Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1833: Forgiveness

Chapter 1833: Forgiveness (129 more)
In fact, let alone two hours, Wanxi begged for mercy four times in less than an hour.

Every time she begged for mercy, she wanted to drink water. She asked for water four times in total.

It was so dry, but I couldn't control it...

It was the end of April, and the heat was rising, so she opened her mouth to drink cold water for the first time.

But he asked the emperor to deny it, and asked someone to make tea, let it warm up, and then bring it in.

Warm tea doesn't quench your thirst, she didn't like it the most when she was a child.Either drink it cold, or drink it piping hot.

But at this moment, she still succumbed to the emperor's "forced pressure".
In the end, her voice became hoarse, and Wanxi lay in the emperor's arms, her face flushed like a glow.

He muttered softly, "...the palace is full of quadrangle courtyards, and the courtyard is full of sounds. The emperor is tossing like this, and the slaves' movements have spread, how can it be good?"

The emperor snorted, "Next time you give them cotton balls."

Wanxi burst out laughing, "I'm a slave in my own palace, it's fine, if I wronged my concubine Xin..."

The emperor heard that she was still mentioning his concubine Xin, so he raised his head and took a bite on her slender shoulder, "Say it again!"

Only then did Wanxi laugh, she got into the emperor's arms and shook her head lightly, "...The slave has been holding back since she served her in bed last October. She has been holding back for half a year, and the slave is only so reserved. Now, the emperor will allow this slave to keep his mouth shut for a while."

The emperor sighed faintly and hugged Wanxi tightly.

"Master understands. I'm just afraid that even if you say it, you will feel even more unhappy in your heart."

Wanxi shook her head vigorously, rubbing her hair back and forth in his arms.

"The servant has not forgotten his age... Even if it is delicious, but the age is here, how can I have the nerve to go endlessly with a girl ten years younger than me?"

"The slave will not hide his heart and hold grudges with the emperor. After I finish talking today, I will feel relieved once I have a good mouth."
The two lay side by side, and neither of them spoke for a long time.

The emperor just wrapped her fingers around the ends of her hair, and she scratched the palm of the emperor's palm with the tip of her nails.

"...Master, this servant still feels that the fire in Yikun Palace is aimed at Concubine Xin."

The emperor closed his eyes, "How do you say?"

Wanxi quietly raised her eyes, looking at the top of the tent.

The organdy gauze used above reflects the stars and moon outside the window and the lights inside the window. The light gathered above the head is weak but bright, faint but clear.

"The slave knows that there is a story about plotting against the emperor's heir in this palace. But the slave doesn't believe that someone has the guts to plot against the son. For thousands of years, the patriarchal clan has been awe-inspiring, and the concept that the son is Zhengshuo is deeply rooted. Counting the son, and plotting concubine to produce a prince, Absolutely not the same thing."

"The servant understands this truth, and everyone else understands it as well. Besides, no one in the harem knows what kind of person the emperor is? If there is even the slightest mistake, who wants to lose his mother and child, as well as the heads of his family?"

The emperor snorted softly, circling the ends of her hair, "...So, Concubine Xin was wronged?"

Wanxi nodded, "The servant only cares about who will benefit in the end after this incident."

"The calculations in this world can't escape this law—all the calculations should be for their own benefit; therefore, the person who gains the benefit in the end is the real mastermind."

The emperor turned over and held her down again, "Who will benefit the most, huh?"

Wanxi's throat became dry, numb and itchy again, she couldn't help moaning softly, and chuckled softly, "Look at this moment, I've become a slave myself."

(End of this chapter)

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