Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2348: Change 7 Course

Chapter 2348 Seven Volumes 48 Change a Course (Complete)

Nala is the empress, no matter how harsh her words are, after all, only the emperor and the empress dowager can speak out, and the rest can only watch in astonishment.

But at this moment, Nala's words have already come towards Yongxing.Concubine Shu, who had been sitting by the side, couldn't hold back in the end.

Concubine Shu smiled softly, "My lord, you are joking. How could Yongxuan and Yongxuan be the children of Korean people? They are clearly the princes of my Qing Dynasty!"

Nala narrowed her eyes slightly, and slowly raised her eyes to look at Concubine Shu.

"Oh, Concubine Shu is talking. I have to figure it out, how long has it been since I heard Concubine Shu speak in public like this?"

Nala's point is a direct stab at the fact that Concubine Shu has been out of favor for many years.

After all, it has been so many years, even if Concubine Shu sounds like this, she no longer finds it harsh.Concubine Shu lowered her head and smiled faintly, "What the master said is that unlike the concubine, the master talks every day. And the more crowded the place is, the better the master's conversation is." .”

When Wanxi heard this, she couldn't help lowering her head and smiling slightly.
She was relieved, even if Concubine Shu supported herself independently, she would not suffer from Nala's loss.

When it comes to Concubine Shu's temperament, many concubines who entered the palace late don't know about it, but Wanxi knows it best.Looking at it now, Concubine Shu is still that Concubine Shu, a casual word is enough for Nala to drink two pots.

But then again, even if the surname "Nara" is called, the Yehenala family of Concubine Shu's family is more honorable.The Yehenala family had famous ministers in the former dynasty, Dafujin and the empress in the harem; Nalan Rongruo for literature, Suksaha for military affairs, so the flag is the Zhenghuang Banner... and the Huifa that the empress issued La Shi has not had any famous ministers in these years, nor does he have any high positions in the harem, even the status of the banner, it is just a blue flag for the forward.

Therefore, from the moment Concubine Shu entered the palace, the Nala family tried to win over Concubine Shu by means of not being able to write two Nala clans in one stroke, but Concubine Shu didn't bother to be with her.Concubine Shu also made her words clear, since the Nala family entered the palace early, and the emperor's decree had already used "Nafei" and "Nara's family" to refer to the queen, then Concubine Shu would not like to emphasize herself anymore. It's also Nala's.
Nala knew that Concubine Shu was arguing with her in order to protect Yongxing.

But the current Concubine Shu is no longer the Concubine Shu of the past.If it is said that she was quite afraid of Concubine Shu back then, but now, Concubine Shu has long since fallen out of favor, and all the ten princes she gave birth to have died for so many years... What's more important is that Concubine Shu's old Grandmother Geng Gege had passed away long ago.With Geng Gege gone, the bridge between Concubine Shu and the Empress Dowager has also collapsed.Even if there are still some pier remnants left at this time, they will no longer look like they used to.

Therefore, at this time, Nala, the empress of the main palace, does not pay attention to Shu Fei Yehenala, who has fallen out of favor.

Nalashi just sneered, "If you insist on saying that, then there is nothing wrong with it. After all, half of the blood flowing in the child's body comes from the father's line, and the other half comes from the mother's line. I'm talking about their matrilineal line, what do you say?" It’s their paternal lineage, so the two of us are right.”

"However, the blood that flows in a person's veins cannot be chosen by oneself; but the words that a person speaks can be chosen by oneself."

Nala stared at Concubine Shu with a sneer, "Concubine Shu, you just heard it with your own ears. They chose to speak Korean in front of the Empress Dowager themselves! No one forced them, let alone asked them to do so, it was them I want to."

"In this case, I can only think that between the royal blood of the father and the Korean blood of the mother, they themselves prefer to choose the Korean side." Nala said, looking up at the people present , "The big guys heard it just now, you said, didn't you?"

These Fujin clansmen, apart from Gege from the Manchurian family, are Mongolian Gege, and the Koreans are naturally not worth mentioning in their eyes.Hearing what Nala said, many of them couldn't help but smile knowingly.
Concubine Shu is Concubine Shu, still sitting upright, with a faint smile on her face.

"Your Majesty, you mean that Yongxuan and Yongxuan just used Korean dialect to celebrate the Empress Dowager's birthday, so they chose to be Korean?" Concubine Shu raised her handkerchief and pressed her lips, "That's interesting Could it be that the master only heard the two of them speak Korean, but didn't hear that they used Qing, Han, and Mongolian before?"

Concubine Shu lowered her head halfway, her eyes flashed brightly, "The concubine also has the courage to ask the master and empress: what is written on the main gate of the Empress Dowager's Ci Ning Palace, on the steep plaque of the Ci Ning Gate?"

The Compassionate Palace is the main palace of the Empress Dowager Palace, representing the Empress Dowager; just like the Hall of Supreme Harmony represents the emperor.The plaque on the main entrance of the Compassionate Ning Palace is equivalent to representing the empress dowager's heart.

Concubine Shu suddenly asked about the steep plaque of the Cining Gate, which surprised Nala: She understood that Concubine Shu was going to talk about the empress dowager again.

Nalashi narrowed his eyes and dealt with it carefully.

"I don't understand, Concubine Shu, what do you mean?"

Concubine Shu nodded in satisfaction, and smiled softly, "My mistress avoids the important and ignores the important, and refuses to show it, is it? That's okay, it's up to the concubine."

Because of the empress dowager's birthday, the House of Internal Affairs always repairs the empress dowager's palace to an appropriate degree before the birthday festival every year.The steep plaque on the main entrance of the Compassionate Ning Palace has to be repainted every year to make it clear and bright.

Concubine Shu also turned to everyone present, and said with a smile, "I believe all of you, Fujin, have also seen that the steep plaque on the Cining Gate is the three characters 'Cining Gate' written in three languages: Qinghua, Mongolian and Chinese." "(For those of you who are visiting the Compassionate Ninggong, you can pay attention to it, the three words, the meaning of harmony is very clear)
Concubine Shu shrugged, "Look, my lord, even the empress dowager's main palace plaque is inscribed with these three kinds of characters, so shouldn't the princes say all these words when they congratulate the empress dowager on her birthday?" Is that good?"

As Concubine Shu said, she smiled and bowed to the Empress Dowager, "The Empress Dowager is not only the Empress Dowager of the Manchus, but also the Empress Dowager of the Han and Mongols, and the Empress Dowager of the whole of China. Could it be that the master and empress only think of herself as the Empress Dowager?" The Queen of Manchuria?"
Nala's nostrils flared immediately after being stabbed at the weak point, "Even if half of what you say is right. You can speak Tsinghua, Mongolian and Chinese today, and I don't care about it! But... Yongxuan and Yongxuan Just now, I used more Korean dialect!"

"Concubine Shu, don't try to confuse the public and deceive the Empress Dowager—I just said that these two children deliberately spoke Korean in front of the Empress Dowager!"

Concubine Shu turned around and smiled, "Oh, the master and empress have already allowed the princes to speak more than plain words. Well, I will speak the Korean dialect again."

"My concubine returns to the mistress of the master, dare to ask the mistress of the master if she ever knew what courses the twelve elder brothers studied in the study room?"

Nalashi took a deep breath, "Of course I keep an eye on Yongxin's lessons every day, how can I not know? Their daily lessons are for both civil and martial arts. They practice more before noon, and they practice riding and shooting in the afternoon."

Concubine Shu nodded and smiled, "My lord said that the prince's homework in the study, in addition to riding and shooting and practicing shotguns, Wen's homework mainly includes: characters, Confucianism, national history, sacred teachings, policy questions, poetry and songs, Calligraphy and painting, etc. Among the many literary industries, writing is the most important thing. Because if writing is impossible, why read?"

After all, Concubine Shu is the lady of the scholarly family. When it comes to these lessons, she knows more steadily and accurately than Nala.

Nala's face turned red, "What do you want to say?"

Concubine Shu turned around calmly and walked back to her seat.While walking, his eyes slid across Wanxi's face.

Wanxi also smiled and nodded slightly.

Concubine Shu became more calm, and returned to her seat to talk, "For the subject of writing, of course, you must first learn Qinghua, Mongolian and Han; There are "flagship words". Because among our Eight Banners, in addition to the Eight Banners Manchuria, Eight Banners Mongolia, and Eight Banners Han Army, there are other banner leaders."

"For example, the Gaoli Zuoling formed by the mother's family of the imperial concubine Shujia, and the "Eros Zuoling" established by the Oros people who were included in the Emperor Kangxi's Nerchinsk Zhiyue, and the "Eros Zuoling" who made great contributions in the Battle of Jinchuan 'Xifan Zuoling', and the 'Hui Ren Zuoling' which was only established in recent years."

"Since all of them have joined my Eight Banners, and they are all assistant leaders under the banner, there are also lessons on the banner dialect in the character class in the study." Concubine Shu said with soft eyes, looking at Yongxing, "As long as the language of the assistant leaders under the banner, Or the Korean dialect, or the Oros dialect, after all, the princes must learn at least one, and no one can avoid it."

Although Nala was unwilling, she had to admit the matter. She raised her eyes to stare at Concubine Shu, but she was still arrogant on guard, "So what?"

Concubine Shu nodded with a smile, "Since my lord is clear, she should understand that Yong Xuan and Yong Xing are celebrating their birthdays in Korean in front of the Empress Dowager, they are just using the lessons learned in the study and asking the Empress Dowager to review their homework. "

"Then again, they learn Goryeo in the study room not just because their mother and concubine is the imperial concubine Shujia, but because learning the Koryo dialect is a course in the study room. And the content of this course is not forever. Xuan and Yongxuan decided it themselves, but it was already decided during the time of Lord Kangxi."

Concubine Shu said, raising her eyes with a smile, "My lord, I don't like the princes learning the Korean dialect. Is it because you are dissatisfied with the imperial concubine Shujia, or with the arrangement of Lord Kangxi back then?"
"You!" Nala was so annoyed that she reached out and pointed at Concubine Shu.

Who doesn't know that the emperor respects Lord Kangxi the most, and the emperor has followed the example of Lord Kangxi in everything for decades. Concubine Shu first used the Empress Dowager's Palace of Compassion to talk about things, and this meeting directly implicated Lord Kangxi Go, Nala is the queen of the palace, how can she carry it?

Seeing that the words became more and more rigid, Wanxi couldn't help but smiled and said, "Okay, the mistress has the reasons for the mistress, and concubine Shu also has the reasons for concubine Shu, why don't I say something to close it down."

Wanxi got up slowly, and smiled, "Just now, Yongxuan and Yongxuan used three kinds of dialects under their banners to celebrate the Queen Mother's birthday, which is naturally full of filial piety, and it also shows the bearing that my prince of the Qing Dynasty should have. "The twelfth elder brother couldn't keep up, I'm afraid it's because he got stuck for a while, not because he doesn't know how to speak Chinese, Mongolian and Korean, and it's not because he lacks filial piety."

Wanxi paused, then raised her eyes to look at Yongxin.

"It's better like this, then at this moment, let the twelve elder brothers tell the empress dowager what Yongxuan and Yongxuan said just now. After all, it's a child. If you make it up, your heart will still be complete. Yes, as the elders, we don't have to worry about it anymore."

The empress dowager also sighed, bowed her head and said to Yongzheng, "This is what you told your mother to say. Yongzheng, you can just say it again with Mamu alone, don't just stare at me like this." Eyes are broken, a little older child, this is not good-looking."

Concubine Shu also snorted softly, "That's fine too, as long as Elder Brother Twelve has said everything he needs to say, and he feels at ease, the master and empress won't blame us Yongxuan, then naturally everyone will be happy , I’m the first to say nothing.”

Nala had no choice but to wink at Yongzheng, telling Yongzheng to let it go.

But Yongzhen still knelt there, his neck was stiff and his face was red, and he still couldn't make a sound for a long time.Everyone couldn't help looking at Yongzheng.

After all, Yongzhen is the only son alive at this time.According to the emperor's early wish, the crown prince must be inherited by his son. This is the future master of the Qing Dynasty. Who can not place high hopes on him?

Even Nala Shi was a little anxious, and asked Tana softly, "...what's going on, why is he screwing it up?"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Yong Xing became more and more embarrassed, refused to open his mouth, but simply put his legs up and stood up.

"I will not say!"

The emperor, who had been talking to several aunts by the bank for a long time, finally came back and shouted loudly, "Yongxi, don't forget what occasion this is! Why didn't you say it?"

Yong Xing's face was completely red at this time, he turned his head and stared at Yong Xuan and Yong Xing with hatred, "The two of them deliberately harmed me! I haven't learned what the two of them said just now, and I don't know it at all. explain!"

Yong Xing was not scared by Yong Xing anymore, instead he laughed, "Oh, Twelve Brothers. I taught these few words last year. It's been a year. Why haven't you learned it yet? It was written by the master. My starling and I have written it for you, and we have written it a dozen times!"
Having said this, Nala's heart suddenly exploded.

The emperor could not help narrowing his eyes, staring at Yongzheng, "What? You haven't learned the lessons from last year this year? The master punished you to write it, and you asked your two older brothers to write it for you? Where did you get such courage? "

The Empress Dowager also frowned, reaching out to grab Yongzhen's hand, "Little Twelve, did you really do such a thing?"

After all, Yongzheng was a child, so he was in a hurry at this moment. Huo Di shook off the empress dowager's hand, stomped his feet and shouted at the emperor, "Anyway, I just can't! I can't even learn that bastard Korean dialect. .I don't want to learn anymore!"

The veins on the emperor's forehead were already bulging.

Nalashi finally panicked, got up quickly, pulled Yongzheng, hid behind her, and smiled awkwardly at the emperor, "Your Majesty... this matter of learning characters is not something that can be learned by hard work, it has to be learned." Is it necessary for fate? Little Twelve has worked hard, and the concubine is willing to guarantee the child, he has really exhausted his energy."

"But the Korean dialect is not our clear dialect, and there are few chances to use it on a daily basis. He will inevitably forget it tomorrow after learning it, isn't it? Your Majesty, Xiao Twelve is still young after all, so don't worry about it with him, Your Majesty. After all, he has never missed the main subjects. We are proficient in all the traditional Manchurian bow horse riding and archery, even Qinghua, Mongolian and Han. Little, you just..."

The emperor sneered, "In another month, he will be ten years old. If ten years old is still young, when do you want him to know how to grow up, huh?"

Wanxi bowed her head and listened quietly, and then said slowly, "Your Majesty, don't worry, the concubine feels that what the master and empress said is reasonable. As for writing, it really needs fate, not to mention the language of the flag. It is Manchu and Chinese that are the main business, but now there are people in the former court and the harem who are not proficient in mastering it. What's more, Yongzheng is still a child, and even adults can't understand it."

Nala's eyes narrowed immediately, "Grand Concubine Ling, who do you want to talk about?"

Wanxi raised her eyes slowly, and smiled quietly, "The master misunderstood, the concubine is talking about herself. The slave is a member of the banner, but he can listen and speak Manchu, but sometimes he still can't write some words when he writes it. of."

Nala was speechless.

Wanxi turned her head softly and looked at the emperor, "Since the fate between Yongzheng and Goryeo is a little bit different, then there is no need to continue to embarrass him. The concubine feels that it is better to call the masters in the study. Just change the language of the banner next to the gate for Yongzheng."

"After all, among the princes and grandchildren, some are good at Goryeo, and some are good at other languages. This is how the lotus blossoms and the four seas return to one. What does the emperor say?"

The emperor raised his eyebrows, but nodded.

Only then did Wanxi chuckle and tilt her head, looking at Nala, "In the flag dialect, I feel that Eros dialect and Western dialect are more difficult to learn than Korean dialect. Think about this year's This year, my concubine has a suggestion—why not tell Yongzheng to learn the words of Huibu? In this way, every year when Ban Burke returns to Beijing to meet with him, Yongzheng will be honored as the prince. It is also convenient to accompany the emperor to meet them, and also to show the sincerity of my court, okay?"

Nala's eyes widened immediately, the eyeballs almost protruding from their sockets.

The emperor nodded with a smile on his face, "It's a good idea to concubine Ling. In the past, I was worried that the empress would not understand the customs of living with the empress if the empress lived with the empress. Interpreting with the nobleman will naturally help the queen and the nobleman get along more harmoniously."

"This is the blessing of Yikun Palace, and also the blessing of the harem. Let's do it this way. Gao Yuncong, write it down, and pass the decree to the chief master of the upper study, telling them to arrange it now, and the class will be changed tomorrow! "
The night fell lightly, and the birthday banquet was over.

Wanxi had already told Yurui that Yurui would take a few mothers and take Xiaoshiwu back to the palace first.

Wanxi calmly put on her cloak, held the hand stove, and then walked out of Chonghua Palace.

In the other side of the hall, Concubine Shu had already put on her big clothes, and she walked out slowly, but walked towards Wanxi firmly.

Wanxi greeted Concubine Shu with a smile, "Go back and rest first. Chengqian Palace is in the East Sixth Palace, so you can get around it no matter what; my Yongshou Palace is next to Yikun Palace from north to south, and I always have to face her." of."

Concubine Shu snorted softly, "I just know that she must be waiting for you halfway to settle accounts with you, so I must go with you."

Concubine Shu breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and raised her eyes to look at the night sky, "When I think about starting from tomorrow, Yongzheng will learn the words of the Ministry every day, and I will have cramps and bones every day; and the queen is even more concerned about this matter." I was so annoyed that my mouth was crooked and my eyes were squinting... From now on, their mother and son will never have the opportunity to abuse my Yongxing for the sake of Korean dialect, and they will never be able to ask Yongxing to write and stand for him. I am so happy that I would do anything! "

Seeing Concubine Shu like this, Wanxi was also happy, so she reached out to hold Concubine Shu's hand, "You are right, if you can protect our children and prevent them from suffering, then we will naturally be willing to do anything. .Come on, let's go see her and see what else she can do."
Just after the warm sedan passed Yikun Palace, Yongshou Palace was ahead.Then in the alley between the palace walls, there was only a cold shout, "Master Ling, the servant has been waiting here for a long time."

This voice sounded like Zhou Delu, the chief eunuch of Yikun Palace.

Wanxi ordered to get off the sedan chair, Zhou Delu stepped forward and knocked Qian'er down on his knees, "Return to the imperial concubine, master, the empress master has an order, if you see that the imperial concubine has returned, please go to Yikun Palace to answer."

Wanxi smiled faintly, "Understood."

Zhou Delu didn't expect Concubine Shu to come, so he got up and stopped him, "I'm sorry, Concubine Shu, the queen's master only sent orders to the concubine and the concubine, not to the concubine Shu. The slaves dare not let the concubine Shu in casually." The slave also begs Concubine Shu, don't make things difficult for the slaves."

Wanxi looked back, "Go back first, don't worry."

Concubine Shu sneered, and stared at Zhou Delu, "I still have to go in today, what can you do with me? If you are smart, run in quickly at this moment, and report to the mistress, Just say I'm here to see you."

"If you don't report it now and insist on stopping me, I'll reward you with a whip!"

Zhou Delu frowned, but still refused to let go, "Concubine Shu's master is a master, and a slave is a slave. If the master wants to teach the slave a lesson, the slave has to bear it straight. However, the slave is the slave of Yikun Palace, and the master of Concubine Shu But it is the concubine and master of Chengqian Palace. If the master Shu concubine wants to punish the slave, she must have an explanation, at least the master of the slave, the empress, must know about it. Master Shu concubine said, is it right?"

Concubine Shu immediately sneered, "I forgive you for not being long after arriving in Yikun Palace! Let me remind you, the eunuchs in Yikun Palace used to be my slaves! How dare you come and say such things in front of me!"

Wanxi also sighed softly in her heart, and then said lightly, "Eunuchs have palace positions, and they serve the masters of their own palaces. But the "Princes in the Palace" appointed by the emperor are universally used. In the entire palace, there is no need to distinguish between Yikun Palace and Chengqian Palace; even if your original master is the Queen's master, there is no need to return to the Empress of Ming Dynasty in advance for the emperor's will."

Zhou Delu was startled, and hurriedly turned his head to look at Wanxi, "Is this...?"

Wanxi smiled lightly, and turned her eyes away, "The "Regulations in the Palace" stipulated that eunuchs must kneel down when they talk to the head of the inner court. But Zhou Delu, you not only dare to stand and talk to Concubine Shu at this time, but you even stretch out your hand to stop her. Concubine Shu, you are the one, ask for a fight!"

Liu Zhu'er was clever, and hurriedly stepped forward and knelt down, "Slave, why don't you go to the palace to monitor?"

(End of this chapter)

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