Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2344 Volume 7 44 Is it the wrong kind of love?

Chapter 2344 Seven Volumes 44 Is it the wrong kind of love? (complete)
"Brother Eleven is looking for Cui Huan?"

Yu Rui was a little puzzled when she heard it, she raised her eyebrows and walked closer to stare at Yong Xing, "Brother Eleven, tell the truth, why are you looking for Cui Huan?"

Yongxing was raised in Yongshou Palace since he was a child, even when he went to Concubine Shu's Palace, he always came to play.Yurui has helped Wanxi take care of Yongxin since she was a child, and this relationship is deep, so there is nothing that cannot be said.

But Yongxing coughed, "Ahem, it's nothing. I just saw Aunt Cuiji, so I greeted Aunt Cuihuan. The two first-class women are right beside Miss Rui?"

Yu Rui was not intimidated, and spat lightly, "Elder Elder knows everyone in Yongshou Palace, and there is no one in and outside the palace that Elder Elder doesn't recognize. But, Cui Huan and Cui Huan Dimple is a special case—after all, I only entered the palace last year, and both Cuiji and Cuihuan entered the palace last year; and Elder Brother, since he entered school, there are fewer days when he can see the sky and run to Yongshou Palace , it seems that I'm not that familiar with Cui Huan."

"If you came to find Yuchan, Yuying, or Aunt Yuhan today, I wouldn't even ask. But you happened to come here on purpose, and it seems that you are here to find Cuihuan , then I have to ask."

Yu Rui simply sat across from Yong Xing with her buttocks, looking up and down at Yong Xing across the kang table.

How could Yongxing resist Yurui's sizing up like this, his face was flushed with embarrassment.

"Hey? Madam Rui, don't stare at me like that." Yongxin raised his hands high, blocking Yurui's sight and his own face, shaking vigorously, trying to stop Yurui from looking at her, "You Staring at me again, I thought my face was not washed clean!"

Yu Rui snorted softly, "I have to take a closer look, our eleventh brother, has he grown up all of a sudden?"

Yong Xing didn't realize it for a while, so he quickly patted his heart, "Of course I have grown up. After this year, I will be ten years old!"

Yurui shook her head with a smile, "That's not big, not big enough..."

Yu Rui intentionally smirked and glanced at Yong Xing, "It's ten years old again, at best, it's only eight years old this year, not yet the age of 'crying for a daughter-in-law'~~"
Only then did Yong Xing understand, his face was so ashamed that it was on fire.

"Oh, Empress Rui, what are you talking about!"

Yurui is not willing to give up the chance to squeeze Yongxin so easily.This elder brother, if you talk about ghosts, he is definitely not under Fu Kang'an; but he can cover himself up every time, so he can only ask Fu Kang'an to take the blame.This time Yurui managed to catch the opportunity of Yongxing blushing and speechless, so she didn't want to let him go easily.

Besides, time really flies, the eighth elder brother is now eight years old, and one month later, after the new year, he will be nine years old.According to the rules of the palace, even the prince, who has reached the age of ten, can no longer casually run into the inner court.Except in the palace of my birth mother and adoptive mother, I can't run around anymore.

The days of being able to talk freely without any scruples like this are really one day gone, so it is so cherished.

Thinking about it this way, it was just a joke, and Yu Rui couldn't help feeling a little more sad in her heart.

That's right, it's not just that children grow up fast, even in this life, decades of time are just a chance meeting.There is a time to get together, and there is also a time to leave forever.

Yurui was still smiling, but the corners of her lips were slowly retracted, "Brother Eleven has learned to be embarrassed? Well, then you have grown up."

"Brother Eleven is still relying on me to talk nonsense? Why did Eleventh come to talk to Cui Huan all of a sudden without any reason? I can't help but guess that Eleventh Brother is about to arrive The age to marry a daughter-in-law."

Yong Xing was so anxious that he shook his hands, stood up as if he could jump directly onto the kang at any time, "No! It's still too early! Even if Huang Ama married the prince, she would have to be 13 years old!"

Yurui saw that Yongzheng was really in a hurry, so she covered her mouth and smiled, "Okay, okay, my dear Eleven, sit down quickly. Don't be anxious for a while, just jump up the beam, I will I have to take a ladder up to reach you."

Only then did Yong Xing sit back with a blushing face, and tried to explain to himself, "I came to find Cui Huan for a reason. Miss Rui, did you forget, on the night of July [-]th, we were in the 'Ten Thousand Flowers Array' Just kidding? It was thanks to Aunt Cuihuan who gave us the hint that we were able to come out so quickly."

"The days go by so quickly. It's been four months since I spoke, and I was locked up in the upper study room, and I didn't have a chance to come in. That's why I owe Aunt Cuihuan a thank you all the time."

It's been four months, he himself just forgot, but mynah still remembers it.It's been four months since he brought any letter to the starling, and the starling was so anxious that he was going to the house.He didn't dare to delay any longer today, so he hurried in to take care of this matter while the winter solstice was on holiday.
Yu Rui raised her eyebrows and remembered, "Oh? It turned out that it was Cui Huan who tipped you off that night."

Yongxing's reason finally stood, and he relaxed, moved over from the kang table, and took Yurui's arm, "Mrs. Rui, I've said so much. Mistress Rui, can you give me Auntie Cuihuan?" Did you call me?"

Yu Rui bowed her head and smiled, "Alright, alright, I'll call you there right away. She is going to learn how to make flower dew with Princess Jiu and the nobleman."

Yurui said that she called Cuixiu, a maidservant outside the threshold, so she hurried to find Cuihuan and came back.

Yong Xing also made a grimace, "Jiujiu is only so young, she is about to learn how to make toilet water? Does it smell delicious when applied on her face?"

Yu Rui also laughed, "Go, don't say we are chirping. Besides, Elder Brother, what do you know, you bald boy, who said that flower dew can only be wiped on the face, and the body is only fragrant? That flower dew , it can also be used as a drink, so that it can be used as medicine to cure diseases.”

Yong Xing spread his hands, "Mistress Rui said that anyway, it's just a girl's thing, I don't understand."

Cuixiu accepted the errand, so she went out of the palace to look for it.It will take a while to come back, so Yu Rui couldn't help but continue the topic of marriage.

"...The prince is about 13 years old to marry. You are not old enough, but the eighth prince is old enough."

The eighth elder brother Yongxuan was born in the 11th year of Qianlong. When he was thirteen years old, he just caught up with the selection of the Eight Banners women in the 24th year of Qianlong. Therefore, the emperor has already married the eighth elder brother.

"I remember that the Fujin that the emperor assigned to the eighth elder brother is the daughter of the great scholar Yin Jishan, Zhang Jia."

When Yongxing heard Yurui mentioning that myna was married to Fujin, he couldn't help but see myna's eagerness to see the green maid, with blisters on the corners of his mouth, and he felt pity.

Myna is more eager to see Cuihuan because he already has Fujin.Therefore, Yong Xing failed to bring a word for myna for four months, and that's why myna became so anxious.

But Yu Rui was also immersed in her own thoughts, so she didn't pay attention to Yong Xing's expression.Yu Rui just said slowly, "The Emperor seems to be planning a wedding for Eighth Brother next year."

Yong Xing sighed, "It seems to be. But Mynah himself is not so happy, after all, Mynah is only fourteen years old this year, and he doesn't want to get married so early."

Yurui nodded, "Brother Eleven, don't worry if I ask something rude—I just heard that your sister-in-law is a concubine, and your biological mother is a concubine of Lord Yin Jishan?"

Yong Xing didn't care too much about this, "It's a concubine, the eighth sister-in-law's biological mother is also a Han surname, surnamed Zhang."

"But even if it is a concubine, what's the problem? Lord Yin Jishan himself is also a concubine. Even if Lord Yin Jishan is a feudal official, his biological mother has not been conferred. Later, in the tenth year of Yongzheng, the emperor's grandfather, he finally got the first rank. Madam, go. Therefore, the most important identity of the eighth sister-in-law is the daughter of Lord Yin Jishan, and Huang Ama personally selected her to be assigned to the starling. From this, it can be seen that Huang Ama doesn't care about going to the concubine."

Yu Rui nodded, "At this time, Master Yin Jishan's Fujin is Ertai's niece?"

After all, Yongxing was young, squinting at the roof and thinking for a while, then nodded, "It seems to be so. My eighth sister-in-law's aunt was originally not Ertai's niece; Ertai's niece is the stepmother." Fujin, this is the only one who respects this as his aunt."

While talking, Cui Xiu outside brought Cui Huan back.

Yu Rui smiled and stood up, "Come on, I won't be here to talk with you anymore, so as not to make you feel uncomfortable. I'll go and see you and ask Aniang and the others to go."
When Cui Huan came in, she hurriedly greeted Yong Xing, and Yong Xing hurried forward to support her, "Oh, my good sister, don't give me a salute, I don't dare to do it."

Cui Huan looked surprised, and stared down at Yong Xing's hand holding her arm, "Elder Brother Eleven, what are you doing? Please let go. There is no reason in this palace for a prince to hold on to an official woman." ?”

Yong Xing's face turned red again, and he quickly let go of his hands and shook them, "Oh, sister, see what you said."

Cui Huan also laughed, "Brother Eleven is also called wrong. Eleventh Brother is the master, and I am a slave. Either Eleventh Brother respects Ruigui's master anyway, so you can call me 'aunt'; Or just call me by my first name. The servant can’t afford to call Elder Brother Eleven a ‘sister’.”

Cuihuan is only 14 years old this year, not a few years older than Yongxing.But the girl's family is always more generous, and the difference in age is enough for Cui Huan to squeeze in calmly and calmly, leaving Yong Xing speechless.

Yong Xing didn't dare to speak directly about what was on his mind, so he rubbed his forehead anxiously, "Hey... Me, I just think calling you 'Auntie' would make you old; but if you call me by your name directly Well, how rude does that make me look?"

Seeing that Yong Xun was so embarrassed, Cui Huan smiled and put away her jokes, and curtsied to Yong Xing again, "Don't take Eleven Brother seriously, I'm just joking with Eleven Brother, my slave. Brother Eleven apologized, and I hope you, Brother Eleven—oh, villains don’t count the faults of adults.”

Yong Xing was amused, and shook his head helplessly, "Hey, come on, it's not that I'm young, are you old~"
When the two came down at ease, Cui Huan asked directly, "Brother Eleven came here specially to find me, what did you want to say? See, our master has avoided it, as if there is some ghost way?"

Yong Xing weighed it in his heart, and then said with a smile, "Sister, I'm here to thank you on behalf of my starling. On the night of July [-]th, Huang Ama was there in front of so many people. My starling didn't have time to thank my sister, so he left; I just asked me to make up for it today."

Cui Huan raised her eyebrows lightly, "Thank you, Eighth Brother?"

Yong Xing grinned and nodded vigorously, "Exactly! My starling can't wait to tell my sister face to face. It's just that my starling is over ten years old this year, and it's inconvenient to come in casually in the inner court, so that's why I'm special." For conveyance."

Yong Xing carefully glanced at Cui Huan's expression, hoping to find shyness, memory, sweetness and other expressions in his heart, so that he could go back and do business for myna.

Just think about it, and you will know that if you can get such a reply, then the starling must be so beautiful that all impatience will disappear, and the foam on the mouth will disappear.

But Cui Huan didn't call Yongxuan Ruyi. She heard that it was the eighth elder brother Yongxuan's wish, so she covered her mouth and laughed, "Oh, my eleventh elder brother, the eighth elder brother really thinks too much! Slave!" , That night, I actually felt sorry for our Seventh Princess and Ninth Princess."

"That night was Princess Seven's birthday. How could I have the heart to see Princess Seven getting angry? And Princess Ninth was so young that she was so anxious that she cried that night... This slave is a woman from Yongshou Palace, and I believe that the best way is to do it." .”

Cui Huan's eyes were clear, "The servant really didn't do it for the eighth elder brother, so I dare not take the eighth elder brother's thanks in vain. Please ask the eleventh elder brother to explain it to the eighth elder brother."
Yong Xing was dumbfounded.

He stared straight at Cui Huan, his heart churning with panic.He thought, if this goes back to my elder brother's place, the starling will be waiting happily, but what he told the eighth brother is this passage... Then the starling, the other side of the mouth will also have a big blister Come?
Yong Xing lowered his head, and tentatively asked unwillingly, "Sister is self-effacing, so she said that on purpose? After all, my sister is a woman in Yongshou Palace. Both Xiao Qi and Jiu Jiu can be regarded as the masters of my sister. It’s right to do anything for them; but my starling and I are different, my sister has done something for us, we must be grateful.”

"My sister just didn't want to make our brothers feel bad, so she deliberately said that it's nothing to do with our brothers, didn't she?"

Cui Huan opened her eyes wide and stared at Yong Xing, after a while she smiled "puchier", her cheeks were half red and her eyes were full of sparkles.

"Where is Eleventh Brother going? Why do I need to be so polite with the two Elder Brothers! I really only want to go for our Seventh Princess and Ninth Princess, and I don't want to go anywhere else."

"As for the servant who winked at the eighth elder brother, it was because the eighth elder brother was the oldest among the young masters that night. Only the eighth elder brother can understand what I mean."

Cui Huan said to Yong Xing in a coaxing tone, "It was all four months ago, and I have forgotten it long ago. Elder Brother Eleven will forget about it too, and I'll go back if I go back." Tell Eighth Brother not to take it seriously."

After Cui Huan finished speaking, she smiled and saluted, "Brother Eleven is going to say this, right? Then let the servant go, because the servant still has errands to finish. This has been delayed for a while, It's not appropriate to call the servants' hearts."

At this moment, Yong Xing was at a loss for words, and he didn't know where his heart sank.So he could only wave his hand blankly, "Go, go..."

Cui Huan withdrew, and Yong Xing lay on the kang table with her head in her arms.

What's the matter, why don't you tell my starling when you go back later?
Yong Xing left in a daze.

Standing by the window, Wanxi watched the children playing in the yard, saw Yongxin's figure swaying from the corridor, she couldn't help raising her eyebrows, and asked Yu Rui beside her, "What's wrong with Yongxin? He On your side, what happened to you, or what did you say?"

Yu Rui couldn't help being happy, "Sister, I was astonished just now. I felt that there was something wrong with him from the moment he entered my room."

"But, at his age, it's not yet the time to be so sentimental. I thought I was thinking too much before, but sister, now that the Lord has seen him, he actually left such a Shadow left."

Although it is a bit fun for an eight-year-old child to look like this, Wanxi dare not take it lightly.

She can never let go of the promise she made to Concubine Shujia back then.

Wanxi bowed her head and thought for a while, then told Liu Zhu'er, "You go to Concubine Shu's palace yourself, and invite Concubine Shu to sit here."

Now that Concubine Shu is raising Yongxin, Wanxi thinks that there are some things that neither she nor Yurui can see, Concubine Shu should know something.
Not long after, Concubine Shu came.

Wanxi saw that Concubine Shu's face was a little happy, so she asked, "What's the matter, why are you hiding your joy so much?"

Concubine Shu raised her hand and hit Wanxi, "A few days ago, I didn't dare to touch you because you were pregnant with a child. Now, I dare to hit you~"

Wanxi also laughed, feeling in her heart that such intimacy is really hard to come by.

Concubine Shu lowered her eyes slowly, "What joy can I have at this moment? All the joy is just for Yongxuan."

Wanxi was even more puzzled, "Is there any happy event for Yongxing?"

Wanxi said in her heart: If the child had any happy event, would he have been so distraught before?
Concubine Shu shook her head lightly, "Actually, it's not Yongxuan's own happy event, but it has something to do with Yongxuan."

Wanxi raised her eyes, "Yongxuan?"

Concubine Shu nodded with a smile, "I just heard that the emperor ordered Sun Hao to be the official examiner for the Shuntian Wu Township Examination."

Wanxi also understood, "Sun Hao is very famous. At the meeting the year before last, he played a remonstrance to prevent the emperor from visiting Suoyoleji, and asked the emperor to issue a long decree to reprimand him. As a result, the left deputy was unable to be the censor. The study was not allowed to enter; but the emperor was so cute that he was retained as a third-rank official, and later he was given a co-administrator."

"Now he is being asked to be the official examiner of the Wuxiang Examination in Shuntian Mansion. It shows that the emperor was not pretending back then. He scolded him seriously and used him at the same time. It is evident that the emperor is magnanimous."

When Wanxi said this, she clapped her hands, "I understand! Sun Hao is Yongxuan's tutor. When Sun Hao was blamed, Yongxuan was also affected; but now the emperor is still using Sun Hao, and Sun Hao Hao is still a senior member of the third grade, so he can guess from the front and rear palaces that the emperor still loves Yongxuan."

"Yongxuan and Yongxuan are born of the same mother, and Yongxuan will not be influenced by Sun Hao, so it is naturally good for Yongxuan."

Concubine Shu also smiled lightly, "Oh, as Yongxing grows up year by year, now he is approaching ten years old, not only did I not let go of my heart, but I raised it even more. Anyway It’s not just taking care of his homework, but also planning his future.”

Wanxi nodded, and gently patted Concubine Shu's hand, "Yongxuan is a good boy, he will definitely be filial to you in the future."

Concubine Shu also laughed when she heard this, "Yeah, Yongxuan is a ghost, but he is kind-hearted. See how much he cares about Yongxuan now? Yongxuan's foot disease is so troublesome, if If it wasn't for Yongxuan Jiantian'er to accompany him, he would be even more unwilling to see anyone."

Wan Xi listened and nodded, "Then tell me, if Yong Xing is a little unhappy, what can he do to start? You are so dedicated to him, I don't see him being unhappy at all."

Yurui also briefly told Concubine Shu about Cai Yongxin's situation just now.

When Concubine Shu heard this, she immediately became nervous, "This child, what does he have, why is he still hiding it from me?"

Concubine Shu said and patted the Kang table lightly, "He is naturally unhappy. For example, in the upper study room, he was always stepped on by Na Yongxi, but he was afraid that I would worry, so he would not say it directly when he came back. .”

Wanxi knew that it was Yong Xing who disdained to learn the Korean dialect, so she always took out her anger on Yong Xing, who was half of Korean blood.

Wanxi raised her eyes slowly, "If this is the case, you don't have to worry, just leave it to me. The grievance we have suffered forever is that the child refuses to say it. We, as mothers, don't care about the child. Do you want justice?"

Concubine Shu hurriedly asked, "Do you have a solution?"

Wanxi nodded, "The solution is ready-made, but I was hesitant before. After all, Yongzhen is still a child, and I was a little bit impatient."

"But since he bullied Yong Xing and made Yong Xing so devastated, then I can't watch anymore."

As Wanxi said, she leaned over and whispered something in Concubine Shu's ear.

Concubine Shu was overjoyed immediately, and grabbed Wanxi, "It's really a good idea! I will give you a big gift for Yongxing instead!"

"Go!" Wanxi couldn't help but spit at Concubine Shu with a smile, "You want to salute me, and I'll salute you too...then we both do this, it's almost like husband and wife praying to each other."

Concubine Shu also laughed, "You too, why do you want to thank me?"

Wanxi smiled softly, and stretched out her hand to hold Concubine Shu's hand, "The empress dowager's attitude towards me has eased a lot these days. Of course, the emperor and the child are involved in this, but my heart is full of concubines. I understand, this must be inseparable from the fact that you often speak well for me in front of the Empress Dowager."

"Actually, this happened on the night of July [-]th, when the empress dowager punished the empress for having an affair with a nobleman, I already knew it. I only thanked you today, but it was too late .”

Concubine Shu's eyes flickered slightly, and then she sighed softly, "Forget it. I used to say bad things about you in front of the Empress Dowager back then. Don't say thank you."

(There is also a touching story between Yongxuan and Wang, please don’t worry, give them a little bit of ink. The next thing is the birthday banquet~)

(End of this chapter)

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