Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2358, Volume 7, 58

Chapter 2358 Seven Volumes 58
Wanxi sighed again outside the curtain, knowing that her daughter had just turned a corner and asked Zalantai to taste the pear.

Just because he took the pear from her before, she decided that he wanted to eat it, but she dared not eat it because of her status.So she thought of a way to send it into someone's mouth.

Wanxi sighed quietly, and glanced at Yurui.

Yurui also laughed, "My sister allowed the ninth princess to only eat one pear at a time. The pear is small. She was originally precious, so she couldn't bear to eat it all at once. But look, she is thinking about it. Ask Zalan little elder brother to taste it."

"Besides, the people in this room are all her brothers, sisters, and even nieces and daughters. They are all close relatives, or they grew up together since childhood. She didn't say who to share a bite with, but she wanted to share Give it to Zalan's little elder brother."

Wanxi also smiled, shaking her head helplessly.

Yurui came up and gently held Wanxi's hand, "Although the ninth princess is still young, the future is still far away. But at least, from this moment alone, our ninth princess likes little Zhalan." Brother's."

"That's good. A child's eyes are the cleanest, and his heart is the purest. Since the eyes have been closed for a while, if they get along with each other for a long time, the love between the two children will only grow stronger." deeper."

Wanxi patted Yurui's hand lightly, she couldn't tell if she was satisfied, or she sighed in disappointment, and said slowly, "...the emperor said that he had seen the child's horoscope long ago. That child was born on the nineteenth day of the ninth month of the Jiaxu year."

"The year of Jiaxu?" Yurui's eyes lit up, "Isn't that just the 19th year of Qianlong? If so, this little Zhalan elder brother's horoscope has three nines!"

Wanxi nodded, "If it wasn't for this, why would the emperor specially ask this child to appear before our eyes?"

Yu Rui sighed softly, and couldn't help but whispered, "...Then, Jiufujin her?"

Wanxi's eyes drooped slightly, "I was watching a play in Tongyuan this year, but I didn't see Jiufujin come into the palace. I just wanted to talk to her, but I missed it too."

Yu Rui also sighed in her heart, wouldn't this be even more of a mistake.

Wanxi straightened her cuffs, "Tomorrow I'll ask Concubine Shu to see Jiufujin, but I'm tired from the busy New Year, and I'm not happy."

After Wanxi finished speaking, she gently took Yu Rui's hand, "The children get along well, so let's not go in and disturb them. Let's go first."

Wanxi turned her head and told Yuhan, "Remind them later that it's getting late. Remember, when you're done, call Qilinbao and Zhalan's brother to come and leave in front of me alone. It's the first lunar month, call They come into the palace, I have to bring them some rewards back."

Yuhan responded with a smile, and then Wanxi took Yurui's hand and went out.
About half an hour later, An Ge, the eunuch in charge of "A Family of Heaven and Earth", came to report, saying that Hu Shijie had sent someone to report that the fire show at "High Mountains and Long Rivers" was about to end. Fukang'an and Zha Lantai who stayed in the inner court are going to leave the palace.

Yuhan also hurriedly informed the group of children to leave.

Yuhan personally accompanied Fu Kang'an and Zha Lantai to kowtow to Wanxi.

The two children kowtowed to the ground, and Fukang'an naturally came to Wanxi's side, holding Wanxi's arm, so intimate that there was no distinction between a monarch and a minister.After all, it was Zha Lantai's first formal meeting with Wanxi, so he was a little embarrassed, even when Wanxi called out, she still stood aside restrainedly.

Wanxi hugged Fukang'an and talked, but her eyes didn't leave Zha Lantai's child.

Looking up and down, she felt more and more that the child was made of white jade, the moonlight was the god, and his temperament was as quiet as the night sky.

Such a temper and Fukang'an really went in two directions.

After talking for a while, Wanxi finally said, "You guys came to the palace today to greet me, and you played with the Seventh and Ninth Princesses for a long time, I also want to thank you on their behalf .I have prepared some thoughts, you take them back, and leave a thought for today.”

Wanxi gave Yuchan a wink, and Yuchan and Yuying brought up two big red lacquer plates.Lin Mang put a lot of good things in it.

Wan Xi smiled and said, "This plate contains some study rooms, which are all you need for your daily schooling; the other plate contains some food, which I also prepared based on your taste."

"However, not all of them are given to you. You two each choose one from two plates."

In Wanxi's palace, Fukang'an was as comfortable as his own family, so he was not polite, first got up and went to the plate to look left and right.

In the plate of the study room, in addition to the commonly used pens, inks, papers and inkstones, Wanxi also put a few elegant items such as paperweights, pen mounts, incense boxes, and seal materials.

The plate for eating is mainly a few kinds of pastries, and there are also some frozen goods.

Fukang'an glanced at it, selected the gold-painted ink ingot, picked it up and smiled at Wanxi; then he turned his head and chose a stack of fried Korean pastries from the eating plate... only to look back and see Seeing the frozen goods, there were frozen persimmons in them, so he put down the fried Korean pastry and replaced them with frozen persimmons.

"Zhalan, you can choose too." Wanxi encouraged Zhalantai with a smile.

Compared with Fukang'an, that child is quiet and reserved.

Zalantai finished his salute in an orderly manner, and then walked towards the two plates.

He hesitated for a while among the plates in the study room, picked up each piece of the study room and looked at them carefully, and finally chose a paperweight in the shape of a small bronze mirror; Picked up the frozen pears.

When the two children were choosing each other, Wanxi's heart turned a thousand times, and her eyes met Yuhan's several times.

After the two children had been chosen, they knelt down again to thank him.

Wanxi smiled and told Yuchan and the others to choose a box to pack, and said with a smile, "If you can go back to the house, please also send my greetings to your mother, mother, and aunts in your family. If they have free time, they will also come to the palace from time to time." Come sit down."

Fukang'an smiled and kowtowed and went out. Wan Xidan hugged Zha Lantai and asked with a smile, "You chose frozen pears, but do you think my frozen pears are delicious?"

Yuhan also said on the sidelines, "Brother Zhalan just tasted the frozen pear in the hands of the Ninth Princess..."

Zha Lantai shook his head firmly, "Mrs. Huiling, I haven't tasted it."

Wanxi raised her eyebrows slightly, "Oh?" She raised her eyes to look at Yuhan.

Yuhan clasped her hands and laughed, "Brother Zhalan is shy, right? I just saw it for real. The ninth princess can stuff her frozen pear into Brother Zalan's mouth!"

A red cloud suddenly appeared on Zhalantai's small jade-like face.But he still shook his head firmly, "Back to Auntie, I was just helping the Ninth Princess, I didn't take a bite."

Afraid of frightening the child, Wanxi brought him back in front of her eyes, and said softly with a smile, "It doesn't matter, it's just a pear, there are not so many rules. Your mother is just curious, since the pears are all stuffed into your mouth Why don't you try it? Is it because you don't like it?"

"But if you don't like it, then why did you choose it at this moment? Why don't you let the empress allow you to change it once, you put this frozen pear back, and choose another one again, so that the empress will not tell others go, okay?"
Seeing Wanxi like this, Yuhan couldn't help laughing while standing aside, met Yuchan's eyes, and waited to see if this little Zhalan brother would fall into the trap.

Zha Lantai immediately shook his head, "Mrs. Huiling, I don't need to change it! I also... It's not that I don't like it, but that frozen pear originally belonged to the Ninth Princess."

Wanxi raised her eyebrows slightly, "Oh~, so you still care about the rules in the palace, don't you? Your family's tutor is strict, knowing that you come to the palace, your family will definitely tell you a lot of rules in the palace And you have been studying in the study room for almost two years, and the masters have taught you a lot of etiquette for emperors and ministers. Therefore, you dare not make mistakes, so that you have not touched the coldness of the nine princesses Pear, isn't it?"

At this moment, even Yuchan waited for a few, and felt a little sweat for Zha Lantai.

——Based on their years of getting along with their master, they now vaguely understand that the master is testing the little elder brother.The master did this, I am afraid that firstly it depends on the character of the little elder brother Zhalan, and secondly, he is trying his best to keep a glimmer of hope for Qilin.

In the end, the master still cherishes the relationship with Mr. Fu's family, not to mention that Qi Linbao grew up by the master's side.

Zha Lantai looked up at Wanxi, but still shook his head firmly, "Master has taught me the etiquette of monarchs and ministers; the rules of coming into the palace, the elders in the family have even taught me by ear. But just now, I don't eat it." Ninth Princess’s pears are not thinking about these reasons.”

Wanxi lowered her eyes lightly, "Then tell your empress, what exactly were you thinking at that moment?"

Zha Lantai also lowered his head, from Wanxi's angle, he could only see the child's long and slightly curly eyelashes.Reflected on his jade-like complexion, it looks like a pair of small crow-blue crescent moons.

"Because... pears are inseparable."

With the trembling of the two crescent moons, Zalantai's voice was as light and clear as moonlight.

Wanxi was slightly startled, then smiled, reached out and put her hand on the child's shoulder, "What a good boy, you don't like 'separation', do you?"

Zalantai raised his head, his clear eyes were slightly red, "Because Ama has been fighting outside all year round. Every time Ama leaves, I am not allowed to cry; but I know that Ama will be infinitely dangerous when he leaves. ...so I don't like separation, in this world, I would give everything in exchange for family reunion."

Wanxi's eyes couldn't help getting a little wet.

Originally, because Zha Lantai was Zhaohui's son, she was still a little worried that this child would be the brave general, but she might not have enough delicate heart.But it was only at this moment that he realized that just because he was Zhaohui's son, he actually cherished the reunion and loved ones even more.

Wanxi nodded, turned her eyes away, and looked at the box that was already packed, "Then can you tell your mother why you chose this frozen pear among those foods? Did you still want to eat it just now? It's just that you don't want to be separated, that's why you put up with it?"

Zalantai smiled shyly, lowered his head, not daring to look into Wanxi's eyes.

Wanxi also found it interesting, and looked at Yuhan and the others.

Seeing those few, they all smiled happily.

Wanxi said softly, "Your Majesty will not make it difficult for you. If you really don't want to tell Madam Ling, then Madam Ling won't ask. It's getting late, so you can take this box back home. This frozen pear If you like to eat, after school, you often come to my palace to eat with Lawang and Qilinbao."

Zha Lantai happily kowtowed to say goodbye, and Yuhan personally accompanied him to send it out.

Wanxi stood by the window and watched the child's back.

But a seven-year-old child walks with a straight back.You can see the style of the military general's family, but without losing the elegant bones.Although he is still young, he can already vaguely see the outline of the future.

After the little figure came out of the hanging flower gate, Wanxi couldn't tell whether it was melancholy or satisfaction, and she sighed, and turned back.

But later when Yuhan came back to reply to the decree, he came back with the box again!
Wanxi was very surprised, and hurriedly asked, "Did you forget to take that child away? It's okay, just ask An Ge and the others to send it away."

Yuhan hurriedly said with a smile, "Master, don't worry, it's not that little brother Zhalan forgot. It's just..." Yuhan's eyes flashed with a smile, "Little brother Zhalan specially stayed and handed it over to the slave He told me to transfer it to Princess Nine."

"The little elder brother also pulled my sleeve and asked earnestly, saying that I heard the nine princesses say before, that the empress ordered her to eat frozen pears, and today I only gave her one, and there will be no second one."

Wanxi smiled, "Yes, looking at Jiujiu's appearance at that moment, I seem to be a stepmother."

Yuhan also laughed, "It seems that little elder brother Zhalan took it seriously, so he left the frozen pear to the ninth princess. But he also carefully instructed, saying that even if he secretly kept it for the ninth princess, he would not If you call her too much once, just give her one a day."

Wanxi lowered her head lightly, brushing her fingertips lightly over a pair of butterflies wearing flowers dancing on her robe, the corners of her lips raised involuntarily.
In February, the laziness of the Chinese New Year is still there, but the palace is busy again.

Every February is the day when the emperor goes to sacrifice to the mausoleum.This year, due to the postponement of the original tour to the south, the emperor will go west to Mount Wutai with the empress dowager.

As for Wanxi herself, she was still thinking about Jiujiu vaccination.During the tour in February, whether she would go with the driver or stay in the palace, it became the same choice before her again.

On the third day of February, the emperor issued a decree, because "the guards of the House of Internal Affairs command Yinglian, and there are many incidents assigned. He will be rewarded with a second-rank title."

This Yinglian is the official in Zuolin where Yuqin's mother's family lives.It was Yinglian who pushed Lu Chang to enter the palace in his words.

Seeing that this official who is also from the Baoyi banner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and also of the Han surname has gradually risen to the top in the past few years, he is now a second-rank official.Wanxi also said happily, "It's a good thing too. Anyway, he is an official who takes care of Sister Lu's mother's family. His position is high, and he looks good to Sister Lu's mother's family."

Another decree from the emperor made Wanxi and the others tremble slightly.

"Tuoyong, the governor of Jiangning, will be the governor of Guangxi. Zhang Bao, the governor of Suzhou, will be the governor of Jiangning. The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will weave peace in Suzhou, and he will be the governor of Suzhou."

Yuqin hurried over to find Wanxi, didn't bother to talk about Yinglian, just slapped the table anxiously, "I didn't expect An Ning to be reinstated!"

Wanxi understood Yuqin's mood, and gently held Yuqin's hand, "It was an accident that the emperor made this decree at this time. This series of official calls, in fact, it was the governor of Guangxi who had the trouble. The previous The governor of Guangxi is Ebao, and this Ebao was severely discussed by the lower authorities because of his protection of the case of the thieves in Luchuan County. The emperor appointed Tuo Yong, the original governor of Jiangning, as the governor of Guangxi; and Tuoyong, the original governor of Jiangning, Zhang Bao, the former Suzhou chief envoy, will make up for it."

"An Ning was originally woven for Suzhou, and has served as Suzhou's chief envoy several times before and after. The emperor's point of view is only on An Ning's head."

Only then did Yuqin breathe a sigh of relief, "So that's the case. The matter of being the governor of Guangxi, I didn't expect it to be all about An Ning."

Wanxi lowered her eyes lightly, "An Ning has deep roots in Jiangsu. Since the early years of the emperor's enthronement, he has served as the chief envoy of Jiangsu several times, and even took care of the printing affairs of the governor of Jiangsu; That kind of thing, so I think it's only a matter of time before An Ning returns to work."

"At this moment, I just regret that Tuoyong went from Jiangsu to Guangxi."

Yuqin also narrowed her eyes slightly when she heard that, "I've vaguely heard that Tuo Yong and An Ning used to work together in Jiangnan, and they didn't agree with each other, and they even held each other back."

Wanxi nodded, "Jiangsu has been financed by the imperial court since ancient times, so the emperor is naturally worried about being dominated by one person. The emperor just asked Tuo Yong and An Ning to hold each other back. If Tuo Yong didn't have to go to Guangxi, he would still be in the post of Jiangning governor If that's the case, even if An Ning is reinstated as Suzhou chief envoy, he won't be able to do anything."

"It's a pity that Tuoyong's departure is far away. An Ning's reinstatement will make his family dominate again."

Yuqin also frowned, "That's right. Yin Jishan, governor of Liangjiang, will come back to deal with Yongxuan's marriage. Besides, we can't say what the future of Yongxuan Fujin will be. So for the time being, we can't expect to use Yin Jishan to control peace. "

Wanxi lowered her head slowly, "There are two people on the head of the Chief Executive of Suzhou, one is the governor of Liangjiang, and the other is the governor of Jiangsu."

Yu Rui hurriedly said, "Chen Hongmou is the governor of Jiangsu at this time."

Wanxi lowered her eyes and thought carefully, "Chen Hongmou? He was born as a Jinshi, and he was a Hanlin... I heard that Chen Hongmou was an honest and self-disciplined official, and he was very famous for his talents."

Yuqin just clapped her hands lightly, "How can such a person be willing to collude with a person like An Ning?"

Wanxi slowly turned her eyes and looked at Yurui.

Yu Rui hurriedly said, "Since Chen Hongmou was born as a Jinshi and was a Hanlin, then my uncle and I are familiar with him. Sister, leave this matter to me, and I will go to my grandmother right away."

Yurui hurriedly went out to run some errands, Wanxi lightly held Yuqin's hand, "An Ning's reinstatement, Concubine Xin's wish has been fulfilled. Thinking about it, she will never be able to live in peace again, and she must plan to regain her favor."

"It's time for our method to come in handy."

Yuqin also squinted her eyes, "Chen Hongmou, leave it to Yurui's father and daughter, then you can take care of this concubine Xin and sister Yuse. Don't worry, although you can't rush for a while, as long as the time comes, Then her retribution will come!"

Wanxi lowered her head, her heart moved slightly, and she raised her head to stare at Yuqin, "Why did I suddenly feel that Yinglian was also given the title of second rank by the emperor Teen at this moment? Is it really a good thing?"

Yuqin thought for a while, and her eyes lit up, "...No, we can use this right now!"
The next day, the emperor held the Feast of the Mid-Spring Sutra, and sent officials to offer sacrifices to the Fengxian Hall and the Chuanxin Hall.

The emperor went to the Wenhua Palace in person, and the senior scholars of the lecturer and attendant class, Jiuqing Zhanshi, etc., performed two kneeling and six kowtow rituals, and entered the hall in order to stand in order.The four officials directly talked about Mencius's obedience to common things and human relations before they went out to talk about the case.

Fu Heng and other great scholars all accompanied him to attend the banquet.All the princes and grandchildren also listened together.

After hearing this letter, Wanxi couldn't help sighing, "I don't know how our first son Twelve Elder Brothers felt when he heard about Mencius."

Yu Rui also snorted, "The emperor listened to the scriptures, and every time the lecturer said a few words, the emperor would definitely announce his own opinion. Elder Twelve is the direct prince, and the emperor once asked Elder Twelve a few words, In the end, our twelfth elder brother really lived up to the queen's master's 'expectation', and he must have not taken the teachings of Confucius and Mencius to heart. He hesitated and hawed at the sutra feast, and was glared at by the emperor, telling him to go back and endorse."

Wanxi also sighed softly, "In the inner court, the aristocrats of the inner court still use Mandarin Chinese, but the princes study in the upper study room, especially Confucianism, so naturally they must use Chinese characters. The queen's master doesn't like to speak Chinese That's all right, it's going to hurt Yongxi."

Yurui blinked towards Wanxi, "Although the twelfth elder brother was reprimanded by the emperor, the eighth elder brother was greatly praised by the emperor. It seems that the eighth elder brother has a father-in-law like Lord Yin Jishan. White knot."

Wanxi raised her eyebrows slightly.

In the past, because of Yongxuan's feet, the emperor rarely gave Yongxuan a chance to show himself in front of ministers.But this year may be because it is the time of Yongxuan's big wedding, and Yin Jishan is one of the best examples among the scholars of the Eight Banners.Therefore, Yin Jishan embodies more of the style of a literati, and the original eight-banners' bow horse riding and shooting have faded.

With such a father-in-law pointing it out, Yongxuan, who was already brilliant in writing, worked even harder.The emperor tested "Mencius", and all the answers were fluent.

Wanxi and Yurui didn't pay attention to what they said, but Cuihuan, who was walking by, was so excited that she almost dropped the teacup in her hand.

The emperor praised the eighth elder brother, and it was at the Sutra Banquet in the Wenhua Palace, in front of so many scholars, Hanlin, Jiuqing... The eighth elder brother has come to the end of all hardships.

The eighth elder brother, who was once far away from the crowd due to foot disease, has finally won the attention of the emperor and his officials with his talents.

So good, so good.

Cui Huan hurriedly lowered her head, raised the curtain with the teacup in her hand, and walked out quickly.

Seeing this, Cui Dim was surprised, and asked, "Didn't the master ask for this tea? Why did you just bring it in and then bring it out again?"

Cui Huan quickly covered it up, "Just now a speck of dust fell from the beam of the room and fell into the tea cup. Naturally, I can't serve it to the master. I'll go and get a new cup."

(As the children grow up, the roles of the children will definitely increase. The children are all tactful and hard to come by. After becoming a mother, the children are the sky and the earth, and the center of life. Days They all revolve around them; and the emperor is 50 years old, so the mode of getting along will become this kind of family happiness. Moreover, Wanxi's death, including the emperor's miss, is closely tied to the fate of the children. Together, it’s the main thread.)
(End of this chapter)

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