Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2355 The Sun and the Moon Combine, 7 Stars Connect

Chapter 2355 Seven Volumes 55
Wanxi invited Lang Shining in, and met him in the west room of the main hall.

When Lang Shining entered, he wanted to kneel down and worship, but Wanxi asked Liu Zhu'er to help her up in a hurry.

Wanxi smiled and said, "You are now over seventy years old, and you can be regarded as my grandfather's generation in terms of seniority. At this time, you are not in front of people, but in my palace. You don't have to be so formal."

Wanxi also called to grant a seat, and asked Liu Zhu'er to bring a chair with a back, so that Castiglione could sit comfortably; instead of the usual rules, only a pier was given.

Lang Shining sat down, and then respectfully took out a drawing, and raised his hands above his head.

"The imperial concubine Huiling, I have cooperated with the painters in the Ruyi Pavilion to complete the manuscript of "Four Events at the Banquet". Today, I am entering the inner court, and I would like to ask the imperial concubine Ling to show you."

Although Wanxi already had a premonition in her heart, she hurriedly declined at this moment.

"Your old man is too polite. Firstly, I don't know painting at all, and your old man's painting style is a combination of Chinese and Western, which is not something I dare to comment on casually; secondly, this painting is not only written by you, but also by you. With the full cooperation of many Danqing masters in the Ruyi Hall, the sum of your many years of cultivation is as high as Mount Tai, and I can only look up to it."

Wanxi paused, "Three times, there are rules for everything in the palace. For the paintings in the Ruyi Pavilion, the manuscripts must first be submitted to the emperor for review, and the emperor will decide. You only need to submit the manuscript for the emperor's review. But, you don’t need to show me any more.”

Lang Shining hurriedly got up to salute again, "Returning to the imperial concubine, the old minister dare not violate the rules in the palace. Today, I came here specially to ask the imperial concubine to show me. It is not the old minister's own initiative, but the emperor's holy will..."

"This manuscript has already been submitted to the emperor for review. The emperor just smiled and said nothing. Finally, he asked the old minister to enter the inner court as a special case. Please order the imperial concubine to show you."

"Oh?" Wan Xi was also surprised, "Since that's the case, then I'll do my best."

Wanxi got up and went to the book case, Lang Shining and Liu Zhuer unfolded the picture scroll on the book case together.

The main body of the picture scroll is divided into two areas, one is the big tent of the imperial camp where the emperor and his ministers live, and the other is the harem that is separated by a small hill.

All the hundreds of people, hundreds of horses, and countless tents in the other pictures are just for foil.

These two places are both connected as one and relatively independent spaces, each with a center.

In the imperial tent camp, the central figure was the emperor, surrounded by ministers and guards, watching the gladiatorial scene; and in the camp of the harem—the five concubines in auspicious robes who appeared clearly That's the center of it.

Wanxi looked over carefully, her face was already red.

Although there were seven concubines as the core, the other six were all centered on the person wearing the bright yellow auspicious robe.

Among the other two people in the front row, one held her hand, and the other bowed slightly as if answering her; the other four were divided into two rows, all clustered behind her...

Among these seven people, the priority has been clearly distinguished.

It was Yu Rui who laughed first, "Sister, isn't it you who wears the bright yellow dragon robe! The one next to you, holding your hand, is Sister Qing."

In front of Lang Shining, Wanxi couldn't say much, she just smiled and said nothing.

Because Yu Rui didn't go with her that day, she was very excited when she saw the drawing, "Tell me to take a look, I can almost feel your stomach! Look at this posture, it's really a star! Holding the moon; but when it comes to Guiqi, they are so careful, they are not protecting the child that my sister is carrying, that is, our fifteenth elder brother!"

Lang Shining also laughed.It’s just that Wanxi didn’t speak for a while, so the old man didn’t dare to guess whether Wanxi was satisfied, so he couldn’t help but said, “…Returning to the imperial concubine, the appearance of the chief of the inner court is arranged in this way, which is the emperor’s gesture. Down."

The paintings presented by the Ruyi Pavilion in the palace must be revised again and again according to the emperor's wishes.What was presented in the end was finalized by the emperor himself, so that it could be "painted as usual".Therefore, the situation of "stars holding the moon" among the seven concubines must be the emperor's intention.

Wanxi nodded, and leaned slightly, "Thank you for your wonderful pen, you are always caring."

Only then did Lang Shining quietly breathe a sigh of relief, and when he turned around, he raised his sleeve to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

Wanxi walked around the painting table again, and couldn't help but raise her eyes with a smile, "I don't know painting, I just recall the situation at that time, but there is one thing I don't understand, please enlighten me, old man."

Lang Shining hurriedly bowed to the ground, "How dare the old minister. Please ask the imperial concubine to show me."

Wanxi took a breath quietly, "Actually, on that day, the emperor served the empress dowager as the imperial concubine and led the harem to watch the circus together. I vaguely know a thing or two, and I heard that the word 'realism' is the first priority in Western painting. Our Chinese paintings generally pursue 'resemblance in spirit', but also 'resemblance in shape' first."

Castiglione hurriedly bowed again, "Let the imperial concubine and empress understand."

Wanxi nodded and pointed to the area of ​​the harem, "The imperial tent of the previous dynasty was naturally headed by the emperor; then, based on the actual situation of that day, the empress dowager should have been the head and the queen as the deputy. I, should only be in the second seat..."

This time, Lang Shining fell to his knees directly, "What the imperial concubine Ling said is..."

Wanxi raised her eyes and glanced at Yurui and Liu Zhuer, "Master Lang Shining, you didn't draw the empress dowager, maybe it was because the empress dowager was in the imperial camp at that time? But the empress dowager was not in the painting, but the empress dowager must be in the painting, right?" ?”

Lang Shining hurriedly prostrated himself on the ground, "Going back to the imperial concubine, as a minister, how dare I not draw the empress? The reason why I still drew such a manuscript is because it is the emperor's instructions... The emperor said, The Empress Dowager is going to serve the Empress Dowager herself, so since there is no need to draw the Empress Dowager, then naturally there is no need to draw the Empress Dowager either.”

Yu Rui finally couldn't help laughing out loud, "You always said that the emperor never asked you to draw the empress; no?"

Lang Shining prostrated himself and hurriedly said, "Mr. Rui's words are very true. The situation presented in this painting is the emperor's holy will."

Wanxi was really happy in her heart, she just turned around and walked back to the kang, but she couldn't help mentioning, "After this painting is finally finished, the empress, as the master of the harem, will naturally be able to see it sooner or later. At that time, if the empress finds out that she is not in the painting, she will definitely not be happy. Old man, you have to make some preparations in advance."

As a courtier to offend the empress, Lang Shining is a Westerner, and he never has the guts to do so.Hearing Wanxi mention such a point, his heart trembled even more.

He also said, "This humble minister is also worried about this, so he has the courage to tell the sage. But the emperor said, I don't need to worry about this matter; if the queen asks someone to ask me at that time, just ask me to answer." , 'If you want to ask anything, come to the Hall of Mental Cultivation and ask me!'"
After Wanxi stood quietly and listened, she smiled slowly, stepped on the footrest, and sat back to Kang Yan'er.

"Since your majesty has thought it through so thoroughly, I don't have any other opinions. In short, when I saw your old man's paintings, I just thought they were good. I just felt as if the circus scenes of that day were all in front of me, as if those horses They will break through the scroll and run towards me, as if the orchestras of those musicians are already playing in my ears."

"In my place, you old man can decide on this drawing, and you don't need to change it anymore. You always go back and tell the emperor about it. If the emperor asks to change it again, you just listen to the holy will."

Not only did the emperor break the rules that day, he took her pregnant with Liujia to Mulan; he even asked the painter to paint a child who was still in the womb... If the emperor cared so much about her mother and child, this painting was in her heart. It's perfect, it's too late to like it, what else can be changed?

Finally got the concubine Ling's approval, Castiglione breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly knelt down to thank him.

Painting is not easy, and it is even more difficult for him to apply Western oil paint to Chinese court paintings like him.Oil paint is not like ink and mineral pigments in traditional Chinese paintings. Oil paint is too easy to dry. Once it penetrates into Chinese painting paper, it is extremely difficult to modify.Therefore, Castiglione has suffered the most from revising the draft over the years.

What's more, he is over seventy years old, and his hands that have been holding paintbrushes for decades are already shaking.He himself was worried that if he continued to modify it, he would not be able to wait for the day when the painting was finished.

But today, the draft has been successfully finalized by Concubine Ling, and there is no need to revise it, it is like an amnesty for him.

Wanxi smiled and glanced at Yurui.Yu Rui hurried in and took a pair of big purses, which contained five taels of small silver ingots.One pair in one purse, two pairs in two purses.

Wanxi smiled and said, "You have worked hard, old man. When the painting is finished, the emperor will definitely reward you with another reward. I dare not compete with the emperor. This pair of purses is just a small gift for your old man to moisten his pen."

Lang Shining happily thanked the reward, but instead of resigning, he knelt down in front of Wanxi.
Wanxi couldn't help raising her eyes to meet Yu Rui's.

Yu Rui hurriedly asked with a smile, "Don't worry, my lord, go and return the order to the emperor. There is really no choice for the imperial concubine."

"It's the old minister who is dull, but Ruigui misunderstood it." Lang Shining hurriedly said, "The old minister has another matter, please ask the imperial concubine for permission."

Wanxi also smiled when she heard the words, "Your old man, you can open your mouth, but I will try my best to do whatever I can."

Lang Shining bowed down to thank him first, then raised his head hesitantly, and said cautiously: "I just want to say hello to Brother Fifteen."
When Lang Shining said this suddenly, Wanxi was a little surprised, she couldn't help but raised her eyes and exchanged glances with Yu Rui.

It is only human nature for a courtier to wish to greet Elder Huang.It's just that after all, Xiao Shiwu is less than three months old at this moment, and such a courtier of a Westerner wants to pay special respects to Xiao Shiwu... This is a bit special.

Wanxi also saw the puzzlement in Yurui's eyes, so she lowered her head, thought for a while, and then nodded.

"Thanks to you, old man, Xiao Shiwu was able to appear with me in the picture scroll of "Four Events at the Banquet" before giving birth to a child. Therefore, Xiao Shiwu and you, the boss, are also predestined Yes. Since you came to show me this drawing today, I should naturally ask Xiao Shiwu to meet you, the artist."

As Wanxi said, she ordered Yuchan to ask the nanny to bring Xiaoshiwu.

While waiting, both Wanxi and Yurui seemed to be quietly relieved when they saw Castiglione, an old man in his 70s.

Shaoqing Yuchan brought back a message, saying that unfortunately, Xiao Shiwu was still asleep.Mammy dared not wake up.

Wanxi saw that there was another layer of worry on Castiglione's face.

"Old man, don't worry. It doesn't matter if you fall asleep." Wan Xi hurriedly said, "I would like to ask the old man: If I ask you to keep looking at him while he is asleep, would you be rude? ?”

Immediately, Lang Shining's eyes lit up with joy, and he lifted his robe and knelt down again, "Of course it doesn't matter! As long as the imperial concubine is willing to let the old minister see Brother Fifteen, it will be a great favor to the old minister."

Wanxi nodded, and Yurui took the steps herself, leading Castiglione to go.
Castiglione finally resigned contentedly, and Wanxi in the hall couldn't help but smile and said to Yurui, "I thought Castiglione came to see me today, to show me the sketch of "Four Events at the Banquet"; He looks like he is more eager to see Xiao Shiwu."

"In the end, even I couldn't tell. He came to the inner court this time, whether he came to see me or Xiao Shiwu."

Yu Rui was also a little worried, "He's a foreigner and a Westerner, and he doesn't know what he's planning to come to see our fifteenth elder brother? It's also my sister, you are brave, and you really allowed him to go, and still When our fifteenth elder brother fell asleep. If it was me, I just pushed it, so I didn't let him see."

Ever since Xiao Shiwu was born, the entire Yongshou Palace has been more strictly guarded.Anyone who can appear around Xiaoshiwu must be from the palace and people close to him.Therefore, today Wanxi actually asked Lang Shining to meet Xiao Shiwu while she was asleep, which is really an exception.

Wanxi also understood Yurui's worry, and bowed her head with a smile, "I just feel that he is an old man in his 70s. To put it bluntly, he has reached the age where there is today and no tomorrow. He wants to see Xiao Shiwu glanced at it, but it may not have any other thoughts."

"Besides, he is a Westerner. Even if he has been in the palace for decades, he may not be involved in the calculations of the front and back palaces. Besides, the emperor has strict restrictions on him, so he can't do anything else. What's coming."

Yu Rui sighed, "But these foreigners, I always feel that they are different from us. Not to mention the fat ones, but there are also several Westerners in the Qin Tianjian? Back then, the sixth elder brother and the seventh elder brother The auspicious time of the brother's vaccination, so they have something to do with it?"

Speaking of these old things, Wanxi couldn't help but sigh softly. "But Lang Shining is different from those foreigners in Qin Tianjian. When the emperor was young, he got to know him by the side of Lord Kangxi and praised his painting skills. In the first few years of his ascension to the throne, he was even more so every day. Almost always go to Ruyi Museum to see Castiglione's paintings."

"It was three or four years ago, when Castiglione was 70 years old, the emperor specially awarded him a heavy reward. In addition to inscribing the eulogy with the imperial pen, on the way back to the Forbidden City from the Yuanmingyuan, the emperor gave him a big sedan chair. In front of the sedan chair were 24 people. The band acted as the leader, followed by a group of Manchu and Han officials on horseback, it was a great grace of the emperor."

Yu Rui also nodded.

"It can be seen from this that he is a person trusted and respected by the emperor. Besides, he came to see us today, and the emperor asked him to come, otherwise he would not even be able to enter the inner court. Therefore, we can't trust anyone , but you can rest assured of the people sent by the emperor."

Only then did Yu Rui feel relieved, and nodded with a smile, "Then I understand. No wonder my sister let him go so freely."

Wanxi couldn't help but tilt her head slightly when she heard this, and smiled secretly.

Yu Rui saw it, and immediately asked, "Sister, what did you think of? I found that I didn't go with my sister this time, as if I missed a lot of things."

Wanxi's wonderful eyes flowed, "As for me, it's just a feeling, and it may not be accurate. On the ninth day of September, in Buhutu, this old man also suddenly appeared outside my line. At that moment, I also surprised Yuchan, shouted loudly, and asked who was spying..."

Yu Rui gradually heard some clues, "So my sister actually understands Lang Shining's weird behavior today?"

Wanxi smiled and lowered her head, "I don't know yet. I just feel that it's a bit like when I went back to 'spy' on me."

Yurui raised her eyebrows suddenly, "Last time in Mulan, Lang Shining went to spy on my sister, probably because of today's painting; then if he uses the painting to come to see our little fifteen again... Could it be that he Do you want to draw our fifteen elder brothers?"

Wanxi laughed lightly, and quickly waved her hands, "I'm really not sure, it's just a feeling. Don't take it to heart, maybe he's just curious about the child's appearance. Anyway, when Xiao Shiwu was in my stomach , he has already painted it once, even for this frontier, he sometimes wants to take a look."

But Yu Rui couldn't sit still anymore, and walked out, "I have to go outside to inquire and see if there is anything wrong today. I think Lang Shining is rushing to come to see Fifteen on this day. Brother, I'm afraid there is a reason."
Yurui went out for about an hour and then came back. It's the twelfth lunar month, and when she came back, her face was flushed with excitement.

Wanxi looked at it and hurriedly called out, "You're blushing, but it's cold outside? Hurry up and come to the kang to warm up."

Yurui came forward with bright eyes and grabbed Wanxi's hand, "Sister, guess what happened today?"

Wanxi shook her head, "Aren't I waiting for you to tell me?"

Yu Rui sighed, but laughed again, "No one knew whether it was a good thing or a bad thing before, and even alarmed the emperor; but later they all said it was a good thing, a very good thing!"

Wanxi was also taken aback, "What are you talking about?"

Yurui's eyes were shining brightly, "It turns out that Qin Tianjian reported to the emperor today that at noon on the first day of the first lunar month, there will be a combination of sun and moon and five stars in the sky!"
Wanxi was also taken aback, and hurriedly clenched Yurui's hand, "The sun and the moon unite, five stars in succession? Seriously?!"

The emperor is the son of heaven, and all abnormal phenomena in the sky will be interpreted as the will of heaven for the son of heaven.

Solar eclipse, lunar eclipse, the emperor is self-examination; but fortunately, solar and lunar eclipse will always come back every two or three years, people will not be too frightened.But this time the sun and the moon are combined, and the five stars are connected.Not to mention others, even Wanxi herself heard of it for the first time!

Yurui herself was shocked when she heard about it just now, and now she understands Wanxi's mood.

Yurui held Wanxi's hand and said, "It's really rare. I haven't seen it. Anyway, I, Ama, studied more. He said, "Historical records: During the Gaoyang clan, five stars gathered in the barracks; In the first year of the Song Dynasty, five stars gathered in Dongjing; in the first year of Song Kaibao, five stars gathered in Kui'. This is a strange phenomenon that occurs almost once in a thousand years."

Wanxi frowned even tighter, "What about this dynasty?"

Yu Rui said, "In the third year of Yongzheng's reign, there was once."

Wanxi's heart tightened even more, "Since it only appeared once in the past thousand years, how could it appear again in this dynasty for more than 30 years? Did you tell me, what did he think it was a sign?"

Yu Rui hurriedly smiled and shook Wan Xi's hand, "Sister, don't worry! The emperor has already called the ministers of the previous court to discuss this matter, and the conclusion has already been reached."

Wanxi looked up at Yurui, "What do the ministers say?"

Yurui stretched out her arms and hugged Wanxi lightly, "The ministers all said, 'Now the western frontier has made great achievements, and the territory has been expanded for more than [-] miles. The sea is safe and the year is smooth. The internal and external ministers, the law is small and the people are happy. Karma. It is auspicious, is there anything greater than this?'”

"'And now the wind is sunny and warm in the winter capital, and we are looking at the snow. And the six flowers are falling, and the four fields are all covered. Zhili, Henan, Shandong, Shanxi, and other provinces have reported snow one after another; and all cities have newly built In farming village, there is also a performance of a surplus ruler. This is a sign of auspiciousness and can be recruited.' That is to say, 'Auspicious snow heralds a good year'. The sky has already fallen auspicious snow. How can one heaven have two kinds of wills? Then It is enough to prove that the celestial phenomenon this time is auspicious!"

Wanxi breathed a sigh of relief.

Yurui held Wanxi's cold fingertips and said with a smile, "Even the emperor said that next year will be the year of the [-]th anniversary of Cining, and we can ask for the wish of longevity and Yanxi Palace." But when you work harder, Keep the prosperity and prosperity, and use the above to inherit the spirit, so as to share the blessing of peace with my subjects in the world'."

Wanxi's heart finally calmed down, and she hugged Yurui back, closed her eyes lightly, and said with a smile, "Exactly. This year is the year when the Northwest is completely pacified, and it is the emperor's 50th birthday; next year will be the emperor's birthday again." The empress dowager's seventieth birthday... such a blessing in heaven is something that none of the previous emperors of this dynasty could have. The auspicious omen sent by heaven is to congratulate for this."

"The combination of the sun and the moon can be used to describe the longevity of the emperor and the empress dowager; the five stars connected to each other can also be used as a metaphor for the continuity of the royal heirs. It is not enough for four generations to live together, but five generations must live together!"
Seeing that Wanxi finally let go of her heart, Yurui leaned into Wanxi's ear and giggled.

"After I found out about this, I suddenly remembered what you said before, sister... My sister must be right. I am afraid that the emperor will take advantage of the auspicious omen on the first day of the new year to call Lang Shining and The painters of the Ruyi Pavilion, draw a good picture!"

"There is a foreigner in charge of the Qin Tianjian, and Lang Shining is also a foreigner. In this way, I am afraid that Lang Shining knew the news earlier. Based on his decades of experience with the three generations of emperors Kang, Yong, and Qian, he thought ahead of time. Now that we have counted, we can begin to make preparations in advance.”

Although Wanxi also felt this way, she still felt a little inappropriate, "Since Castiglione is here today, it should be an auspicious sign from heaven. But is it possible that he wants to draw Xiao Shiwu into that painting? That was unprecedented.”

Yu Rui clapped her hands and laughed, "If it's unprecedented, you can compare your score with someone else. It's never happened before on the prince next to you, but if our [-]th elder brother compares himself with himself, it's too early." There is a precedent. Miss, have you forgotten the painting here? The fifteenth elder brother is in the belly of the sister, so the mother and child are in the painting together!"

"If this is the case, now that it has landed, it would be strange to be drawn into some painting by Castiglione again?"

Wanxi lowered her head lightly, "...the emperor, what kind of painting does he want Lang Shining to paint Xiao Shiwu into?"
On the first day of the first lunar month in the 26th year of Qianlong, at noon, the sun and the moon are united, and the five stars are connected.

It was also on this day that Ziguang Pavilion was rebuilt.

"The Great Achievement of Le Mural Painting", the emperor ordered the portraits of one hundred heroes of the court, such as Fu Heng of the Great Jinchuan Battle, to be displayed in the pavilion.The emperor personally wrote praises for 50 of them with outstanding merits, and the remaining 50 were given speeches by Confucian officials.

The No.1 among the heroes is Fu Heng, who supervised the battle of Dajinchuan and was the only one who was praised by the emperor when the imperial court used troops in the northwest;

The second place is the head coach of Pingding Zhunbu and Huibu: Zhaohui.

"Yukai Gaoge uses graphics, and Linglings as guards." The emperor also ordered that the spirits of victory of the soldiers of the Western Expedition be stored in the Ziguang Pavilion. For example, the scrolls used by Zhaohui, Fude, etc. are all famous books on it.They also hid the captured military weapons in the Ziguang attic, mostly armor, saddle bridles, bow and arrow bags, etc. The name of the person who captured the military weapons was written to last forever.

"The good story of Ziguang has been moved from this era to Fengze Enyan." Every year, the Xinzheng Emperor routinely grants banquets to foreign vassals and Mongolian princes. In the past, it was mostly in Fengze Garden in Nanhai. After the 26th year of Qianlong, it was moved to Ziguang Pavilion.

On this day, the emperor bestowed portraits of the scholar-official Fu Heng and other officials, ministers of civil and military affairs, Mongolian prince Taiji, etc., for a banquet of 11 people.Huojisi, the king of Huibu County, etc., the Huicheng of Yarkand entered Bokesari, etc., and the Kazakh Khan Abu Lai came to envoy Su Letong Zhuo Lebalas, etc., [-] people, and ordered and feasted.

After the banquet, the emperor summoned the great scholars, the inner court Hanlin, etc. to give a tea banquet.The couplet of giving a banquet was completed with Ziguang Pavilion.
Under this background, led by Castiglione Castiglione, a group of painters from Ruyi Museum made the ten-foot-long and seven-foot-wide "The Picture of the Coming of All Nations"!
In this painting, the painters start from the two lions in front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony from a bird's-eye view, and include all the main buildings in the Forbidden City in the frame.The Forbidden City with golden tiles and red walls is even more resplendent, warm and dazzling against the backdrop of heavy snow and silver.

The ministers gathered in the square of the Hall of Supreme Harmony to celebrate New Year's Day.

Behind the ministers are envoys from 57 foreign vassal states and 31 tributary states of the Qing Dynasty: North Korea, Ryukyu, Siam, Annan, Sulu, Nanzhang; and England, France, the Netherlands, Oros, Tribute envoys from Atlantic countries, Kucha, Ongalia and other countries.

The entire square of the Hall of Supreme Harmony was filled with tributes brought by envoys from various countries, such as white elephants, white apes, lions and other spirit beasts, as well as loads of spices, rice, sulfur, wool...

Even if these envoys from vassal states and tributary states who don’t come to pay tribute every year, but every three years or so, as well as their objects from all over the world, they finally get together in this painting.

However, in such a grand "anticipation", the emperor did not appear in the Hall of Supreme Harmony; the emperor was still sitting under the eaves of the harem corridor in a calm manner, watching the princes and grandchildren with a smile with the inner court dignitaries Firecrackers are set off in the yard.

And on such a grand occasion, the emperor still held a small child in his arms.

That child also has a white and fat round face, which looks exactly like the face of the emperor.

On the first day of the first lunar month, the sun and the moon are in harmony in the sky, and the five stars are connected to each other; the imperial court has made great contributions to the Ministry of Pingzhun and the Ministry of Hui, and has expanded the territory of China by [-] miles... At such a time of great auspiciousness and celebration, the emperor was not in a hurry to participate in the celebration, but only cared about it. Juvenile.

He would rather go to the Hall of Supreme Harmony a little later to accept the court congratulations, but also sit on the porch, hold the baby in his arms, and have fun with him for a while.

It's as if... at this time of auspiciousness in the sky and great celebrations in the world, this time of great anticipation and unification of the country, nothing is more important than the child in his arms.

At this time, under the witness of this painting, the national movement of the Qing Dynasty reached the peak of history.And at this moment, the emperor didn't sit high on the dragon chair, and wasn't in a hurry to chat with the courtiers outside the palace, he just hugged the little child in his arms tightly.

(This year, there are only fifteen princes who can be hugged in my arms; and there are no grandchildren born this year. Therefore, the only one who can hold the emperor in his arms like this is Xiao Shiwu. ).
Fortunately, this painting "The Picture of Ten Thousand Kingdoms Coming to Court" could not be finished in a month or two, so although Wanxi already had a clue in her heart, the rest of the harem didn't know about it.

So I spent the new year in the palace fairly safely, and went to the Yuanmingyuan to celebrate the Lantern Festival.

Wanxi's mind was not here for a while, she always remembered that after the Chinese New Year, February would be the auspicious time for Jiujiu vaccination.

For the New Year's Eve, she was worried about it, but she didn't want outsiders to see it, and she didn't want Jiujiu to notice it.

She just, with the heart of a mother, asked Jiujiu what wish she had.As long as Jiujiu wants to eat and likes to play, she has tried to find it during the Chinese New Year for the past two months, making Jiujiu happy.

She also designed a headwear flower by herself.The flowers on the head are made with the help of her best skill of weaving grass and flowers. In addition, Jiujiu loves it very much and there are colorful butterflies around the nobleman who smell the fragrance and dance gracefully. Wanxi drew the pattern by herself. With the help of her elder brother Bai Yongji, who is a doctor in the internal manufacturing office, they jointly created a "gold inlaid rice beads' happy in front of your eyes" head flower.

The artisans of the internal manufacturing office of the flower used the craft of welding the bottom bracket, so that the eyes, antennae of insects and birds, the wings of butterflies, the whiskers, leaves and branches of plants were all fired with thin copper wires to make them very elastic. The spring moves slightly, swings from side to side, the image is lively and lifelike, smart and lovely.

When Jiujiu put the flower on her head and shook her head, it looked like countless colorful butterflies with fluttering wings, flying around her.

Wanxi also ordered in private, for the sake of the Chinese New Year, to invite Zha Lantai to come into the garden to play together.

(Are you celebrating? I wish you a happy holiday~)

(End of this chapter)

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