Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1855 Chapter 5 Volume 151

Chapter 1855 Five Volumes 151 (3 More)
In September, the emperor left Jilin, paid homage to the ancestral mausoleum again in the south, visited Hetuala, the capital city, and returned to Shengjing via Fushun.

At this point, the emperor paid homage to the ancestral mausoleum, and the emperor rewarded all the accompanying personnel.Since the princes and ministers have surrendered, even the accompanying Baitang, soldiers and eunuchs have been rewarded with one month's money and food.All officials from Zhili, Fengtian, Shengjing and other places, enga level.

The emperor also decreed in Shengjing that the banner alliance led by the surrendered Amur Sana was named "Huite Erdenino Yanbu".

Since then, I have paid homage to the ancestral mausoleum and sought the blessings of the ancestors; I have seen the princes of various Mongolian tribes Taijizasak; and the tasks of all the Mongolian tribes attached to Erut have been completed.The plan to use troops in Junggar has already been laid.

On Jiawu day in September, the emperor returned to Luan from Shengjing with the empress dowager.

Return to the palace in October.

This time the east tour, from May to October, everyone is exhausted.When I got back to the palace, I wanted to have a good rest and prepare for the Empress Dowager's birthday and New Year's Eve.

After the emperor returned to the palace, he passed on the group of people in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and reviewed the top three martial arts candidates, a total of 59 people.

After Chuanlu, it was the Qianqingmen who listened to the government.

Then there will be the winter solstice in the southern suburbs on the ninth day of November...

What surprised even the harem was that the emperor made another decree that on the tenth day of November, after the winter solstice ceremony, the emperor would get up again and drive to Rehe Mountain Resort.
The Summer Resort, as the name suggests, is the place where emperors spend their summer vacations.

In November, the emperor will come again, which has never happened in the 19 years since the emperor ascended the throne.

What's more, the empress dowager has a holy birthday in November, and the emperor is extremely filial. In the past, she would personally hold the birthday ceremony for her mother every November.But this year, even this had to be temporarily abandoned.

"The emperor must have something important to do."

Faced with panic, Wanxi softly comforted Yuqin, Concubine Ying and the others.

Since the 16th year of Qianlong's southern tour, the emperor took all the harem he could bring, and went all the way south to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the south of the Yangtze River.Just like the previous visits to Mulan and Shengjing to visit the ancestral mausoleum, the emperor only brought six people from the harem with him.

And every time the emperor travels, he must be accompanied by the empress dowager; the empress has to take care of the empress dowager herself, so she has a fixed quota.Therefore, there are only five people left for the chauffeurs of Dongxi Liugong Guess.

This time when visiting the Mausoleum in Shengjing, apart from the Queen, Concubine Chun, Concubine Jia, Wanxi, Concubine Xin, nobleman Shen and others, not even Yuqin accompanied her.

"It's just that at this moment, I never thought that the emperor would go out of the palace in November to go to the summer resort." Yuqin sighed softly, "It will take five months for the emperor to take you away this time. Those who were left in the palace finally saw the emperor, and the emperor wanted to leave again."

"Naturally some people can't help but guess, this time the emperor suddenly goes to the summer resort, who will he take with him?"

While talking, Nala finally came to the main hall from the apse without haste and sat down.

"The sisters came to greet me so early in the morning. I also know that the sisters are the ones who are waiting for the emperor to take him to the summer resort."

Wanxi raised her eyes and looked at the queen quietly.

The corners of Nala's eyes and brows were slightly disappointed.

Concubine Xin smiled sweetly and took Wanxi's arm, "Whether others go or not, sister Ling will definitely go!"

Wanxi lowered her eyes lightly, "My sister really wants to go, doesn't she?"

(End of this chapter)

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