Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1770 Chapter 5 67 Long Time No See

Chapter 1770 Five Volumes 67 Long Time No See (1 More)
"Come on, let's have a snowball fight!"

Wanxi put aside the melancholy in her heart, grabbed Lin Guiren's hand with a smile, and pointed to the snow as thick as a white blanket on the frozen Haizi outside.

Lin Guiren was taken aback, "A snowball fight?"

She also has a Han surname, and her ancestors are also from the south of the Yangtze River. She already feels cold after walking out of the ice and snow.

Wanxi blinked, "The best way to deal with this icy and snowy place is to use the cold to cool down, and you will not be afraid of the cold in the end!"

Guiren Lin hurriedly waved his hands, "My concubine is still in the room right now, I feel like I don't dare to stretch out my hands. Not to mention that there are no obstacles on the sea, and the wind is even colder!"

Wanxi didn't make things difficult for Lin Guiren, and nodded with a smile, "Then I'll go out and build a snowman first. If you think it's fun later, it's not too late to come out."

Lin Guiren lowered his head and tried his best to smile, "My concubine will leave first."

Wanxi watched Guiren Lin's back, turned her head and asked Yurui, "... Guiren Lin, what's the matter?"

Yu Rui stepped forward and said, "Your servant is watching, Lin Guiren seems to be hesitant to speak. She took the initiative to report to the master today. She also said before that she wanted to make a contribution to the master, but it is a pity that the master has already deduced it. She Very disappointed."

Wanxi nodded, "She must have something to ask of me. But seeing that I already knew something, she didn't have the nerve to say it."

Wanxi ordered, "Try to ask your Ama to help me find out if there is something wrong with Mrs. Lin's family."
Watching Lin Guiren's back go away, Wanxi went out and walked in the direction of Haizi.

I don't want a figure flashing outside the door.

Wanxi's eyes fell on the light-like shadow on the whitewashed wall, and she stopped in her tracks.

Knowing the interest, Yurui quickly knelt down and said, "This yard is small and quiet, and few people usually come here. There is only one entrance and exit in the whole yard, and the slave will guard it."

Yurui went, Wanxi took a deep breath, and said with a smile, "Sure enough, the status is getting more and more precious, even if I don't invite you, won't you come out?"

The figure on the whitewashed wall swayed and dispersed, like smoke blown in the wind.

Then a stone blue figure came into view.

Before the man greeted him, Wanxi nodded and smiled, "Master Jiu, long time no see."
Since returning from the southern tour in 16, Wanxi has been able to see Fu Long'an every day for more than a year, and has also met Jiu Fujin several times.It's just that on the contrary, he never met Master Jiu again.

The cool wind blew, blowing directly into the eyes, Fu Heng tried hard to laugh, but couldn't.

He could only raise his eyes suddenly, glanced at her very quickly, then lowered his head restrainedly.

"My servant greets Concubine Ling."

Wanxi snorted softly, "Here it comes again~ If Master Jiu still wants to talk like this today, then let's finish talking quickly, I'm still waiting for the snowball fight."

Fu Heng's face became hot, "Master Ling, slave..."

Wanxi finally put away her jokes and sighed softly, "Why is Jiu Ye so stupid? He came out wearing only a robe in this world of ice and snow? Doesn't Jiu Ye have a sable endmask at home?"

"I heard that the emperor bestowed academicians Shi Yizhi, Chen Shiguan, co-organizing academicians Acton, and Sun Jiagan with black fox caps... Could it be because the emperor didn't give them to Jiu Ye this year, so Jiu Ye simply played with the order to make money?" out?"

Wanxi's voice was clear and clear, and the words were like a string of pearls. She said this so wittily and pungently that Fu Heng was speechless again.

It has been more than 12 years since we met in Qianlong five years ago.From a Lanling bodyguard, he became the foreman bachelor and the chief of the military aircraft at this time.What kind of people have never met, what kind of words can't be said... But as soon as she stood in front of her, she was so stupid that she didn't know how to defend herself.

(End of this chapter)

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