Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1979, Volume 6, 33

Chapter 1979 Six Volumes 33
"Is it?"

Nala's face became calm, and he raised his eyes and glanced at Concubine Xin lightly, "I see. I will investigate this matter later."

From the Yuanmingyuan to the palace, the wheels are rumbling, making the car even more lonely.

Tana then asked softly, "In my master's opinion, the one who talks too much in front of the emperor is Lingfei?"

Nala squinted her eyes, but snorted, "Concubine Xin has never stopped suffering since the Seventh Princess fell into the grass. If anyone in the harem hates Concubine Ling the most, it must be her."

"But she is only a concubine at the moment, and there is only such a princess, and she has only been in the palace for a short time. She has no weight in the emperor's heart, and naturally she can't cause any trouble. With her weight, she wants to overturn this situation. Huizi just gave birth to the concubine of the Seventh Princess, it is really too difficult."

"Therefore...she can only count on more important people in the palace to help her. This time, she is counting on me."

Tana just sneered, "It's really overestimated! What do you think of yourself, and dare to provoke the master? Or is it that everyone in the harem is as brainy as she is?"

Nala laughed lightly, "She didn't have such brains before. It's just that since the Seventh Princess was born in July, she has been hit too hard. Now she's just in a hurry to get back, and her brain is not good enough." Not so calm anymore."

Tana also laughed, "Unfortunately, even if Concubine Ling finally has a child, she is still just a princess. It is the seventh princess who steals the favor of the sixth princess, but it can't affect the twelfth elder brother and Elder Brother Thirteen, go. So this time the master is happy to get along with Concubine Ling, which makes the Emperor happy; why bother to break up with Concubine Ling again?"

"Besides, this time the seventh princess stole the limelight from the sixth princess, but she vaguely gave a sigh of relief for our fifth princess. How could Concubine Xin be so stupid as to think that the master can help her?

Nala nodded and smiled faintly, "That's right. I will make friends with the concubine Ling even if anyone doesn't make friends with her at this moment. Only when the harem is harmonious can the emperor feel at ease with state affairs in the front court. Isn't that exactly what I am? What should the empress do most?"

Dege whispered, "With Concubine Xin's brains, she will never be able to deceive the master. However, since the master sees it so clearly, why didn't he expose her in front of her face?"

Nala cast a sideways glance at Dege, but said nothing.

On the contrary, Tana smiled contemptuously, "The situation in front of me is like this, but since the seal on Concubine Ling's stomach has been opened, who knows if Concubine Ling will give birth to a prince in the future?"

"If Concubine Ling gives birth to a prince, it will naturally threaten our two little masters. Wouldn't it be better for master to have a ready-made person like Xin Concubine at his hand to charge forward?"

My master is the best example.It is also 20 years after entering the palace without giving birth. Once the seal on the stomach is broken, isn't this one after another, and both children will be perfect?Therefore, other people in the palace are not so guarded against the concubine Ling, but my master always has to be so guarded.

Dege also suddenly realized.

"Master Shengming. If the concubine really gives birth to a son in the future, with Concubine Xin's pawn in the open, the master will be able to handle affairs without losing peace with the emperor... After all, everything will be pushed to Concubine Xin at that time." yes."

The corners of Nala's lips twitched slightly, "I still can't bear to settle the debt with Xin Xin for the fire when she first entered the palace!"

(End of this chapter)

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