Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1834 Volume 5 130 Difficult to Chase

Chapter 1834 Five Volumes 130 Difficult to Chase (5 More)
Early the next morning, the emperor went to the Hall of Supreme Harmony to summon Xinke Scholars.

Wanxi thought about it, and went to Jingren Palace to visit Concubine Jia.

When Wanxi entered the door, she saw Concubine Jia with ginseng slices in her hand, and she seemed to be melting ginseng.

Wanxi felt an inexplicable twitch in her heart, and she couldn't help asking, "...it's the end of April, why does Sister Jia have to melt so much ginseng in this season?"

It's the end of April, the heat is hot, and the ginseng is very hot and nourishing. If it continues to melt like this, won't it be hot?

When Concubine Jia heard this, her face also turned sad.His eyes fell on his nails, which could never be restored to their pre-natal Yongxing appearance.

Wanxi also noticed, so she suppressed a sigh quietly, and said with a smile, "It is said that ginseng is precious, and the emperor gave it to the concubines, and there is a fixed quota every month. But sister Jia's family is always different. .With Emperor Taizong's decree, the ginseng from Sister Jia's family does not need to be obtained from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is sent directly from the family."

"It's the physique of other people. This season can't restrain ginseng, which will only increase the fire; but sister Jia probably grew up with ginseng in her mouth, and her physique is strong enough to restrain it."
Hearing Wanxi's reassuring words, Concubine Jia also smiled, and generously stretched out her hand to show Wanxi.

"I'm 14 years older than you, and I'm 42 now. Youth is getting farther and farther away from me, no matter how I keep it, I can't keep it."

"Sister Jia, don't say that." At this time, there was already someone ten years younger than Wanxi in the palace, and Wanxi also understood Jiagui Concubine's embarrassment at this moment.

Concubine Jia smiled indifferently, "I was unwilling to say such things before. But now I see it, after all, age is not forgiving. No matter how much ginseng you have, even when you are in your 30s, you can still resist the disease for a long time." Anti-wrinkle, but after forty, no amount of ginseng will work anymore.”

Wanxi comforted her with a smile, "Sister Jia said it herself, this situation happened after Yongxing was born. Since it was the birth of a child that made me have more wrinkles, as a woman, there is nothing to regret ?”

Concubine Jia finally smiled in relief, "You're right. For a woman's own child, let alone a few more wrinkles, even if she loses her own life, why hesitate!"

The light in a mother's eyes is always divine.Wanxi stared at Concubine Jia, gently suppressing her emotions.

The death of elder brother Jiu... She once doubted Concubine Jia herself.In the next few years, she was estranged from Concubine Jia.

At this time, maybe it was because of getting older, she looked back and recalled the events of the year, but although she still couldn't accept it, she could feel relieved.

In this harem, when the princes are competing with each other to the point where they almost forget their brotherhood... If Brother Jiu is alive, wouldn't it be extraordinarily difficult for Brother Jiu to live with his tainted brain?
Which mother can bear to see her child stared at and criticized; even if she goes to school in the future, she will be bullied by other children?
Wanxi put aside her thoughts, and asked with a smile, "Where's Yongxing? Be good or not?"
Qin Tianjian has come to report that both Yong Xing and Yong Xing have selected an auspicious time for vaccination.In the days before the auspicious time came, both Yong Xing and Yong Xing were allowed to return to their biological mother's bedroom, to spend more time with their mother.

(End of this chapter)

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