Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1835, Volume 5, 131 Tuogu

Chapter 1835 Five Volumes 131 Tuogu (6 more)
The fourth princess has grown up, and she has the dignified appearance of a big girl who is about to marry; Fulong'an can no longer walk in the inner palace because she is over ten years old, so Zi Wanxi's heart is empty at this moment.

Holding Yongxing, Wanxi naturally showed her true feelings.

Concubine Jia quietly watched from the side, for a long time, suddenly took Wanxi's hand and said, "...When Yongxuan was born, our mother and child's lives were saved by you; it was Brother Jiu, who was smoked." , and you discovered it too."

Concubine Jia took a deep breath, "If... I mean if, if I can't grow up with Yong Xing... Sister Ling, can I ask you to take care of Yong Xing?"

Wanxi was startled, and asked the nanny to carry Yongxing down, then grabbed Concubine Jia's hand, and said seriously, "Sister Jia, why bother to say such a thing?"

"So what if Sister Jia is over forty? Now that the Empress Dowager is over sixty years old, she is still in good health; Sister Jia, don't worry about such carelessness."

Concubine Jia smiled, and shook her head lightly, "No matter how far in the future, my request today is serious. Can my sister agree?"

Wanxi took a deep breath, "Sister Jia said this, how could I not want to? After all, I don't have children myself, and I like children, so I will definitely agree to Sister Jia."

"It's just that the emperor has always sent the little prince and princess to the palace of the concubine and concubine mother to be raised. We are always sent to the palace of concubine Qianmu... Concubine Qianmu gave birth to Prince Hongluo, who was born With the prince's experience, he must be able to take care of him more thoughtfully than me."

Concubine Qian was the favorite concubine of Emperor Yongzheng in his later years. She was a few years younger than the emperor, but she was about the same age as Concubine Jia.

Concubine Jia laughed, "I understand what you mean. It's just that I always feel that although Concubine Qianmu is about the same age as me, she will eventually grow old... If there is no one around Yongxing in the future, can you make my sister Remember my request today?"

Wanxi took a deep breath, "Sister Jia, don't worry, although I don't know if I will have the opportunity to raise Yongxing in the future, but I will do my best to take care of Yongxing just like I did in front of Sister Jia today."

Concubine Jia's heart dropped, and tears welled up in her eyes.

She grasped Wanxi's hand and shook it gently, "...I used to have many things that I was sorry for you. Back then, your horse..."

Wanxi shook her head, "It's been so many years, why did Sister Jia bother to mention it? Besides, I was not injured that time, and even said that the horse brought me the emperor and favor... I don't remember that Ma, of course I don't hold grudges against Sister Jia."

Concubine Jia nodded with tears in her eyes, "Yes, you are indeed such a person. If you hated me, you wouldn't help me when I gave birth to Yongxuan; brother Jiu was smoked by charcoal fire, and you wouldn't be the first a discovery."

Concubine Jia raised her eyes to look at Wanxi, "So, Yong Xing, who I am most worried about right now, in this palace, I can only be at ease by entrusting you to you."

Wanxi nodded vigorously, but shook her head again, "Sister Jia, don't think about it, the important thing is to take care of your body right now."
The two talked for a long time before Concubine Jia finally calmed down.

Concubine Jia stared at Wanxi, "You came today because you probably want to tell me something. You and I have confessed our feelings at this moment, so you can rest assured and tell me."

Wanxi lowered her head and chuckled, "Sure enough, nothing can be hidden from Sister Jia's eyes—the fire in Yikun Palace, I always feel somehow familiar..."

Concubine Jia narrowed her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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