Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1929, Volume 5, 226

1929 Chapter 226 Volume [-] Shenglian
This night, she felt distressed.

I feel sorry for the emperor and her fourth master.

A tall and always high-spirited man, at this moment, he has to swallow all kinds of pain alone.

She also felt sorry for important court officials and famous generals like Fu Erye and Bandi.In order to defend the territory, in order to live up to the entrustment of the emperor and the court, he can die so generously and with all his loyalty.

But she didn't shrink back because of the pain.

She wanted him to know that no matter when, he was not alone, and she was by his side.

He wanted to silently remind him that as the emperor to rule the world, it is not absolutely impossible to be vulnerable for a while.If he is tired, if he also wants to escape for a while, then come to her... She will accept all of him, and she will hide all his fragile bits completely, and will never let outsiders see.

She wanted him to sleep well next to her.

Wake up, recharge your batteries, and regain your ambition tomorrow.He still has to command thousands of troops to pacify Junggar for the second time!

The territory cannot be lost, and China cannot be shaken! .
He couldn't stop, as if it was the sixth year of Qianlong in a trance, the year when he finally restarted the Autumn Ceremony after the 13th year of the first emperor's siege.

Even that year, he didn't do everything to the end, but he already had the complete of her.

Time has passed so many years, she has grown from a little girl under the age of 14 to a mature woman who is nearly 30 years old now, but when he leans on her in this subject, no matter how many years the time has not gone far.

She is still her, he is still him.
When he roared out again.

And she saw again tonight in the Garden of Ten Thousand Trees, the fireworks that soared into the night sky, shining brighter than the stars.

The fire show this night was in full bloom in front of the yurt on the grassland; the audience of the fire show tonight was the princes of various Mongolian ministries.

Tonight's fireworks, in her body, finally gathered and bloomed into a huge lotus.

The golden light is shining, and the brilliance is shining.

Reflect the night world, illuminate the night of the royal simulated grassland.

Wanxi was so tired that she had no energy to open her eyes, and when the golden lotus was blooming, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.
In October, Emperor Shengjia returned to the palace.

Dawaqi and his son were also escorted from Zhangjiakou to the capital.

The emperor presented prisoners at the Meridian Gate Square.

The emperor drove from the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and the golden cymbals rang together;

The emperor sat upright on the main tower of the Meridian Gate, and the bright yellow umbrella under the tower covered the sky and the sun; the rest of the honor guards lined up from the Meridian Gate Tower to Tiananmen.

The majesty of the emperor descended from the sky.

Dawaqi and his son tied white ropes around their necks. They were led by the officers of the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Punishment. They entered through the right gate of Tianan, knelt down on the ground under the Meridian Gate, and kowtowed upward.

The officials counted the evidence of Dawaqi and his son's crimes, and Dawaqi and his son pleaded guilty on the ground, begging for the emperor's grace.

The emperor ordered that in the first battle to pacify Dawaqi, the leader of the Erut tribe who surrendered and then rebelled, Balang and others beheaded.

Blood poured down on the ground, Dawaqi and his son trembled.

The emperor sat on the top of the tower, squinted at the Dawaqi father and son who kowtowed and prayed for grace, and said loudly, "... Dawaqi father and son are in charge of the vassal court, please discuss it strictly."
Prisoners were presented outside the Meridian Gate, but the sound of golden cymbals and drum music also spread into the harem.

The loud tremor made the harem's heart tremble and uneasy.

"Wanxi, do you think the emperor will kill Dawaqi?" Yuqin asked softly.

Wanxi lowered her head, her eyes gliding across Xianggui's face.

Since entering the palace, Mr. Xianggui has been very law-abiding, and usually only stays behind closed doors in his own palace.

But today, Mrs. Xiang took concubine Ying, and came to greet Wanxi together.

"If Dawaqi's crime is committed, he should be severely punished. The imperial court raised two armies this time, mobilized [-] soldiers and horses, and had so much food, grass, and supplies along the way. The imperial court spent tens of thousands of gold to put down Dawaqi as the leader. Just because of this, Dawaqi deserves to die."

"The two northwestern armies of the Kuang court have arrived. If Dawaqi has the slightest remorse, he should open the city gate and ask for surrender. But instead of surrendering, Dawaqi led his troops and fled. Such a person, the emperor should be beheaded." .”

Wanxi spoke eloquently, but her gaze never left Xianggui.

Sure enough, Mr. Xianggui turned pale.

"It's just... how can the emperor's grace be something that our petty minds can figure out? Just like Luo Bu Zang Danjin, who has been in hiding for more than [-] years, the emperor can forgive him. Sincerely surrender to the imperial court, with the emperor's benevolent heart, everything is beyond what us women and Taoists can say."

Xianggui Zifang seemed to be faintly relieved at this moment.

Wanxi silently met Concubine Ying's eyes, got up and walked over to sit down next to Mr. Xiang, and reached out to pat Mr. Xiang's hand.department officials

"So at this moment, whether Dawaqi is alive or not, whether the Zaisang who follow Dawaqi can survive depends on their sincerity. If there is sincerity, there is still hope for everything. Even if this meeting is already Prisoners are presented, but as usual, the emperor always asks the officials of the Li Fanyuan to discuss the matter first—the emperor handed Dawaqi to the Fan Yuan, not the Ministry of War, nor the Ministry of Punishment..."

"That is to say, whether or not Dawazi should be punished, and what kind of crime he should be punished, it's still too late for him to wake up."
Concubine Ying comes from the Eight Banners of Mongolia, and Ama is the post of the capital.Although there are still differences between the Eight Banners Mongolia and the Outer Fan Mongolia, they are all Mongolians.Concubine Ying also came over and sat down on the other side of Mr. Xianggui.

"Last year, Amursana came to surrender and reported all the most important information about Dawaqi to the court. The emperor was grateful for Amursana's sincerity, so he bestowed him the title of Prince. Give the salary to the twin princes of Amursana."

As Concubine Ying said, her eyes glinted quietly at Wanxi.

Wanxi nodded and smiled at Concubine Ying.

Concubine Ying was even more relieved, and continued to say boldly, "... If the imperial court conquered Dawaqi, it was to punish him for the crime of killing the master's son while being a servant. This is the duty of the emperor to protect the four directions. .The emperor has no personal enmity with Dawazi."

"Amursana is different. Amursana and Dawaqi fought for power, and Dawaqi became the Great Khan of Junggar, so he had no choice but to surrender to the court."

"At this moment, Amursana fled back to the northwest. With the support of Russia, he established himself as a great khan in Tacheng! He told various ministries that he did not surrender to the imperial court, but he just defeated Dawa with the help of 'Chinese soldiers' It’s just Qi. It can be seen that when Amursana came to surrender to the court, it was not sincere at all, and all he did was to continue to compete with Amursana for power.”

Although Xianggui's face was still calm, his fingertips were already quietly clenching his sleeves tightly.

Wanxi noticed, raised her eyes and quietly signaled to Concubine Ying.

Concubine Ying's confidence soared, she reached out and grabbed Mr. Xiang's hand.

"Amursana can rely on betraying Dawaqi, claiming merit from the court, and getting the salary of the two princes; at this time Dawaqi has been escorted to Beijing, and he must be punished. Life and death are already on the line...At this time Dawaqi If you want to live, you must pay off your merits. Why can't Nadawazi tell the court everything about Amursana?"
In the evening, the emperor finally came back.

Wanxi stood far away at the gate of the palace, looked at him and smiled.

The emperor raised his eyebrows, "Last time, I said that it was because I rarely saw me wearing a dragon robe and gown. It's so energetic, but after just three months, it feels fresh again, right?"

Wan Xi shook her head with a smile, "I feel that the emperor is truly blessed. As the emperor, how many people have never performed such a grand ceremony of presenting captives in their entire lives, but the emperor has done it twice in the past three months."

"One of them was someone who was never captured by the late emperor. What's more, the pacification of Junggar was a great cause that the two generations of lords, Kangxi and Yongzheng, failed to accomplish... From this, it can be seen that the emperor's martial arts and blessings are even better than Kangxi's. Grandpa and Grandpa Yongzheng go for two generations. As the saying goes, blue comes from blue."

The emperor stared at Wanxi, and finally couldn't help smiling.

At this time, Amur Sana has established himself as the Great Khan of Junggar in the northwest, and with the support of Russia, the chaos has already begun.But what his little slave said to him at this moment was victory, a gift of captives, and an achievement surpassing that of the previous two generations.

She didn't seem to worry at all that he couldn't win.

He couldn't help but walked over and took Wanxi into his arms.

"What are you busy with today?"

Wanxi lowered her eyes and smiled, "I'm not busy with anything, just the sisters gathered together to talk. This time, the slaves are walking around with the emperor, and Sister Lu and Sister Chen all come to visit."

Wanxi's wonderful eyes turned lightly, "... Even Mr. Xiang, who has always lived in seclusion since entering the palace, has come. This is the first time this slave has come closer to see Mr. Xiang."

The emperor couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Wanxi smiled softly, "Concubine Ying and Mrs. Xiang have talked for a long time today. Concubine Ying said that Amur Sana betrayed Dawaqi and won the trust of the court. Qi should ask Zhan, why can't Dawazi tell the court the truth about Amur Sana?"

Wanxi tugged at the sleeve of the emperor's robe lightly, "In this case, it would be inappropriate for me to change the empress. However, Concubine Ying was born in the Eight Banners of Mongolia, and Ama is a capital, and her status is also valuable, so this statement If she said it, Mrs. Xiang really listened."

Wanxi tilted her head and smiled, "The emperor said, is Concubine Ying smart?"

The emperor couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly, "You actually thought of starting from Mr. Xianggui?"

Wan Xi hurriedly shook her head, "The emperor misunderstood, this has nothing to do with the slaves, it's all a good idea of ​​the concubine Ying's sister."

The emperor snorted softly, but still asked, "How do you know that Dawaqi refused to return after being persuaded by the Minister of War?"

Wanxi lowered her head and chuckled, "The emperor has already offered the prisoner gift, and Dawaqi's life and death were hanging by a thread, but he didn't return to his heart before offering the prisoner gift... The slave guessed that he might not surrender to the minister. "

Wanxi's eyes rolled slightly.

"It's not surprising. Dawaqi is a Mongolian man after all. He advocates bravery and would rather die than surrender. Just like Fu Erye and Bandi, when it is urgent, he would rather die."

"Besides, he is a Taiji, and he used to be the Great Khan of Junggar. He is the opponent of the emperor's military use this time. He regards himself as an equal to the emperor. At this time, his life and death are related to his reputation in his life, and it is related to the opinions of the various ministries of Junggar. He naturally Do not surrender easily."

The emperor nodded, "That's right, he would rather die."

Wanxi lowered her eyes and smiled, "But it's interesting to go to heaven, and the men born with iron bones have a soft heart. What the ministers of the former court could not do, the slaves in the harem may be able to do it."

The emperor narrowed his eyes slightly, "So, you have already guessed the identity of Mr. Xiang?"

Wanxi smiled softly, "Mr. Xianggui is not selected by a serious woman to enter the palace. She entered the palace wearing the clothes of an Erut Mongolian woman. Besides, at that moment, the emperor was planning to send troops to the Northwest... Although the emperor never stated her family background, Why can't this servant guess that she is probably from the former Junggar tribe who came to surrender?"

"Xianggui was appointed as a nobleman when he first entered the palace. The slaves thought that the minimum of Xianggui's Ama was the Zaisang who came from the tribe of Dajungar. Since Dawaqi was the Great Khan of Junggar and controlled the tribes of Erut, then these Zaisang was once Dawazi's subordinate."

"Zai Sang" is called "Prime Minister" in the sound of Han Dynasty. The position is also similar, but it is an official in charge of an administration under Taiji. It is also appropriate for Zai Sang's daughter to enter the palace and be named a nobleman.

"After Mr. Xianggui entered the palace, the emperor deliberately did not mention Mr. Xiang's family background, and Mr. Xiang lived in seclusion and rarely interacted with others, so they all confirmed the conjecture of the slave..."

Wanxi raised her eyes and smiled, "The emperor said, is the servant's guess right?"
The emperor snorted softly with a smile, "In this harem, it's really hard to hide anything from you now!"

Wanxi shook her head slightly, "In this harem, if you know more, you may have more right and wrong. The servant would rather know less~"

The emperor grabbed Wanxi's hand, "Master understands, you are not thinking about this for yourself or for your family. You are doing it for your master, for the court, and for the Qing Dynasty!"

Wanxi lowered her head and chuckled, and held the emperor's hand instead, "...why did the Lord praise the servant again? The servant told the Lord just now, if this thing can be done today, it is also due to the contribution of the concubine Ying. After all, only Sister Ying Concubine can say this, and the slave is a Han surname, even if I say it, Xianggui is not at ease."

The emperor nodded with a smile, "I remember it! Don't worry, the Lord will never forget Concubine Ying's achievement."

Wanxi stared happily, "Next, I would like to ask the emperor to be merciful. At least let Mr. Xiang's Ama enter the palace to pay respects to Mr. Xiang?"

Only when Xianggui's father and daughter meet, can Xianggui speak those words, and then pass them on to Dawaqi through her father who is Zaisang.

The emperor immediately went back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to make arrangements, and Wanxi sent it to the gate of the palace.

There are only two steps in front of Yongshou Gate, and there are the auspicious gate and Ruyi gate at the back gate of the Hall of Mental Cultivation.But even though they are so close, every time Wanxi arrives at the door of Yongshou, she still has a heart of reluctance.

The emperor also seems to understand Wanxi's heart, or the emperor himself has the same mood as Wanxi - when he walks into the auspicious gate, he still stops and looks back, and then smiles at Wanxi.

Wanxi turned around with a smile, pretending not to care, but accidentally saw the crabapple tree in front of the main hall first.

Suddenly sour water came out from the tip of her tongue—I really want to eat that sour and sweet crabapple fruit!
The figure of the emperor finally disappeared into the Hall of Mental Cultivation, so Wanxi turned around, took Mao Tuan'er and two young eunuchs with her, and dug the jar of pickled crabapple fruit under the crabapple tree together.

It's almost November, and it's winter in the capital.The soil under the crabapple tree was a bit frozen, even the two young eunuchs struggled to plan it with a flower hoe, and when the jar was dug out, the foreheads of the two young eunuchs were covered with sweat.

Rao was the two young eunuchs working hard, but Wanxi was still in a hurry.Looking at it with the stove in hand, his mouth is already smacking because he is thinking about the taste of the crabapple fruit.

Yu Ye looked at the master and smiled, "I haven't seen the master so greedy for so many years... The slave remembers the last time, when we were young, we went to climb the green osmanthus tree to collect honey. No matter how we burn the leaves Burn it to smoke the bees, but the bees will not be fooled and will not leave the nest. The master said that the honey in the hive must be plentiful and good.”

"It was that time, the master was so anxious that his mouth became hungry..."

Wanxi blinked hurriedly, signaling Yuye to stop talking.

Yurui, Yuhan and the others suppressed their laughter and pretended not to hear them.

Yu Ye also laughed, "I don't know why the master suddenly became greedy for this crabapple fruit this time? The master led the slaves to pickle the crabapple fruit every year. Although the master made it himself, it was better than the one from the House of Internal Affairs. It’s delicious, but it’s not a rare item after all.”

"Besides, the master said before that this candied crabapple fruit is the best when it is pickled in July, and it tastes best when it comes out at the end of the year, so that the sugar can cover up the sour taste; and it has only been three months. , even if it comes out, it's still sour. The master likes sweet and not sour~"
Yuye talked lively alone, and everyone listened and laughed.But after hearing the last sentence, Yurui, Yuhan and the others couldn't help but look up and look towards Wanxi.

In this harem, the master's fate is the slave's fate, so everyone in Yongshou Palace, like Wanxi herself, has waited too long for the news of the happy event.

Even if there is such a little trouble, I can't help but yearn for it.

Wanxi also realized that something was wrong, her face was already red, and she hurriedly waved to everyone, "Look, it's all because of this idea of ​​crabapple fruit! When I first picked crabapple fruit in July, Jiu Fujin misunderstood it ; Now you are also thinking about it together."

"If I knew I was calling you this way, I really shouldn't be greedy."
This kind of expectation has been too many years and too many times.

And for so many years, so many times, in the end it all failed.

This time, no one dared to think too much. Hearing what Wanxi said, they all smiled and said, "Master, don't worry, the servants don't think about anything."

Then everyone completely suppressed that thought.
In November, the good news finally came that the emperor pardoned Dawazi.

Not only was he pardoned, but the emperor also granted Dawaqi the title of prince and the second capital, and chose the daughter of the clan to marry Dawaqi.

A few months ago, he was the number one enemy of the imperial court, but now he is the prince and consort.Such a change made outsiders only think of the majesty of the court and made all nations submit.No one knows that there was a harem who made meritorious deeds.

It was also in November that the imperial army went out again.The battle to put down Amursana has begun.
In November, there will be the Empress Dowager's birthday, and in December, because Nala's birth is imminent, the burden on Wanxi's shoulders will be heavier than in previous years.

Especially this year, the battle to pacify Amursana has just started, and the imperial court has just celebrated the victory of pacifying Junggar. Wanxi must be more careful not to show any tension, but to be the same as before Amursana's rebellion. beaming.

Because of this, this year she felt that her body was extremely heavy and her spirit was particularly prone to fatigue, but she managed to get through it with a smile on her face, so that people inside and outside the palace would not see it.

Outsiders can't see what's bothering Wanxi, so they can only see that Wanxi has lost weight.

After returning from the first southern tour in the 16th year of Qianlong, Wanxi was getting plump every year, but now she has lost weight, causing many people to ask her when they meet her.

Wanxi also only reasoned that it was due to the exhaustion of the journey and the horses and horses when she just returned from the siege with Mulan in October.

When asked by Wanpin, Yuqin and the others, since she couldn't prevaricate like outsiders, she also thought about it and said, maybe it was due to her exhaustion for a while.

She herself didn't have the slightest discomfort, except that she was greedy for two mouthfuls of honeydew crabapple every morning and evening, so she didn't call the imperial doctor to see her.

In November, taking advantage of the celebration of the pacification of Dawaqi, the empress dowager mentioned to the emperor about promoting Concubine Xin during her holy birthday.

"... As a concubine, since the death of Xiaoxian in the 13th year of Qianlong, there have been three people for seven years. According to the system, there should be four people in the concubine position."

"This year, Junggar was pacified, and concubine Xin gave birth to the sixth princess. If you, the emperor, make concubine Xin this year, it will be just right."

The emperor smiled faintly, "Huanger Nie's teaching is naturally reasonable. But my son thought that the concubine Xin gave birth to only a princess, and besides, she was directly promoted to concubine after entering the palace two years ago... So my son felt that, although the timing this year is Appropriate, the former court and the rear palace should be happy together, but it is not appropriate to enter into Concubine Xin at this time."

The empress dowager was not too surprised by her son's reaction.

After all, the shadow of Concubine Shu in front is still vivid in my mind.The son's reaction and expression at this time were exactly the same as back then.

What's more... Concubine Shu gave birth to the prince back then!

The empress dowager glanced at her son, and her expression became a little dull: "Concubine Xin gave birth to only a princess, which is naturally a bit regrettable. However, concubines other than Concubine Xin, Concubine Yi, Concubine Qing, and Concubine Ying have all lived for many years. No son. If you don’t make Concubine Xin a concubine, why don’t you make a childless concubine?”

 I finally finished writing this paragraph in the middle of the night on NO.15 of July, oh yeah!See you tomorrow~~Thank you for your monthly tickets, rewards and monthly tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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