Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1826: Fire

Chapter 1826: Fire (122 more)
Wanxi is deliberately naughty.

"The ones who benefited from the harem are firstly the pure noble concubine, followed by Sister Chen, Sister Lu, Concubine Yi, Lin Guiren, Bai Changzai, Kui Changzai and other people with Han surnames who belong to the Eight Banners Han Army and the Manchurian Banner of the House of Internal Affairs. ~"

Wanbi could let her do it, she just nodded and smiled, "It's not an exaggeration to say that."

Yuqin spat, "Don't implicate me, I'm not a member of the flag, and I'm still a real Han girl."

Wanxi hurriedly hugged Yuqin, "...Don't worry, sister."

Yuqin didn't forget Wanxi's words, she just raised her eyes to look at Wanxi, "But if such news spreads, the empress will be the first to be unhappy; the empress dowager will be next."

Wanxi smiled and shook her head, "I'm not afraid. Anyway, I don't have children, so I can't threaten them with anything."

Concubine Wan also sighed softly, "That's true. If you have a child, I'm afraid that everyone in this palace who has given birth to a prince will regard you as an enemy."

Wanxi was slightly taken aback.

She knew about Nala's family earlier, so she didn't worry about what to do.It's just that when I think of Concubine Ruoyu, or even Concubine Chun and Concubine Jia who have been friends for a while, there will be a rift again, I feel a little inappropriate.

While talking, Mao Tuan'er from outside suddenly ran in with a flustered expression.

With Mao Tuan'er's temperament, nothing in the palace would make him like this.Wanxi hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

Mao Tuan'er knelt down and said, "Back to master... Yikun Palace is flooded!"
On April 19th of the [-]th year of Qianlong, the east side hall of Yikun Palace caught fire.

In this wooden palace, fire is the most terrible thing, but since the first day the Forbidden City was built, there have been many incidents of water leakage.

But it was Yikun Palace who was on fire at this moment, and everyone's hearts were raised in their throats.

Firstly, Yikun Palace is the empress' bedroom.And this time the queen is still kissing the silkworms at the silkworm altar but has not returned.

Second, the one that caught fire was the East Side Hall of Yikun Palace—the east is the most precious, and the "Emperor's New Favorite" Concubine Xin lived in the East Side Hall!
Third, because Nala family is about to return to the palace, the twelfth elder brother Yongzhen will be in Yikun Palace at this moment.

Four, because the location of Yikun Palace is just to the north of Yongshou Palace, and it is also close to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, so it is the confidant of the harem.Isn't it a big deal if there is water in this place!
At this time, the emperor and empress are not in the harem, and the empress dowager is staying in the Changchun Garden, so the Minister of Internal Affairs should not enter the palace to check.This burden fell on Wanxi's shoulders.

Wanxi hurriedly ordered someone to notify Gao Yu, the chief supervisor of the palace, and then rushed to Yikun Palace to check.

Yikun Palace and Yongshou Palace are next to each other, but Wanxi came faster than Gao Yu.
As soon as she entered Yikun Palace, the first thing Wanxi saw was Concubine Xin who was covered in fireworks.Concubine Xin was draped in a wet quilt, she was in a terrible state of distress, and she was crying like pear blossoms and rain.

Wanxi hurriedly stepped forward to support her, "Did you hurt my sister?"

Concubine Xin just cried, unable to speak.Le Rong and Yue Yi, the first-class ladies serving by Concubine Xin's side, hurriedly saluted and replied on their behalf, "...Returning to Master, our master was taking a nap at that moment. Because the heat is getting hotter, our master is also sleeping deeply. Although I didn’t call the fire to burn, but the thick smoke still choked in a lot. At this moment, the master’s voice is still hoarse, and he can’t speak.”

Wanxi squinted at the two women, "Where are you?"

Le Rong fell down, "The slave is lying on the wooden kang outside the green gauze cabinet, in case the master calls. It is also because of the heat that he fell asleep."

 This fire is also recorded in historical materials~
(End of this chapter)

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