Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2357, Volume 7, 57

Chapter 2357 Seven Volumes 57 Little Brother, Is It Sweet (Bi)
Just now Zha Lantai could vaguely hear Zha Lantai's phrase "Watch the chess without saying a word"; but now Zijiujiu whispered in his ear, even the ears outside the door curtain pricked up, and he couldn't hear it.

Wanxi couldn't help raising her eyes to look at Yurui, hoping that Yurui might hear something.It's a pity that Yu Rui just shook his head and smiled helplessly at her.

Wanxi couldn't help smiling wryly, and whispered through the door curtain, "It's said that women can't help themselves when they grow up, after all, it's after they grow up; I never thought, I'm only two and a half years old, there are words that I don't want to hear."

Yuhan also smiled at the side, but excused the ninth princess, "The ninth princess just listened to that little brother Zhalan and watched the chess without saying a word, so she had to whisper in her ear."

Wanxi smiled when she heard this, reached out and gently shook Yuhan's hand.

These years Yuhan has been serving in Yongshou Palace, and there have been several tests between them.But fortunately, those tests were passed without any risk, and now Yuhan is still in the Yongshou Palace, becoming the oldest and most qualified person in the palace.

Even from Yuhan's blurted words, Wanxi can tell that Yuhan is really protecting Jiujiu.The degree of protection, even her own mother can't even say a word.

If the jade letter is like this, it really makes Wanxi feel at ease.

A daughter is different from a son. A daughter is about to get married at the age of thirteen or fourteen, so she cannot always be by her side.Therefore, I have been looking for a safe person for my daughter since she was a child. Not only can she stay by her side in the palace for these years, but she can also ask this person to accompany her to marry when she leaves the palace in the future, right?
Therefore, the person Wanxi chooses can be said to be a substitute for Wanxi herself.As my own mother, I can't be by my side to accompany my daughter for the rest of my life, but this person who is hand-picked can replace her and accompany her for the rest of my life.

Yuhan was also a little embarrassed, and hurriedly bowed to Wanxi.

Wanxi smiled and nodded, "Yuhan, you took good care of Jiujiu for me."
Inside the door curtain, Jiujiu stood on the edge of the Kang and hugged Zalantai's neck, asking sweetly, "Brother, do you want to eat frozen pears too?"

It was because Zalantai took the half-eaten frozen pear from her hand.With the logic of a child, I thought that Zalantai wanted to eat it too.

Zha Lantai shook his head naturally, just like Jiujiu, he also whispered in his ear, "No~~ Brother doesn't want to eat, brother is helping you, ah."

Jiujiu leaned back a little, and opened up a distance so that he could see Zalantai's face clearly.

But after looking back, she still didn't forget to continue shaking her head.

At this moment, under the light, there were colorful butterflies above her head, and in the dazzling blur on the other side, her eyes were as black as beans, staring at him without blinking.

Many years later, Zalantai can still clearly remember this moment.

Zalantai laughed, staring at Jiujiu and laughing, "Why, don't you believe me?"

Jiujiu quickly shook his head.At this moment, the flowers on the head were disturbed to sway and fall one after another.

Zha Lantai couldn't help but sighed softly, "Then what are the nine princesses thinking, huh?"

Although Zhalantai's family is also a Manchurian family, the number of people in the family is not strong, and because his father has been fighting abroad for many years, his brothers and sisters are also few.Now, looking at Jiujiu's cute and naive appearance, at Zhalantai's age, he wouldn't think of anything else, but he just thinks that she is like a little sister.

Intuitively, I want to protect and tease.

Jiujiu pursed his lips lightly, shook his head and thought for a while, then pointed to the half pear that Zha Lantai took, "...Jiujiu is not bad."

Zhalantai didn't expect Jiujiu to say this, so he couldn't help laughing.

Although he was watching Lawang and Fukang'an playing chess just now, he could see all the little moves of Jiujiu clearly from that angle of view.

Zha Lantai shook his head with a smile, "The slave didn't say that the Ninth Princess is not good~"

Jiujiu shook his head again, "The little brother must have seen Jiujiu's misbehavior, so he took the frozen pear away."

As Jiujiu said, he gestured mysteriously to Zha Lantai, "I am Ene, if Jiujiu is not good, I will take away Jiujiu's frozen pears and don't let Jiujiu eat them!"

Outside the curtain, Wanxi was almost depressed.

This little girl called her a stepmother.She had taken Jiujiu's frozen pear once, because she was afraid that she would freeze it if she ate too much.

Zha Lantai naturally didn't understand the truth, so he also raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Are you... concubine Ling?"

Jiujiu made a bitter face, twitched his eyebrows and eyes, and nodded vigorously, "Ene gave Jiujiu a pear, brother took it away, Jiujiu didn't..." Uncle said, spreading out the two empty little meat Hand, send it to Zha Lantai, and show it to Zha Lantai.It's so pitiful.

Faced with such Jiujiu, Zha Lantai's heart immediately softened, and he quickly put the half of the frozen pear left in his hand back into Jiujiu's palm.

"The nine princesses eat—"

Jiujiu took the frozen pear back with satisfaction, protecting it with her little hands.But then he raised his eyes and took a serious look at Zalantai again, his face twitched again.

"But... I only have one pear, and my little brother wants to eat it too, what should I do?"

Zha Lantai laughed, shook his head, and couldn't stop laughing.He pressed Jiujiu's little hand, and said seriously, "My brother said, Princess Nine will eat it, but my brother doesn't want to eat it."

But the two-and-a-half-year-old Jiujiu couldn't accept this argument. She said anxiously, "But just now, my little brother took all the pears away, so it's because my little brother wants to eat them!"

The two children were so entangled, they whispered in their ears at the beginning, and gradually made some movements.

It's just that the movement was not enough for Wanxi who was dying of curiosity outside the curtain to hear it; but it was enough for Fu Kang'an next to the two of them to hear it.

Fukang'an was originally concentrating on playing chess, and was angry with Lawang, but Zalantai and Jiujiu whispered behind his back, which upset him.

He turned his head and stared, "Are you two with Lawang? Is this intentional? It distracted me, and I took several wrong steps!"

Jiujiu was taken aback, and called Fukan'an to be fierce, his little mouth deflated again.

Jiujiu also stamped his little feet, "Brother Baobao, you're attacking me again! Sister, talk about him!"

The others didn't hear it, but Wanxi did hear it at this point.Wanxi couldn't help another series of sighs in her heart.

Fate is always a matter of accidents.No matter how determined she is to take care of Qilin and try her best to make him and Jiujiu more harmonious, it seems that it is becoming more and more difficult to do so.

But it's not that she doesn't understand the inner reason.It's not that Qilin Bao's child is not gentle enough, in fact, under his monkey-like appearance, there is also a heart so gentle that dripping water... It's a pity that his gentleness is only given to Xiaoqi, not to Jiujiu Stay for a while.

Even, the more he was in front of Xiaoqi, or when Lawang was present, the more aggressive he was to Jiujiu on purpose.

Little Jiujiu, how do you know these tricks?But it caused her to plant such an impression since she was a child, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to erase it after many years.

Although she is Jiujiu's own mother, under such circumstances, she is just anxious, and she tries to reconcile it tactfully, but it can't change the relationship between the children.

Zha Lantai couldn't help frowning, "Qilinbao, you have already lost this game. It's just that Lawang took care of your face, so he continued to accompany you around." He said, stretching out his arms subconsciously to protect He stopped Jiujiu and blocked Jiujiu from his side.

Fukang'an became angry, and simply messed up the chessboard, stood up and stared at Zhalantai, "I said Zhalan, who do you belong to? You are my buddy, have you forgotten?"

Lawang is a Mongolian. In comparison, Zalantai and Fukang Ancai were both from Manchurian families, and they are both descendants of Empress Danchan, so they should be closer.

Zha Lantai frowned, "But this is in the palace. Qilin Bao, don't forget, this is the Ninth Princess, and you and I are both courtiers."

As soon as Zha Lantai said this, Fukang'an became even more angry.

Not for nothing, just because Lawang is already a duke at this time, and Zalantai also has the status of a guard because of Zhaohui's contribution, so he is a courtier of the royal family; nothing.

"A courtier? I'm not. You've already recognized the master right now, and you don't even want a brother?"

Seeing that the children were making trouble again, Yu Rui was a little worried, so she raised her arm and opened the curtain to go in.

But Wanxi was stopped, and with a wink, she signaled that there was no need to worry.

In lawsuits between children, adults should sometimes take a step back.They are making trouble, as long as it is not too much, adults can temporarily stand by and watch.Because it’s okay for children to make a fuss, and forget about it when they sleep all night, it’s not as serious as in the world of adults.

Yongzhang's Da Gege Mianjin saw that they were having trouble again, so he was so worried that he pushed Xiao Qi secretly.

Before that, Xiaoqi ignored them at all, still turned her back, faced the kang and continued to read Galaha with Mianjin.

Mian Jin kept pushing Xiao Qi, calling in a low voice, "Aunt Qi..."

Although Xiao Qi is the same age as Mian Jin, and they both got the acne together, they are almost like sisters in terms of affection.But after all, it is a generation behind, which makes it more mature and prudent.She just raised her eyes and glanced at Mian Jin lightly, but she wasn't flustered at all.

Mianjin was worried now, and quickly turned to look at Lawang, calling out in a low voice, "Wangwang, look at my Qigu, she's silent again."

Before Lawang turned around, Xiang Fukang'an over there changed his face like a monkey.It's no longer the vicious staring and bared-toothed man just now, but when he turned his head, he turned into a little sheep, and leaned over to Xiao Qi's side, smiling sullenly, "Liansheng, what's wrong with you?"

Xiaoqi's face was indifferent, his eyes were half-closed, and he didn't look at him.

"It's nothing. I'll continue to play with mine, so you can do whatever you want. I don't mind talking to you, and you don't come here to provoke me. Let's just enjoy ourselves at leisure."

Xiaoqi will soon be five years old, and will officially enter school.In the past two years, Wanbi personally taught her, and she has read a lot of books, so she speaks more dignifiedly and with a more accent.

Fukang'an's eyes straightened immediately, and his hands were placed by his sides, as if he didn't know where to put them.

"I know you're angry with me...then just say it. Don't ignore me, I don't want to go idle."

Xiao Qi was still indifferent, and still didn't raise his eyes, "It's still Chinese New Year, and everyone is happy. I don't want to quarrel with you. If you think it's fun to quarrel, then you can continue to quarrel. One case, Jiujiu is my little sister, I will definitely protect it. Whoever you like to quarrel with, you can go to whomever, it is always in front of me, you are not allowed to quarrel with my little sister!"

Ever since Jiujiu was able to speak, the relationship between Jiujiu and Fukang'an has become: quarrel - Jiujiu asks Xiaoqi to complain - Xiaoqi cleans up Fukang'an - Fukang'an softens.Xiaoqi seems to hold power, but in fact he is caught in the middle, and he doesn't like it in his heart.

What's more, it can be seen many times that Qilinbao is just looking for trouble for nothing, and chirps fiercely in front of her; chirping is always his little sister, and Xiao Qi is also very upset.

Lawang watched from the side, but still moved over and lightly touched Xiao Qi's arm, "Qilin Bao...he was just joking. Xiao Qi, don't take it seriously. Besides, it was all my fault just now, right? Taking advantage of his distraction, I took advantage of him in a few moves..."

Xiao Qi looked up at Zha Lantai, "But Zha Lan has already said that the outcome of your chess game has already been decided. He doesn't want to lose to you, so he shouldn't vent his anger on Jiujiu, right?"

Xiao Qi is the eldest sister and the most valuable of these children, so she usually doesn't get angry easily, but once she gets angry, no one can afford to offend her.

Mian Jin hurriedly reminded Fu Kang'an, "Bao Bao! You still have to apologize!"

Fukang'an's heart was flustered at this moment, and he lowered his head and only stared at Xiaoqi's tightly clenched hands.Because he was still playing Galaha before, Xiao Qi held a Galaha in his hand.Because of her anger, she clenched her hand so tightly that the Galaha seemed to be embedded in her palm.

Fukang'an said slowly, "Liansheng... It doesn't matter if you are angry with me, let go of your hand first, and put down that Galaha. Otherwise, you can just hit me with that Galaha and tell it to vent your anger on you All right, okay?"

Xiao Qi was startled, and then turned away, avoiding his gaze.

Fukang'an quickly said softly, "Isn't that okay? Then tell me, how can I make you vent your anger, and I will let you deal with it, okay?"

The several children on the kang all looked at her earnestly, and Xiao Qi was also a little embarrassed, so she turned around and stretched out her hand to call Jiujiu, "Jiujiu, come here, be careful, then put this Galaha!" Here you go, you hit him, okay?"
Outside the curtain, Wanxi looked sad.I want to go in and help, but I don't know where to start to help.

But different from Xiaoqi's heaviness, Jiujiu took Galaha and immediately burst out laughing.

Yu Rui couldn't help raising her eyebrows, and hurriedly said in a low voice, "Looking at this, Jiujiu is going to be smashed. If you smash it down, Brother Bao's face must be a hole, but Jiujiu must be happy." .”

The two and a half year old little girl is still the most violent and unreasonable.

Wanxi hurriedly looked in, and whispered to Yuhan, "If Jiujiu really wants to smash it, you go in and stop her, don't let Qilin lose her face."

But who knows, even the adults outside the curtain guessed wrongly. Although Jiujiu was overjoyed, he really raised his hand, as if he was going to smash Galaha on Fukang'an's face... But the little girl But he suddenly remembered that Zalantai was standing on the side.

She didn't smash it, but turned her head to look at Zalantai with a guilty conscience.

The next scene surprised the adults outside the curtain, as well as the children inside the curtain.

Jiujiu suddenly withdrew his hand, held the Galaha to his mouth, and blew the wind like coaxing a chick, "Hoo hoo, Galaha hurts."

But Lawang understood first, and burst out laughing, "Jiujiu is right, Qilin Baona's head is hard, if you hit him with Galaha, he won't be hurt, but Galaha will be hurt. gone."

The children immediately laughed together, Fukang'an's face was flushed, and he only looked up at Xiaoqi.

Xiao Qi suppressed her smile, looked at Lawang, "How do you say that?"

Lawang laughed and said, "One time we ate walnuts secretly in the upper study room, and none of us had anything suitable. He said he could use his head to try..."

"Bah!" Xiao Qi blushed immediately, couldn't help but spit on Fu Kang'an, and then laughed too.

Most of the dark clouds had dissipated, and Fukang'an was so happy to continue to show off, "It's true! I can really crack walnuts with my head. If you don't believe me, bring me one, and I'll crack it for you now!"

Xiao Qi turned around, ignored him, and continued to play with Galaha.

On the contrary, Jiujiu's next move was even more surprising: she put her small arms around Fukan'an's neck, and went to whisper in Fukan'an's ear...
This scene really moved so fast that even Wanxi was a little caught off guard, she was still a little dazed outside the curtain.

Yurui even laughed out loud, "Oh, we haven't guessed what Jiujiu said to little brother Zhalan just now; now we're hugging Brother Bao's neck again, how are we going to guess?" OK?"

Wanxi also blinked, "Wait and see."

Soon, Fukang'an on the kang retreated abruptly, his neck escaped Jiujiu's little arms, and he stared at Jiujiu with rounded eyes, "...Why are you asking this?"

Jiujiu hurriedly wanted to go up and cover his mouth, and his two little hands were shaking to paste Fukan'an's face.But she forgot that she still had half a frozen pear in her hand, and she seemed to be seriously thinking about using the frozen pear to fill Fukang'an's mouth; but then she gave up, looking at the small appearance, she seemed unwilling ——It's not because he didn't like Fukang'an, but because he didn't like that little half pulled frozen pear.

She carefully turned her back to Zha Lantai, and whispered to Fu Kang'an, "Brother Baobao, do you want me to forgive you?"

Fukang'an rolled his eyes, and his gaze slid across Zhalantai's face intentionally or unintentionally, but in the end he was still frightened by the "threat" of Jiujiu, and gritted his teeth, "Okay, I'll tell you, come here!"

This time it was Fukang'an who stretched his arms around Jiujiu's little neck, and whispered in Jiujiu's ear.

Outside the door curtain, Wanxi couldn't help but sigh repeatedly.This singing, it seems that it can end here again with a happy reunion.
On the kang inside the door, several children played together again.

Jiujiu didn't avoid suspicion, and simply climbed onto Zalantai's lap, sat on Zalantai's lap, and continued to gnaw on her small half of a frozen pear.

Zalantai sat cross-legged on the kang, with the nine princesses pressing his legs, and continued to watch a new chess game played by Fukang'an and Lawang.

Jiujiu gnawed for a while, and found that although such a posture was vigorous, the chess played by Brother Baobao and Brother Wangwang was too boring.

Of course, what's more important is that little brother Zalan was so engrossed in watching her that he didn't pay attention to her.She had to find a way to get her little brother's attention.

She thought for a while, then passed her sticky little hand to Zalantai again, and spread the pear in her hand.

Zha Lantai had to come back to his senses, and asked softly, "What's the matter with the Ninth Princess?"

Jiujiu pursed his lips and said pitifully, "... Dong."

Zhalantai's eyes were still tied to the chessboard, but he also listened to Jiujiu's words, nodded and said, "I've held my hand for too long, it's freezing, isn't it?"

Jiujiu nodded vigorously.

Zha Lantai picked it up, lifted it up, and brought it to Jiujiu's mouth, "Brother, hold it for you, you can eat it with your mouth."

Jiujiu was still not satisfied, he suddenly covered his mouth with the little hand that was free, hissed exaggeratedly, "... cool!"

Zha Lantai just came back to his senses, and looked at Jiujiu with a pair of handsome eyes, "Huh? Are your hands still cold?"

Jiujiu quickly shook his head and denied, "It's not the hands, it's the mouth."

Zha Lantai raised his eyebrows, "The mouth is cold? Then do you want my brother to buy you a bowl of hot milk tea?"

Jiujiu still shook his head, "I still want to eat!"

Zha Lantai was also at a loss. He couldn't care less about the chessboard and just stared at Jiujiu, "Then... I'm afraid of the cold and want to eat, what should I do?"

Jiujiu laughed, stretched out his sticky little hand, and patted Zalantai's lips suddenly, "Give it to Wu Wu, little brother."
"Huh? This is not acceptable!" Outside the curtain, Wanxi cried out in surprise.

Children don't know the severity, Jiujiu still doesn't understand the importance of lips, it's not something anyone can touch... Especially between boys and girls, it's even more involved in the defense of men and women!
Even if it is... the emperor may have the intention of referring to marriage, but it is still too early after all.

Yu Rui was also frightened, so she was about to run in.

But in fact they guessed wrong again, Jiujiu didn't do what they were worried about, he asked Zalantai to kiss her with his mouth, but Jiujiu pushed the pear to Zhalantai's lips, urging, "Little brother, give it a treat."

Only then did Wanxi let out a sigh of relief... It turns out that the logic of the little girl is: if the pears are warmed by Wu, then her mouth will not be afraid of being cold.

Zha Lantai was also unprepared, and the pear touched his lips all at once.He wanted to dodge back, but Jiujiu put his arms around the back of his neck, and pressed the pear firmly against his mouth again.

Zha Lantai had no choice but to laugh and shake his head and said softly, "...that will get dirty with my brother's saliva."

Jiujiu was not afraid, and continued to laugh and quack, "It's okay, just wash it with water!"

Zha Lantai had no choice but to stay next to each other.Jiujiu raised his neck and stared at his eyes seriously, before smiling slyly after a while, "Little brother, is it sweet?"

(Nine princesses and Zha Lantai have the same reasoning as Xiaoqi. The rule of the Qing Dynasty is that the choice of forehead is very early. Xiaoqi is two months old, and the fourth princess is four years old. They are all baby relatives. So the emperor had already known it in his heart; but the official decree and assignment was a little later, around ten years old. For example, the seventh princess was officially decreed and assigned in 29 years. So the son-in-law was appointed early. , but outsiders don’t know it.)
(End of this chapter)

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