Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1998 Chapter 6 Volume 53

Chapter 1998 Six Volumes 53 (6 More)
Concubine Shu didn't expect that the emperor finally got such a promise from the emperor today.

Concubine Shu's heart was filled with joy and turbulence for a while.In a short while, several thoughts have been switched in her mind.

The emperor made a tour of the south and traveled for several months. As a woman in the harem, she naturally wanted to accompany him.

The emperor left for a few months, only taking six heads of the inner court with him.Among them, the queen still has to be with the empress dowager, not with the emperor, that is to say, the remaining five people will share the favor of the emperor during these few months.

And among these five people, Concubine Chun is already forty-five, and at this age, she is almost no longer grateful.

Among the remaining four, Concubine Qing also entered the palace for 16 years without any movement.She is three years older than Concubine Ling. At this age, speaking of wanting to have another child is probably just a wish.

In the end, there were only three people left... Once the emperor left for a few months, all three of them would naturally have the opportunity to accept their favor.

At her current age, she is one year younger than Concubine Ling.Concubine Ling has already had two children in succession, so she will naturally have a chance to be born again.

...But, then again, since the emperor said this at this moment, he wanted her to choose between accompanying her and raising Yongxuan.

If she agrees to the emperor at this moment, she can immediately win a prince without any effort, and it is a prince without a mother, which is not much different from her own.

But what if he insisted on going on a southern tour and giving up raising Yongxuan? ——She had to argue with Concubine Ying and Concubine Xin along the way, and what was even more difficult to know was the Emperor's will.If the emperor has not flipped her brand for so many years, how can he guarantee that the Southern Tour will turn it over?

What's more, even if she flipped her brand name, how can she guarantee that she will have a child; and the one who will definitely be born will be the prince?

Concubine Shu weighed several times in her mind, and finally understood - it's better to let go of distracting thoughts in her mind for a while, and take Yong Xing first.

Concubine Shu finally settled down with all her thoughts, and quietly bowed to the Empress Dowager, "This is exactly what I think. I still hope to stay and take care of Yongxuan."
The Empress Dowager couldn't help but look at Concubine Shu, and then at her son.

The emperor smiled obediently, stepped forward and said, "Although there are many thrones without heirs in the harem, there are no children above the imperial concubine, and there is only one concubine Shu."

"Besides, a prince is different from a princess. A prince will naturally be handed over to a concubine or higher to raise him. Even a concubine is not suitable for raising a prince, is it?"

The Empress Dowager was helpless, so she could only nod her head, "Forget it. Shujia has just left for a year, and Yong Xing is a pitiful child. Since Concubine Shu can treat Yong Xing as her own, she voluntarily gave up accompanying her for Yong Xing's sake. The southern tour, this is naturally gratifying to me."

Concubine Shu voluntarily refused to go, so naturally it was Concubine Yu's turn.

The Empress Dowager looked up at Concubine Yu, before she could speak, the Emperor laughed again and focused on Concubine Xin.

"It's interesting to say that the concubine has been in the palace for many years, and she finally meets the happy one. This is a good thing, but why are her two babies related to 'unlucky'?"

"First, Liansheng fell on the fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month. I don't know some tongue-twisters in the palace said that Liansheng was born on the day when the gate of hell was opened——I paid homage to all gods and Buddhas on the fifteenth day of the seventh month. Blessings, pray for the protection of Zhou Tian for Liansheng."

"Now that the imperial concubine is happy again, she has just settled down to her pregnancy, why is there someone rushing to talk about something unlucky again?"

(End of this chapter)

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