Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1827 Volume 5 123 Auspicious Tank

Chapter 1827 Five Volumes 123 Auspicious Tank (6 More)
Le Yi said, "The slaves are laying colored thread outside the threshold. Because the Dragon Boat Festival is coming soon, Concubine Xin ordered the slaves to prepare some colorful thread in advance, each strand is mixed with color, and the results are neat. The Dragon Boat Festival is good." Useful. Because the errands on that line are the most labor-intensive, if you can't be sloppy, the servants will concentrate on it, and if you don't dare to be careless, you won't notice the accident."

Wanxi supported Concubine Xin herself, and comforted her softly, "...don't be afraid, you'll be fine."

Then he ordered Le Rong and Le Yi to fetch water for Concubine Xin to drink, and then called Chuan Tai Physician to come.

At this moment, Gao Yu also arrived, and stepped forward to plead guilty.

Wanxi turned around and walked to the bright room, squinting her eyes at Gao Yu, "...Who is watching the charcoal fire and the 'auspicious vat' in Yikun Palace?"

Those big water tanks are called "Menhai", commonly known as "auspicious tanks".

Eunuchs are responsible for the rough and strenuous work of burning charcoal in each palace and looking after the auspicious tank.

Gao Yu asked the eunuchs to talk back.

The eunuchs who were in charge of the charcoal fire all fell to the ground to argue, "...it is already April, and the charcoal fire in the sleeping hall has long been stopped. Even if the servants are in charge of the charcoal fire, they only care about the dining room and tea room. The fire must have nothing to do with the slaves."

"In this month, even the water tank is not afraid of freezing, so there is no need to set up a charcoal fire under the water tank like in winter. Therefore, there are no sparks in the ancient and modern side halls, even in the courtyard... I hope the master will check it out!"

The eunuchs were right, so Wanxi ordered them to step down, leaving only the chief eunuch in charge of the water tank, named Wang Shichen, to answer on his knees.
Wang Shichen knew that a catastrophe was imminent, so he kowtowed on the ground with snot and tears.

Gao Yu frowned, not as terrified as Hu Shijie's ice man, but whispered, "It's at this critical point, what's the use of crying? Just crying, not being able to speak clearly, makes you even more suspicious .”

"Even if you smashed your head, what's the use of it? Although the master is soft-hearted, the master has always been clear about rewards and punishments. If you have something to say, if you really made a mistake, smashing your head won't help; but if there is a grievance, you should first It's most important to be clear."

Wanxi couldn't help but look at Gao Yu quietly.

Wanxi asked slowly, "...is that auspicious vat you looked at?"

The palace is most afraid of fire, so there are auspicious tanks in each palace to catch rainwater and store water for fire fighting in case of fire.The water in the auspicious tank must not freeze in winter, and the bowl must not be empty in summer. Wang Shichen and two young eunuchs are responsible for storing the water in the auspicious tank.

Wang Shichen tried his best to listen to Gao Yu's persuasion, but he still couldn't help crying.

"The servant personally covers the auspicious tank in summer and covers it with cotton wool in winter; regardless of the seasons, he must check the water level in the tank every morning and evening... absolutely dare not be negligent.

Wanxi personally walked to the auspicious vat outside the palace gate.

The auspicious vats used in the East and West Six Palaces are not as large as those in the former courts such as the Hall of Supreme Harmony.The surface is not gilded, it is made of bronze.

Wanxi reached in to touch the wall of the vat, she turned her head and called Wang Shichen, "Feel it yourself, it's dry, it shows that when the fire started, there wasn't enough water in your vat."

Wang Shichen was terrified, and hurriedly lay down on the ground, sticking his head under the auspicious tank.

All the auspicious tanks in the palace are padded with stones at the bottom, and there is a gap between the stones, which is convenient for viewing the bottom of the tank.And the bottom of the cylinder is drilled with small holes, which is convenient for drainage and water change.This small hole is usually plugged and is only used when changing the water.

When Wang Shichen saw it, his face turned pale with fright, "...to change the water hole, I don't know when someone poked it open."

(End of this chapter)

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