Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2356 Volume 7 56 1 Laugh when I see you

Chapter 2356: Smile When I See You (Bi)

On the twelfth day of the first lunar month, after fasting for three days, the emperor worshiped the sky and prayed for the valley in the southern suburbs.

After the ceremony, the emperor led the harem to move from the Forbidden City to the Old Summer Palace, where the Empress Dowager lived in the Changchun Immortal Hall.

From the thirteenth day of the first lunar month, around the halls of "High Mountains and Long Rivers", Tong Paradise, and the Hall of "Fostering Three Selfless", etc., the grand dramas and feasts of the royal family in the Yuanmingyuan to celebrate the Lantern Festival will start in these places.

On the night of the [-]th, because the highlight was setting fire boxes in the "High Mountains and Long Rivers", the children also liked it, so the emperor also gave the meritorious officials to bring their sons inside for a banquet.Among the statues of heroes in Ziguang Pavilion, Fu Heng ranks first, and Zhao Hui ranks second, and both of them are from Empress Dan Chan, so the sons of these two were the first to be invited into the palace.

Wanxi also took the opportunity to ask Lawang to call Fukan'an, Zhalantai and other younger brothers to come and play together in the inner court.

Tonight, the setting fire box was lively, but Wanxi only took Jiujiu to watch it for a while, and then took Jiujiu back to "Tiandi Family Spring".

Because of the auspicious time for the vaccination, Qin Tianjian has already given the exact date, and it will be on February 22. There is still a little more than a month away. Wanxi is afraid that the child will catch the cold at this time and catch a cold cool off.

At this moment, I dare not make even the slightest mistake.

It's just that this news is still hidden from Jiujiu, so Jiujiu is not happy. He only thinks that the fire box is so beautiful, but E Nie insists on bringing her back to the bedroom, so she can't figure out why.

When she entered the bedroom, she took off her little boots and climbed onto the kang to sulk.No one paid attention to them, they tore off the tent and hid themselves in the kang.

Yurui quietly went in and peeked through the gap in the curtain, then came back and told Wanxi that Jiujiu was sitting cross-legged there, with her two little elbows resting on her legs, and her two little hands dragging her cheeks—— Such a posture makes me sulky.

Wanxi also smiled, and said softly, "Isn't it just to be angry, and she's still pretty."

Yurui said softly, "Faner, why don't you just wait for my sister to coax her? She didn't even take off her big clothes and went to the kang. Most likely she was expecting her to go to the fire box after coaxing her." gone."

Only then did Wanxi sigh softly, "Wearing big hairy clothes and going to the kang to be bored, the anger will make her sweat all over in a short while. You silly girl."

Only then did Yu Rui hurriedly persuaded, "Sister, go and coax her, and give Wu a prickly heat later."

Wanxi sighed softly, "I'll go to see her first, you go outside to meet those children. I thought, when that little brother Zhalan came, she forgot to be angry with me gone."

Yu Rui got up quickly and went away with a smile on her face.

Wanxi took off her big clothes and went to Jiujiu's side hall.
Even though Wanxi has already relaxed her steps, there will still be rustling movements between the rubbing of her clothes.

Jiujiu heard it, and shouted in the kang, "No one is allowed to come in!"

Wanxi hadn't reached the Nuan Pavilion yet, but only in the next moment, she simply stood down, turned to the left, and sat down on the kang.

She deliberately loudly said, "Yuhan, since Princess Nine is still angry, hurry up and put those frozen pears and frozen persimmons I brought back into the net bag without any trouble. Go back. Anyway, you nine princesses don’t want to eat either.”

Yuhan stood at the door and smiled, listening to it, the snow water had already melted at the door, and put the frozen pear and persimmon into the snow water to slow down.

The frozen pears and persimmons were completely frozen, and at first they had to be soaked in the coldest water to release the ice inside and turn them into a hard shell on the outside.This layer of ice can be shattered as soon as it is knocked, and it will not be still hard inside.

After this round of snow water soaking is over, you can change to another cold well water.In this way, the frozen pears and frozen persimmons will become soft and soft.

But don’t be impatient and use hot water to soak it directly. Not to mention the bubble, the skin will rot directly, but the ice inside will not be slowed down, and it will destroy the texture of the flesh and become a cotton cover. It's the same cartilage sac, so I can't eat it.

This kind of work is the most tiresome test of patience, so Yuhan has always done it by himself.Those little girls who are new to the palace don't have this experience, let alone the patience.
Wearing big hairy clothes and sulking on the hot kang, who knows who is hot.

It is said that the most unbearable thing is "sitting on pins and needles", that is, I have never been on the heated kang in the north, and I have not worn big hairy clothes and sat on the hot kang to sulk... When I sit on it, the bottom of the buttocks are hot. , the little sweat beads in the clothes are like little ants crawling, not to mention the test of concentration.

Therefore, if I can eat a bite of frozen persimmons and frozen pears at this moment...the icy and sweet taste will really make people happy and their souls will fly.

After Wanxi finished speaking, she sat on the edge of the kang, waiting in no hurry.

Sure enough, not long after the words fell to the ground, the bed curtain in the Nuan Pavilion was "shuddering"; immediately after, the door of the Nuan Pavilion opened.

Little Jiujiu rushed out with a small face like a big red cloth, stepped forward and hugged Wanxi, raised her head and begged, "Don't take Ernie away, Jiujiu wants to eat!"
Don't look at Jiujiu as the princess of the Qing Dynasty, but he didn't say that he could open up and eat frozen pears.

Wanxi took her own body as an example, and especially forbade her two daughters to eat these frozen goods casually in the winter.Even if they are given to eat, they are only given a taste once in ten and a half months.

Since Xiaoqi loved eating persimmons since she was a child, she especially likes frozen persimmons; Jiujiu loves frozen pears even more.

Therefore, when she heard that there were frozen pears to eat, even if the little girl was sulking, she couldn't bear to miss it.

Wanxi smiled narrowly, reached out to touch the tip of Jiujiu's nose, "Then, aren't you angry with Ernie?"

Jiujiu hugged Wanxi's arm, shaking his head like a rattle, "No more!"

On her head was wearing the butterfly-headed flower of "Seeing joy in front of my eyes". When she shook her head, she suddenly felt that there were golden butterflies flying around her head, and the butterfly wings fluttered.

Wanxi was delighted to see it, so she stretched out her arms and hugged her daughter, "If you want to see the fire box, you don't have to be in the 'mountain high and the water long'. The fire box flew to the sky, and it exploded with a bang in the sky, so you Even in our yard, even on the Erkang in the north, we can still see it through the windows."

"Ene, of course I know that you like to watch fire boxes, but the high mountains and long rivers are a bit windy. After all, you are still young, unlike your sisters who are older and have strong disease resistance. Go back and think about Xiao Shiwu, Didn't Ernie take him at all? He's even younger, so he's not as free as you, is he?"

Jiujiu understood, and nodded with a pouted mouth, "Then when Jiujiu grows up and is as big as my sister and Mianjin, I will be able to play for a while longer in 'High Mountains and Long Rivers', right? "

Wanxi lowered her eyes lightly, and hugged her daughter tightly in her arms, "You don't even have to wait that long... As long as this year is over, and when the Lantern Festival is next year, Ernie will let you go and play." Enough is enough, okay?"

As long as Jiujiu can survive the vaccination this year and be sent to the saint, next year, she won't worry about anything else.

Although Jiujiu didn't know what the sentimentality hidden in Ernie's eyes was, but he also felt Ernie's emotions, so he snuggled into Ernie's arms and said obediently, "...Jiujiu knows, Jiujiu won't say anything." Got angry."

Wanxi closed her eyes, and put her cheek on Jiujiu's little cheek, "Jiujiu is such a sensible little girl. Then let's take off this big hairy clothes first, shall we? Look, this little cheek is almost It's like a little ball of fire."
In the warm pavilion, Wanxi took off Jiujiu's big clothes with her own hands, and changed into ordinary clothes.It's just that they haven't asked her out of the warm pavilion yet, hoping to wait until her sweat dries up in the warm pavilion.

At this moment, Zi Yurui has come over, and said with a smile outside the door of the Nuan Pavilion, "Our little guest is here, but I don't know if our Ninth Princess wants to see her too?"

Jiujiu was not surprised when he heard it inside, but instead laughed, "Ms. Rui is bluffing, what other guests are there? It must be my sister and the others. Guests? Madam Rui is talking about Brother Qilin Bao?"

Now Xiaoqi, Yongzhang's Dagege Mianjin, Lawang and Fukang'an are a small group.Among them, Xiaoqi, Mianjin, and Lawang all lived in the palace.If it weren't for "guests", Fukang'an would go to the palace to go to school during the day, and go out of the palace to live in the palace after school at night.

Unexpectedly, Jiujiu's little face showed a look of not being interested, Wanxi couldn't help observing carefully, and asked slowly, "...Why, it would be bad if Qilinbao came to play with you Is it?"

Jiujiu pouted when he heard that, "I love to play with Brother Qilinbao, but he didn't like to play with me since he was a child! He is fierce when he sees me..."

The child's words are ungrateful, but Wan Xi's heart is full of melancholy in an instant.

She didn't forget her relationship with Jiuye's family, she didn't forget Jiufujin's wish, and she didn't forget - in fact, she also wanted to form a family with Jiuye's family and continue her love in this life.

But at this time, he discovered that although the children were his own, the fate of the children was never decided by the adults.Even though they are still so young, they already have their own opinions on everything, and they have deviated from the direction expected by adults since they don't know when.

At this moment, Zha Lantai and the others have already arrived, but Wanxi still couldn't help but hold Jiujiu's little hand, and wanted to explain to Fu Kang'an again: "Jiujiu heard from Enie, your Qilinbao brother, isn't he He is fierce to you, but he has been so monkey-tempered since he was a child. He hasn't grown up yet, and he hasn't learned to speak softly to people. When he grows up a few years later, he won't treat you like that. "

Jiujiu immediately pouted, "That's not it! He always spoke softly to his sister; but he never spoke like that to me..."

In the eyes of children, the world is black and white.Even if she is a mother-in-law, there is no way to change it from an adult's point of view.

Wanxi could only hold back a sigh, and just looked at Jiujiu and smiled, "Jiujiu is a brother who likes gentleness, doesn't he?"

Jiujiu thought for a while, then nodded firmly, "I like my brother who speaks softly to me."

Wanxi smiled helplessly, and while helping Jiujiu put her hair back together, she couldn't help but recall the Jiuye when they first met.At that time, Master Jiu was elegant, calm and welcoming.

Fukang'an's appearance is very similar to Master Jiu, but unfortunately, his temperament is born with a lively appearance.If Fukang'an's temperament can be like Master Jiu's, then it must be the appearance that Jiujiu likes, right? .
Across the door of the Nuan Pavilion, Yu Rui coughed lightly outside again.

Wanxi understands that Yurui is here to inform her that the cold air on the children has dissipated, and they can be brought in to play together.

Wanxi smiled and got up, "Sister and the others are here, you play together. In order to avoid the restraint of the little guests, Ernie avoided going out first. Wait for you to play later, and Ernie will come in and bring you the rest Eat frozen pears."

Jiujiu was still not very interested, but he was willing to endure it for the frozen pear.

Wanxi stepped out first and winked at Yurui.

Wanxi went to the porch outside the house, stood behind the porch pillar, and saw Yuchan leading a small group of children into the side hall.

Through the window, the next moment, I heard Jiujiu's pleasantly surprised cheers.

"Little brother! Why are you?"

Jiujiu's voice almost shattered the window panes.Wanxi stood under the eaves of the corridor, the night wind was blowing cold, but because of her daughter's voice, she couldn't help but smile.

Forget it, children and grandchildren have their own blessings, so how can a mother be willing to be around?

All fate, then leave it to the children themselves.Fortunately, Jiujiu is still young, and there is still a long way to go in the future. If you observe carefully for a few years, if Jiujiu's fate really came so early, then let them go.
Wanxi circled around before returning to her bedroom and sitting down.

She and Yurui, vaguely listening to the laughter coming from the side hall, each grabbed a handful of melon seeds and said their own words.

"I'm looking at Concubine Yu looking a little unhappy today." Wanxi said slowly, nibbling melon seeds.

In order to protect Xiao Shiwu, now she and Nala are fighting in the open, and in private, she has prepared herself against Concubine Xin.If so, she would have to take another look at Concubine Yu.

Concubine Yu is the most patient person in the harem, even though she has been silent for several months.But the more Concubine Yu was so silent, the more Wanxi couldn't let go.

Yurui sighed softly, "During the Chinese New Year, the fifth elder brother specially gave us two generous gifts. Since Yingyuan sent mine, I can't refute my own. This is my sister's face, and I will take it; my sister's share will also be given to Yingyuan."

"Fifth elder brother's gesture of favor is obvious. If you think about it, Concubine Yu will not know about it. It's just that sister confiscated the gift and gave it to Yingyuan. If you think about it, Concubine Yu should understand what she means."

Wanxi nodded slowly, "I respect that she is an old man in the emperor's residence, and we don't want to deal with her in the face. But if she thinks that I have forgotten the relationship with her in just a few months, If she can make love again, then she is wrong."

Wanxi gently closed her eyes.

"Yu Rui, do you know that this time I went to Mulan with the emperor, and celebrated my birthday in Buhutu. That place is 'the place where there are deer', and I have dreamed about little deer...maybe it's because So, I don't know why, but I always think back to the time when the little deer loved to go to the imperial garden to see deer."

Yu Rui also jumped slightly in her heart, "The deer in the imperial garden has always been taken care of by Concubine Yu herself. In the past, she had no estrangement from us, and even because of the Sixth Princess, she was still with us We've made friends. So it's a bit of a time, let's just trust the fourteenth elder brother to Concubine Yu, and let her go to see the deer hand in hand..."

Wanxi closed her eyes tightly, and nodded slowly, "I can't let go, and these are the same. Before the little deer was vaccinated, we all saw the queen touch the little deer face-to-face, but it is easy to forget that Concubine Yu once He also took the little deer to the deer park hand in hand many times."

"Today, I can no longer track these things, but thinking about them always makes me palpitate. I believe that the empress is not innocent, but this Concubine Yu may not be much cleaner than the empress."

Yu Rui took a breath quietly, "Sister is right. Now the fourteenth elder brother has been buried in the ground, we don't want to disturb it anymore. But from now on, Concubine Yu doesn't have to think about rebuilding the old relationship with us. I have eaten Unfortunately, once is enough, there will never be a next time."
Wanxi closed her eyes for a long time, and finally shook her head.

"Forget it, it's still Chinese New Year, let's not talk about it." Wanxi slowly raised her eyes, "But Concubine Yu's unhappy, it's not because of us. She, she doesn't care about us so much .”

Yu Rui bowed her head in deep thought, and then smiled, "I just remembered something. It happened around November last year. It was said that E Bi wanted to take advantage of this year's time when the emperor enshrined the empress dowager to visit Wutai Mountain. After trying to curry favor with the emperor once, he started to build a large-scale construction project and cleverly spent his time building the palace. In the end, he was ordered by the emperor."

Wanxi also raised her eyes, "Oh? So there is such a thing? He is the governor of Shanxi. Last year, the Northwest just ran out of troops. How many things in the west and north need money, and he is rushing at this juncture. Going to waste money?"

Yu Rui snorted softly, "What's worse, this man doesn't even have a face! The emperor issued a decree to warn him, but this one is lucky. He even made a special trip to pass the paper to the emperor two days before the Chinese New Year, saying, "Hedong Merchants, respect Lost 3 taels of silver to cover expenses'. As a result, the emperor issued a decree saying, 'Measure the cost of your construction of the palace. The rest will be returned'."

Wanxi raised her eyebrows when she heard that, "He just wants to get his face back. The emperor warned him, so he thought about digging out the money from the merchants to make up for it, as if he was not at fault. .The emperor also gave him face and told him to use the silver to make up for the cost of building the palace, and return the rest to the merchants."

Yu Rui sneered when she heard it, "What my sister said is that the emperor is enough to give him face. It turns out that this one is good, and then he submitted a booklet, saying, 'The gentry from all states and counties in Jin Province, please lose funds. Yiyi Among them, there are two to 3000 taels, or 1 taels.’”

Wanxi couldn't help shaking her head, "This person really doesn't know how to measure, doesn't he understand the principle of 'accept when he's good'?"

Yu Rui spat lightly, "Who said it wasn't? This time the emperor simply dismissed it with a five-word reply: 'Definitely unacceptable'!"

Wanxi finally lowered her head and smiled faintly, "Concubine Yu is unhappy, I think it's because of this matter. That's right, after all, E Bi is her in-laws, she is only a child like Yongqi, and E Bi is her only child." In-laws. The E family has long since collapsed, and E Bi has been reprimanded by the emperor one after another, so it's no wonder she feels uneasy."

Yu Rui also sneered, "Who said it wasn't! Of course she won't forget that Na'er was always with Ama and uncle, and he was ordered to commit suicide by the emperor! The emperor hated Ertai, yes None of the nephews of the E family are lenient."

Wanxi looked at Yurui, "If you count it from your mother's family, Yingyuan can help fifth elder brother better than fifth elder brother's concubine Fujin. Now it is really wronged to ask Yingyuan to take the position of concubine Yeongwon."

Yurui smiled, "I'm glad that our family dare not be the in-laws of Concubine Yu's concubine! Our family is from a coat family, so naturally it is not as precious as that of E's family. Over the years, Concubine Yu has never looked at her." I have been to our house, and I seldom come and go."

Wanxi held Yurui's hand, "I should be thankful. It's a good thing she didn't have contact with your family, otherwise where would I find such a good sister like you, and such a good housekeeper like you, Ama?" ?”

Yurui smiled shyly, "Sister, you praised me, but my uncle and my uncle didn't give it to me for nothing. Back then, both my uncle and my cousin were awarded Jinshi and entered the Hanlin Academy. Knowing eyes."

"From the time I entered the palace to my sister's Yongshou Palace, my ama has always told me to serve my good sister with all my heart. What's more, when my ama was framed by the queen back then, if it wasn't for my sister's help , where can my Ama be reinstated?"

Wanxi nodded with a smile, and gently patted Yurui's hand.

The affection between people can only be cultivated by comparing their hearts to each other, giving each other and achieving each other.

Concubine Yu probably never thought of it before, Baoyi was born in Suo Chuoluo's family, the two brothers Guanbao and Debao were more and more valued in the previous dynasty, and Yurui was also enshrined as a nobleman in the harem; Di Fujin, a famous family like the Ertai family, is now going downhill step by step.

At this moment, Concubine Yu wanted to turn around and make peace with Suo Chuoluo's family again, but it was too late.

Wanxi understood that Concubine Yu was afraid that she would regret it.

Wanxi patted Yurui's hand lightly with a smile, "Anyway, Concubine Yu is unhappy because of Ebi's in-laws at this time, so in Yongqi's place, Yingyuan's good life will come again. Let's There's no need to annoy Concubine Yu, let's just be happy for Yingyuan."
After talking about Concubine Yu and Yongqi's mother and son, Yurui started talking about the eighth elder brother Yongxuan.

"I think Concubine Yu is not happy about E Bi's affairs. There is another reason: Ama, who is also the prince's descendant of Fujin, the emperor has repeatedly warned E Bi, but on the contrary, he takes great care of Yin Jishan."

"This morning, the emperor issued another decree, saying that Qin Tianjian has reported the auspicious date of the eighth elder brother's employment, and it will be on April [-]. The emperor told Yin Jishan to deal with the unfinished business at hand, and when he is done, he will be ready." Hurry up and come to Beijing. You must come back within three months to take care of it yourself."

Wanxi also raised her eyebrows, "Oh? Is the appointment scheduled for April? So soon?"

Wanxi and Yurui were sitting on the edge of the kang talking, but they didn't notice that Cuihuan was standing outside the floor-to-ceiling flower cover, and when she heard this through the curtain, her body shook slightly.

Cui Huan knew that the eighth elder brother's marriage was already scheduled for this year, but she always felt that it was still in the first month and the year was not over yet, that means the year had just begun.The eighth elder brother's marriage is still far away...

Never thought that the official appointment will be in April.

Standing on the other side was Yuying, who hurried over to support Cuihuan, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong with you? But you're not feeling well?"

Cui Huan hurriedly stabilized her figure, and shook her head vigorously, "Auntie, I'm fine. It's probably getting dark, I'm a little tired standing up, and my eyelids are fighting."

Yuying was also happy to hear that, "That's true. You are young, and it's time for you to snooze. The heating in this hall is well-heated, isn't it just pestering sleepy bugs?"

Yuying took out her pocket watch to look at it, and said hurriedly, "It's getting late. After the ninth princess and the seventh princess are separated, Master Rui will definitely go back. You stand for a while, Or, shall I help you to call Cui Di and the others to replace you?"

Cui Huan hurriedly stopped her, "Auntie, don't mind. Tonight, Cui Dimple has to sit up all night. Ask her to replace me, and she won't have a rest."

Yuying then smiled and said softly, "I'll grab a handful of snow at the door, come in and hold it in your palm, and you'll immediately feel refreshed."

Only separated by a floor-to-ceiling flower cover and curtain, Yuying and Cuihuan were talking in a low voice, and Wanxi and Yurui heard it too.

Yu Rui raised her voice and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

Cui Huan and Yu Ying looked at each other, stuck out their tongues, hurriedly restrained their expressions, walked in one after the other, and confessed to the two masters.

Wanxi didn't mind, and said with a smile, "Forget it, you're tired from standing too. Don't set rules here, and accompany me to the side hall to see what they've been up to."

Yurui also laughed, knowing that Wanxi was thinking about the children in her heart.Then he got up in person, went to the hanger with cloud pattern, took Wanxi's cloak, put it on for Wanxi with his own hands, and then pulled the hood over with his own hands to cover Wanxi's head.
The four walked along the corridor together and walked out of the window of the side hall.Sticking against the wall, quietly listening to the movement inside.

Although it was still freezing cold at this time, the glass on the window was covered with a thick layer of frost, and the inside could not be seen from the outside.But the noise of the children can still come out through the window, and the corridor is full of noise, so they can be heard.

Yu Rui couldn't help but whispered with a smile, "Oh, the roof of the house is about to be lifted."

Wanxi Niao walked into the side hall quietly, and the ladies and nuns standing at the door were about to salute, but Wanxi stopped them and kept them silent.

There is a brocade-padded curtain between Mingjianer and Cijian. Yurui hurriedly stepped forward and opened a small slit for Wanxi with her own hands.

Wanxi leaned on the door frame, her eyes moved close to the crack in the curtain and peeked in.

The children inside were all grown up by Wanxi, there was only one new to them, and Wanxi could tell at a glance which one was Zalantai.

Wanxi couldn't help raising her eyebrows slightly, and smiled slightly.

——Even if it wasn't the child in it who was new to him, Wanxi believed that she could recognize it at a glance.

It's just because she knew beforehand that her daughter likes a quiet and gentle brother, and the little brother who is wearing a crow blue brocade robe and a warm hat of the same color today is the most gentle and quiet among the boys.

To be honest, crow blue is not an outstanding color.It was the deepest blue color, it was almost black, but when it was worn on the child, it felt that the child's handsome face was as bright as the moon and jade, shining brightly.

At this time, those children were also playing on the kang, Xiaoqi and Mianjin were eating Galaha, Jiujiu was sitting on the side eating frozen pears; Chess, while Zalantai watched from the sidelines.

Six children, three boys and three girls, on both sides are two playing and one being a spectator.

The two spectators happened to be Jiujiu and Zalantai.

But there is no child who is willing to just be a spectator. Zhalantai's side is okay, Wanxi can see that Jiujiu has secretly stretched out his feet to touch that Gala Hazi several times.That little girl's heart is to hope that her sister or eldest niece is "broken" so that it will be her turn.

Wanxi looked at Le, but was worried at the frozen pear in Jiujiu's hand.

In the palace, even the pears made of frozen pears are more delicate than the folk ones.Because of the small size of Jiujiu, Wanxi chose Nanguo pears instead of big apple pears.This Nanguo pear is a special product in southern Liaoning, produced near Xiuyan.It is small in size, about the size of a baby's fist; it is sweet and soft.Even if it is made into frozen pears, it doesn't matter if the children eat one.

What's more, there is Yuhan serving in Jiujiu Hall, Yuhan is mature and prudent, Wanxi believes that Yuhan must have slowed down the frozen pears before giving Yuhan to Jiujiu.

The reason why Wanxi is worried at this moment is that when Jiujiu eats the pear, he is focusing on two purposes, and Wanxi is afraid that she will accidentally swallow the pear pit again.

The pips of Nanguoli were originally very small, so it would be easy for an adult to swallow them; but Jiujiu is only two and a half years old after all.
There are two groups of children, the girls are playing in the kang, and the boys are sitting on both sides of the kang table to play.

Zalantai's position happened to be standing on the red sandalwood pedal, facing the girl.So what Wanxi saw, Zhalantai also saw.

Wanxi was about to ask Yuhan to go in and take Jiujiu's frozen pear, but suddenly Zha Lantai stretched out his hand, went around Lawang's back, and grabbed Jiujiu's little arm.

Jiujiu wasn't prepared either, and looked up in a daze.Seeing that it was Zalantai, he suddenly shook his head and smiled.

Outside the curtain, Wanxi raised her eyes helplessly to meet Yurui's.

That child naturally doesn't have the habit of shaking her head when she smiles, and doing this today is deliberately showing off her vivid head flowers to others.

Zha Lantai didn't make a sound, just stared at Jiujiu quietly, and then took the frozen pear from Jiujiu's hand.

Jiujiu wanted to speak, but Zalantai raised his finger and gave a soft "shush" and said something.

Wanxi heard it, but worried that she had heard it wrong, so she raised her eyes and asked Yurui.

Yu Rui laughed and repeated softly, "...watching the chess without saying a word."

Only then did Wanxi smile in relief.She seemed to hear the same word.

Jiujiu was not reconciled, so he also forgot about grabbing Galaha, got up from the kang, put his arms around Zhalantai's neck, moved closer to Zhalantai, and talked in his ear Whisper.

(End of this chapter)

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