Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1854 Chapter 5 Volume 150

Chapter 1854 Five Volumes 150 (2 More)
What Concubine Xin said so well, both Wanxi and Concubine Chun were stunned at the same time.

Concubine Chun couldn't help laughing loudly.

"Sister Xin, what are you talking about? I really can't understand a single word!"

Concubine Xin smiled and winked at the two of them, showing playfulness and cuteness.

"I can't complain that Sister Chun and Sister Ling are on good terms. Even when it comes to helping me, they always do the same thing. Sister Ling helps me secretly and refuses to let me know; it turns out that Sister Chun is the same!"

"Sister Chun and Sister Ling are such people, and my younger sister likes and admires them even more. From now on, I will be sincere and friendly with the two sisters!"

Wanxi finally couldn't help raising her hand and pressed the center of her eyebrows.

Concubine Chun simply turned away, walked back and sat down.

"I really don't know how to say this."

Concubine Xin blessed Fushen with a smile, "Naturally, it was the little sister who was hurt by the rumors of the lunar eclipse - it reminded my sister of the story of 'White Deer Carrying the Moon', and Sister Chun even reminded my little sister, Prince Zhuang Fujin It's gone..."

"So what?" Concubine Chun raised her eyes and stared at Concubine Xin with a faint smile, "I can't see that there is any connection between these two things."

Concubine Xin leaned over with a smile, and snuggled up to Concubine Chun's chair.

"...Prince Zhuang Yunlu, nicknamed 'Master Aiyue'. The person Prince Zhuang loves must be Prince Zhuang Fujin."

"Prince Zhuang Fujin is dead... This will naturally correspond to the lunar eclipse. Besides, even if the lunar eclipse can be used to deal with the affairs of the harem, this Prince Fujin is also very valuable to the clan. If it is judged by the moon, it is naturally worthy of it!"

Concubine Xin happily bowed her knees to Concubine Chun again.

"It's just that I didn't make my sister's good idea of ​​'white deer carrying the moon'. The younger sister can also dispel the rumors of the lunar eclipse with the suggestion of Chunjie at this moment!"

Concubine Chun herself was tongue-tied, she could only turn her eyes to Wanxi again.

Concubine Xin, on the other hand, was delighted to meet Chao Wanxi and Concubine Chun again, "Little sister, I would like to thank the two sisters for their love! It is said that people in the harem are unpredictable, but the younger sister has the sincerity of the two sisters, so from now on There will be nothing to fear from now on!"
Concubine Xin finally left first.

Wanxi and Concubine Chun looked at each other with wry smiles and shook their heads.

"I have been in the palace for 20 years, and this is really the first time I have seen something like this!" Concubine Chun was really dumbfounded.

Wanxi also sighed, "Little sister never thought that such a princess with a yellow flag, the daughter of the governor of seven provinces, would have such a temper."

Concubine Chun sneered, "You and I are both Han surnamed, but today you have received so many gifts from this Manchurian man with a yellow flag inlaid with yellow flags. Does that mean he has condescended?"

The light in Wanxi's eyes lightly flowed, reflected in the faint night.

"Compared with her, I would rather like Concubine Shu when she first entered the palace."

"Gege, who was born noble, should always have a bit of noble character, what does Sister Chun say?"

Concubine Chun slightly frowned, "I'm afraid that no matter what the two of us say in the future, she will talk to herself and say that we are helping her."

"We obviously didn't say anything or do anything, but she has the ability to implicate her in everything she says. And it sounds like she's so clever!"

Wanxi lowered her head.

"She's smart, very smart. Besides, she's still young, so it's easier for people to believe her when she speaks and does things that make people feel innocent and cute."

"Besides, she is willing to be so 'condescending' and doesn't put on airs to anyone, which is even more remarkable."

(End of this chapter)

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