Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1930 Chapter 5 Volume 227 Sadness and Joy

Chapter 1930 Five Volumes 227 Sadness and Joy ([-] words completed)
"Emperor, how many more examples of concubine concubine without son will you create?"

The emperor laughed, "Don't worry, my lord, why have you forgotten the queen? Gu Dai was a concubine back then, and she had no heirs. But her son made her the queen of the middle palace all the way. Do you think she was not only born Emperor's heir, and three in a row?"

"So my son thought, so what if I don't have a son and become a concubine? This is not a violation of the ancestral system, but it may be auspicious: after entering the confinement, even those who cannot have children for many years can be born one after another!"
As the empress dowager was over sixty years old, the attitude of the emperor when speaking in front of the empress dowager became more and more like "colorful clothes to entertain relatives".Even if it is bad, he can make it good if he has the ability to say it.

"You!" The empress dowager really couldn't laugh or cry.

It's just that the empress dowager didn't dare to take it lightly, and couldn't help but put on a straight face again.

"You said that the queen was a concubine without children, but her concubine is not considered extraordinary, let alone a special case! She is the side Fujin bestowed to you by your emperor's relatives, and the third palace of your first marriage. Concubine is also the first concubine after you ascended the throne, it is not the same thing as concubine after concubine!"

"In the same way, even though Huixian is a childless imperial concubine, she is also a noble concubine for the first time, and has not been promoted through the middle!"

The empress dowager squinted at the emperor.

"Emperor, in your harem, apart from the Nala family and the Gao family who were originally named concubines and noble concubines, the only concubines who were truly childless and conferred concubines were Ling Concubine and Shu Concubine. Among them, Shu Concubine You have already given birth to ten princes, not to mention that her family status is that she has no sons and is a concubine, so it is not a violation of the ancestral system."

"In your harem, the only concubine who has no son and violates the ancestral system is only one concubine, right?!"
The emperor listened quietly, then smiled again.

"What's wrong with Huang Ernie? It's been 13 years of Qianlong's reign that the concubine was promoted to concubine. It's been seven years now. After seven years, why did Huang Ernie bring up the old story again?"

As the emperor said, he grabbed the pumpkin and beat the empress dowager's leg with his own hands while smiling.

"Furthermore, Concubine Ling was childless seven years ago and became Concubine. The son was actually named Concubine Shu. After all, Concubine Shu also had no children at that time. If only Concubine Shu was named Concubine Shu, it would not look good."

The empress dowager couldn't help but snort coldly. "You asked Concubine Shu to accompany you! Did you become Concubine Shu for the sake of Concubine Ling, or Concubine Jin for the sake of Concubine Shu? You still don't understand when I've been here for so many years. ?!"

The emperor knew that he couldn't escape, so he chuckled, shook his head and said, "After concubine Shu was promoted to concubine, she also gave birth to a tenth elder brother. Look at the emperor's forehead, this is not in line with what my son said earlier. Is it?"

The empress dowager squinted at the emperor.

"So, after so many years, you still have the confidence that your concubine can give birth to a royal heir for you?"

"Or...you are still waiting for your concubine to give birth to your child until now?"
The emperor's heart fell silent.

He raised his eyes, met his mother's gaze, and saw too many emotions in his mother's eyes.

There was shock, and there was more defensiveness.

The emperor half-closed his eyes, and smiled again, "...the son who is waiting more now is the empress's child. Did the empress forget, the empress is going to give birth in this two months."

Speaking of the queen's imminent delivery, the empress dowager let out a sigh of relief.

The queen's belly is up to the challenge, although a fifth princess died, but there is already a son in the front, and there is another one in the back.

So there is no need to worry about the half-Han blood child that Ling Fei can give birth to.
The mother and son were talking tacitly about the queen's child and the possible future child of the imperial concubine Ling, when Shou Shan suddenly stepped in from the outside with a slightly flustered expression.

"Back to the empress dowager's master, the emperor... just now Jingren Palace sent news, saying that Master Jia is not well."

Both the empress dowager and the emperor were startled, and they all got up hastily.
Wanxi got the news earlier, concubine Jia Guifei personally instructed Shunji to invite Wanxi to come over.

Seeing that Shunji came in such a hurry, Wanxi knew something was wrong, she forgot to take the sedan chair, she didn't even care about the big clothes and the hand stove, she immediately picked up her robe and ran out.

Behind him, Yuhan hurriedly prepared the sedan chair, but the eunuchs who carried the sedan chair couldn't catch up with Wanxi.When the sedan chair arrived in front of Yongshou Gate, Wanxi had already run into Jingren Palace by herself.

She stepped into the threshold of the Nuan Pavilion in the back hall of Jingren Palace, and was already out of breath.But when her eyes touched the emaciated concubine Jia who was lying on the kang, Wanxi couldn't care about herself anymore.

She hurriedly stepped forward to hold Concubine Jia's hand, and said in repeated voices, "...Sister Jia, I'm here, I'm here. If you have anything to say, feel free to tell me, I'm listening, I won't miss a word .”
Concubine Jia Jin Jingsong held Wanxi's hand tightly, her dry lips trembling.

Her ancestors were Koreans, so she was born slender and slender.She had already given birth to four elder brothers, and the birth took away her youth and the brilliance of her face. At this time, she was a little haggard, and she couldn't even get the best old Changbai Mountain ginseng.

This kind of noble concubine makes Wanxi think back to the noble concubine Huixian back then - they were all so haggard and emaciated, as if they were all so dry.Let people watch, no matter what kind of grievances and grievances there were in the past, at this moment, there is only heartache left.

"Yong Xing... Sister Ling, my Yong Xing..."

Wanxi didn't want to cry at this time, but in this situation, she couldn't help the red circles of her eyes.

She took Concubine Jia's hand back and nodded vigorously.

"I remember. Sister Jia, I haven't forgotten that I promised you that I will help you take care of Yongxing. I will protect Yongxing with the same heart I once had for the eighth and ninth elder brothers. ..."

When Wanxi mentioned the eighth elder brother Yongxuan and the dead ninth elder brother, Concubine Jia's dry eyes finally burst into tears again.

She clenched Wanxi's hand even tighter, she couldn't bear to blink her eyes, and just stared at Wanxi.

"Yongxuan...Yong, Yongxuan."

Wanxi blinked, and finally a tear fell silently.

Concubine Jia not only entrusted Yong Xing, who was still young, to her, but also entrusted her other two sons: fourth elder brother Yongxuan and eighth elder brother Yongxuan.

Wanxi understands that this is the most worrying thing in the world before a mother is about to leave.Concubine Jia was reluctant to give up caring for only one child, so Concubine Jia struggled to entrust the other two children.It's not that Concubine Jia is greedy, it's that Concubine Jia has no choice but to do so.

Wan Xi burst into tears and said, "For the three elder brothers, I am no match for Sister Jia. I have never been a mother-in-law before, but please rest assured, Sister Jia, I will do my best."

Concubine Jia nodded sadly, and squeezed Wanxi's hand again and again.

"... Back then, I was sorry for you too much. If I were to be a cow or a horse in the next life, and I would make grass and hold a ring, I would definitely repay you."

Wanxi burst into tears, and shook her head vigorously, "...it's all over. Sister Jia, don't say these things anymore, at least keep this breath. The emperor is coming, and sister Jia will wait a little longer."

This November, this damn November.

This November, because Empress Nala is about to give birth, Wanxi has to take care of everything in the harem.This has to be thanks to the emperor for giving Yuqin a few trials before, which is why Wanxi can entrust some things to Yuqin when she is too busy.

Wanxi began to feel inexplicably tired this November; once tired, she couldn't even eat, and just wanted to eat a few mouthfuls of crab apples that had just been pickled for three months and still had a sour taste.

But after all, the crabapple fruit is not as good as a meal, and if it can't give her enough energy and heat, it often can't save her from fatigue.

For the first time since entering the palace 15 years ago, she felt powerless.

Because of this, since she returned to the palace in October, she hardly had time to visit Concubine Jia.Except for a greeting when I just returned to the palace, I haven't spoken properly since then...

This November, the emperor officially sent troops to attack Amursana.The Northwest War broke out again. This time, because Bandi was dead, the imperial court lacked generals who understood the military situation in the Northwest; and because Amursana had found support from Russia... plus the previous suppression of Dawaqi, it was possible to use surprise troops to win; But this time, Amursana knew for certain that the imperial court would send troops, so instead he waited for work with ease.

The second time to pacify Junggar is destined to be several times more difficult than before.

Therefore, the emperor was also fully busy with the previous court. Apart from going to the Shoukang Palace to pay respects to the Empress Dowager on a regular basis, he even seldom entered the harem.

That is to say, from the time the emperor returned to Luan in October until now, even though Concubine Jia was seriously ill, the emperor could not take care of her.

This damned November... At this moment, facing the haggard Concubine Jia, it was the first time that Wanxi hated this November so much, and hated living such a life that couldn't be taken care of.

She turned her head and looked out of the window vigorously, hoping that the emperor would come soon.

Although Concubine Jia entrusted all three sons to her at such a moment; but Wanxi also understands that at such a moment, the person that Concubine Jia most wants to see should be the emperor.

Even if she was by Concubine Jia's side like this, she could not replace the emperor.

For a woman's last time, the children have been entrusted, and the last person she wants to see is naturally only the emperor.

But this cold day in November, it's really cold, it's so cold that thick cotton curtains have to be hung on the door of the palace, so you can't even hear the slightest movement outside the door, and you don't know how far the emperor is ;Whether the emperor has arrived at the door.

It was so cold in November that the windows were closed.Even in Concubine Jia's Jingren Palace, there were several window panes full of glass, but it was so cold that the glass was covered with frost.Even if there is enough charcoal in the room, the hot air can melt the frost, but the frost on the glass just melts into breath.

His eyes still couldn't penetrate the mist, he still couldn't see outside the window, he couldn't see the figure of the emperor...
Wanxi wait, the emperor is not here;

Wanxi waited and waited, the emperor still didn't come...

Wanxi could see that Concubine Jia was also looking straight at the door and the window.

Wanxi really didn't know how to comfort Concubine Jia, so she could only stretch out her hand to hold Concubine Jia tightly, and said in tears, "Sister Jia, do you still remember the gift of Empress Xiaoxian? Sister Jia has gone, and Sister Jia followed the emperor and queen into Passed through the underground palace, read it with my own eyes..."

Wanxi knew that she really shouldn't say such a thing, it sounded unlucky no matter what.But at this moment, she can't wait for the emperor.

"Sister Jia...the emperor will be with you. Even if it's too late, the emperor will always be with you..."
On November 20th, the [-]th year of Qianlong, Concubine Jia passed away.

Wanxi waited with Concubine Jia until the end...but in the end, she couldn't wait for the emperor to come.

Wanxi knew that Concubine Jia's last wish was to wait for the emperor to send her off.But the emperor, after all, failed to catch up...

At the last moment, Wanxi held Concubine Jia's hand and carefully explained to her for the emperor.

"...This November, the emperor just issued an order to restart the battle to pacify Junggar. The emperor and the Minister of Military Affairs have been busy with this matter day and night for many days. Sister Jia, please don't blame the emperor."

In the end, Wanxi couldn't tell whether the expression on Concubine Jia's face was sadness, joy, or reluctance and melancholy?
Wanxi only knew that Concubine Jia held her hand tightly in the end and was unwilling to let go.
Concubine Jia's hands were completely cold, Shunji, Yinji and other women fell to the ground and cried, and Wanxi realized that Concubine Jia had already gone.

She felt a little unreal.

The person who was obviously still talking to her just now, and who was clearly holding her hand at this moment, why did he just--say no, he disappeared all at once?
She sat there in a daze, unable to recover for a long time.

The weight of life requires decades of painstaking efforts and care.How can you just be so light and flirtatious, say no, it's gone?

She didn't know whether she was awake or fainted.

When she came back to her senses, she was already in the arms of the emperor.

Wanxi blinked with tears in her eyes, but pushed the emperor hard, "...the emperor, why did you come, why did you come?!"
Regardless of her struggle, the emperor personally sent her back to Yongshou Palace.

In this cold winter of November, the emperor was afraid that she would be cold, so he did not rush to carry her back to the palace, but used his warm sedan chair to send her all the way back to the palace.

She was grateful for the emperor's love for her, but she still pushed him after lying down in the bedroom.

"Master, hurry to Jingren Palace. Sister Jia has been waiting for the emperor to go, why did the emperor come to the slave's palace now?"

"Your majesty, hurry up, this servant is fine. I don't need to accompany you now, the emperor should go... At least I will accompany Sister Jia for the last journey."

As Wanxi said, she couldn't help crying like rain.

She just lost her mind, but she is not stupid.She knew that Concubine Jia had already gone... Even if the Emperor passed by now, he would not be able to call Concubine Jia back.

However, she was still immersed in the emotions just now, as if she could still feel the reluctance and despair of Concubine Jia just now.

Even though Concubine Jia had already left, she still hoped that His Majesty would at least come over to sit for a while.It would not be in vain for Concubine Jia to wait for him.

But the emperor caught Wanxi, his eyes were shining brightly, "...the Lord will find a way to make up for Jingsong. But at this moment, you are more important!"
Wanxi stared at the emperor, almost crying, and pushed him away desperately.

"Grandpa, let's go! Let's go too..."

"The servant has already said it, the servant is fine! Even if he lost his mind for a while, it is also sad for the death of Sister Jia. What's the matter?!"

But the emperor grabbed Wanxi, his eyes burning, "...Are you really not aware of anything?"
The emperor looked a little strange, his eyes were scorching hot, and his cheeks flushed with an inexplicable blush.

Wanxi's heart twitched, and she couldn't help asking, "...Could it be that the servant is also terminally ill, and he and Sister Jia have to fight each other—"

The emperor was startled, and quickly covered her mouth with his hand.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Wanxi was even more dazed, and asked under his palm, "What's the matter, slave?"
The emperor shook his head helplessly, but the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

He was—— laughing?
Are you actually laughing so uncontrollably?
Wanxi couldn't help being sad again, couldn't help crying, and then stretched out her hand to push the emperor away.

"Master! Sister Jia has gone, Sister Jia has gone!—Why are you still laughing?"

The emperor was worried that Wanxi would be furious, and he didn't dare to do it again, so he took Wanxi's hand with one hand, pressed her shoulder with the other, and helped her to lie down.

He has a pair of black pupils, just like the stars after the rain.

"...The death of Concubine Jia, of course, I can't help but care about it. It's just that the dead are gone, and the new life is even more precious."

Tears flashed in Wanxi's eyes, "Does the emperor mean that the queen is about to give birth?"

The emperor smiled helplessly, raised Wanxi's hand and kissed it on his lips.

"Stupid girl - thanks to your cleverness all your life, you are so stupid now!"

The emperor took a deep breath and fixed Wanxi firmly.

"...Jiu'er, you are already happy. We finally have a baby!"
Concubine Jia passed away, even though Wanxi was heartbroken, she still insisted on refusing to faint, because she had to accompany Concubine Jia to complete this final journey.

After returning from October and autumn, almost all the affairs in the harem fell on Wanxi's shoulders. She was also tired and heavy, but she still carried all the details on her shoulders.

But this time, after the emperor finished speaking, she fainted.

She thought she must be dreaming, and she heard the emperor's words in her dream.

She thought that she must have wanted to have a child for too many years, and she was a little dazed thinking about it, which seemed to be some auditory hallucination.

How could she, at this moment, have a child? .
Ever since she met the emperor in the fifth year of Qianlong, she has always believed in the emperor's words.

But this time, she couldn't believe it.

Even if she was woken up by the emperor pinching someone, even if she knew that the emperor was proficient in medical science, but this time she still couldn't believe what the emperor said.

In desperation, the emperor summoned Gui Yunjie from the Imperial Hospital, knelt down and took another pulse in person, and confirmed it with Wanxi, and Wanxi believed it with tears in her eyes.

——Gui Yunsan is the younger generation of Gui Hezheng's family. After Gui Hezheng became an official and retired, the local officials of Suzhou Prefecture recommended Gui Yunsan to succeed him.

Even if Wanxi doesn't believe anyone's words, she still wants to believe what Gui Hezheng said.Because Gui Yunsan's words also represented Gui Hezheng.
Wanxi waited until Guiyunsampan resigned, and she burst into tears.

The emperor stepped forward to hold Wanxi's shoulders, his eye circles were also red.

"Don't say you want to cry now, why don't you want to cry a lot! It's just that you have just confirmed your happy pulse and your fetal gas is not stable, so you shouldn't cry now."

"You have to endure it for a few months, so that our child can be born safely. When the time comes, if you want to let go of these 15 years of grievances and waiting, how can you cry out happily? I will let you; I will still be with you!"

It was not easy for this child to come, and Wanxi herself had to be extremely careful.She didn't dare to cry anymore, but the teardrops kept falling down by herself.

She hurriedly shook her head vigorously to explain, "...Master, I am happy."

"My lord will indulge this slave for a while longer, at least make the slave cry another ten or twenty tears... Otherwise, I really can't help it."

The emperor himself smiled with red eyes.

"...I thought that this year would be a bad year for me. But I didn't realize it. It turns out that everything is waiting for today."

"Thinking about it this way, everything this year is worth it!"

The emperor sat down next to Wanxi, their shoulders touching.

"...It was you who gave me such a big surprise, so I have more confidence in the use of troops in the Northwest!"
Wanxi cried for a while, then laughed for a while, but still stretched out her hand to push the emperor.

"Your Majesty, don't take care of me. There is also the matter of Sister Jia... Shunji and the others said that they will invite the Emperor tomorrow morning, but why hasn't the Emperor come?"

The emperor sighed softly, and stretched out his hand to grab Wanxi, "At that time, my master was talking with Huang Ernie in Shoukang Palace, and after hearing the letter from Concubine Jia, I also hurried out of Shoukang Palace."

"It's just a coincidence that as soon as I left the Shoukang Palace, I received the report from the Minister of Military Aircraft and Na Yantai, the Minister of the Lifan Academy, saying that Dawaqi reported, 'I am a prisoner, and I will not be punished by grace. Donate money It's not enough to repay. Hearing that Amursana escaped, he wished to capture him. He planned to send a letter to Duerbert Taijiboshi Agash, Kuben Nuoyattaiji Norbu, etc., ordering them to work together to capture and offer' Etc."

"My lord had to go back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation immediately to discuss this matter with the Minister of Military Aircraft... That's why there was a delay."

Wanxi nodded with tears in her eyes, "The servant has already explained to Sister Jia for the emperor, saying that the emperor has been busy with military affairs in the Northwest this month, so it is too late... Fortunately, the servant is right, the emperor is indeed using troops for the Northwest, so he did not I have time to send Sister Jia off."

"When Sister Jia was about to leave, this slave boldly said that Sister Jia could not wait for the emperor to come this time...but the emperor will give Sister Jia an explanation in the end. In the future, the emperor will definitely not ask Sister Jia to wait in vain again. .”

The emperor's eyes were also red, and he nodded vigorously, "You are right... I am sorry for her. I will meet her underground in the future, and I will definitely apologize to her."
On November [-]th, the day after Concubine Jia passed away, the emperor issued a decree, "Follow the order of the Empress Dowager, Concubine Jia passed away due to illness, and I wish to posthumously concubine Huang Guifei. All funeral ceremonies shall be inspected by the Yamen." It is respectfully held."

On November [-]th, the posthumous concubine Jia was granted the title of Imperial Concubine Shujia.

On the day of posthumous posthumous title, after the emperor issued a decree, he sacrificed to heaven for the Winter Solstice Huanqiu, and went to the fasting palace to fast for three days.
"Concubine Jia pursues the title of imperial concubine, so naturally she can be buried in the emperor's future underground palace... With her magnificent background in Korea, she can be crowned as imperial concubine, this life is enough." Speaking of the death of imperial concubine Shujia Passing away, Concubine Chun felt the deepest emotion.

"It's just a pity that I will chase after the imperial concubine, and then sleep with the emperor underground for a hundred years... But after all, on the day of enshrinement, the emperor went to fast to sacrifice to the heavens, but he was not able to spend more time with the imperial concubine Shujia at the last moment." meeting."

Concubine Chun and Concubine Jia are both elderly people who have hidden their residences, and when they sigh for each other, they also sigh for themselves.

On the other hand, Yuqin's eyes turned, concentrating gracefully.

"...It's just that in this way, the position of noble concubine is emptied. I don't know who will have this blessing in the future."

 See you tomorrow~~ Thank you for your monthly tickets, rewards, and recommended tickets~~ There will be more updates in the next few days, everyone wait a moment~~
(End of this chapter)

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