Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1997 Chapter 6 Volume 52

Chapter 1997 Six Volumes 52 (5 More)
Yuqin comes from the Lu family in the south of the Yangtze River, the family of great Confucianists.Even after many years in the palace, he kept a certain distance from the customs of the Manchus, and refused to bow down.So now that she has really suffered this loss, she also chokes for a moment, unable to speak.

Concubine Xin shook her head and smiled pityingly, "Sister Qingpin is still a Han woman after all, and there are some who don't understand the rules of the banner. Then Sister Qingpin will remember this time: women can't enter the stables when they have children, and they can't Get close to the horse, because I am afraid that the woman at this time will be unlucky to the horse!"

The Empress Dowager also knit her eyebrows. She lowered her head and drank a cup of tea before she said, "Emperor, what Concubine Xin said is very true. Whether it is based on the ancestor's rules or taking into account the health of the concubine Ling and the emperor's heirs, this southern tour is very important." You should no longer force concubine Ling to go with you."

"I will decide this matter. Let the concubine stay in the palace. The emperor will be above the concubine. Let's choose another master to accompany him."

Originally, the emperor had already decided that the six accompanying heads of the inner court were: Empress, Concubine Chun, Concubine Ling, Concubine Qing, Concubine Ying, and Concubine Xin.

At this time, Concubine Yu and Concubine Shu are still on the throne.If Concubine Ling can't go, then Concubine Yu and Concubine Shu will have a chance.

It's just that in the past few years, with the growth of the fourth elder brother, fifth elder brother, and sixth elder brother, the front and rear palaces have become more closely watching the three elder brothers.

Originally Yongqi seemed the most promising, but I don't know if it was because of this speculation that the emperor gradually turned cold towards Concubine Yu; and since the emperor's second grandson Mianen got the yellow jacket, the fifth elder brother Yongqi except the two eldest sons In addition to elder brother, there is another opponent of a younger generation in the matter of inheriting the great rule, which makes Concubine Yu's status drop again invisibly.

And the Fu Jin that the emperor pointed out for Yongqi turned out to be the granddaughter of Ertai——Based on the emperor's hatred for Ertai and Zhang Tingyu, the Ertai family's nephews and nephews can still be reused, but they still have a position in the emperor's heart Already different.However, the emperor chose to point out such a family's concubine Fujin for Yongqi, and asked the courtiers to shake Yongqi's status again.

In short, Concubine Yu's status has declined greatly in the past few years, and besides, she is getting older at this time, and the emperor has not seen her for a long time.

Therefore, if the imperial concubine does not go, there is only one person who can replace her: this is concubine Shu.

Concubine Shu's heart inevitably came alive again, and she glanced waterily at the emperor.

The Empress Dowager looked at Concubine Shu from a distance, feeling both uncomfortable and pitiful, and said, "Why don't you ask Concubine Shu to go."

Concubine Shu's eyes lit up, and she was about to go up to pay her respects, but the emperor laughed brightly.

"...Emperor Nie doesn't know, my son has already sent Concubine Shu an important errand."

Concubine Shu was startled slightly, and raised her eyes to look at the emperor.

The emperor stared at her with a smile, "Earlier, when Shujia passed away, Yongxing was left behind. She was still young. Before Shujia died, she entrusted Yongxing to Concubine Ling. But later Concubine Ling gave birth to Liansheng, just after Bailu , Meeting Xi again. If Concubine Ling is asked to take Yongxing with her again, the son is indeed afraid that Concubine Ling will be tired."

"Nowadays when the concubine ranks above, there is no one around who has children, so Concubine Shu is the only one. Therefore, my son originally thought that before starting this southern tour, he formally ordered Yongxing to be sent to Concubine Shu to raise him."

"But if Concubine Shu also goes with her this time, there will be no one to take care of Yong Xing again."

Concubine Shu was taken aback, her eyes glowed with joy.

This was something she had planned for a long time, but the emperor never gave him a definitive answer, which made her feel uncertain.

(End of this chapter)

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