Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2345, Volume 7, 45

Chapter 2345 Seven Volumes 45

The emperor came back from Huanqiu to worship heaven. On November [-]th, because of the Winter Solstice Festival, he visited the Shoukang Palace in person and celebrated with the Empress Dowager.Minister Wang saluted at the Cining Gate, and all the ministers saluted outside the Meridian Gate.

Nala clan led a group of inner court dignitaries, also in the Ci Ning Palace and on the platform, to salute the Empress Dowager.

In this way, the empresses, concubines, and ministers of the Manchu Dynasty all saluted the empress dowager in various places inside and outside the palace. Today is also a noble day for the empress dowager.The Empress Dowager was very pleased, so she delivered an order to tell Shoushan to go outside the Cining Gate, and quickly asked the emperor to get up and go into the palace to talk.

After saluting for a while, the Empress Dowager also got up from her throne in the Palace of Compassion and Ning, and went back to her own Shoukang Palace.Nala hurriedly stepped forward to hold the Empress Dowager's hand, the Empress Dowager said to the concubines with a smile, "This Palace of Compassion and Ning is the place to salute, even I feel cautious. Let's go, let's go back Shoukang Palace is going to talk, it's not so serious over there, so you don't need to be all restrained."

Nala helped the Empress Dowager to go back to Shoukang Palace first, Wanxi followed Nala, and behind them were Shu Concubine, Yu Concubine, Qing Concubine, and Ying Concubine.

The concubine is after the concubine, and walks in the order of walking.

The empress dowager met the emperor on the way, and when the mother and son were talking, Yuqin followed and whispered in Wanxi's ear, "... Guess, the first thing the empress dowager wants to ask the emperor later is what's up?"

Wanxi smiled and played the qin lightly, "My sister is naughty."
After returning to Shoukang Palace and sitting down, the emperor had already recruited students from Nanfu to enter and perform two excerpts.

The emperor was filial, and because the empress dowager was old, in order to facilitate the empress dowager to watch the opera, a small stage was arranged in the west room of the back hall of Shoukang Palace, so that the empress dowager could watch the opera without leaving home.

It is said that the small stage built in the hall is smaller in scale, and cannot enter the three-story drama of water, land and air like the Paradise, and can only choose excerpts from one or two students, but it is enough for the empress dowager to entertain the elderly.

Seeing the return of the empress dowager, the students of Nanfu Chengying began to babble and sing.The empress dowager was happy, so she sat on the throne in Dongcijian, the emperor and the Nala family were on the left and right, and the other concubines sat on the kangs on the north and south eaves, and they all watched the show together.

After watching the play for a while, the Empress Dowager was still full of interest, but Nalashi couldn't hold back.

She first peeled a citrus for the empress dowager with her own hands, and the fragrance of the citrus filled the room made people feel refreshed. Nala took advantage of the situation and glanced at the emperor with a smile and asked, "The emperor worships heaven on the winter solstice as usual. This grand ceremony every year , no matter what the emperor is busy with, he must salute in person, to be close to the respect the emperor and the son of heaven have for heaven."

The emperor withdrew his gaze, turned slightly, and squinted at Nala, "What does the queen want to say?"

Nalashi laughed, and reached into the golden basin that Tana brought over to wash his hands.After washing and wiping with a towel calmly, he raised his eyes to meet the emperor's.

"Originally, there is nothing in this world that is more important than offering sacrifices to heaven, but this year, on November [-]th, the emperor suddenly granted him a permanent residence, and this concubine was caught off guard."

Nala's eyes were contemptuous, "November [-]th was the day when the emperor moved from the fasting palace in the palace to the fasting palace in the southern suburbs. It was the last day of fasting before offering sacrifices to heaven, and it was also the most important day... …Unexpectedly, the emperor still remembers that he wants to be named as a permanent residence."

"It can be seen that in the emperor's heart, the permanent residence of this salary is very important. The concubine has to think about it: why is the emperor so eager to enter the permanent residence of the salary? The emperor can come back to the palace today to make another decree. Wouldn't it be better not to conflict with Jitian?"

When the empress dowager heard this, she couldn't help but put down the citrus in her hand.
On one side of the kang, Yuqin gently poked Wanxi with her elbow.

"Look, the show is about to start."

Wanxi also smiled helplessly, "It's a big festival, it seems that everyone is unwilling to be lonely, and can't help but join in the fun."

Seeing the empress dowager put down the citrus, Nala glanced at the empress dowager and smiled, "Coincidentally, Lu Changzai is still Concubine Qing's son and sister. It seems that the emperor is so eager to entrust Lu Changzai with Concubine Qing. Related?"

"If this is the case, there will be another pair of Han female sisters Hua'er in our palace. I think it was a good story in the palace when the Yipin sisters entered the palace successively."

The empress dowager finally frowned.Back then, the emperor had conflicted with the empress dowager for a while because he insisted on making concubine Yi and concubine Shu together.The empress dowager refused, so the emperor simply took concubine Yi to the Old Summer Palace, but the empress dowager was nowhere to be seen.

Now that Nala family brought up the old matter again, the empress dowager's unhappiness once again surged up.

The empress dowager turned her head to stare at the emperor, "...in our harem of the Qing Dynasty, there have always been many examples of sisters serving the emperor together. But ah, the sisters in the past were all Mongolian princesses and princesses from our Manchurian family. But in this dynasty The sisters Hua'er in the harem, from the Bai sisters to the Lu sisters, why are they all Han women?"
Hearing that Nala successfully provoked the empress dowager's dissatisfaction with the distinction between Manchu and Han, his heart ached a little, and he couldn't help raising his eyes worriedly, and exchanged glances with Yuqin.

Wanxi is worried about two things: firstly, Lu Changzai is Yuqin's sister, and Nalashi then pointed the finger at Yuqin again; secondly, the emperor did make a sudden decree during the fasting period, which makes people feel unavoidable Seeing that the emperor was still thinking about men and women when he was fasting, his heart of offering sacrifices to heaven was dishonest.If this happens, wouldn't this Lu Changxi become a catastrophe~
The emperor didn't speak for a while, and Wanxi's heart tightened even more, worrying that the emperor was also at a loss for words.

She quietly clenched her cuffs tightly, thinking that if the emperor had nothing to say at this moment, she would stand up and speak.

Even if he brought the empress dowager's dissatisfaction to himself, he couldn't make sister Yuqin suffer, let alone embarrass the emperor.

Just when Wanxi was about to get up, the emperor turned his gaze to her.

He raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Wanxi's heart was suffocated, but the emperor had already turned his head back, and suddenly made a sound.

But it wasn't answering the Empress Dowager's question, let alone responding to Nala's questioning.

He only held the citrus in his hand, smiled and said to the Empress Dowager, "It's winter and November, but this citrus is still juicy, how do you like it?"

The Empress Dowager didn't know why her son said this suddenly, she couldn't help frowning slightly, "Emperor...I asked you about Lu Chang's presence, why did you mention this citrus?"

The emperor calmly shrugged slightly, but his black pupils stared at Nala.

"It's not that my son insisted on talking about this citrus if he had nothing to say. In fact, the empress picked up this citrus and gave it to Er Nie. The son couldn't stop him, so he had to start with this citrus." gone."
When the emperor spoke, he always had a voice behind the strings.Nala Shi didn't want to understand anymore, but she still understood.She couldn't help squinting to meet the emperor's gaze, with a cold expression on her face.

The emperor was not at all intimidated by her expression, but instead smiled mockingly, "The queen gave Ernie the citrus, why didn't Ernie eat it? Do you think it's not delicious?"

The corners of the emperor's lips curled up slightly, and he glanced at Nala, "Empress, could it be that the sour and astringent citrus that you put on the emperor's forehead is sour and astringent?"

Nala bit her lips lightly, and immediately retorted, "Why did the emperor say that? The concubine's gift to the empress dowager is naturally sweet!"

The emperor shrugged innocently, "Then why didn't the emperor eat it?"

The empress dowager was helpless when she heard that, she could only shake her head, and reached out to hold the emperor's wrist, "Emperor...don't make things difficult for her. At least she is your queen in the middle palace!"

The empress dowager breathed a sigh of relief, and then retracted the tone of directly questioning the emperor before, trying to calm down as much as possible, and lowered her voice through the babbling singing over there, "This citrus is naturally sweet, the empress doesn't care Wrong. It’s just that I can’t eat it for the time being, I have to listen to what you have said first, and I can eat it later.”

The emperor nodded with a smile, and turned his wrist back to hold his mother's hand, "I see, my son is relieved now."

The empress dowager was also helpless, and snorted softly, "The play is in a beautiful place, don't delay me from watching the play. Please explain to me clearly, so I can concentrate on watching the play." The empress dowager paused, "...It's worth living up to your filial piety in preparing this excerpt for me, isn't it?"
Only then did the emperor smile sweetly, not like fifty, but like being coquettish to the empress dowager at five years old, "It's good that Ernie knows the filial piety of his son! That son is always the one in his heart. The most important thing is to be filial to Er Nie."

"Don't talk about ordinary times, even when offering sacrifices to heaven and fasting, although my son respects heaven, he never let go of his filial piety to Ernie..."

After the emperor said these words, Wanxi's heart trembled slightly.

Yuqin hurriedly came over and asked, "... Your Majesty, what does this mean?"

Wanxi didn't dare to speculate for a while, but gently held Yuqin's hand, "I don't dare to say for sure at the moment, but just looking at the emperor's demeanor, I feel that the emperor already has the best idea in his heart." idea."

On the other side, the empress dowager and Nala family also looked at the emperor.

Nala couldn't hold back even more, and couldn't help sneering, "The emperor's words are really interesting! Could it be that the emperor thought about ennobling the permanent residence when he was fasting, and even gave it to the empress dowager?" Is it related to filial piety?"

Nala held the veil and lifted it up, touched the corners of her lips, "Pu Chi'er" laughed, "Could it be possible, what the emperor means is that he still wants to be granted a permanent residence when he is fasting. Do you want this 14-year-old Lu Changzai to give birth to a grandson for Huang Erniang as soon as possible, so that the emperor can do his filial piety for Huang Erniang?"
What Nala said so well, even the Empress Dowager couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

The emperor stared at Nala, and the people in the distance saw only the emperor's smile; only the empress dowager, who was right in front of her eyes, saw her son's eyes turning cold little by little.

The empress dowager hurriedly said, "Empress, you can also tell such a joke! The emperor naturally didn't mean it like that."

Only then did the emperor smile again, and squeezed his mother's hand tighter, "It's Ernie who understands son better. Although the queen is the son's middle palace, it's a pity that she has been with her for many years, but she still doesn't understand her son as well as Ernie Go to the fur."

Nala wanted to refute, but the emperor's words were comparing her with the empress dowager, if she refuted, it would seem that she was targeting the empress dowager.

She had to take a deep breath and tried her best to endure it, but she couldn't help laughing just staring at the emperor, "The concubine should ask the emperor to show me. What does it have to do with filial piety to the Queen Mother?"

The emperor gave Nala's a contemptuous look, and said slowly, "Since the queen wants to ask, then listen carefully."

The emperor stood up and walked to the empress dowager.

The empress dowager didn't understand what the emperor meant, so she hurriedly said in a low voice, "Emperor, if you have something to say, just say it by my side!"

Instead, the emperor raised his hand to signal to the Nanfu students.Immediately, the shengxiao and the orchestra stopped, and there was a silence in the hall.

The emperor smiled and said, "On the fourteenth day of the first lunar month, that is, the day before the winter solstice, when my son fasted in the fasting palace in the southern suburbs, besides paying homage to the heavens, what he was thinking about was how to prepare for the upcoming Longevity Day of the emperor's mother." Happy birthday."

"Because my son had just returned from the autumn of Mulan with the queen mother, the scene when Mulan was watching the deer always came to my mind. The most grand feast of this trip around Mulan was the son's gift. Huang Erniang was in Yimianyu, and the various Mongolian ministries presented the "Four Banquets" for Huang Erniang. On that day, her son went to the circus with Huang Erniang, and Huang Erniang couldn't help but smile very comfortably. "

The emperor paused for a moment, then sighed softly, "My son said a few clapping words: That day, the queen mother smiled like a child... My son really wants to engrave that moment forever, my son really hopes that the queen mother will remember it every day." It’s so easy to smile.”

After the empress dowager heard this, her heart warmed slightly, "Emperor, although you are not in Mulan at this time, how can I not understand your filial piety? So even in the palace, my smile is the same as that day It's so comfortable."

The emperor smiled and nodded, "The most important thing to do around Mulan is to watch the deer; and the Yimianyu area used to be called 'Buhutu', and it was also a 'place with deer'. The deer, Lu Ye, has been used by deer since ancient times. It is a spirit beast of immortality, implying longevity, and at the same time, it can imply the prosperity of the country. The first emperors of all dynasties made antler chairs after the deer whistle to remember martial arts; the emperor's mother is a woman, and the son should not make antler chairs for the emperor's mother. It's really regrettable. So my son was thinking about it in the fasting palace that day, and if he got his mind right, he would naturally think of using the word 'Lu' to celebrate Ernie's birthday."

"As soon as my son's thoughts moved, he couldn't stop it. So he immediately thought that he could be named a resident and named 'Lu', so that he could entrust his son's heart to the emperor's mother! The son wanted to take advantage of this, and then sacrificed it the next day. At the time of heaven, they all wholeheartedly prayed to heaven and wished the emperor's mother a birthday. Here, my son respectfully wishes the emperor's mother good luck and longevity, and be blessed by heaven!"
Everyone was stunned.

Wanxi's heart was full of cheers, so she opened the doors and windows.

Wanxi got up and took the lead to bow to the empress dowager, "The emperor, on the day before offering sacrifices to the heaven, was entrusted with the title of Lu, and he was named "Lu". I wish the Empress Dowager a happy life and a healthy life, and be honored by heaven—"

Seeing Wanxi get up, all the other concubines also stood up and bowed down, "I wish the empress dowager a blessing from heaven..."

After the concubine, all the officials, ladies and eunuchs in Shoukang Palace, together with the students from Nanfu who came to accept, all knelt down and congratulated in unison.

The empress dowager was overjoyed, and hurriedly raised her hands to everyone, "Okay, okay. Get up quickly."

The emperor's long eyes were smiling, and he glanced at Wanxi lightly.

And Nala held onto the veil tightly.If it wasn't for the soft nature of the veil, she seemed to want to crush it! .
It's been a while since Wanxi returned to Yongshou Palace, sitting on the kang, she still couldn't help laughing.

Yu Rui glanced at it, and then covered her lips and smiled, "Don't say that my sister wants to be happy, I also want to be happy when I think about it. To be honest, I was a little worried about the emperor at first, so why did I just choose one?" On the day of fasting, Jin Feng Lu Chang is here? This is a real excuse, how could the Queen's master let it go."

"However, I never thought that the emperor had already prepared such a good reason to go! When I heard my sister come back and talk about it, I really wanted to clap my hands and jump!"

Yurui is a nobleman, but not enough to go to the opera together in front of the Empress Dowager.She didn't know until Wanxi came back to talk about it.

Wanxi also smiled and shook her head helplessly, "Who said it wasn't? We, we have taken care of the emperor for two days in vain."

Wanxi lowered her head and chuckled, "I'm stupid to say it. Yuse's surname is Lu, but the emperor doesn't call him 'Lu Changzai', but specially uses 'Lu Changzai' to go. There's this mystery hidden here. , I didn't notice."

Yu Rui nodded, "That's right. Although we have seen the emperor's wisdom with our own eyes these years, we don't need to worry about it in vain; but this matter suddenly came to our eyes, and the emperor happened to be not in the palace at that time, so I controlled it in my heart." It's still hanging up."

"Oh, my majesty, this must be a decree that I have thought of long ago before passing on. Your majesty is really a bold man with a high skill, this is really walking around the wall!"

While talking, there was applause outside.

Wanxi hurriedly exchanged glances with Yurui, got up and walked to the door of the shop to pick her up.

The emperor walked in, glanced at Wanxi's expression, and was satisfied to see the sparkle in Wanxi's eyes that couldn't be hidden.Then he stretched out his hand and grabbed Wanxi's hand, "...Why are you having fun secretly? What's the matter, could it be that you were worried before?"

Wanxi blushed a little, lowered her head and said, "No! The one who entered the seal is Lu Chang, not a slave, so it's the slave's turn to worry?"

The emperor dragged her to sit down on the edge of the Kang, and couldn't help laughing, "Look, you are really sharp-minded! Do you still care about the permanent position? Okay, then you can exchange the status of imperial concubine for the permanent presence. To change or not to change?"

Wanxi was stunned, and didn't know how to reply for a while, so she stretched out her foot to kick the emperor's ankle in a hurry.

"Is there such a comparison? If the master has to say so, it's fine. After all, the slave listens to the master! The master will directly demote the slave and go there!"

The emperor raised his eyebrows suddenly.

Wanxi knew that she had mentioned oil, so she quickly stuck out her tongue, stepped forward and hugged the emperor's arm, softened and said, "Left and right... The servant hasn't stayed in the permanent position yet, and it feels new, doesn't it? If the master asks the servant to go to the same place, the servant will feel that it will be successful~"

Only then did the emperor snort, and he laughed, "Bah, thank you for remembering! The Lord gave you the first title, and you are a nobleman! Thankfully you have been here for 20 years, and you are still envious of always being here... Really, Lord, look at you It's still that 14-year-old little girl, the same age as Lu Changzai, there is no difference!"

Wanxi's heart softened and sweetened, she nodded vigorously, "My master is right, the slave has been in the palace for 20 years, and he still hasn't made much progress in front of him."

The emperor spat again, "Bah! My lord said you were still young... Who said you didn't make progress? If you didn't make progress, how can we teach our children?"

Wanxi smiled lightly, and moved her body towards the emperor's arms, "Anyway, there is a master. Slave, I am so happy that I don't care about anything, and rely on my master for everything."

The emperor hugged Wanxi over and held her mouth tightly.

It took a while to let go, but she still put her cheeks on Wanxi's neck, "...a 14-year-old girl, I always avoid her, and I always feel that getting close is like a crime. But what happened back then What about my son? Why did the master have such a heart for a 14-year-old girl back then, huh?

Wanxi's eyes became hot, and she quickly stretched out her arms to wrap around the emperor's neck, "Isn't it because—my lord is bad!"

The emperor laughed, stretched out his hand towards Wanxi, "Then I'll show you how bad it is~~"
November 25th, the Empress Dowager's birthday.

The emperor sent officials to sacrifice to the back hall of the Taimiao.And personally led Minister Wang to celebrate at the Cining Gate and the Meridian Gate.

The empress dowager's holy birthday is different from the day of the winter solstice.The Winter Solstice Festival is related to the sky, but the Shengshou Festival is a matter of oneself.Therefore, the emperor did not celebrate the Empress Dowager's birthday in the Shoukang Palace, but sent the Empress Dowager to Jingyixuan and Chonghua Palace to celebrate the Empress Dowager's birthday with a family banquet.

This kind of family banquet is not only the seat and banquet of the inner court, but even the prince and grandson, and the Fujin of the prince and grandson all come into the palace to receive the banquet.

On this day, after all, Wanxi felt a little nervous before putting on the bright yellow auspicious dragon robe again.

Auspicious clothes should be matched with phoenix tin.

Since it is "Phoenix tin", there must be tin flowers in the shape of a phoenix on the tin.The big phoenix hairpin with red gold pendant beads bestowed by the emperor just came in handy today.

Yurui personally helped Wanxi put the big phoenix in the middle of the front of the tin, and looked into the mirror with a smile, "Sister looks really good today. Sister usually likes to be clean, and her makeup is so grand, it is even more dazzling people go."

Wanxi also blushed, and spat softly, "Bah, it sounds like you're not looking good today!" She pulled Yurui over and put them together in front of the mirror, "Look at you , this is even more youthful and beautiful, like durian flowers reflecting water."

Yu Rui also blushed.

Wanxi teased her happily, "Besides, I don't know whose name just happened to have the meaning of 'flowers and flowers'. If you use flowers to describe a woman's appearance, who else can surpass you? I can't do it." , I am just a grass root."

What Wanxi is joking about is the origin of her name: The Book of Songs says, "There are vines in the wild, and there are zero dews. There is a beautiful person, clear and graceful."

Yu Rui hurriedly begged for mercy, "My good sister, please forgive me. If I continue, I will say I am sick and dare not come out today."

Yurui sighed intentionally as she spoke, "...No matter how luxuriant it is, it's a pity that the emperor only has weeds in his eyes, but he doesn't put flowers in his eyes."
Today is not only the Empress Dowager's birthday banquet, but also the official full moon celebration for Xiao Shiwu.

Wanxi and Yurui were both joking and joking, but they didn't dare to waste time, so they carefully hugged Xiaoshiwu and came to Chonghua Palace.

(Ask for a monthly ticket~)

(End of this chapter)

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