Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1977 Chapter 6 Volume 31

Chapter 1977 Six Volumes 31 Sending Back to the Palace Alone (4 Updates)

Yuhan thought for a while, "Perhaps they came to serve the emperor's meal. The emperor cherished the master and didn't ask to leave when he was done with it. Let's take a bite when the master gets up."

Wanxi lowered her eyes and said nothing.

It was Yurui who walked in and said to Wanxi Fushen, "...Return to the master, it is Liu Zhuer who is here to serve the meal."

Wanxi raised her eyes to look at Yurui, the corners of her lips finally couldn't hold back, and she hooked lightly.

"Then let him come in and talk back."

Yuhan saluted, turned around and went out.

It was Yurui who hurriedly got up and put down the bed curtain, then closed the door, and asked Wanxi in a low voice, "...Look, master, is it appropriate to ask Liu Zhuer to answer like this?"

It's early in the morning, it's not yet dawn, and Wanxi hasn't gotten up yet.

Even eunuchs, the rules in the palace are also strict.Even in broad daylight, the eunuch is not allowed to answer the master alone in the hall, let alone this moment.

Besides, it's another eunuch in the dining room, not the eunuch in Wanxi's own palace.

Wanxi raised her eyes to glance at Yurui quietly, then nodded too.
When I was young, Liu Zhu'er entered and knelt down. From Liu Zhu'er's perspective, there was a partition door of a green gauze cabinet in front of me, and I couldn't see anything inside the warm pavilion.But from Wanxi's point of view, because the bed curtain and the green gauze on the door are transparent, Liu Zhu'er can be seen through the brighter lights outside.

Wanxi couldn't help but look sideways at the candlestick in the warm pavilion.

Even this candlestick was removed by Yurui herself, forming a contrast between the light outside and the darkness in the Nuan Pavilion, so that Liu Zhu'er could not see her, but she could see Liu Zhu'er.

Wanxi's gaze quietly fixed on Yurui's face.

Then he asked with a smile, "You are so early in the morning, why are you in such a hurry to feed me? Could it be that you were serving the emperor's meal, and the emperor rewarded him with a meal?"

Liu Zhu'er chuckled, bowed his head, but didn't speak.

Yuhan stood beside Liu Zhuer, but reminded in a low voice, "Master is asking a question, Liu Zhuer, please answer."

Wanxi smiled, "Yuhan, don't make things difficult for him. I understand what he means."

Wanxi glanced at Yurui again.

Yu Rui didn't say anything else, but asked in a low voice, "Is the slave going to wait for the master to get up?"
Going to pay Nala's greetings in the morning, what the harem is talking about this time is naturally the second southern tour in the first month of next year.And, the empress dowager's birthday in November, and the Chinese New Year in December.

There was a faint tiredness on Nala's face.

Nala specifically said to Wanxi, "...from now on, the concubine should worry more about the affairs in the garden."

Wanxi couldn't quite understand what she heard, so after they left, she asked Wanbi in a low voice.

Concubine Wan smiled lightly, "You came a step late, I didn't hear you. The emperor suddenly issued an order this morning to send the queen back to the palace."

Although the Old Summer Palace is only a royal garden, and the Forbidden City is a serious imperial palace, the emperors of the Qing Dynasty preferred to work in the garden.Every year around the Chinese New Year, they had to go back to the Forbidden City to perform various sacrifices and ceremonies, so they moved back; on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, they moved back to the garden from the Forbidden City.

And it's just October, and it's still far away from the Chinese New Year.Why did the emperor suddenly want to send the queen back to the palace alone?
Concubine Wan looked at Wanxi's appearance and smiled, "After all, you can't even guess the holy will, so we don't know~"

Wanxi blushed and refused, so Wanbi smiled, "In front of the queen, you have always been the most polite. But this morning you came half a step late and fell behind me--I, how can I still return?" I don't know if you went to sleep last night?"

"Therefore, the emperor's will this morning should have been leaked to you last night. But you are Monk Zhang Er, so how can we guess that it is difficult for us to see the emperor?"

Both Yuqin and Concubine Ying laughed, with mischievous twinkles in their eyes.

Wanxi hurriedly covered her face, "...After all, November is the Empress Dowager's birthday, so the emperor asked the empress to go back to the palace to prepare."

Yuqin made a soft "bah" sound, "It's just to prepare for this matter, why bother to send the queen back alone?"

Concubine Ying was still lively, she giggled and said, "In my opinion, I'm afraid the empress has done something to make the emperor unhappy. It's just that the emperor is not easy to get angry at this juncture, so the empress will be sent to the empress alone. go back."

"In the Forbidden City, there is no fixed cold palace. But in this season, with one person guarding such a big Forbidden City, the entire harem has turned into a huge cold palace..."

The words that the emperor said last night suddenly resurfaced in Wanxi's mind.

Fortunately and misfortune, only God can impose on the emperor, but not anyone in this world can make the emperor suffer; if someone dares to make the emperor feel like this, then the emperor will naturally have all kinds of means to impose all the misfortune on that person body.

Wanxi shook her head lightly, "Let's not talk about that."

Concubine Ying grabbed Wanxi, "Then let me tell you why my son came half a step late this morning, huh?"

Wanxi just laughed, so she didn't give Concubine Ying a chance to succeed, so she snorted softly, "... This morning, Liu Zhu'er came."

Both Wanpin and Yuqin have known this Liu Zhu'er for many years, so they raised their eyes and looked over, "...But your wish has come true?"

Only then did Wanxi lower her eyes and chuckle, "I asked Liu Zhuer this morning. Liu Zhuer knelt down and smiled without answering. It was only then that I realized that this person has passed my test so far this morning. You can take it into my palace with confidence."

Concubine Ying was younger, so she asked, "Why did you pass the test of sister Ling like this?"

Yuqin chuckled, glanced at Wanxi, and then said, "You make my sister, of course, I can't forget Mao Tuan'er in my heart, so I can't help feeling that among the group of young eunuchs in the palace, no one can compare Hairballs."

"Besides, Liu Zhu'er has been in the dining room since he was a child, and there are few opportunities to go on business in front of the master. He is always a little far away from these things in the Sixth Palace. Therefore, even if you make your sister want to use this person, you can't just look at it. It’s for the sake of old acquaintances. Otherwise, if it is activated rashly, instead of flattering him, it might actually harm him.”

"That's why, your elder sister has been carefully observing Liu Zhu'er since before and after Mao Tuan'er came out of the palace, and tested him with many small problems. Liu Zhu'er is also a lucky person, and he solved them one by one. "

"This morning, you made my sister deliberately ask directly if the emperor asked him to come - he didn't know the answer, but this was the smartest answer."

Concubine Ying narrowed her eyes and thought for a while, then smiled too.

"Little sister understands! After all, Liu Zhu'er was originally a eunuch of the dining room. There is no rule in the palace to put a dining room eunuch directly into the main palace to be the chief eunuch. What's more, it is still sister Ling's Yongshou Palace. So it is If elder sister has this thought, she can't mention it to the emperor; even if the emperor agrees, she can't make an order."

"Liu Zhu'er himself is the same. Since it's inconvenient for the masters to say it clearly, he can't admit it directly. So he didn't say anything, and just let the master understand. This is the best answer!"

 The [-]-word update is finished, see you tomorrow~~Thank you for all the monthly tickets, rewards and recommendation tickets~~
(End of this chapter)

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