Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1869: Salary Drawdown

Chapter 1869 Five Volumes 166 Salary Drawdown (8 More)
Seeing Wanxi like this, the tip of Yuhu's nose is also sore.

"It's all the slave's fault. We finally met each other, and the slave made the master sad again."

Wanxi lowered her head, holding the hand of the jade pot.

"I don't have any sisters. After getting along with you all these years, I regard you as my big sister. Even though we are separated by the palace wall, you are still in the capital anyway, so it is not easy for me to see you." You can still get news about you through Jiuye and Jiufujin."

"If you leave here, the snowy land is so far away... If I miss you, how can I see you?"

Yuhu finally wept, got up and knelt down in front of Wanxi.

"The slave is not leaving... Even in the future, when Lunzhu grows up, he will be the master."

"Master, don't worry, the slave stays in Jiuye's mansion, at least it can balance the hearts of the Fujins. Jiuye and the master have a deep friendship, and everything in Jiuye's mansion is closely related to the master. But as long as there is a slave in Jiuye's mansion for a day , the master can rest assured that the slave will definitely not make a commotion in Master Jiu's back house."

Although Wanxi has the emperor's will, she can come out of the palace, but there is always a limit to the time she can spend outside the palace.

Fujin, who was accompanied by an internal officer from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, went in and asked for an order, saying that the time had come and it was time to return to the palace.

Only then did Wanxi shed tears to say goodbye to Yuhu.
This November, the emperor summoned Amursana, Prince of the Huite Tribe, at the Summer Resort; and at the Summer Resort, he formally sent an order to the Junggar Tribe to suppress the Junggar Great Khan Dawazi.It has been recorded that the Junggar tribe has been rebellious and repeatedly resisted the imperial court for decades.As for the Junggar Khan, from Darzha it was usurped by the concubine, and when it reached Waqi, it was usurped by the servants again. The emperor decided to sue on behalf of the heavens and wipe out the rebellion.

"Today, there are two divisions for Erzhong. The north route ordered the generals Bandi and Amursana. The west route ordered the generals Yongchang and Salal. Lead the troops forward and put down the Zhunbu. Announcement for this."

The matter of the emperor's use of troops was finally decided by the emperor's sacred heart after a year of swinging by the ministers of the former court.
After issuing the edict, the emperor returned to Luan from the Summer Resort.

Wanxi took advantage of the more than ten days in the palace to urge the Ministry of Internal Affairs to complete the repair of the East Side Hall of Yikun Palace.When Concubine Xin returned to the palace, Wanxi had already sent all of Concubine Xin's belongings back to Yikun Palace.

Even Concubine Xin came back directly to Yongshou Palace, but saw that the walls were empty, knowing that there was no way around it, so she resentfully moved back to Yikun Palace.

It was also about repairing the Yikun Palace, but Wanxi was not in a hurry to urge the Ministry of Internal Affairs to repair the apse where the empress lived.Nalashi got his wish and still lived in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Wanxi's success in this matter satisfied Nala's family.It is rare for Nala to allocate 100 taels more from his own body in the rewards of the next year, and the rewards are given to Wanxi.

The relationship between Nala and Wanxi, after all these years of turmoil in the harem, has now reached an unprecedented period of peace.
Concubine Xin resentfully returned to Yikun Palace, sat in the side hall, glanced at the apse through the palm-sized piece of glass in the middle of the window, and couldn't help laughing.

"It's also the bedroom of the Queen's master. Even though it hasn't been overfired, the outer wall has been blackened. If the House of Internal Affairs is repairing, it should be repaired first, right? Why don't you leave the Queen's room and don't repair it? Hurry up first." Hastily repaired all my supporting halls?"

Le Rong said in a low voice, "...the Ministry of Internal Affairs knows that the master is favored."

Concubine Xin lowered her eyes lightly, "I don't know who is in charge of the Minister of Internal Affairs at this moment."

Leyi stepped forward and said, "...there is a woman named Yurui in Lingfei's palace, she is protected by Amade. In September last year, she became the minister in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs again."

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(End of this chapter)

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