Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2349 Chapter 7 49 Put away your slap

Chapter 2349 Seven Volumes 49 Put Your Slap (Bi)

The rewards and punishments of all eunuchs in the palace are under the jurisdiction of the palace supervisor.Liu Zhu'er said that he should inform the palace supervisor, Zhou Delu knew that Wanxi was not joking, so he had to take a step back, and knelt down to Concubine Shu again.

"The slave knows that he is guilty, and asks the two masters to forgive him."

Concubine Shu spat, and she was about to step up and continue walking to the Yikun gate, Wanxi thought about it, and gently pressed Concubine Shu's hand.

"There's no need to make things difficult for them today. Otherwise, he would have escaped our beating, and I'm afraid he'll be punished by his mistress in the future. Then our intention to let him go now will be in vain. gone."

Wanxi thought for a while, "Not now, I'd better go alone. After all, the person she summoned was me."

Concubine Shu looked sideways at Wanxi, "Are you sure you're alright by yourself?"

Wanxi sighed softly, "What else can I do? She called me to her palace just to avoid others and scold me. I won't lose a piece of meat. It's always a good word , I just listen to it; if it doesn’t sound good, I don’t take it to heart.”

Concubine Shu hesitated for a while, but she still turned her head and scolded Zhou Delu, "Did you hear that, today you are the one who ordered the noble concubine and master to give you face. Spare me from the beating, and spare you from your master." After a beating, she would rather go in and meet your master alone! If you have any conscience, give me a little wink, and take good care of your noble concubine master."

"After you order the noble concubine and master to enter the palace, you should also listen outside, but if there is anything wrong, try to report it to me as soon as possible!"

Zhou Delu was also stunned that day, whether it was sincere or false, he quickly agreed, "Don't worry, Concubine Shu, the servant knows."

Concubine Shu sighed, "Let me tell you, don't think I'm just kidding you. You made the noble concubine and master just give birth to the fifteenth elder brother, and his body is just full moon, and he hasn't recovered yet. If you get angry here It’s gone, or I’ve suffered some crimes, I’ll take your masters seriously, but it’s not too difficult for me to take you as an eunuch!”

Zhou Delu raised his eyes and took a quick glance at Wanxi, and then said hastily, "If something happens to the concubine and master, the slave will not be able to afford it. The slave understands this truth."

Wanxi saw that Concubine Shu had frightened a eunuch in charge who was just pretending to be arrogant just now, so she couldn't help smiling, and stretched out her hand to squeeze Concubine Shu's hand, "Don't worry. I'll take note of your reminders. gone."

As Wanxi said, she also told Concubine Shu, "If you go back earlier, you can still go and see Yongxing. The two brothers have a mess tonight, and when they go back to elder brother's place, they have to live under the same roof as Yongxing. .I'm worried that they will be a little unhappy when they go back, so you go and have a look, so that I can rest assured."

Only then did Concubine Shu nodded, "Isn't that right, I really have to go and see for myself to be at ease."
Watching Concubine Shu's warm sedan go away, Wanxi nodded to Zhou Delu, "There is also Chief Lao Zhou to lead the way."

Only then did Zhou Delu plead guilty and stood up, leading Wanxi into Yikun Palace.

Wanxi's steps were light and steady, and her eyes slowly slid across the windows of the left and right side halls.

In this Yikun Palace, there are still Lin Guiren, Yi Guiren, and Guiren who are living with them; and because the living and daily life of the noblemen should be separated from others, so this huge Yikun Palace, It also looks a little tight.

Obviously she is a majestic queen in the middle of the palace, but she is so tight. Such a situation will inevitably make people's minds twitch, shrinking to the size of a needle nose, right?

Walking into the apse, Wanxi saluted Nala.Before he got up and stood still, he suddenly slapped him in the face!
Although Wanxi was born Pingting and weak, she didn't look as strong as a Manchurian like Nala's, but Wanxi had already been on guard in her heart, so before the slap touched her face, Wanxi grabbed the wrist!
"My lord is going to hit me?" Wanxi raised her eyes, and Lingling met Nala's eyes full of hatred.

Nala shook his hand fiercely, "I just want to hit you! Brave slave, you dare to plot against me, Yongxin today, and I will be at odds with you!"

Wanxi sneered, "I'm sorry? It turns out that the master and the empress have also tasted the hatred when her child is counted?"

"It's good to know. If the master and empress know how to stop in the future and don't let others experience this kind of pain again, then it will be the blessing of the harem, and the blessing of my Qing Dynasty!"

Nala stared at Wanxi with squinted eyes, "What do you want to say?"

Wanxi shook her head slightly, "Could it be that until this moment, the mistress still wants to pretend that she doesn't know anything? I don't know how my child lost last year, let alone how my little deer disappeared this year?"

Nalashi was slightly shocked, although he still wanted to shake off Wanxi's restraint, but his strength was not as strong as before, even his movements were no longer so firm.

"The child you lost last year? And Yong Lu? Ha, it's ridiculous. When you two children were gone, I was not in Beijing. You can blame me for everything? I see you It’s just an excuse to make fun of me on purpose!”

Wanxi stared at Nalashi, her heart was peaceful at this moment.

She thought of Wu Niu's sister-in-law whom she had seen since she was a child. That person was a well-known shrew in the farm.No matter at home or outside, she is good at quarreling, even if she is wronged, even if someone grabs her seven inches, she can still hang her neck and shout high, "It's not me, it's not me. If you don’t know, you don’t know, even if you talk about breaking the sky, I don’t know anything!”

In the end, those who were reasonable at first had nothing to do with her, and in the end they could only admit that they were unlucky, and if they could be brought down, they would be brought down.In the end, when she turned around, she continued to dance high and scolded her by pointing at her spine, saying that people were looking for trouble because of their mistakes, and she was no fun.Even Wu Niu, who was her own sister-in-law, was almost so angry by her that she just wanted to hang herself and wipe her neck.

Ever since she was a child, Eniang told Wanxi that such a temperament, to put it nicely, is called aggressive and not at a disadvantage;There is no need to reason with such a person.Because she doesn't recognize the "reason" that is objectively pursued in this world at all, what she believes in is only the steelyard in her heart.As long as someone touches her interests and does not conform to her "reason", she thinks that others owe her.

At this moment, Wanxi knew that she was facing such a person, so why should she be angry?She has just reached the full moon at this moment, if she loses her body due to anger, or goes back to the nurse, then she is playing into the hands of the person in front of her.
Wanxi's heart is clear, but on the contrary, she just smiled.

"The concubine has to say that what the mistress said is true. After all, 'not in the capital' is the best shield. No matter what anyone says or guesses, the mistress can hold up this sign and block it back strictly. .”

Nalashi was stabbed by the smile on Wanxi's face, and pulled her hand back forcefully.But fortunately, I no longer have the strength to raise up to beat Wanxi.

"Concubine Ling, I want to remind you that the things you said have nothing to do with me. If you dare to say a word in front of outsiders, I will punish you for 'slandering the palace'." crime!"

Wanxi let out a breath slowly, "Is the mistress afraid that I will speak out? Shouldn't the mistress hope that I will speak out, and when the time comes, there will be witnesses, and I will be punished for the crime of 'slandering the palace'?"

Nala gritted her teeth, "Look at your cheeky face! When you become a noble concubine, you are only inferior to me in the harem, so you really regard yourself as the emperor's 'second wife', forgetting that you are the emperor's second wife." What kind of origin is it!"

Wanxi nodded, "Master, you are right to remind me that people should never forget their roots, and they should never lose their original heart. This concubine would like to use such a sentence to share with Master and Empress."

"Take back your tricks!" Nala's brows were stern, "I am the queen of the palace, you are just a slave with the Han surname of Xin Zheku, how can I encourage you! Even your child is just a concubine, And half of the blood of the Han people—you use your child to compare with mine? Haha, Concubine Ling, you really need to wake yourself up in the windy place outside!"

"Today, don't think that your little Shiwu can spend the full moon with the empress dowager. You really think that the empress dowager likes your little fifteen. Both you and I should know the empress dowager's nature! In her old man's heart, you My little fifteen will never be able to compare with my Yongxin! My Yongxin is the only legitimate son of the Qing Dynasty, and he is the emperor's wish to be the crown prince!"

"If you are dazzled by today's situation, then I would like to remind you to think back to Chunhui's two sons: what about Yongzhang, and what about Yongrong, huh? Heirs, tell them to be other people's sons!"

Wanxi lowered her eyes slightly.

Yes, Yongzhang, Yongrong, and even Yongxuan are the best examples.The princes in the palace, as long as they are not from the Manchu-Mongolian marriage, have been selected by the emperor to be successors to others... It is really rare for a prince to be a successor, except for the hatred that Yongzheng had for Hongshi back then. None of the emperors ever did this.

So at least from an onlooker's point of view, the emperor really didn't want to let the princes who were not of pure Manchu blood, or who were born out of Manchu-Mongolian marriages, inherit the lineage.

"Mistress, master, let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart: Since you are so confident in your heart, and Elder Brother Twelve is the only legitimate son at this time, then naturally no one can compete with him, nor can you. Master Empress, why are you so defensive, so fighting, so unwilling to live in peace!"

"For me, I know what my origin is, and I know how difficult it is for me and my children in the harem of the Qing Dynasty. We have no right to be arrogant, and we can't have any unreasonable thoughts. So no matter Myself, or my child, we never fight for what doesn't belong to us..."

"As a mother, I just want to protect my children and let them grow up safely; in the future, either marry a good man, or become a happy prince, which is enough to honor my mother's family, and it is enough for me to be satisfied."

"I have told you about my feelings many years ago, Empress Empress. But why do you still want to be like this!"
Wanxi's heart-to-heart confession failed to move Na Lashi at all, but instead she sneered mockingly.

"You sound good! I was also deceived by your rhetoric back then! ——You said you won't fight for your child? Then why did you join hands with Concubine Shu today to entrap my Yongzheng!"

Wan Xi's eyes were clear, "We're 'hacking' Elder Twelve? Is it our idea that Elder Twelfth doesn't like to learn Korean dialect, and Elder Twelfth listened to us? Don’t know Korean, and vent your anger on Yongxuan and Yongxuan, insulting their Korean blood, is this what we taught?”

"If there is no previous cause, how can the present result come about? Master and lady, please don't forget Mencius's words: People must insult themselves, and then others insult them; families must destroy themselves, and later generations will destroy them; countries must destroy themselves, and then others will attack them." Of!"

"What Mencius?!" Nala roared angrily, "That's all you Han people, what do you have to do with all the benevolence, righteousness and morality you talk about?!"

Nala showed such an appearance again, Wanxi closed her mouth naturally.

What is there to say about such a face?
Wanxi could only sigh lightly, and lowered her head, as if she was saying to Nala, but it was more like saying to herself, "My brothers must learn Confucianism in the study room. The four books and five classics are all It needs to be taught by the master sentence by sentence, and then memorize it. If the master and empress still have such a distinction between Man and Han, then how can Brother Twelve learn well?"

The flesh on Na Lashi's face trembled suddenly, "You are so brave, you want to plot against my Yongxi again?"

Wanxi's eyes were quiet, "Mistress, you should protect your child. But as a mother, especially the child has reached this age, how can it be achieved by just protecting it? You should make him understand There is a big right and wrong, and he should be made to distinguish between the serious and the serious."

"As for you saying that I asked Yongzheng to learn the language of the Huibu, you were entrapping him. But in fact, the master and the lady have a deep bond with the nobles, and at this time the court attaches so much importance to the Huibu. As the queen, you continue If things go on like this, don't you worry about calling the half-hearted Burkes in the Hui Department to catch up and cause another disturbance in the Hui Department?"

"If the mistress is willing to calm down and think about the benefits of the twelfth elder brother learning the Hui language. From now on, even if the mistress and the nobleman are still at odds, you can still work hard because of the twelve elder brothers. Learn Huibu language, and let the Huibu Burkes see the sincerity of the court, and see the sincerity of the empress. What harm is there to this approach, whether it is for you personally, the mistress, or for the court?"

"I might as well say to the master and empress: I will ask the ninth princess to learn the dialect of Huibu now, and when Xiao Shiwu grows up in the future, I will also ask him to learn all the dialects of the banner!" The emperor knows all the dialects under the banner, no matter Mongolian, Oros, Xifan, Huihua. This is the learning of the emperor, and it is also the bearing that my prince of the Qing Dynasty should have!"
Nala's eyes narrowed, "Concubine Ling, you really speak better than you sing! Do you think I will believe you? Do you think I will be deceived by you again now?"

"Let me tell you, I don't have to fight for myself, but I must also protect Yongxie for everything he deserves as a legitimate son. I don't allow others to touch my Yongxie, and I especially don't allow your son I want to take away half of Yong Xin!"

Wanxi breathed a sigh of relief, "There are two sides to everything. If you love to believe in the good side, things will generally develop towards the good side and finally get a good result; but if you only want to believe in the bad side On the one hand, the whole situation will only take a turn for the worse, and in the end you will only get the evil result that you never want to get."

"My words have already reached this point. Since the mistress does not want to believe it and only wants to blame all the faults on me, then I have nothing to say. The mistress just treats me as today, nothing I said it. Let's just slap our hands, and let's get together from now on!"

Nalashi sneered, "That's what you actually did today! Your little Shiwu just had a full moon, and you didn't ask me to look at it, let alone touch it. This is what has been going on since this day." Watch out for me!"

Wanxi sighed softly, "I don't want to deny what my lord said."

Wanxi's eyes were black and white, she raised them quietly, and stared at Nalashi, "The child is the weakness of every mother in this world... As long as the master don't call my weakness, I will naturally not call the master Your Majesty knows what it is like; and if Mistress Mistress insists on going her own way, then I swear in front of Mistress Mistress today that I will return all the taste to you and Twelve Elder Brothers!"

In Wanxi's eyes, tears flickered faintly.

"I have already lost two children! I can no longer bear the pain for the third time! So... Mistress, please take care of yourself!"
After Wanxi finished speaking, she turned and left.

In the 20 years since entering the palace, it was the first time that he did not salute and leave in front of Nala.

If it is said to be patient, she has tolerated enough in the past 20 years; today is Xiao Shiwu's official full moon in the palace, for the sake of this lost and recovered child, she will never bear with anyone again!
She should have the benevolence of a woman, and she should be able to do it properly... But, if someone still wants to slap her face with a mouth, and wants to hear her say "it doesn't hurt, you can slap another one" Yes, that is a dream!
Stepping out of the palace gate, there was Nala's angry roar from behind, "It's against you! Concubine Ling, what do you think of the rules in the palace today?"

Turning back her eyes gracefully, she gazed at the empress of the palace standing in the bright lights inside the door through the threshold.

The corner of Wanxi's lips twitched lightly, "Really? Then I should faint right now. After all, I gave birth to Xiao Shiwu, and it's not long after the full moon, and my body hasn't recovered yet. As a result, I was called in by the Queen's master. Yikun Palace came, slapped her face, and scolded her face to face... Empress Empress, you said, if I faint now, it’s not good to delay it for a few months on purpose. "Guardian rules", so what?"

"You!" Nalashi jumped up angrily, pointing at Wanxi's back, but there was nothing he could do.

Wanxi sighed softly, "It's late at night, we are all tired. Let's all rest, don't torment others."
Yikun Palace and Yongshou Palace are right next to each other, so Wanxi no longer needs to sit in a sedan chair, and walks back to Yongshou Palace by herself.

The wind of the winter night is wrapped in the chill, covering the head and face, but Wanxi's heart is burning with fire.

She knew that it was anger and war.

From now on, in order to protect Xiao Shiwu, she has nothing to fear!

After walking a few steps, he was already back at Yongshou Palace.Yu Rui had been waiting outside the palace gate, stepped forward to support Wanxi, "Sister...is there something wrong?"

Wanxi breathed a sigh of relief, "It's okay. She wants to see me tonight, and I still want to see her. Everything around me will be different from today, so I will fight her. "

Yurui looked at Wanxi carefully, seeing that there was no sign of suffering on her body, so she quietly let go of her half heart.

"Sister... the emperor is here, just teasing Xiao Shiwu."

Wanxi raised her eyebrows, "Oh? The emperor is here?"

Wanxi hurriedly reached out her hand.

Yurui didn't understand for a moment, she stared at Wanxi in a daze, "Sister...?"

Wanxi also blushed, coughed twice, and said, "Mirror! I have to take a picture, don't go in with a hostile face and make things difficult for the emperor. This is a matter between women in the harem, don't implicate the emperor casually." .”

Yu Rui laughed, and hurriedly ordered Cui Huan to fetch the mirror.

Wanxi stood at the gate of the palace and quickly took care of herself, tidying up a little.But she still didn't forget to tell Yu Rui, "I'm afraid it will be lively in brother's office tonight. You can send someone to take a look later."
Wanxi went back to the dormitory, changed her big clothes outside, and dissipated all the cold air on her body before going into the Nuan Pavilion.

The emperor was sitting on the ground playing with Xiao Shiwu in his arms.

The floor of Nuan Pavilion is also ventilated. The ground is like a kang, and it is bigger than the place above the kang.The floor is covered with a woolen pulu carpet, which is just right for children to play.

Wanxi took a look, Xiao Shiwu was lying on the ground, his calves were tied, but his arms were let go by the emperor, and he was scratching with his little hands at this moment, his little face flushed with joy.

Wanxi laughed, "Why didn't Master tie him up?"

The children of Manchu people are afraid of being buckled when they get on the car, so they are fixed on the car with cloth straps; and the folks say that children feel that their arms and legs are soft, so they can be tied with cloth straps, so that they can grow longer. Go straight, you won't be bow-legged or anything like that in the future.

The emperor laughed, "I didn't move his calf, and his arm is fine." The emperor stretched out his arm to show Wanxi, "Do you see any arm in this world that is straight like a stick? This Aren't they all crooked?"

Wanxi laughed too, leaned over and leaned on the emperor's shoulder, "My lord really spoke to my heart! I don't want to tie up the child, but those nuns and mothers must say that, I didn't even listen to them, I just let them go, and when I turned around, they tied them up again quickly."

The emperor grinned when he heard this, "I really don't know how we got through this when we were young."

Wanxi rested her chin and looked at the emperor, "Anyway, if there is such a straightforward master, the servant will not worry about our little Shiwu growing up crooked."

The emperor let out a "bah", "Is there anyone who describes his child like that?"

Wanxi laughed, "But there is another saying in the folks, it's called 'Crooked melons and split dates, whoever sees them will bite', that's because crooked melons and split dates are actually more delicious!"

When it comes to these things between Jiarong, the emperor can't be eloquent.As an emperor, he rarely had the opportunity to see crooked melons and dates in his life, and he had no right to speak about the taste of crooked melons and dates.The emperor reached out his hand helplessly and pinched the bridge of Wanxi's nose.

"Okay, okay, you are a flower in the farm."

Wanxi's face turned red, "Master! Do you know what a farm flower is? If you don't know, don't talk nonsense!"

The emperor had to look back and think about it for a while before he realized that this was laughing out loud.

The two laughed at each other for a long time, and the coldness and hostility brought back by Wanxi's idea disappeared even in the slightest.

Only then did the emperor stop laughing, and carefully looked at Wanxi, "...you came back a step late. How is it, is there something wrong?"

Wanxi's heart warmed, "What can be the matter? This time, slave, the only thing I can't let go of is Xiao Shiwu. But the master has come to take care of the child for the slave, so the slave has no worries. .”

The emperor pretended to be enlightened, "Oh, have you gone to the front line?"

Wanxi smiled lightly, "...how can it compare to the grandeur of the world?"

Not to mention other things, the emperor has completely leveled the Ministry and returned to the Ministry this time, and he has opened up [-] miles of land for China!Throughout the ages, Congling has been recorded in the westernmost part of China's territory; this time, Kazakhstan and Badak Mountains to the west of Congling have all been attached.

The emperor smiled, looking down at his youngest son, "What? What did you tell us? 'A country in a bowl'?"

"Oh, how did you know that Ama gave you a bowl? How did she know the foresight?"
Wanxi was stunned when she heard that, she tilted her head and hurriedly asked the emperor, "Master...what, what bowl?"

The emperor shrugged his shoulders, "Today is the full moon that our little Shiwu spent with the Queen's mother. Those aunts, grandmas, nephews, daughter-in-laws, and granddaughters-in-law have all given congratulatory gifts. Don't you want me to prepare an extra one?"

Wanxi was choking, and called the emperor's "nephew's daughter-in-law, grandson's daughter-in-law" to say.

The emperor also laughed, "Hmm, Mian De and Mian En are both old enough to marry a wife. Isn't he a bunch of nieces and grandchildren?"

Wanxi lowered her head, and Niaoer said quietly, "...that's true. Who would have thought that the emperor's 50th birthday would give birth to such a young son."

The emperor didn't think it was disobedient, but laughed, "That's the best. The eldest daughter and the youngest are the parents' favorites, aren't they?"

Wanxi nodded with a smile, and quietly groped around to see what kind of bowl the emperor had given her.

It was the emperor who revealed it himself, "Yu Rui is more careful than you. I was afraid that I would give the bowl to (Zuwa), so she put it away."

The emperor called Yu Rui, and Yu Rui hurriedly came in with a smile.In fact, the bowl never came out of the Nuan Pavilion, it was in the drawer of the "Xiangfei bamboo belt drawer Xiaoduobaoge" on the Kang sitting in the Nuan Pavilion.

Yurui carefully took out the jade bowl, Wanxi exclaimed in a low voice, "Is it the jade from Hindustan?"

Hindustan jade wares come from Mughal and Ottoman places (northern India, Turkey). The jade wares produced here are delicate and gorgeous. They are good at combining pure jade color with complicated and layered flower and leaf patterns, which are smooth and rich; sometimes the surface of the wares is inlaid with gold. Silk and gemstones of various colors are brilliant and rich; some works pursue the effect of thin and transparent patterns, which are exquisite.

The emperor, who loved jade ware very much, loved Hindustan jade ware very much. He once praised that "it is as thin as weaving, and the craftsmanship is as good as that of the jade people in the Central Plains."At that time, people also said that "the skill of cutting jade today is the first in Chendustan".

Because the jade itself is already made of exquisite materials and exquisite workmanship, its value is already extremely high; and because it is from the west, it is extremely difficult to obtain in China, so it can be said that it is not easy to buy even with silver.Even in the palace, there are not many preserved; the emperor also ordered the jade works in the inner manufacturing office to be imitated.

Therefore, when she saw that the emperor gave Xiao Shiwu a jade bowl from Hindustan, Wanxi was already surprised.Waiting to hold it over, seeing the engraving on the jade bowl, Wanxi exclaimed in a low voice, "My lord, this imperial poem... I have a vague impression of it."

It seems to be this poem written by the emperor around the 21st year of Qianlong, before and after the first time the imperial army leveled the Ministry.At that time, the emperor personally made a preface for this poem: "Yerqimu and Hashhar in Huibu belonged to Junggar in the first battle, and they were detained. Because our army conquered Ili, they released it and ordered them to return. Ministry. Its chief, Burke and Zhuo, sent envoys to ask for his subordinates, and this is his tribute."

"Yerqimu" in the preface of the emperor's poem is Yarkand, and "Hashhar" is Kashgar.The two cities were owned by brothers Daxie and Zhuo at that time, so this jade bowl was donated by brothers Daxie and Zhuo at that time!

Although the size and Zhuo were no longer alive at this time, and the rebellion of Huibu had been settled, the history carried by this jade bowl still distinguishes this jade bowl from other jade wares.This is not only a jade bowl, but also a piece of history of the imperial court, and also a piece of martial arts of the emperor.

Wan Xi blushed a little, and hurriedly said, "He is just a child who has just reached the full moon... The Lord gave him such a precious jade bowl, if he gave it to (Zuwa), it would be really bad!"

The emperor smiled, and gently held Wanxi's hand, "Look at what you said, which is more important, a jade bowl or our son? Son! After all, brothers Daxiao and Zhuo have already rectified Fa, Huibu has been merged into our Daqing territory, this is for generations to come, and no one can change it!"

Wanxi still felt inappropriate, "He is still too young after all... why don't you save it for him for now, and when he grows up in the future and understands the meaning of the imperial court's use of military personnel to return to the Ministry, the Lord rewards him again, that would be great." ?”

The emperor smiled lightly, pushed the jade bowl back into Wanxi's hand, and knocked off her fingers, telling her to hold the bowl securely.

"'Lanling fine wine and tulips, jade bowl filled with amber light', this is to celebrate the full moon for him. He is young, so naturally he can't drink, so I will give him a jade bowl for storage first."

The emperor raised his eyes and stared at Wanxi with a smile, "...in those few years, I used troops to the northwest, and my heart was suffering in every possible way. Without you by my side, I don't know how I got through those days. Now that the northwest is finally calmed down, my lord It’s just that there is something I want to reward you, but after thinking about it, I feel that nothing is the most meaningful.”

The emperor clenched Wanxi's hand tightly, "In the past few years, whether it is your admiration for Mrs. Reyimu, or all the things since you entered the palace with the nobleman, I have kept it in my heart. This jade bowl is the What you give to your children is what you deserve.”

Wanxi lowered her eyes, her eyelashes were already filled with tears.

The emperor laughed, "What's more, it was you who said just now, 'the country is in the bowl', so this jade bowl, our little fifteen can't refuse it!"

([-] characters are asking for a monthly ticket. This jade bowl is now in the National Palace Museum in Taipei~)

(End of this chapter)

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