Leader Lan Palace

第2315章 7卷15 别急,都有1死(8字毕,月票加更)

Chapter 2315: Don't Worry, Everyone Will Die
Wanxi was silent for a while, then raised her hand to beg for forgiveness.

"I don't have enough brains today. What is my sister talking about? Why can't I understand the key point?"

Yuqin raised her eyes and glanced at Yurui again.

Yurui's face turned red.

Wanxi chuckled, and lowered her head, "I can't blame me for not being smart enough today. It turns out that you two partners are playing riddles with me. I can't compare to one of you; such a partnership Come on, I will naturally look like a big fool~"

Yuqin hurriedly said, "I owe you something, so I don't know what to say~"

Yu Rui even lifted her robe and fell to her knees.

Yuqin looked at Yurui apologetically, "She knew about it a long time ago, I begged her, don't mention it in front of you. After all, you haven't been feeling well for the past month. I really don't want to make your heart worse."

Wanxi looked at the expressions of the two, but smiled, "What did you say? Look at the nervousness of you two. Is there anything I can't afford right now? Just say it."

Yuqin closed her eyes lightly, "This story has to start with my promotion as a concubine. Since I have been promoted to a concubine, there will be more officials and women under the position, and the House of Internal Affairs has paid attention to choosing for me. .”

"In February of this year, the Ministry of Internal Affairs selected the maid, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs said that it had chosen someone for me. I was only busy with preparing the little deer for vaccination. I didn't have the heart to see the woman, so I put it aside for the time being. In March, after the little deer left, the Ministry of Internal Affairs asked me to bring the girls who have learned the rules for a month in the Ministry of Internal Affairs to show me."

Wanxi nodded, "It's all natural."

Yuqin looked up at Wanxi, "I never thought that one of the people they brought in was a girl from my Lu family!"
Wanxi was also slightly taken aback.

In February of this year, there were indeed a lot of things. At that time, the emperor was on the road to the mausoleum for almost the whole month, so the emperor didn't go to see the selection of the maid of the House of Internal Affairs at all; The selection of women in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is mainly for the nobles.

Since it is for nobles and nobles to choose women, the scope is narrow, and they can only be selected from the newly established Huiren Zuo collar, or one or two women under the Mongolian Zuo collar can be selected as appropriate.Therefore, the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not need to select women from other places to enter the palace with great fanfare this time, it just chooses from the two assistant leaders in Beijing.

If so, Wanxi didn't pay much attention to it.

But even though Wanxi was surprised for a moment, she lowered her head and smiled, "It is a good thing for sisters from my sister's family to enter the palace. After all, my sister's mother's family has been ordered to enter the flag, and now it is the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a yellow flag bag." Yi Zuo led the servants, the sisters in the family can also participate in the selection of the maids of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is no longer the case of Han women entering the palace in the past."

Yuqin sighed, "But I was kept in the dark, and that's what makes me unhappy."

As Yuqin spoke, she raised her hand and pressed her forehead, and also shook her head, "It was only later that I found out that this Yinglian was an official of the assistant leader of my mother's family, so when the Ministry of Internal Affairs was selecting a maidservant, I was selected as a maid. The girl recommended it."

"I also understand his intentions. After all, I just became a concubine, and my mother's family is under his leadership. He used this method to show his favor to me. Just when there was news that he was being promoted, he just I hope to use this to find me as his backer in the harem!"
Wanxi raised her eyes to look at Yurui, then smiled too.

"After hearing this, I understand. After all, Yinglian is covered by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Even if he has an official position now, he is still a member of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He naturally hopes to climb a high branch in the palace."

"Since my sister's mother's family is under his leadership, and she has just been named a concubine, this is a ready-made son. If he doesn't try to honor his sister, can he go far away? He dare not honor his sister with money. So I tried to recommend sisters from my sister's family to enter the palace, so it's easy to understand."

After all, Yuqin's father had made a fuss about asking the Lianghuai Salt Administration to donate money to officials. This Yinglian was also smart, so naturally he didn't dare to worry about money anymore, so he took advantage of people's affairs .

Yuqin raised her eyes and looked at Wanxi, "...but, what are their thoughts, just asking my sister to come into the palace to be an official girl for me? I'm afraid that when the time comes, my sister will have another heart. Let our sisters be divided because of her."

Wanxi also nodded, "She came into the palace, although she took the route of ordering women to choose; but she is your sister after all, even if she enters the palace, she can't act as an ordinary official girl."

"It's just that it doesn't matter even if it's Jinfeng. In our harem of the Qing Dynasty, it's not uncommon for sisters to serve the emperor together. For example, Emperor Taizong's Concubine Chen and Empress Xiaozhuang Wen, Emperor Kangxi's Empress Xiaozhaoren and Empress Xiaozhuang Concubine Wen Xi;"

"As for this dynasty, Concubine Shu and Jiufujin almost stayed in the palace?" Wanxi quietly raised her eyes, her eyes were clear, "There are also concubine Yi and Bai Chang here. You see, don't we get along with each other?" Is there no obstacle to go?"

Yuqin breathed a sigh of relief, "Although she came out of the same school as me, I have my own distance in my heart. It's okay for her to come to the palace to give birth. If she doesn't give birth, I will be the first one not to spare her. Anyway Ah, don't give her a chance to be a moth!"

Wanxi nodded with a smile, "Isn't that all right? Sister, don't think about it too much. It's the most important thing to take care of yourself right now."

Wanxi raised her eyes, and quietly glanced at the blue and peaceful sky, "Little Lu'er...he has been walking for a month, and he is getting farther and farther away. He must not want to turn around and see his sister lying in bed, so he is also worried. let's go."

Yuqin was startled, and lowered her eyes, tears welling up in her eyelashes.

"Yes, I know I was wrong. In the past, I only thought that it would be good if Little Lu'er was reluctant to go far because he missed me; then I felt that he was still by my side. see him."

"It's because my thinking is too narrow... He is still a child, if he stays in the world and refuses to leave early; how can he re-enter reincarnation early?"

Wanxi stretched out her arms and hugged Yuqin into her arms.

"Sister, don't get sick again. Little Lu'er has already left. If my sister doesn't wake up well, then I won't be able to wake up either."
On April [-]th, the canonization ceremony of imperial concubine Su Wanrou was held in a little haste.

Su Wanrou was the first imperial concubine in the Qianlong Dynasty who was born at the canonization ceremony. Because the preparation time between the imperial edict and the canonization ceremony was too short, although the items were not complete, they were at least the gold books and gold treasures that marked the official status. Still in a hurry to make it out.

The imperial concubine's gold treasure is almost the same as Wanxi's imperial concubine's gold treasure, both are gold treasures, squatting on the dragon button.The platform is four inches square, one inch and two cents thick, with jade chopsticks inscriptions.

The gold album is also the same as the imperial concubine's ten pages, the only difference is that the imperial imperial concubine's gold album is [-]% gold, while the imperial concubine's gold album is [-]% gold.

Su Wanrou, the imperial concubine, could no longer kneel down and salute, so all the rituals of the canonization ceremony were kept simple.Accompanied by Wanxi and Empress Nala, Su Wanrou reluctantly received the gold book and gold treasure on the kang.

The empress is the superior, so even if she accompanied her to salute, she couldn't contribute in person; therefore, it was Wanxi who replaced the imperial concubine and placed the gold book, gold treasure, and imperial decree.

Nala watched the entire canonization ceremony with cold eyes, with mixed feelings in his heart.

As the empress of the main palace, she is the most taboo to have a live imperial concubine around her; although the imperial concubine Su Wanrou is seriously ill, and the emperor's bestowal is already a joy, but no one thought that Su Wanrou was really tenacious and strong. If he survived these 20 days, he was stunned to catch up with the canonization ceremony.

With this tenacious energy, Nalashi was really worried, maybe under this joy, Su Wanrou really came back to life and recovered from her illness.Then this living imperial concubine is right beside her.

Although it is impossible for Su Wanrou's two princes to inherit the throne, seeing such a royal concubine by her side is also a shock, isn't it?

——The ancestral system of the Qing Dynasty, the canonized living imperial concubine was the choice of "deputy empress"; it was implicitly accusing the middle palace of having lost morals, and could be replaced by the imperial concubine at any time.

Such a moral, who is the queen of the palace, can you not be bothered?
After the canonization ceremony was over, all the harem concubines, princes and princesses came forward to salute in batches.It's just that Su Wanrou was lying on the sickbed so she couldn't be disturbed, it was Nala's ascension to the throne and received the gift for the imperial concubine.

After saluting, Nala went back to the palace first.Wanxi came over and told Princess Hejia softly, "No matter what, today is a good day for your mother-in-law. You should be considerate of the etiquette that your mother-in-law doesn't care about."

Wanxi pouted her lips towards the queen, "Go see off the master and empress. She will go back to the 'Changchun Immortal Pavilion' from here, you should accompany her anyway."

The imperial concubine is now seriously ill and lying on the couch; Yongzhang and Yongrong are both adult princes, so it is not convenient for them to walk around in the inner court at will, so only the fourth princess can take on this role.The fourth princess nodded and followed out.
As a queen, she naturally had to go in and out through the main entrance; even in the backyard of the imperial concubine, she would not go through the other side entrance.

This has to go through the apse where Wanxi lives.That used to be Nala's own bedroom, she walked through it, and she couldn't help feeling angry again.

Unwilling to stay any longer, he took big strides and hurried out.Out of "Quanshi Self-Entertainment", the anger is still not out.

"Well, in the 'Heaven and Earth Family Spring' this time, not only concubines live in the main hall, but also a living imperial concubine comes out! The emperor is really living and going back, so there is nothing left in the harem. Rules?!"

Both Tana and Dege knew that their master was unhappy, so they spoke carefully, "The imperial concubine's condition is obvious. Who can live for a long time after vomiting blood for half a year? Fourth princess and six Elder Brother hastened to complete the wedding within three days, but the imperial concubine’s health still cannot be recovered; the emperor can only celebrate with the position of enfeoffment.”

"This is just an extraordinary move, and the master really doesn't need to worry about it. This kind of joy is no different from the posthumous titles given to Huixian, Zhemin, and Shujia in the past."

Nalashi sneered, "But she is dead, why isn't she dead?"

"I really didn't want to understand. Isn't this Su Wanrou a Han girl from the south of the Yangtze River? Doesn't she have the word 'soft' in her name, but why is her heart more tenacious than the first three people! This tone is He refused to swallow it for a long time, but he completed the canonization ceremony alive!"

"God knows whether she will die or not, and how long she will endure before she is willing to die!"

There are several doors connected back and forth in the hallway between the main hall and the hallway; the doors on the wall of the hallway in the hallway are hung with heavy curtains.

Nala walked in a hurry, completely unaware that behind a door curtain, Princess Hejia had already caught up.

Only separated by a door curtain, all of Nala's hateful words reached Princess Hejia's ears.

Princess Hejia was stunned on the spot, her body swayed, her feet in high-flag shoes almost sprained.

The maid Qingfen next to Princess Hejia hurriedly supported her, and wanted to remind her, but Hejia covered her mouth.

In that hallway, the sun was shining brightly, and the flowers and shadows were whirling outside the window, but Princess Hejia's eyes were full of shattered, dotted with stars, and the tears were filled with hatred.
On the other side of the door curtain, Nala finally walked away.

Only then did Princess Hejia let go of her hand and let go of Qingfen.

Qingfen also married Princess Hejia from the House of Internal Affairs, and she used to be a member of the imperial concubine's palace.That's why when I heard Nala's words just now, there were already tears in my eyes.

"She cursed my mother-in-law to death?" Princess Hejia staggered two steps, and sat on the window sill, "It's just that my mother-in-law recovered from her illness this time, if she really cursed my mother-in-law to death, one day , I will take her life too!"

"I really didn't expect that, as the empress of the main palace, she could say such vicious words at this time. Such an empress, not to mention the fact that she would not dare to produce a second empress since the Qing Dynasty was established; even in all dynasties, there has never been such a queen! "

Qingfen also nodded with resentment, "No, let alone at this time, even these years, why didn't she regard our imperial concubine and master as a thorn in her side? It was just because the emperor had just ascended the throne, and the imperial concubine and master became a concubine with her; later Being promoted to the noble concubine, she is still together, so she will bear a grudge against our imperial concubine and master."

Princess Hejia took a deep breath, and calmed down slowly, "It's not busy, after all, now that my brother and I have grown up, Er Niang is no longer alone with her bullying. It's what Er Niang didn't do." Son, one day, my brother and I will help Erniang do it too!"
The joy brought by the canonization of the imperial concubine only lasted eight days.On April [-]th, imperial concubine Su Wanrou finally let go.

Qiao Rong, Man Liu and others panicked immediately, although Concubine Yu was also at the side, she dodged and refused to do it herself.

What could Wanxi care about at this moment, she hurried back to her palace, tore a few pieces of red cloth left over from the children she had given birth to before, went back to the imperial concubine's back room, and put the mirror and a All the jade wares should be covered.

He took copper coins from his own palace, wrapped them in red cloth, and put them on the body of imperial concubine Su Wanrou...

When Princess Hejia heard the news and came back to the garden, what she saw was Wanxi's busy figure.After all, Princess Hejia was young and had never experienced such a thing, and she didn't understand all the etiquette, so she could only cry while following Wanxi, and let Wanxi help with cooking.

Wanxi explained softly, "This mirror is easily regarded as a river in the eyes of the dead. If the red cloth is not used to cover it, the dead will not dare to go out..."

Seeing Princess Hejia coming back, Concubine Yu stepped forward in tears, and also sighed, "The rules of mourning are different in different banners; what's more, I'm still from the Mongolian Eight Banners, and the etiquette and customs are different from those in the Manchurian Banners. .I'm afraid that I'll go by the wrong rules, and I'll just follow the imperial concubine Ling to make the decision.”

Princess Hejia raised her eyes and glanced at Concubine Yu, her eyes lighted up, "I am already grateful for Aunt Yu being here with you at this moment. It's just that what Aunt Yu said is right, and the funeral rules of all banners are also different." There is a difference, Aunt Ling is under the Zhenghuang Banner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and my mother is still under the Zhengbai Banner, which is not the same banner, but Aunt Ling can also take care of it."

Concubine Yu was a little stumped, took a look at Princess Hejia, and then left in embarrassment, saying that she would help set up the "Dan Yan"—that is, the red spirit banner.

Manchus value white over red, but red is used in funerals.Therefore, the spirit flags are all red.

Wanxi, Princess Hejia, together with Qiaorong, Manliu, etc., worked together to move the body of the imperial concubine and placed it along the edge of the kang—many people also pay attention to sleeping on the kang, only the dead are along the edge of the kang Lying down, a living person must turn his head outward and his feet inward.

After finishing the busy work, Wanxi's forehead was sweating, she sat on the footrest with the help of the kang cover, panting slightly.Princess Hejia carefully supported Wanxi, beside her mother's kang, she finally couldn't help letting out a cry of grief.

While crying, Princess Hejia raised her hand to remove her flag head, and removed the flat square and all the hairpin rings.This is the mourning rule of "removing hair and putting down braids" in the flag custom. (In the future, if you watch Qing Palace dramas, if the concubines dare to comb their hair to attend the funeral of the emperor or empress dowager, you can just go to hell, and you can ask the board to beat them to death one by one~)

Wanxi stretched out her hand to help her braid her loose hair, feeling distressed in her heart, she couldn't help persuading her first, "...you are a girl who is out of the court, so you don't need to untangle her hair and braid it logically. You just follow According to the nephew's rule, it is enough to wrap the jewelry with blue cloth."

"You are still a newlywed after all, if you take off your hair and braids, you will have to kneel together; after your mother is buried, you will have to observe the filial piety period for three years... Why bother?"

After all, Princess Jia has only been married for one month. If she stays in mourning for three years, she will not be able to have sex with her concubine for three years, and then she will not be able to have children for three years... I believe that such a situation is not what her mother-in-law would like to see in heaven. .

But Princess Hejia cried and shook her head, "No, I want to remove Er Niang's hair, I am willing to kneel down, and I must also observe the three-year filial piety."

Wanxi understands that this child is extremely filial, even if she loves her dearly, she also leaves it to her.Wanxi quickly helped Princess Hejia braid her hair.The ends of the braids are loose, no braids are used.

That day, Princess Hejia cried and passed out several times in front of her mother's sick bed; when dusk fell, at the gate of the "Quanshi Self-entertainment" hall, according to the funeral rituals of the people, a red spirit flag was erected, and two people were erected. With a big "He is coming", the prince, princess, and family members Fujin all came into the garden to watch the night for the imperial concubine.

Wanxi accompanied the tears, and together with Princess Hejia, filled Su Wanrou's favorite clothes, jewelry, and objects into the brazier and cremated them.According to the customs of the Manchus, this is called "cooking rice", which is brought to the dead and used in another world.

It was the emperor who came and saw Wanxi at a glance, so he pulled Wanxi by force and took her back to the palace to rest.

——At this time, Wanxi's fetus has reached three months.

The emperor ordered Nala and Concubine Yu to co-manage the funeral ceremony of the imperial concubine, and concubine Wan also asked to come to help because she was also an old man in the hidden residence.

As the empress, Nala is only in charge of the funeral, all she has to do is to give orders to Concubine Yu and Concubine Wan to do it; other things include the Palace Supervisor and the House of Internal Affairs, so she doesn't need to do it herself.

She just sat in the hall, persuading Princess Hejia.

As a concubine, Nala is also like a loving mother at this moment, reaching out and gently stroking Princess Hejia's braided hair, "Good boy, your mother-in-law is leaving as a royal concubine, I want to come to her There will be no regrets afterwards.”

The Manchu people mourned for their relatives, "Men pick off their crowns and cut their hair, and women go to make up and cut their hair." In addition to removing the braids from their hair, Princess Hejia even cut off a section of the big braids with her own hands, as a way to mourn.

At this time, Princess Jia could calm down a bit, but when she heard Nala's words, she couldn't help raising her head and staring at the lips that opened and closed, with tears in her eyes again.

Her mother was an imperial concubine, so everyone in the harem dressed her mother in filial piety and removed her head; apart from the empress dowager, there was only one exception, and that was Nala.

Above the imperial concubine, there is only the queen of the palace.So although the Empress Zhenggong also came to accompany the vigil today, but there is no filial piety on her body and head.

"Really?" Princess Hejia tried her best to smile bitterly, "I think that no matter what position she is assigned to, my mother-in-law would rather stay in the world to accompany our brothers and sisters for one more day. Therefore, she will go as the imperial concubine. I must be reluctant to leave in my heart."

Nala raised her eyebrows and looked at Princess Hejia in surprise.

After a long while, he said, "You child, you are too sad tonight, so you will talk back to the Queen Mother. But forget it, the Queen Mother will not care about you tonight."

On the contrary, Princess Hejia couldn't help laughing out loud, "Emperor Niang? Hehe, Huang Erniang..."

Nalashi was a little impatient, so she let go of her hand, and looked outside.

In the yard, two yellow curtain tents have been erected, named "Tatan". The "Tatan" has a straw mat mat, a place for the concubines, princesses, and Fujin who came to watch the night, and a place for the rest of the princes, grandchildren, and foreheads.Everyone was already sitting on the ground, quietly accompanying the imperial concubine who had just left, watching the long night.

Nalashi shrugged, "Look, everyone is here, except you, Aunt Ling."

"Among all the people in the harem, you are the one who made my aunt live the closest, but now she is nowhere to be seen. What do you mean by this? Didn't your empress Ama entrust your mother to her? Does she not want to come now, or - dare not come?"

Princess Hejia squinted her eyes, "Just now Huang Ama came and called Aunt Ling away. Didn't the Queen see it?"

Nala shrugged, "That's why I don't understand. Your Huang Ama doesn't spend much time with your mother-in-law, but she rushes to drag your aunt away as soon as she comes in. Why did you come here?"

"It's been a long time since they left, right? Your Huang Ama has stayed in your Aunt Ling's dormitory for such a long time, what are you talking about?"

Princess Hejia also narrowed her eyes slightly.

Nala noticed it, and shook her head lightly, "All these years, you and your aunt Ling have been like mother and daughter. She helped raise you before she was blessed and gave birth to Liansheng. Her head The first child is a princess, isn't this blessing brought to her by you?"

"Therefore, she is able to have today because she really wants to thank you, mother and daughter. Your mother-in-law has gone today, even if no one else has arrived, she should be the first to come; at least she should be full of company. You have kept the hours tonight, and you shouldn't leave for a moment."

Princess Hejia's heart fluctuated a little.

Nala looked at it, then sighed again, "Your mother and her are both concubines in the harem after all, before you were born, there were fights; she didn't want to come to accompany your mother because of this." , that's all."

"But, she always comes to accompany you, right? Look at your child, crying so much today, if she still remembers the love between mother and daughter with you, how can she bear to ignore it?"

As Nala said, he opened his arms, hugged Princess Hejia's head, and stroked it lightly, "Poor silly child..."

But Princess Hejia struggled to get away, "Emperor Niang!"

Nala was startled, "What's the matter?"

Princess Hejia panted heavily, "It's okay. I'm just worried, the stomachs of the night watchmen are empty. Let's invite Queen Mother and the baby to cook Furou together."
The matter of cooking Furou in a big pot by herself is something that only a queen can do.Nalashi also nodded, and sighed with satisfaction, "Then let's go."

With the sound of black pigs calling, as well as the bustle of Si Xun's women servants and the sound of dancing gods, the smell of meat soon filled the entire yard.

Looking out from the north window, Wanxi saw that the women were already carrying large plates, and put the white sliced ​​meat into two "Tatan", and placed it in front of everyone.Everyone took out small knives from their waists, and directly cut into slices of meat to eat.

Wanxi was still worried, so she stood up abruptly, "Master...the others are fine, please be kind, so that you don't have to eat lucky meat with noble people."

The emperor hesitated slightly.

Wanxi hurriedly said, "This servant understands that she is already the emperor's and noble person, so she should marry and follow her husband, and follow the rules of the palace as usual... It's just that she just entered the palace after all, and she was only a few years ago when she was entrusted. Two months. If the master is in a hurry to tell her to change her habits, she will definitely not be able to accept it."

The emperor shrugged, "Then what should we do? Fu pork is always cooked in the palace with black pork."

Wanxi immediately said, "After all, the slave is near here, and the slave will 'steal the beam and replace the pillar' this time, and replace it with mutton. After all, the mutton also has a lot of white meat, which is somewhat similar to Fu meat. After cutting into slices, separated The night is even colder and indistinct."

"As long as the master approves, then the slave will not be afraid of being blamed by the ancestors and gods."

The emperor also laughed, "Mutton? Can you cook it well? If you can't cook it well, the smell will be so strong that your eyes can't tell the difference, but your nose can."

Wanxi nodded hurriedly, "The servant put more pepper and aniseed ingredients, and mixed some rice wine into the soup, this will cover up the fishy smell no matter what."

The emperor also nodded, "Yes. But, you are not allowed to do it yourself, tell Liu Zhuer to go."
After all, Liu Zhu'er came from the Imperial Dining Room, so he was quick in his hands and feet, and he cooked it in a short time, drained the soup, cut it into slices, set up a big plate, and quietly asked someone to invite Man Liu.

In the end, everyone is watching, if someone from Wanxi's side brings the plate, it will be eye-catching; but the old man next to the imperial concubine is always unobtrusive.

Manliu came, and after listening to Liu Zhuer's request, he hesitated a little, and went with the tray.

In the "Tatan" where the harem concubines, princesses, Fujin and other female relatives sat, the nobles had already raised their sleeves and covered their noses.

Just like people who have eaten pork for a long time, the smell of mutton is stinky; people who have eaten mutton for a long time, the smell of pork is also pungent.

He and the nobleman wanted to leave several times, but because of the rules in the palace, they had to endure it.

Not only the smell, but also the appearance of those people cutting up those white fat pork in front of her and putting them into their mouths to feast on. My stomach has turned up several times with the nobleman, and I am almost about to vomit. Out.

At this time, Man Liu hurried in and placed the plate in front of the nobleman.

The nobleman was startled, and hurriedly waved his hand to refuse, "Take it away! I... I'm not hungry, I don't need it."

Manliu then whispered into the nobleman's ear and said, "Master ordered it, so you can use it at ease."

He nobleman raised his eyes in surprise, looked at Manliu, and then quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Others were busy eating meat, so they didn't pay much attention to this detail; but Concubine Xin, who was sitting not far from the nobleman, saw it.

These days, because the Eighth Princess has also reached the age of vaccination, Xin Concubine only has such a daughter left now, and she is afraid that the secret of the Eighth Princess will be discovered by others, so she dies in her own palace. Watch to the death.After being so busy for a while, the eighth princess succeeded in "sending off the saint", so she was free.

She smiled lightly, got up and walked into the hall.

Nala was busy working in front of the pot, Concubine Xin stepped forward to salute and ask if there was anything she needed to help.

Nala cast a glance at her, "Nothing else, I have my own servants. You just go back and rest."

Concubine Xin nodded and smiled, looking at no one around, she said, "My lord is just partial to the people in my palace, and she always treats concubines far and near."

Nala frowned, then straightened up and stared at Concubine Xin.

"What are you talking about? When did I favor the people in my palace?"

Concubine Xin pointed out, "The big guy eats Furou on a big plate, but the plate in front of the nobleman is small; she eats a plate by herself, isn't it different from ours?"

Nalashi was also taken aback, "What did you say? We ate it alone with the nobleman on a small plate? But it was rewarded by the emperor?"

Concubine Xin shrugged, "How come, the emperor is still in the imperial concubine's bedroom at this moment."

Concubine Xin looked at Nala's expression, and pretended to be surprised, "Could it be that what you eat with nobles is not rewarded by the master? The master cooks it with your own hands. It is the meat, and you don't eat it with nobles?" ?”

"Could it be that she feels that the master's lady's craftsmanship is not to her liking? This concubine is strange, the master's lady's craftsmanship is clearly so good. How dare she not use it as a little nobleman?"

Nala's complexion suddenly darkened.

Concubine Xin quietly glanced at her, happy in her heart, but she pretended to be panicked on her face, and hastily pleaded guilty, "Oh, my concubine said something wrong! After all, the nobleman is the nobleman in the master's empress's palace, and the concubine is the concubine. , and shouldn't be criticized. After all, the master and empress are in charge of the rules~"

(For those who still have a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass~)

(End of this chapter)

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