Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2316, Volume 7, 16 Sorry, I Got It Again

Chapter 2316 Seven Volumes 16 Sorry, I Got It Again

Nala's eyes narrowed when she heard this, and she looked back at Tana and Dege.

The two officials and women hurriedly shook their heads, indicating that the two of them did not know about this matter.

The two of them are in charge, since Tana and Dege don't know, then this small plate of meat must not come from Nala's palace.

Nalashi sneered, dropped the strainer, and walked towards the gate of the palace, "That's strange! Who gave her meat?"

Nala quickly walked out, Concubine Xin bowed her head and backed away, dodging to the side.

Take it easy, just wait for the show.
Nala took Tana out of the palace gate, and went straight to "Tatan" where the female relatives were.

When all the concubines, princesses, and Fujin saw the queen coming, they all hurriedly got up to pay their respects.Nala didn't care about them, and went straight to the nobleman.

Seeing Nala's anger coming, He Guiren was stunned for a while, but then calmed down.

A woman with bright and attractive facial features, but at this moment, there is only a thin smile on her face.

In that smile, not only was there no panic, but a bit of ridicule on the contrary.

Nala finally stepped on the eight-inch high flag shoes, and walked in front of the nobleman with great momentum.

Only then did the nobleman salute calmly—but it was still not the flag etiquette, but her own bowing salute when returning to the Ministry.
There was commotion outside, Yurui hurried to remind Wanxi.

Wanxi looked by the window, and quietly glanced at the emperor - the emperor was still reading the playbook in the study of Ernuange on the east side.

Wanxi lowered her voice and told Yurui, "The woman under your position is still embarrassed. You can call Cuidi, and let her try to invite Mrs. Lin to come over and say something."

Yurui nodded, then turned her head and went out, telling Cuidi to go.

Although Cuidi is a 14-year-old girl who has only been in the palace for less than a year, she was taught by Yurui herself after all.

Not long after, Cuidi attracted Lin Guiren.Cuixiao also knew that he could not directly attract Lin Guiren, but led Lin Guiren to take a detour, go out from the side door of "Quanshi Self-Entertainment", enter the corridor outside the wall, and then go around to the apse of "Tiandi Family Spring" Coming to the corner door, this avoids the eyes of others.

Even people who saw Lin Guiren getting up thought that Lin Guiren had gone to clean the room, but they didn't know that Lin Guiren came to see Wanxi.

Wanxi went to the side hall to meet Lin Guiren.

Wan Xi nodded with a smile, "I specially invited Mrs. Lin to come here, and I'm working on Mrs. Lin."

Guiren Lin bowed his knees to salute, "Actually, seeing the Empress and the nobleman approaching the nobleman so aggressively, I wanted to come to see the noble concubine Ling. After all, we live in the same palace. If the empress and the nobleman get into trouble, It’s inevitable that I’ll lose my temper with others when I go back. Yigui is Gege of Elut Mongolia, and the empress should take care of it anyway, so I have to take all my anger on me.”

Wanxi nodded, and gently shook Lin Guiren's hand, "I'm not going to hide it from you, I sent you the plate of meat in front of you. It was pity that you couldn't eat pork, so I wanted to use fat The mutton is replaced quietly, it looks good, and it is not embarrassing for the nobleman."

"It's just that there is something wrong with that situation. I thought that someone would expose it, but I didn't expect that the mistress came in person - after all, the nobleman and the nobleman are the nobles in the mistress's palace. Since entering the palace in the first month, they have been in the mistress's place The school rules... If you violate the rules with the nobleman, the mistress is naturally responsible, so it is too late for the mistress to cover up for the nobleman, so why are you making trouble instead?"

Lin Guiren just gave a wry smile, "I don't know what the noble concubine is. Although the nobleman and the nobleman are nobles in the palace of the master's empress, the empress does not regard the nobleman as a family. The nobleman and the nobleman only entered the palace in the first month, just three months. The two have been at loggerheads for many times; since Er Yue and the nobleman officially entered the seal, the two of them have become even more violent."
Wanxi couldn't help raising her eyebrows, "How could it be? You only entered the palace in the first month with the nobleman, and you were granted the title in February; counting today, you have entered the palace with the nobleman for a total of three months, and you have only been granted the seal for two months. Such a short time How could they make such a fuss?"

Guiren Lin sighed and shrugged her shoulders, "Both of them have a tough temper. The master and empress want to make decisions in everything, but the nobleman is unwilling to be tamed. Since the first month, the nobleman and the nobleman have just entered the palace. It really took a lot of effort to learn the etiquette in the palace with the nobleman."

In this harem, in addition to the Manchurian Gege, there are also Mongolian Gege and Han women, but after all, because of the education of the "Manchu and Mongolian family" and the "Manchu and Han family" for more than a hundred years, the Mongolian Gege and the Han women are in harmony. When learning the etiquette of the full people in the palace, they didn't have much conflict, but they learned it quickly.

On the contrary, it is this noble man who resists a little every time he learns.

"She is not very willing to perform the etiquette of a bannerman; even every day, the mistress takes us to the small Buddhist hall to burn incense and worship Buddha, but she does not go. She is asked anxiously, and only accepts to read a few volumes of Buddhist scriptures. Those who kneel and kowtow She refuses to do anything about it."

"Even the daily food, the forbidden food that the master and the empress rewarded, she didn't even move; she wasn't even allowed to bring it in front of her eyes, and told her to put it far away outside the door..."

Wanxi couldn't help but sigh.She understands the reason why she and the nobleman do this - because the god that Huibu believes in is not Buddha; because in the diet of Huibu, all the products of pigs are most hated, and they are considered unclean.

Through Zhao Yi's notes, Wanxi has seen the scale feather in the preparatory materials of "Pictures of the Western Regions", so she understands these customs of returning to the Ministry; after all, the Nala family is an old Manchurian princess, and she considers herself a queen. I don't bother to understand those "foreign affairs", so I don't understand the meaning of the nobleman, and it is easy to mistake it for the deliberate rebellion and provocation of the nobleman.

Nala herself has such a fiery temper, and moreover, Heguiren is just a little nobleman who has just entered the seal, so she can't bear the slightest rebellion in front of her.

"There were a few times when there was a quarrel, the mistress simply punished the nobleman to kneel." Lin Guiren shook his head.

Wanxi was also shocked, "Master, the lady actually punished you to kneel with the nobleman?"

Lin Guiren also sighed, "It's not just that I have been punished before, it is once every three to five days. He Guiren is also stubborn, even if he is punished to kneel, he will be punished, even if he kneels until midnight, he will never say a word .”

"My lord saw that the nobleman and the nobleman refused to tame, so in addition to the penalty of kneeling, food was also banned. Think about it, the noble concubine, who has already knelt for most of the night, and still doesn't allow the dining room to deliver food... and the misery of the nobleman , as you can imagine."

Because there is a separate dining room and tea room in the Queen's Palace, you don't need to go from the imperial dining room for all meals.Therefore, if the queen is not allowed to tell the outside about these things in the queen's palace, people outside will have no way of knowing that the noble and the noble have been starved.

Wanxi was also worried when she heard that, "How could this be?"

This year's return to the Ministry is tentatively scheduled, and the emperor will give a banquet to the Burkes of the Ministry from time to time.After all, Nala is the Queen of the Central Palace, but she doesn't want to treat the nobleman kindly, at least she shouldn't treat him harshly... After all, the nobleman still bears the title of "He", so how can Lashi be ignored!
Lin Guiren also sighed, "He Guiren is also a person who refuses to give in. Even if she is punished to kneel and eat, she still does not change her original intention. Seeing that He Guiren is so stubborn, the empress is even more furious... ..."

As Lin Guiren said, he subconsciously glanced towards the north.

Wanxi hurriedly asked, "How did the mistress punish the nobleman?"

Lin Guiren's eyes drooped, and he also sighed, "Although I don't quite understand why, I can tell that I absolutely don't touch pork, pig blood, or meat oil with your nobleman; not only do I not touch it, but I even hate it."

"However, the Manchus cannot do without pork. The empress especially presides over the Kunning Palace's family sacrifice, and she has to cook the meat in a cauldron herself; therefore, the conflict between the two is the deepest on this matter."

"Therefore... the empress was so angry that she once passed an order to the dining room to only feed pork to the nobles every day; if the nobles don't eat, they will starve."

"What?!" Wanxi couldn't help exclaiming, her breathing almost stopped.

Guiren Lin nodded, "The longest time, I went there after being hungry for five consecutive days with your nobleman..."

Looking back Wanxi eagerly, she looked to the north, "I understand, it's because there was a dietary conflict, and today the master and the noble lady found out that she and the nobleman refused to eat the blessing meat cooked by her, so she didn't care about them. They are originally from the same palace, so they will lose their temper with the nobleman in public."

Guiren Lin bowed his knees and saluted, "I'm afraid no one else will be able to save you and your nobleman at this moment. Only you, Concubine Ling..."

Wanxi raised her head and took a deep breath, "Thank you for telling me these things. You go back quickly, be careful, don't let the master and the next lady see."

"I'm going to invite the emperor right now... Tonight is the first night after the imperial concubine has just passed away. No matter who it is, they shouldn't make such a fuss."
When Guiren Lin walked back to the backyard, Nala had already dropped the porcelain plate of mutton in front of the nobleman.

"Your Majesty, do you know what the occasion is? This is the first night of the imperial concubine's death. So many concubines, princes, and princesses are here to watch the night; they all observe the mourning according to our Manchurian rules. , sitting on the ground, cutting the meat with a knife...why are you the most unwilling to do the same?"

Even if Nala spoke face-to-face with the nobleman, he still used Manchu.He Guiren didn't know Manchu at all, even after entering the palace for three months, he could barely understand it, but he couldn't reply.

The language barrier made her look even more rebellious.She showed no fear, she raised her eyes high and stared at Nala's, without any fear or dodge in her eyes.

People in the same palace, Yigui came up to persuade them.Nalashi sneered, "Don't tell me that she is from the Western Regions, all the customs are different from ours. She is no longer the daughter of Hezhuo from Huibu, she is now from the harem of the Qing Dynasty Noble man, you should naturally marry and follow your husband, and follow our Manchu rules!"

As Nala said, she turned her head and pointed to the Naxi Nuan Pavilion where the imperial concubine Su Wanrou had stopped, "When the imperial concubine entered the palace, she was still a Han woman of ethnic nationality. Look at the rules for funerals, isn't it already Are you following the flag's rules?"

"Han women understand their identity and follow the customs of the flag; do the women who return to the tribe have to be superior to others?"

Lin Guiren saw that Yigui was persuading, frowned, and walked over there.Xiwen, a woman next to her, was a little worried, and couldn't help but said, "Why bother, master... The queen master is not happy at the moment, and I am afraid that I will not vent my anger on the master?"

Guiren Lin sighed sadly, "Of course I know that such a doom is inevitable. But who made me a nobleman in her palace? If I stand by and watch, she will turn her head and turn her back on me."

Guiren Lin then walked over and saluted at Nala's side, "Your Majesty is taking care of you anyway, and your nobleman is also a member of your Majesty's Palace... But I have something to say, after we finish our work tonight, let's go back to the palace and close the door Let's talk about it."

Nala looked back suddenly, and stared at Lin Guiren bitterly, "Just because she is a nobleman in my palace, and now she has done such things that do not abide by the rules of the ancestors, I can't take sides."

"As the empress of the main palace, who governs the sixth palace, I treat everyone in the six palaces equally. I will definitely not hide her for her just because she is a noble person in my palace!"

Nalashi said and approached the nobleman, "Tell me, who secretly changed this plate of mutton for you? You have come here an hour ago, it is impossible to prepare this mutton in advance. Someone must have prepared it for you."

"Then tonight, you are not the only one who violated the ancestral system; there is also that person. Or, I am willing to believe that you are all instigated by that person... As long as you explain it clearly in front of everyone, I will I don’t punish you, just ask that person!”
The two "Tatan", men and women sat separately, but both stared at Nalashi in astonishment.

He stayed in the hall with Princess Jia, watching through the window, already crying with hatred.

"What's the matter, why can't she go back to her own palace to talk after tonight? If she insists on making a fuss now, if she insists on telling my mother-in-law to leave, I will not live in peace!"

But Qingfen could see it clearly, and said in a low voice, "I saw it just now, it was the plate that Manliu brought over. The servant stopped Manliu to ask in private, and Manliu said that it was ordered by the noble concubine. It's just because I don't want to eat with the nobleman." , do not eat pork."

"The queen's master probably also guessed that it was sent by Ling Guifei, so this is why there is a quarrel. On the surface, the queen's master is aiming at the nobleman, but in fact he wants to involve Ling Guifei."

Princess Hejia narrowed her eyes slightly, "That's right! That's right, now that my mother-in-law has gone, Auntie Ling has become the second person under the queen; after all, I, the queen mother, don't have to guard against my mother-in-law anymore." , which transfers all the energy to Aunt Ling."

"It's just that if she wants to make trouble, she shouldn't choose it tonight! If she makes such a fuss tonight, it's obvious that she doesn't care about my mother..."

Princess Hejia's eyes hardened, and she wanted to go out.

Qingfen was shocked and grabbed Princess Hejia, "Where are you going, princess?"

Princess Hejia stared at the yard, and the corners of her lips twitched coldly, "I will tell her that I ordered someone to prepare this kind of meat. I want to see, on this occasion tonight, she will be the queen of the palace again, and she will be the queen of the palace again." What can you do with me!"

Qingfen was so startled that she hurriedly threw up her robe and knelt down, hugging Princess Hejia's leg, "My princess, master, absolutely not... She is the queen after all, she is the queen after all..."

The fourth princess raised her eyes and glared at the yard, with tears of annoyance in her eyes.

A figure flickered at the entrance of the hall, but Concubine Shu walked in.

Concubine Shu is the aunt of Fu Long'an, the fourth concubine, so the fourth princess wiped away tears and bowed her knees to greet Concubine Shu.

Concubine Shu glanced at the situation in front of her, stepped forward and grabbed the arm of the fourth princess, "Why are you going? She is the queen after all, and although it will be difficult for her to handle you in the future, she can handle it as much as she wants." Long An and your future children."

The fourth princess nodded with tears in her eyes, "I understand. But, I can't just watch her make trouble like this. If she keeps making trouble, won't it implicate Aunt Ling again?"

Concubine Shu sighed softly, "You don't have to worry, your Huang Ama is here; or to put it another way, even if your Huang Ama is not here, what can she do to make your aunt go? You have been in this palace for 20 years. Get along with each other, do you think she ever had the ability to make your aunt do anything to her?"

The fourth princess nodded with tears in her eyes, "My mother-in-law is a Han woman, and Aunt Ling is also a Han surname. In the eyes, she is always a humble person, and she is not qualified to be compared with her, let alone be promoted to the high position of imperial concubine or imperial concubine! Now My mother has gone, so she will vent all her resentment towards my mother on Aunt Ling."

Concubine Shu nodded, "Then just watch and see if she has the ability to really hurt your auntie this time? I'm going to say something that you don't like to hear—don't think that your auntie is your mother-in-law. Your mother has suffered from her for many years, but you make my aunt look weak, but you are more capable than your mother."

"In the future, if anyone in the harem can really make her suffer, you are the only one who will make Auntie."

The fourth princess stared back at Concubine Shu.

Some memories have never been buried in her mind.Although she was still young back then, she still vaguely remembered that when she was very young, she wore red clothes and ran on a big ship... She later learned that Empress Xiaoxian died inexplicably in the middle of the night .

Thinking of this, the fourth princess finally smiled slowly, "Aunt Shu is right. Whoever said that no one can shake the queen? She is just waiting for the right time. When the time comes, she will be clean." !"
In the courtyard outside, Nala had lost his temper and tried to question the nobleman but failed, so he asked the people around him who brought the plate.

Seeing that Man Liu was about to be implicated, all of a sudden there were only two applause.

Immediately there was silence in the yard.

Everyone understood that this was the arrival of the emperor.

After the clapping fell silent, the emperor came slowly, holding Wanxi's hand.

Nalashi took a deep breath, stepped forward and bowed, "The emperor is here."

The emperor glanced around, "What's wrong with being so noisy?"

Nala hurriedly said, "According to the ancestral system, all the vigilantes should share the blessed meat tonight. You and the nobles quietly replaced it with mutton... How can this mutton be used by the gods? She is violating the ancestors. It makes the ancestors and gods uneasy."

"I am the middle palace, so I am supposed to rule the sixth palace; besides, she is still an honored person in my palace, and I taught all the rules by hand, so I am even more obliged to teach her a lesson and change from now on. "

The emperor was relaxed and nodded, "Oh, mutton, you don't need to ask others, I sent someone to bring it."
The entire third entrance courtyard was suddenly completely silent again.

The expression on Nala's face changed several times, and finally turned into a wry smile, "Oh? How could it be rewarded by the emperor?"

Although Nala's forced a wry smile on his face, his heart was already burning with anger.

Today, she scolded and nobleman in public like this, and wanted to find out the noble concubine Ling behind her, originally she wanted to make these two people look bad in public; but the emperor has become a joke for everyone to see her in this way!

But she is the mother of the Qing Dynasty and the queen of the palace!

She was a little unwilling to admit defeat, and couldn't help but asked the emperor, "I don't know one thing, and I ask the emperor to clarify: the rules of weddings and funerals, and family members eating blessing meat are handed down from the ancestors, and no one can change it." The emperor himself also abides by this rule, and has always personally led us to eat blessed meat together."

"Then why did the emperor reward the nobleman with mutton so much today? May I ask when will mutton become the blessing meat for my people to worship God?"

The night lights intertwine with light and shade, vaguely outlining the emperor's eyebrows and eyes, but it is hard to see whether he is smiling or sullen.

The emperor just nodded calmly, "As the mother of the Qing Dynasty, the empress personally presides over the family sacrifice of the Kunning Palace, so the empress has always done the cooking of blessing meat herself. Therefore, the empress said so, even I Neither can be refuted."

"It's just that I have already given this mutton. The queen sees, what should I do? Do I need to go to Kunning Palace to kneel all night and plead guilty to the ancestor gods?"
Everyone was shocked and looked at Nalashi one after another.

Nala opened her mouth in embarrassment, but couldn't close it for a while.

It was so easy to finally get out the words, "How dare I be a concubine! The emperor is the son of heaven, and the emperor's words and deeds are the rules; even if they are different from the rules of the ancestors, only the emperor can change these rules in this world."

The emperor nodded, "The empress said it well, it's really good, I want to praise it!"

As the emperor said, his eyes dimmed, he glanced at Nalashi, and smiled for a while.

"After that day, if something like this happens again, I believe the Queen will not be so surprised. There is nothing to be surprised about. As the Queen said, I am the Son of Heaven. Even if the rules of the ancestors cannot be changed, there is still one person in this world who is good or bad. You can make some changes—this person is me!"

"If I change the rules, I will naturally go to Anyou Palace, or Fengxian Temple, Taimiao to salute, and tell my ancestors to know. If the ancestors don't agree, they will have their own methods to conjure dreams and send gods to me. This is just a relationship between me and the ancestors. There is no need for others to gossip about the sympathy between them."

The emperor stared straight at Nala, and slowly turned cold, "The queen said, is what I said right?"

Nala stared at the emperor with raised eyes, and the eyes of the two collided.

Nala's eyes were rebellious and oppressive at first, but in the end they couldn't match the emperor's gaze.

Under the gaze of the emperor, Nala had no choice but to fall down slowly, and finally turned his head away.

"The emperor is right."

The emperor's eyes flashed, he nodded, and he looked back at the nobleman, "How about you eat that plate of mutton?"

He and the nobleman hurriedly bowed and answered, "The concubine is good to eat. Thank you, the emperor, for the reward."

Talking to the nobleman and the emperor, in the middle of the conversation, he raised his eyes and looked at Wanxi quietly.

Wanxi noticed that although the nobleman and the nobleman were unwilling to salute Nala with the flag's etiquette before, but this time to thank the emperor, they used the flag custom's squatting salute.

Wanxi smiled gratifiedly, and winked at the nobleman.

The emperor also nodded and said, "Since you eat well, I will not only give you a plate of mutton - I will also point you to a royal chef from your back department, and ask him to serve you like this every day from now on." go."

"I have already issued a decree to the Huiren Zuo Ling, and asked your uncle Eser Yin to find a suitable cook to enter the palace as a candidate. Now that the selection has been made, the one named 'Nunimat' will be referred to as the queen. The dining room in the palace is dedicated to serving your meals."

A pair of beautiful eyes of the nobleman suddenly filled with brilliant light.

Wanxi was also overjoyed.

The emperor stared at Nala family again, "The queen's palace has its own dining room, and half of it is set up here, with a wall built in the middle, for the use of the nobles alone. From today onwards, all the meals with the nobles will be handed over to the nuns. Ni Matt, the empress need not worry about it."

As the emperor spoke, he ordered Hu Shijie beside him, "Decree to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and ask the Ministry of Internal Affairs to select the cooks, servants Sura, and internal management leaders from the Hui people's assistant leaders for the dining room of the nobles. All should be handed over. Give it to Nunimat, he has chosen it, and reported it to me."

Even the nobleman couldn't believe his ears, raised his face, and asked brightly, "Your Majesty, does that mean that from now on, concubines can only eat mutton, and don't have to be forced to eat black meat anymore?" ?”

"Heizirou?" The emperor raised his eyebrows.

He and the nobleman blushed slightly, but refused to explain.Wanxi understands the reason behind it, and the nobleman doesn't even want to mention the word "pig", so she doesn't want to explain.

Wanxi explained softly in the emperor's ear, "I heard that Hui people hate pigs, and they feel dirty even when they say that word; so they call it 'Hei Zi' instead. Some Hui people happen to have a Chinese surname of ' The character Zhu' must be renamed Hei~"

The emperor nodded, "So that's the case. That's right, the meat in this palace is all from black pigs~~"

Asking the emperor to make such a contact, Wanxi also lowered her head and smiled softly.The tension and embarrassment in this yard gradually dissipated because of this.
Everyone relaxed, but Nala couldn't help raising her eyes to look at Wanxi.

From her point of view, the sudden turn of events tonight was all Wanxi's intentions, all aimed at her.

Nala snorted softly and stared at Wanxi, "Where is Ling Guifei tonight? Tonight is the first night of the imperial concubine's first night, so even I will watch the night with you; why, Ling Guifei with one As a noble concubine, you feel so noble that you don't need to salute the imperial concubine, do you?"

Wanxi kept the etiquette, and knelt down to Nalashi in a calm manner.It was the emperor who gave her a hand, for fear that she would sprain.

Wan Xi's voice was soft, "Returning to the master and empress, it's not that the concubine refuses to watch the night for the imperial concubine, it's just that the concubine is not suitable for vigil; if the concubine insists on vigil, then it is the ghost who offended the imperial concubine."

Manchurian mourning and women who are pregnant with children are not suitable to participate.

If Concubine Yu hadn't stood by and Princess Hejia was too young to understand the things like using red cloth to cover the mirror, Wanxi should have avoided it.

Nalashi narrowed his eyes, "What are you talking about?"

Wanxi stared lightly at the emperor with her side eyes, and blinked playfully, "Your majesty...can you speak, my slave?"
The emperor focused on Wanxi's expression, then hummed softly, "Speak."

Nala couldn't help feeling nervous for no reason, staring at Wanxi closely, "Concubine Ling, what are you going to say?!"

In this situation, Nala could not have imagined the possibility of Wanxi being happy again; it's just that she couldn't believe it, and she didn't want to believe it.

After all, Wanxi is not too young now, she just lost a child for only seven months; she just lost Yonglu, so naturally she should be physically and mentally exhausted. Have kids? !
Wanxi glanced quietly at Nalashi, and from Nalashi's expression, she could already see Nalashi's inner activities.

Wanxi became more calm, more flexible and joyful, and said slowly, "Back to the master, I am a concubine, and I am happy again; the imperial doctor said that the fetal gas has been three months, and I have already sat down." Steady, you can talk outside~"
Nala's family is like a thunderclap on the roof of the roof!
She stared blankly at Wanxi, for a long while there was still a dazzling white in front of her eyes, and she couldn't recover.

The rest of the harem, such as Concubine Xin, also changed color.

The emperor also stood side by side with Wanxi, squinting at Nala's expression with his long eyes, and said slowly, "At this point, the empress should understand why I insist on letting imperial concubine Ling move out of the 'natural picture' and live in the original only Have you gone to the main hall where you live?"

"Oh, on the one hand, I want to let the noble concubine Ling forget the sadness of losing Xiao Shisi just now; on the other hand, I want the blessing of the main hall to protect this new child at this time, and call him a long-lasting blessing." ,grow healthy."

"The main hall where the empress lives, the blessing is unmatched by other palaces in the harem. Therefore, I chose this place at a glance..."

"If this child, Concubine Ling, is raised well, I am willing to believe that it is thanks to the Queen's blessing. Therefore, I believe that the Queen will chant scriptures and pray for this child every day, right?"

The white light in front of Nala's eyes hadn't dissipated yet, and the emperor felt that his ears were ringing when he said this.

But she could not disregard her status in the middle palace, and in front of all eyes, she had no choice but to bow slowly to the emperor, "Concubine, congratulations to the emperor."

The queen saluted, and all the concubines, princes, princesses, clan relatives, and Fujin present all knelt down and said "Congratulations" in unison.

The emperor laughed, took Wanxi's hand and patted it lightly, "Although tonight is the first night of the imperial concubine, our hearts are inevitably sad. But the imperial concubine has always been someone who deeply understands my heart. She If you know the good news of Concubine Ling, then she must be watching with a smile in the sky tonight."

"If this is the case, although the funeral is sad, but the happy event can come one after another, then this funeral can also become a joyful event. If we send the imperial concubine for a ride in this way, she will surely be able to return to reincarnation with a smile on her face .”

The emperor said that he entrusted Wanxi to Concubine Wan, and stepped forward to grab Princess Hejia.

The father and daughter entered together, the emperor walked to the imperial concubine's bed and stared at her remains for a long time.

Then, he took out a piece of pure gold spending money from the work purse on his waist, and stuffed it into the mouth of the imperial concubine with his own hands...

After watching this night, at Zishi, the body of the imperial concubine will be moved to Ji'an to stop the coffin, wait for the funeral palace to be completed, and then move to Jing'anzhuang for burial... Therefore, the emperor's move at this time is, before the funeral, the last A heart.

With this piece of money in her mouth, it can help the imperial concubine keep a ray of life, hoping that she will be reincarnated after being buried in the ground.

(A living imperial concubine is as unique as a queen, so there is no need for a title. Generally, it is not called "pure imperial concubine", just "imperial imperial concubine".)
(End of this chapter)

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