Leader Lan Palace

第1976章 6卷30 2心知(3更)

Chapter 1976 Six Volumes 30 Two Hearts Know (3 More)
Yurui and the nanny went out with the seventh princess, and the emperor's long eyes flashed, staring at Wanxi.

But he didn't speak.

Wanxi herself felt uncomfortable, she twisted her fingers and lowered her head to stare at her toes.

"Slave...just thinking of being separated from Xiaoqi, I feel a little bit reluctant."


The emperor spoke quickly, and still didn't say anything, just nodded.

Wanxi felt a little uncertain in her heart, quietly raised half of her eyes, and secretly looked at his expression.

"Grandpa... what do you think?"

The emperor shrugged his shoulders, "I didn't think about anything, didn't I think about the southern tour~~ It's already October, and we will start driving in the first month of next year. Get ready."

Wanxi bit her lips lightly, "No. After all, there will be the Empress Dowager's birthday in November, and the Chinese New Year in December... This servant is also thinking about it."

The emperor snorted softly, "Also, my lord has ordered Zhaohui to select soldiers and send troops to Kazakhs in the spring of next year to capture and suppress Amursanah! This thief, Amursanah, wants to see people when he is alive, and he wants to see corpses when he dies—— If Junggar is not fair, I will never withdraw my troops!"

Wanxi smiled, let go of her hands, and walked back to hug the emperor's arms again.

"Master, you should think about these things! At this moment, these things matter!"

The emperor narrowed his eyes and lowered his eyes, staring at Wanxi's face, "...then you say, what should I think, eh?"
Wanxi didn't dare to play tricks and rivalry with her father, so she beat her up and messed everything up.

She didn't say anything at all, just hugged the emperor's arm and pressed her lips together.

This trick is naturally effective, the emperor didn't care about asking any more questions, he put his hands together, wrapped her tightly, and wantonly deepened the entanglement of lips and tongue.

The hall became quiet, as if the sound of magnolia leaves falling outside the window could be heard with all ears.

I don't know how long this intimacy has been going on, Wanxi was almost out of breath, so she ran away.He patted his heart and gasped for breath, "...the slave's spirit is not comparable to that of the emperor after all."

The emperor raised his eyebrows again, "Spirit, or measure?"

Wanxi waved her hand cautiously, "Breath, the servant just said breathe." After she finished speaking, she deliberately took a few more breaths.

However, the emperor's gaze went straight down from her face, and hesitantly stayed on her heart for a while, but finally he resolutely continued to look down... around her waist, and finally stopped, cough cough...

Wanxi's face turned red again, she got up reluctantly, and stretched out her hands to cover the emperor's eyes.

"Your Majesty is the Son of Heaven, what are you looking at?"
The emperor laughed, stretched out his hand to take down her hands, and stared narrowly and seriously into her eyes.

"Today... so proactive, it seems like you are more impatient than the master? What's the matter, huh?"

He kept talking, but his hand was even faster, and the long finger suddenly stretched out, hitting the vital point.

Wanxi trembled, but her body immediately went numb, she could only lean softly on the emperor's arm, unable to move, and reluctant to move.

There was only soft resistance on the mouth, "...the slave doesn't understand what the master is talking about~"

The emperor breathed heavily, and asked her urgently, "...Even last time, you subconsciously dodged. The whole body was backwards. But today, you took the initiative to move forward."

He twisted and twisted the fabric with his fingertips.

Wanxi immediately groaned, and the whole person couldn't lift up anymore.

The emperor quickly came over, gently bit Wanxi's ear, and asked hoarsely, "...are you feeling better, huh?"
Wanxi knew that she couldn't hide it from the emperor, so why did she want to hide it from him?

It's just that the little woman's mind wanted to deliberately play a trick like this to tease him to ask questions.

Therefore, I couldn't get up now, so I just smiled shyly and nodded.

The emperor was overjoyed immediately, his body changed accordingly, and he stabbed straight.

Wanxi blushed hurriedly and dodged backwards, waving her hands high, "...Master, I'm not ready yet. It's just that Yuexin just came back, and it will take a few days."

The emperor gasped heavily, his long eyes were full of joy and pain, he gritted his teeth and stared at her with a smile.

"...Linghu Jiu, you've really tormented Master Shi!"

Wanxi laughed, and threw her whole body into the emperor's arms, limp and greasy, and raised her head with a smile, "But now, the emperor's expression is more like a vixen!"

A fox spirit who wants to do evil, but can't let go - Yu Zu.

Evil can outshine good, and human beings can always restrain fox spirits, so it should look like this, shouldn't it?
The emperor was annoyed, laughed again, and groaned helplessly. He could only grab Wanxi's waist, but had nowhere to start, so he leaned forward and kissed her red lips.

At this moment, only the crazy entanglement of lips and tongue can relieve lovesickness a little bit.
The lovesickness is so long, such a little quenching of thirst, always makes the emperor miss Wanxi even more, and he is reluctant to leave after making out.

What's more--this time is not as good as last time, last time it was "the Son of Heaven who opened his mouth", but this time he came back after catching up with Wanxi's Yuexin, so he couldn't speak or move his hands.

The emperor was even more itchy.

After making out, he wrapped Wanxi in his arms, wrapped his fingertips around her hair, sniffed her hair fragrance, and muttered, "Do you know, Tangnu Wulianghai also has a heroine. King Khan died, only Hatun was in charge of the tribe. Junggar took the opportunity to force the rebellion against the court."

"However, Hatun understood the righteousness, and resolutely led his troops to move eastward and return to the imperial court. This time Qinggun Zabu rebelled, and once again arbitrarily moved Tangnu Wulianghai. Hatun once again turned his heart to the imperial court, broke with it, and helped Cheng Gunn Bu discuss rebellion."

Wanxi opened her big eyes, "Hatun?"

The emperor nodded, "It means 'Queen' in Mongolian."

Wanxi's heart also trembled quietly.A woman, when her husband died, and the strong forces on the left and right rebelled and hijacked her, she still had the courage to lead her people to the court. What courage and wisdom she must have.

Wanxi raised her eyes with a smile, "I believe that the spirit of King Khan will also be pleased to have such a wife."

There was still a smile on the corner of the emperor's lips, but his eyes were far away.

"That's right, when the court uses troops like this, all the men in the world hope to have such a wise and calm woman who understands righteousness behind them."

The emperor sighed softly, his lowered eyes glanced away the broken hair beside Wanxi's ear.

"I'm unlucky...but I'm lucky."
The next day the emperor left, Wanxi was lying on the kang, still thinking about this sentence.

Thinking about it, I couldn't help but smile quietly.

She understands what Grandpa said.

When the door curtain was lifted, Yuhan walked in and asked, "May I have breakfast, master?"

Because the emperor counted according to the Western clock, he had to get up at four o'clock in the morning.At such a time, the emperor only drank a bowl of milk tea in the morning, and then went to work; Wanxi didn't follow her to eat.

Wanxi couldn't help raising her eyebrows, "... Breakfast? I haven't passed on the meal yet."

(End of this chapter)

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