Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1825: The Emperor's Nosy

Chapter 1825 Five Volumes 121 The Emperor's Nosy (4 More)
"If anyone in this palace harbors ill intentions towards our little master, Concubine Shu was the first in the row before, but Concubine Yu is now."

Dege's eyes were cold, and he glanced at Tana, "The servant is not only worried about the master, but also worried about our twelve elder brothers."

Nala nodded slightly, "You are right."
The queen kissed silkworms and went to Beihai temporarily, and the emperor also went to Heilongtan to pray for rain.

Wanxi stayed in the palace and took on the errand of Assistant Liugong.

Sooner or later, the east and west six palaces come to Wanxi to meet.

Because Chen Shiguan was a cabinet scholar in the previous court, Wanbi knew the affairs of the previous court sooner.Today, Hanxiao and Wanxi talked about two "idle things".

"The emperor made a decree last year that local officials are only allowed to mention the words 'outer Mongolia' and 'inland' in their memorials, and they are not allowed to emphasize the difference between Manchu and Han. Some officials still follow the old habit in their memorials, saying what happened to the Manchus , What happened to the Han people, and asked the emperor to order."

"It was the former son, E Rong'an, the governor of Liangjiang, and others, who said that there were some actors in the south of the Yangtze River who kept their hair privately. The emperor ordered a strict investigation, and E Rong'an searched the city of Suzhou, but found that it was just the actors wearing net scarves on their heads. .The net towel is made of real hair, so it looks like real hair."

"E Rong'an was afraid that he would be disadvantaged in his job, so he said that Fujian was afraid that such a thing would happen... The emperor laughed, and said to me when he was approving the papers, look at this Er Rong'an's office. The emperor said that it is not a big deal whether an actor grows hair or not, it is just for the sake of earning a living by singing operas. The emperor also said that there is no need to disturb or ask about it. The emperor also told him that as a minister, he should think of the big and the far away."

Wanxi listened quietly, but shook her head, "...I don't understand. Why are the emperor's edicts not like edicts, but rather like those literati's notes, scripts and scripts I have read before?" gone?"

Concubine Wan laughed, "It's a good thing to read the emperor's edict as if it were a storybook, and get interesting. But, I don't have the guts, you are the only one who dares to say this."

Wanxi lowered her head and quietly hid her smile, but she didn't say anything.

She understood that although the emperor was from Manchuria, he was quietly bridging the gap between Manchu and Han, and even faintly changed the standard of "shaving hair and changing clothes" when he entered the customs.While maintaining the cultural traditions of Manchuria, the emperor was promoting the integration of Manchu and Han.

Just like the emperor himself, he is good at horseback riding and archery, but he can usually wear Han Confucian shirts, write good calligraphy, and compose Chinese poems every day.

The culture of the Han family in the palace has never been so popular at this time.The emperor's obsession with sinology is already the clearest banner.

Under such circumstances, all the ministers of the court, China and Manchuria did not refuse to learn Chinese, and all Han ministers such as Zhang Tingyu and Chen Shiwan were proficient in Manchu.Just like Jiu Ye, who has learned Manchu and Mongolian since childhood, although he rarely writes Chinese poems, he can point out inappropriate words in Chinese poems with a touch of his hand.

It is actually the most difficult for Chinese people to scrutinize every word when composing poems. Jiuye can see this clearly, which shows that Sinology is actually already very advanced.

Concubine Wan patted Wanxi's hand with a smile, "...if the former dynasty, the status of the Han people was quietly raised; in the harem, who will benefit the most?"

The common people in this world, if they are based on their banner status, can be divided into: banner people and common people.

However, under the Eight Banners, there are Han troops, and under the flag of the House of Internal Affairs, there are people with the Han surname under the leadership of Manchuria Zuo.Therefore, most people in the world can't tell whether someone like Wanxi is a Bannerman or a Han Chinese.

Even in the eyes of the princes of the clan, Wanxi is like a Han girl.

(End of this chapter)

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