Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1870, Volume 5, 168 I must be with her

Chapter 1870 Five Volumes 168 I Must Be With Her (1 More)
Concubine Xin couldn't help raising her eyebrows, "September last year? Come to think of it, it's a coincidence~
On July [-]th last year, she just entered the palace; on July [-]th, she was conferred the title of concubine.

"All the food, drinking and clothing of the royal family are under the control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The minister in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is the chief steward of the royal family. Before entering the palace, I also paid attention to the appointment and dismissal of the minister in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

Concubine Xin's eyes were light, showing a calmness and maturity beyond her years.

"This Debao has the lowest qualifications among the ministers in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He was once convicted and dismissed. I didn't expect to return to this position so soon."

Concubine Xin raised her gaze, "I never thought that the day of his reinstatement would happen to be such a coincidence."

Le Rong lowered his head and thought for a while, then said softly, "... this Debao is obviously in the same vein as Yongshou Palace. The servants have also inquired about it. When Debao was dismissed, it was the queen who caught his fault. In this palace , the only one who can overthrow the queen's will is the emperor."

"From my slave's point of view, I'm afraid that after Debao was dismissed, the imperial concubine Ling spoke all kinds of good words in front of the emperor."

Concubine Xin lowered her eyes and nodded, "It's only natural for Concubine Ling to do this. Considering that her father and brother are in a low position in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, she finally has such a relying power as Debao in the palace, how could she be willing to give up. "

There was no displeasure on Concubine Xin's face, but she smiled lightly, "If I were Concubine Ling, I would do the same."
Le Yi and Le Rong looked at each other, stepped forward and said softly, "...De is in charge of the affairs of the Old Summer Palace and the maintenance of the palace. This time, the repairs in our palace have become more and more solid. The concubine did it on purpose."

"Based on the relationship between the concubine Ling and the empress over the years, the servant never thought that the concubine Ling would abandon us, and instead get close to the empress."

Concubine Xin lowered her head with a smile, "Yeah, we've miscalculated after all. The palace is the palace, and if we make preparations outside the palace, it will inevitably be difficult to put ourselves in the same shoes."

"Even though my family managed to invite so many women and nuns who went out of the palace, I was told to learn the rules of the palace since I was a child... It's not that those women and nuns hired by the family are useless, but the palace is really kind. Just like the concubine Ling and the empress, who would have thought that concubine Ling would wrong herself and stand with the empress?"

Before entering the palace, Concubine Xin had a good understanding of the situation in the palace.She is so innocent, and she is a newcomer in the palace, as long as she is willing to take the initiative to rely on everything, she thinks that it is inevitable for her to form an alliance with Concubine Ling.

"Besides, I was smoked and burnt in the Yikun Palace, and I almost hurt my foundation. All this is so similar to what she experienced in the palace back then... The so-called sympathy for the same disease can always make people have a heart of alliance, but it doesn't After thinking about that fire, something went against my will."

Yue Yi frowned and lowered her head, "...Then master, do we have to adjust according to the situation?"

Concubine Xin was not in a hurry, she lowered her head with a smile and thought for a while.

"No rush. Concubine Ling doesn't have to be nice to me, but I just want to be nice to her."

"Yongshou Palace, although I can't live anymore; but when I see Tian'er going to accompany her, why is she embarrassed to close the palace door and not see me?"

Concubine Xin looked out of the window.

"I am Gege from the Yellow Banner, and I am the daughter of the governor of the seven provinces. After I entered the palace, I never thought of wasting my whole life on the position of concubine or concubine. Now that the empress has a son, she is destined to be a concubine." Our formidable enemy is Concubine Ling, and there is nothing to argue with her."

(End of this chapter)

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