"

"Although the queen is not short of people to take care of her, since the nobles who live in the palace are asked to go with her, the emperor must be very solemn - then this solemnity must be explained by the fact that the queen may be happy."

Wanxi bowed her head and smiled, holding back a sigh from the bottom of her heart.

From the queen's big change this time, she could have guessed it in retrospect.

Who can tell the queen to really change her attitude?Even if she took the initiative to fix it, it might not be enough.

The most reliable explanation can only be the emperor.

 See you tomorrow~~ Thank you Xiaoer and longquanjinxixan for the flowers.Thank you for your monthly tickets as follows:

  6 sheets: hpl6250
  4 photos: yusheng1979
  3 photos: 135637-0708, Feng Er Piao Piao 2006
  2 cards: Minotaur
(End of this chapter)

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